2006 – 2010 Presentations

Different audio files are made available here – some for a fee and some for downloading at no cost.  These audio files are only in .mp3 format.

They are of presentations and workshops I’ve given covering various subjects.  The no-cost workshops were given free for the Association for Research and Enlightenment – Southwest Region’s Fall and Spring retreats, and hence why I want to continue to offer them here at no cost.  Right click on the link to save to your computer.  If you would like them recorded to CD and sent to you, they would be on 2 CD’s and the cost is $20 – check or mail order.   Email me to get my mailing address.

The presentations of my 1-day retreats do have a fee.  Instructions are listed with each retreat.


++  Brochure and Form for April 11, May 16, 2010 event entitled: 2012 and Beyond: Building a New Paradigm.  If you’d like to see what it was about.   Brochure in a .pdf format.

++  Psychic Q & A session at the A.R.E. Fall 2009 Retreat – Oct. 9, 2009

This is the late evening public psychic question and answer session held at the A.R.E. Fall 2009 Retreat at Mo Ranch.  Various group members have questions which they pose that we get into after hours.  We cover much about the economy, politics, current events, and many other topics.  This audio presentation lasts about 1 and 3/4 hours.

++  Evolution of the Soul: Paradigm, Shmaradigm – Oct. 10, 2009

This presentation was given during the A.R.E. conference/retreat in the Fall of 2009 at Mo Ranch, and covers the topics described as follows:
When we think of this being a time of change, we must let go of old ways of perceiving in order for new ways and changes to come up within us.  We must let go of our old paradigm boundaries, our old limits of thinking and believing, and open up to ever new ways of thinking, so another evolved new paradigm may begin forming.  This workshop re-examined our paradigms – paradigms that are inadequate for this time of transformation and evolution.  This evolutionary letting go includes the belief that it will be others that change their paradigms into the way we think today.

Metaphorically speaking, when Christ turned the water into wine, the water did not know what it would become.  It knew itself only to be water.  It knew only the world of “Existence as Water”.  In the pouring forth, it became wine, entering into a new paradigm that the water did not create from its own understanding and ability.  As we pour forth into the willingness to let God live in this world through us, we find we live with an always changing paradigm – one we can only evolve into, but only if we keep ever-opening up our mind and continue to let go of how we think and of what we believe.

We cannot design our own evolution, because it doesn’t come from the paradigm that we hold in our minds today.  Who among us wants only what they believe today, and not to gain any more greater understanding and consciousness ever again?  This transformation comes from the Infinite God.  As the Course in Miracles says, all we need is to be willing – to be willing to let go of current ways of perceiving, let go of current beliefs, be willing to learn new understandings, and practice new ways of being in this world.  (Due to electronic problems, only the last 30 minutes of the 90 minute presentation, the Q & A time, is available.)

++  Atlantean Hall of  Records – March 21, 2009

This presentation was given during the A.R.E. conference/retreat in Spring of 2009 at Palestine, Texas.  It covers the time-lines of the Hall of Records and it’s creation, the Sphinx and the history of Atlantis related to these two monuments.  It also covers the tablets inside the Hall of Records and the information on them, the purpose and people of the Hall of Records, it’s relevance today, the predicted discovery of the Hall of Records, the Hall of Records near Bimini and also in/near the Yucatan (Guatemala).  In addition, the recording contains a guided journey into the Hall of Records under the paw of the Sphinx and the relics and information about the Hall of Records which the participants brought back with them.  This recording is 90 minutes long and 11 MB in size.  (Because of technical difficulties during the time of recording, the quality of the sound of this presentations is poor.)

++  Atlantis and the WTC Attack-March 20, 2009

This presentation given at the A.R.E. Conference in the Spring of 2009 at Palestine, Texas is the third presentation of this information.  It covers information gained from a psychic reading 3 weeks after the World Trade Center Attack.  The original was presented in the Fall of 2001.  This covers a shifted understanding of Karma and its principles, how the karmic energy of the destruction was affected by prayers and meditations and spiritual efforts of the last many decades.  We also present the link between the WTC attack and Edgar Cayce’s prediction for New York City.  Finally, we also cover many of the people involved, both then and now, and how the soul development of those connected to this event brought them to this point.  This recording is 90 minutes long and 12 MB in size.

++  Cleaning up the Fear:  Sept. 29-30, 2006

This presentation, given at the Fall 2006 A.R.E. Southwest Region’s conference/retreat, addresses ways to resolve fears that keep showing up in our lives.  As individuals and human beings, we tend to be so stuck in how we respond when we experience fear, and therefore, we keep repeating our response over and over again and again – never learning how to respond differently and never growing beyond the particular fear experience.  We are eternal beings, and sure, we can let the fear stay and have it be a part of our consciousness for eternity.  Or we can practice a better way than the “repeating ourselves over and over again and again” technique.

Everyone of us lives with fear, but do we really want to have it as part of ourselves for eternity?  When we begin the process of cleaning up the fear, resolving the fear, and becoming less fearful, we begin to see what’s then left – the truth of who we are as eternal beings, and what we’re really made of, and in turn, what we can give to this world – God’s Spirit filled with God’s Love.

There is nothing to fear, *not even* fear itself.  While we may enjoy scary movies, no one enjoys constant fear.  In this workshop, we  explored different levels of fear, different types of fear and different responses available to move through and beyond it.  We took apart some of the fears to see where they came from and learned ways that may help us to accept fear as an experience to clean up – like dishes sitting in the sink – no consciousness themselves – just waiting to be scrubbed clean and put away.

In this presentation, we explored different perspectives at the soul level which may help us to understand fear and in turn, transform and transmute it, so that we can become less and less fearful of all our different fears – reacting less and less.  We explored how we may respond to life from a higher place/consciousness within ourselves, allowing our evolution to proceed.  We also explored the inner experience of Peace and Joy that emanates from within us when the fear has be scrubbed clean. (First 10 minutes didn’t record.  11+ MB in size)

++  The Cross: the Finishing – March 24, 2006

In this presentation, we explored Jesus, the foundation of human/soul evolution that His lives form, the cross, our lives and soul evolution, the 2nd foundation of human evolution which we contribute to, and how to proceed with the task of demonstrating how to return to our spiritual awareness of our true existence beyond this world. We discussed death as a part of soul evolution, the impossibilities of man’s efforts without God’s presence in each experience, and the possibilities for man with God’s presence in each experience to fulfill the soul evolutionary process.  We moved on to the paradoxes related to Love, and the challenge of experiencing Love as an experience of God.  In addition, we covered how this relates to free will, to the role Judas played, Oneness with God, our spiritual paths, the models we use to try to help us understand our spiritual existence, and a view of a new understanding towards the nature and substance of Love.  We also ventured into the processes related to the releasing of the chains of guilt and shame that we hold or place on others.  I include several  predictions which did not occur as predicted.  (The understanding and learning which I gained later telling me why I was incorrect is explained in later presentations and articles as the prayers and meditations for the Gulf Coast and for the United States.  These prayers changed the future for the Gulf Coast and the political scene.)  10+ MB in size