Wars and Rumors of Wars

“Obama seems to be becoming a neo-con nightmare – jailing truthtellers, bombing other countries indiscriminately and now possibly starting WW3 with his insistence on attacking Syria. Will this start another world war? Will the US back off last minute? Did the rebels use chemical weapons at all?”  L.

L., try not to let the actions of any other person move you off of your desire to hold onto your own higher principles.  Remember, it’s not who is in political power who will save this world.  It’s who is in spiritual power who will save this world.  Hold to this.   And, yes, it takes great work and effort to do just that.

Freewill will never be taken away from anyone.  And this means that war comes only because people want war to come, and therefore choose it.  The U.S. went to war in Iraq because the people of this country, in general, the greater majority – through their own freewill – wanted war.  You can be sure if no citizen anywhere – not a single one – wanted war, war would not happen.  I repeat, war happens, because that’s what so many of the people want, and therefore choose ***with their own freewill.***

Look at the political scene we have in the U.S. and in the world.  People argue and throw insults across at the other side, because, ***of their own freewill*** people choose to argue and throw insults across to the other side believing it will serve them in some way.  People choose insults and ridicule to be thrown at the other side in the same way that people choose bombs and bullets to be thrown at the other side.  And so, when people choose fighting, ***of their own freewill*** God will not get in the way, nor force Himself upon us.  In addition, here in the U.S. as in so many other countries, the will of the political leader is only an extension of the collective will of the people of the country.
“God does more good, than any politician ever could.”

“Enough Prayer Can End All War.”

“War doesn’t start in the halls of governments.  War starts in the hearts of individuals.”

“God is not going to hate the people we hate, & be bitter towards the people we’re bitter towards.  If we choose hatred and bitterness, we do so without God being with us.”
The Rainbow Cards

The Summer of 2013 is Ending

I have watched and examined weather patterns all summer long to be able to offer as accurate information as possible regarding the coming 2014 winter.  As we enter into the Autumn now, the stage is being set.  I still see February, 2014 as being almost as severe as I mentioned in my previous blogs.  I say almost, because I’ve seen counter patterns be applied to influence the results.  By this I mean, we did have some high temperatures during the summer which help to influence and bring the following winter temperatures up.   This was not enough to negate the winter, 2014 experience completely, but anything that helps is welcome.

The effects of the hotter summer will mostly benefit the southeastern states, by the cumulative effects weakening the fronts that will bring the temperatures and storms down to that area.  Just don’t breathe a sigh of relief, yet.   At this point, I see our prayers more helping people be able to go through the situations than changing the weather during this time.