Practice, Practice, Practice

I know I’ve written about this before. But, it is still worth posting.

We humans are not at the level of our spiritual growth and evolution where we make NO mistakes or have NO accidents, which cause pain, harm or worse to others. We are at the level where we still need to practice forgiveness, and self-forgiveness; mercy and self-mercy; compassion and self-compassion; And to “do the best we can with what we have” including doing the best we can with the awareness and spiritual growth that we have gained so far.

This is why I recommend from the Edgar Cayce Readings – “The Search for God” books. I consider these books to be very helpful – to help us practice and learn to forgive when forgiveness is needed, to give mercy when mercy is needed, to be patient with ourselves and other people because patience is needed, and many other topics to practice.

It is not time in our world to throw out all our practice or abandon what we have learned. It is time to practice it and practice it and practice it even all the way up until our last breath. And be grateful to God for always working to teach us about all these qualities, and how much they help.

We are willing to take on the task of forgiving, showing mercy, being patient, sharing compassion, and more, because of the great joy which comes with knowing that as we do these, others are learning these too, and all of us who try each of these, are becoming free and full to overflowing with the Grace and Joy of realizing that the Love of God is ours, as well. And none of us need to be anywhere even close to “perfect” to know this Love inside us.

We need not earn God’s love, but only be willing to come rest in it, allowing it to be all around us and wash through us, and know that inside God’s Love is where we may live life, both on this side of the veil, and on the other side of the veil.


We Decide

We humans – we have accidents and we make mistakes. These are part of our real life. And others or our self can get hurt and sometimes worse. But, if we’re going to be part of the squad who brings the Light, we are called to make forgiveness and mercy very real and very much a part of this real life. Forgiveness and mercy never come forth by accident. We decide, then we carry it through, and we make it real – for our self and for others. Remember, there is no soul who has not had an accident or made a mistake.

And sometimes, forgiveness and mercy come with accepting the pain and suffering we feel.


Jesus: “Been there, done that. Still here, still doing this.”

©, 2023