Climate Change Discussion

Well, I’m still skeptical that warming would increase weather extremes but think it would enhance rainfall and lead to more flooding. My reasoning, the polar regions heat up a lot but tropical regions temps remain about the same. That reduces the temperature gradient which would reduce energy available for severe storms to form. But I don’t think CO2 is causing the warming. It’s a trace gas, only 0.04 percent of the atmosphere. Something else bigger is going on that’s warming the climate. Anyway I really enjoy your website. You probably have the best spiritual messages out of all thy psychics online. Have a happy new year.  Joel

First of all, thank you very much for your good wishes for the new year, and may you truly be blessed by God during this next year.  Also, thank you for contributing to the discussion on the blog.

Now, you did not request this, but I would like to try to mention some information which could offer some thoughts on the climate.  I offer it as an effort only to give a simplified and much condensed perspective of some of the forces influencing climate and weather.

You’re right to think there are also other deeper forces at work with regards to climate change.  By itself, CO2 build up wouldn’t cause changes if the CO2 stayed in one place.  But, what CO2 does (plus many other factors) is throw off the balance of atmospheric pressure by the CO2 molecules’ activity generated by sunlight in the atmosphere.  Greater heat (CO2 activity) creates greater pressure from greater total molecular activity, like heating the air in a hot air balloon causes the balloon to expand (expansion is an increasing of the molecular activity that happens).  The heated air molecules are vastly more active pushing against each other creating that higher pressure (more active than non-heated air molecules).

Greater pressure builds up in certain areas.  This pressure pushes on the atmosphere (up, down and sideways) creating more activity in the atmosphere.  More activity in the atmosphere causes different patterns of atmospheric behavior than has been the usual atmospheric behavior in a particular area.  More pressure creates stronger atmospheric forces pushing on the atmosphere, which cause changes in how the normal weather behaved around the planet.  To use the balloon metaphor, as the balloon expands, it pushes the outside air outwardly like ripples in a lake when a boat is set down upon the water.

This means there are more planetary high pressure zones sometimes keeping low pressure zones from moving into an area- low pressure zones being that which helps bring rain – therefore an area has more droughts and heat buildup.  This also means the higher molecular (air) activity of the high pressure atmosphere both pulls (yes, “pulls”) and pushes on the colder arctic air sending it further into previously non-arctic regions thus bringing temperatures lower further than they have been in usually hot regions.

It is the stronger of the pressure areas in the atmosphere that push and pull the most throughout the planet or put another way, the hotter of the pressure areas in the atmosphere that push and pull the most throughout the planet.  Heat is building up in the arctic regions as well as other regions and therefore pushing the changed atmosphere out of the normal patterns – like coloring outside the lines in a coloring book.

What I mentioned before in other articles is something you hit upon in your previous comment – plants – namely trees.  If humanity planted billions, billions and more billions of trees – instead of cutting down billions and billions of trees, we’d have a reversing force helping to make rebalancing happen, with a normalization happen in the atmosphere.

One of the other many factors which I alluded to at the beginning of this article and in the past is that as trees are cut down, the soil/land/dirt is exposed to the sun heating up the soil.  Soil does not hold heat like trees hold/absorb heat, and so the sun heated soil allows greater heat to escape into the atmosphere at night – that’s why deserts are cold at night.  Unfortunately, as more and more land is made desert-like by cutting down trees, more and more soil-born heat rises into the atmosphere, fewer trees utilize the CO2 and the “warming” process continues.

Again, this is by no means all the forces that are active in this process.  This is only a simplified and much condensed explanation of some of the forces happening.


“Imagine a world where no science existed.  On our planet, that world existed during ‘cave-man’ days.   Imagine a world where no religion or spirituality existed.  On our planet, that has been attempted in a few communist countries.  Now, imagine a world where both science and religion/spirituality existed, even sometimes in conflict.  This is the world we live in.

Both science and spirituality either serve humanity or harm humanity – determined by the heart of the person who chooses.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2009-2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

First 2016-2017 Weather Prediction

If you haven’t already become aware of this on your own, we’re in for a very hard winter in the next few months.  The signs are here.  The past patterns are here.  Common sense is here.  Warnings are here.  The writing is on the wall. We’ve established that we are on this road now.

What we’ve experienced in December, we’re going to get harder in January and much, much harder in February.

In general, across the nation, the remainder of December will look like “normal” winter weather that one would expect winter to be from past decades.  And I’m seeing January being more of the same only colder.  Then I see February being an “ice block” – frozen solid – nothing but cold – the whole month – with no relief whatsoever.

This is for pretty much the whole country – in general.  I can give some specifics if you’re interested – post a comment and I’ll answer it  when possible.  However, you’ll be able to extrapolate from what I’ve offered so far.

For Texas, a state that doesn’t do winter very well.  We’re going to be right in line with what I said above.   It will be a cold December, then in and out of freezing temperatures in January, then almost all freezing temperatures for all of February.  February will even be hard in the Rio Grande Valley – not as serious as the Texas area north of them, but cold enough to where they/you will need to take steps to protect people, plants, animals and pipes.

I’ve warned about this coming winter for many years.  It’s here and it’s going to be very cold, very difficult and very serious – and ALL ACROSS THE NATION.

AND…. regardless of what people say, this is a result of Global Warming.  Climate change is real.  Remember the words, “Anyone who tells you different, is selling something.”  Just because one may not understand how this is true, or doesn’t want it, doesn’t mean it’s not true.  The same scientific principles and laws of physics, chemistry and mathematics that go into understanding and building computers, go into understanding weather.  No one person completely understands how the whole computer works, but every human being in the United States uses or connects to computers.  Yet, no one questions if their computer is a hoax.

Finally, the difficult winter we’ll go through will ease up when we move into the beginning of March – in the southern half of the US.  The northern half of the US states, will have winter on through mid-March, and the most northern Northeastern states will have winter going to near the end of March.


I’m working on the Psychic Reading I did for the election results and will post it as an audio file real soon.  It will be controversial, but it is what I see psychically… (with a caveat that the future can change with prayer and meditation.)


“The teachings of many, many religions hold to “Do unto others, as you would want others to do unto you.”  The God of these religions gave all followers of these religions freewill, and will never take that freewill away.   That is why from time to time, we say ‘No’. ” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2016, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Pray for all those that are judged to be unworthy of prayers.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2014, Jodie Senkyrik)

Rendering More Discussion

“Sorry, but “render unto Ceasar” means quite the opposite. No surprises there, everyone interprets the Bible to fit their own agenda. Jesus replied “render unto Ceasar” when asked how should the Children of God respond to the taxes and oppression of the Romans. What he was really saying is that there will always be these corrupt politicians to bully the people, and it is incumbent upon Christians to love ALL as you love yourself. You must somehow allow the bullies to have their day, and continue with your Christian mission is the meaning. You must shrink from the political way, for it is evil and sinful.”  jsinton

I’ll start like this – For some, the Pentecost, as described in the Bible, helped everyone to understand what was being said in their own language.  Language can also be defined as a way of understanding and conveying concepts.  Understanding language this way, each person can understand differently.  This we all have experienced – how  people can understand differently.

When we read or learn a new concept, we learn it by adding it to our current paradigm – (paradigm being our world view or our “language” of how we understand all things.)  We can then understand what is spoken or shared as being different for each of us, because we all have different world views – or paradigms.

At the same time, we all feel differently in our hearts about different things.  These differences mean we all come from our own distinct path of growing up and learning.  We all have a very different and personally distinct and unique heart-paradigm and mind-paradigm.  Put another way, we all have learned to feel differently (sometimes only slightly differently) and think differently because no two people are alike in 100% of ways.

So, the Pentecost which happened then, is now still going on, and therefore, the teachings in the Bible speak to us in our own personal ways – our own languages.  Even if many of us agree on what something means, we’re disagreeing with some others.  And all of us are deciding based on “how the teachings touch us inside ourselves personally.”  For that reason, some people resonate to some teachers and other people resonate with other teachers.

We can’t be any other way, because we have developed our own paradigms from the moment we came into being up to now.  We have all developed our own ways of thinking and feeling from the moment we came into being up to now.  All of us are unique individuals.  With God knowing exactly the numbers of hairs on our heads, and how many hairs we lose on that head from year to year as our hair gets thinner.  And then with God, knowing exactly what each of us needs to learn in our “Next Step” of learning.  Hence, again, why we all learn differently.

“Render unto Caeser, that which is Caeser’s, but render unto God, that which is God’s.” may mean to you what you have described, but I suggest you have that paradigm based on what you feel and think about all of life and of that which you’ve faced so far.  This method/process of creating paradigms is true for all of us.

For me, this phrase speaks of our responsibility to our communities and our nation – our taking an active part in the government that is by the people , of the people and for the people.  To me, it speaks to our responsibility to contribute to paying taxes, voting, going to meetings, voicing our “2-cents” and honoring the results when they happen – even if they’re not what we want.

To me, it means give to the government that which is of the government.  In the U.S., this is individual participation to the point of running for office or contacting our representatives to give our voice.  To me, it means supporting or protesting, as we, individually, feel is needed.

The statement then goes on to mean for me, to give back to God that which is of God.  For me, again, this is to love God above all else, to love our neighbor as our self.  For me, that means giving kindness, patience, forgiveness, and mercy – all of which are of and from God.  That which is God’s, to me, are the best of the qualities that exist within us, brotherhood, unity, oneness, cooperation, charity, (and yes, even long-suffering) – all the fruits of the Spirit – which to me, means the fruits from God imbued within us, waiting for us to willingly express these fruits – even when it’s very difficult and takes great effort.

Give to the government, that which is governmental, and give to the Infinite Consciousness of Infinite Love that which is Infinite Love.


“Stereotypes are not real people and they only exist in our own minds. Every person is a soul who is a cosmos, who is a universe unto themselves.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2001-2016, Jodie Senkyrik)

“No one speaking judgement and condemnation, speaks for God. No one speaking punishment and retribution, speaks for God. The one speaking love, forgiveness, kindness, brotherhood, cooperation, acceptance, patience and mercy – this one speaks for God.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2000-2016, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Has anyone ever wondered who has forgiven us so much so that God is now so much in our life?” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2000-2016, Jodie Senkyrik)

Who Knows What is Good or Bad?

I’m providing a link to an article citing an old Toaist parable teaching a very worthwhile lesson.

It is especially important to remember this lesson, right now, after this 2016 election.  More often, we allow the fear we have generated in our own minds – the disasters we imagine in our minds – the monsters that have only existed in our minds – to be what we act from.  In this election and the months preceding it, we see countless examples of people on both sides living from these fears and deciding from these fears – many of which have been fostered by those who benefit from people fearing.

Many will catch themselves, and try to do better, but many will continue to live this way.  This is because many have more faith in their fear than they do in God.  The question for ourselves is which way do we, as individuals, choose to go in our own lives.  Do we have more faith in fear or do we have more faith in God?

The truth is – who knows what is good or bad?  If we believe we have God’s wisdom inside our own minds, or can take God’s place in judging good and bad, then we may say to ourselves, “I know what is good or bad.”  But, Joseph told his brother, “What you meant for evil, God meant for good.”  God can take all things and all events and bring forth good from them.  Read the parable.  It is part of life.  Withhold judgement that the end is near.  There is a reason why some things happen.  It will be revealed.  Remember, for Joseph being sold into slavery was not a good thing, but God took that thing and brought Good out of it.


“It’s possible to do everything right and still lose.  That is not a malfunction, that is life.” Jean-Luc Picard to Data after being beaten in a game of Strategema against “Kolrami”. Star Trek- The Next Generation

“Do not trust the doubt you have in yourself and that you have in God.  The doubt is not the truth.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2016, Jodie Senkyrik)

Cooperating with Love

The reason I don’t title this “Cooperating with God” is because each of us has generated our own idea of God in our heads. We then believe that the idea of God which we have – with all the character traits that we assign to the “God” in our head – is the real God that exists. In essence, as individuals, we have created our own God in our own minds.  Our own minds fall way short in being able to conceptualize the real God.

Even when we join others, in organized religions, or accepted spiritual beliefs systems, we have our own individual slant on these ways of believing. This means that on the Earth today, considering we have 7-8 billion people on the planet, we have that number of ideas of who and what God is. Is there any wonder why when we tell others that our beliefs (ideas in our head of what God is) are right and their beliefs (ideas in their heads of what God is) are wrong (or vice versa)- that we have wars, wars and more wars?

There truly is no way for any human to have a comprehensive and finished idea of who and what God is. If we allow for our learning to change as we grow older, we would also allow for our understanding of God to change as we grow older. The fact is our beliefs and ideas of God were never exactly the same during any part of our lives growing into adulthood. If we continue this path, our idea of God can grow and evolve throughout our entire lives.

The challenge is to accept that our path of learning an ever-growing and changing idea of God, will continue even unto our own death. Don’t worry. This is okay. There is no book, religious or spiritual belief that gives us the task of completely, and comprehensively understanding the ALL OF GOD. We barely learn to understand much of ourselves throughout this entire life. It’s possibly more important to have an open mind about God, than have a complete understanding of God. Remember, once we lock onto the idea, thought or belief that we completely understand God, in any particular moment, we are no longer open to gaining an even greater understanding than we momentarily have.

However, when we start thinking about “Love”, and considering what Love is, we start coming together in similar awareness of the experience of Love. We no longer have billions of ideas of love, but rather billions of experiences of that which is Love. These experiences of love – from the act of loving another person, or life, or life form, we recognize as vastly similar to others’ experiences of love. So, when we talk of Love, each of us has a connection to the concept, feelings, experiences and understanding of Love which other people have as well. For the most part, we all hold to the same sense of what Love is. This is why we can make so many movies with Love as the theme, and so many people can relate and enjoy the movies.

Cooperating with Love becomes understandable. Anyone who loves their partner, spouse, child, parent, sibling, friend, pet, etc, at some point, recognizes that they love them. Loving is a consistent experience. Even if we change the target of our love, we are still able to recognize that we love, when we change targets. When we talk of Love and Loving with someone, we are able to understand the experience to which the other person is referring.

The challenge, then is to cooperate with the Love that we have within us. Instead of acting from an idea of God that is in our head, we act from the love we know first hand. This can vastly change what we put forth into our relationships and into the Earth.

Many will quote the well-known axiom, “God is Love”, but again, we have our billions of different ideas of God that comes with that axiom. In turn, we barely understand what this saying could mean. It’s an idea that starts with an unknown. Some would even say that God is the opposite of Love – anger, hate, vengefulness. Isn’t that what humans exhibit many times when we take up the flag of our own “God” and wage war?

I prefer “Love is God” (Rainbow Cards, ©, 1990-2016). We know the experience of love and loving. The experience of Love and Loving then brings a whole new dimension to the idea of God. This brings a dimension of personal experience. If we’ve experienced Love by loving another, and in turn, allow for the possibility of God being connected to Love, then we can add this experience to our understanding of our limited belief of God. We can add a personal experience of a part of God.

I also prefer, “If we want a direct experience of God, then Love someone.” (Rainbow Cards, ©, 2009)

As human beings, we have the freewill to choose our own beliefs about God and religions. Many will choose “God is hate, God is anger, God is vengefulness” and live from these beliefs – cooperating with these beliefs. But, at anytime, we can also choose to Love, thus making Love real in the Earth and in our relationships – cooperating with Love. Because our understanding of God is ever-changing and ever-growing, we can learn one or the other. While some may choose “God is hate”, we don’t have to do the same. We know that Love is real. We’ve experienced it. We know that Love is good. We’ve experienced that, also. We know that Love is worthwhile. We know that Love is valuable, and we can love at any moment of any day. We know that we can add more Love into this world, and it will change relationships and change the world. We can choose, “Love is God” and make this part of God real in the Earth.

Love is real; love is patient; love is kind; love is forgiving; love is merciful; love is powerful; Love is God.


Southeastern States and Storms

If you’re living in the Southeastern U.S., pay attention to the hurricane predictions made by the weather services.  The Southeastern states, including Florida, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, and eastern Tennessee, and Virginia are going to get the brunt of the storms generated this Fall, 2016.  There will be flooding and power difficulties.  Make sure you’re going to be prepared.  The closer you are to Florida, as the crow flies, the worse it will be for you.  Flooding will be one of the worst parts of the storms.  There just won’t be enough time for the ground to absorb all the rain water before more storming happens.  The storms will then go up the eastern coastline adding rain to those areas.

I’ve been using the word “storms” because I see the most difficulty coming from what is left from the hurricanes – wind and rain – as they go inland, as well as what is generated by Atlantic hurricanes that get downgraded.  Again, I see lots of flooding.  I also see food shortages and in some areas gasoline shortages worse than just the pipeline break is causing.  So start preparing now.

Although I see most of the inland storming lessening in November, I also see a late storm in November, but it won’t be as serious as what we see in the next weeks before mid-November comes.  Either way, pay attention to the weather services, and if you have specific questions which they’re not answering, you can ask here.

Psychic Predictions Revisited

For the 2016 Hurricane season

I’m seeing a total of 2 (at most 3) major storms come into the Gulf of Mexico and affecting the US during this Hurricane season.  I’m seeing a possible 7, maybe 8 hurricanes/tropical storms affecting Latin America and Mexico.

The 2/3 storms in the US, I see all affecting the Southeast states, with (not in order) 1 going up the west coast of Florida, then into Georgia, Alabama, and Kentucky.  I see one going up into Mississippi and Alabama and then north and east.  And a 3rd, going into Louisiana and Mississippi, then north and northeast.

I also think these South Eastern states will get a lot of rain with flooding beginning in September, that is not related to any hurricane.  However, I’m also seeing the next storm at the same time, so maybe the rain will happen after it downgrades and goes inland.  Maybe that’s what it is, but, I also see a weather front coming from Texas and going into the South Eastern states contributing to rain amounts.

I see possibly 2 hurricanes/tropical storms going upwards along the East Coast, but will dissipate or go out to sea rather than inundate the states, but that doesn’t mean they won’t get storms.  I do see a strong storm for South Carolina.

The Gulf is getting more storms this year because of the location of the birth of these storms – more westward than in past years.  The further out in the Atlantic – eastward – they begin, the more their chances of going up the East Coast.

The Election

I’m looking at the coming factors and circumstances of each of the two main candidates. If Donald Trump wins vs if Hillary Clinton wins.

I’d like to preface this with the statement that even though there are rabid party supporters on both sides that have demonized their opponent, in effect saying, this is a good vs evil battle.  This demonization is not reality.  It is America’s version of extremism and can be/is harmful to the individuals that drink of this cup.  No extremist views are truth or reality, but that doesn’t stop individuals from choosing to be extremists.

It is truth that there is both good and bad in both candidates.  This is true, because there is both good and bad in all souls.  The Edgar Cayce Readings state it as, “There is good in the worst of us.  There is bad in the best of us.”  Those that choose to see this political time as black and white, good and evil, are the ones who are losing the battle with themselves within their own hearts and minds.  Seeing only good in someone or only evil in an opponent is not honest and therefore unhealthy for an individual’s own consciousness.  There are prices to pay in the mind and heart for extremism.

First prediction – I see some people with financial and political power in the US (not candidates) that want to own the government, and will do whatever they think they have to in order to do just that.  (Yes, this is exactly what I see.)  I see these currently being mostly Republican Candidate Supporters because the Republicans are vulnerable to the mindset needed.  These people will choose whomever they think can be allied with them.

If Donald Trump wins, these people mentioned above will think they’ve got it made and can have what they want.  However, Donald Trump won’t be their puppet.  That is working in his favor, but they will still put all the pressure they can on him to try to get what they want. Unfortunately, with that kind of super-pressure, about 18-24 months into his presidency, he will succumb to some demands they have.  His policies will mostly benefit the financial industries and businesses with little change to social or populace services and policies.

If Hillary Clinton wins, this group will pull out all stops and go after her administration with all effort in order to reclaim their hunger for control of the government.  They will not stop at legal acts only.  Their hunger and thirst for political power will seemingly “have no end”.  They will be spurred on by their abject rage at losing the election.  They want the power and they will take it at all costs.  I can honestly use the phrase, “They will come out swinging.”  They will do all this behind the scenes, but with all prejudice and LOTS of money.

What I see psychically is that what President Obama went through with regards to opposition, will not compare to what Hillary Clinton will face.  Her ability to accomplish anything significant will be minimal.  History abounds of many examples of people of power wanting to regain political power and doing whatever they could to get it.  It happened a millennia ago to Christ, – a group of men conspiring behind the scenes to regain their authority and control – and I see it being tried, again.

The only other candidate that can have an impact is the Green Party candidate.  Like past 3rd party candidates, Jill Stein, can also pull a significant number of votes in order to be someone to be aware of.  Ross Perot was a significant 3rd party candidate.  Ralph Nader was a significant party candidate.  3rd party candidates are part of the process.  In 1864, Abraham Lincoln was a 3rd Party candidate beating the Republican and Democrat candidates.  3rd party voters represent citizens who don’t like either candidate.  It can split voters of one party, but as for throwing away votes, I only consider people who don’t vote as throwing away their vote.

I see both candidates being 1-term presidents.

There is a spiritual battle happening, also.  It is not being played out through political boundaries, but rather consciousness boundaries.  The power to persevere within the soul is what will win.  I’ve said it before, sometimes the future doesn’t progress until those that hinder progress die off.

The Economy

Again, if all things stay the same….

I see the whole world’s economy taking a serious downturn.  If Donald Trump wins the presidency, the world economy will begin its downturn in 2017, with the full downturn in place by 2018.  With Hillary Clinton winning, the world economy will begin its downturn in 2018 with the full downturn recognized and in place in 2019 – 2020.  It will not be the fault of the President, but this person will get blamed.

This world economy downturn will become a whole world depression by around 2021.  The US will fare a bit better than the world as a whole.  Either way, it will begin in 2018, and we will begin experiencing its effects at this time, with it getting worse as time continues.  Many will believe it won’t last, but it will be, on average, 2030 before we are able to start pulling ourselves out of it.  Some will claim we’re out of it in the late 2020’s, but that’s just “selling spin”, or “spinning a tale”, (whichever is correct.) 

At this point in time, I’m seeing possible gas prices averaging around $3.50-$4/gallon in the US sometime in 2021.  Still, gas prices fluctuate so much, that they can spike and drop many times yet.  If Mr. Trump wins, I see $3/gallon gas in 2017.  If Ms. Clinton wins, I see $3/gallon gas in 2018, but fluctuate until the beginning of the 2020’s when it stays up.


The energy of destruction which I predicted to manifest in the physical Earth had been raised with regards to it’s vibration through prayer and meditation.  So the energy did not manifest in the large Earth event that it could have.


Some of the energy was dissipated around the world and manifested in the form of other localized events (instead of a massive world-size event).  Nepal’s earthquake is one example of this redirection of energy meant to manifest.  Other earthquakes through the northern countries of South America are also examples of this energy being spread out.


Some of the energy, after having been raised, became manifested through human beings in Venezuela and that is now happening.  Instead of the Earth being the channel for destructive energy, souls have taken on a lot of the raised vibration energy and it is manifesting as destructive events in mass numbers of peoples’ lives in Venezuela, now.

This is so, because there are people/souls/individuals who are willing to allow the energy of hatred, vengeance, bitterness, rage, abuse, come to manifest through their own minds and hearts.  Everyone of us who acts from these feelings and thoughts are part of this.  As the numbers of people willing to bring hatred, vengeance and more grow in ranks, into the individual and group relationships – into the lives of those around them – this energy grows and grows and grows.  When the numbers reach into multiples of millions of people, we see mass destruction happening.  The willingness within hearts then becomes the channel which the destructive low-vibration energy manifests into the Earth.




Over a year ago, I saw physical disasters hitting Venezuela.  As time passed, and as more prayers for the people were brought forth, the predictions I gave did not happen as I saw.  Instead I was shown that up to the end, there was a need for prayers for them.  I was also shown that the prayers changed the outcome.  Prayers change things.

When prayers come forth, they raise the vibrations of the energy that is ready to manifest in destructive patterns.  The energy and pattern are both changed in the same way a higher pitch tuning fork affects lower pitch sounds.  The higher vibrations blend with and raise the lower vibrations.

When the amount of energy to manifest is so great that it would affect millions of people, it takes the prayers of millions of people to heal the energy.  When we don’t have millions of people praying, we do what work we can, with who we have praying.

With the prayers of those who we have to pray, we can lift the vibration some, and in the case of Venezuela, lift the energy from destroying the physical land to the level of the energy moving through the people and society, instead.  This actually is a healing/evolutionary step forward.  One perspective is that instead of destructive events affecting and possibly killing hundreds of thousands of people, the energy is manifesting through emotions and giving the choice to individuals to face that which is within them (us) through the freewill choices they (we) can make.  The destruction is then a choice instead of physical destruction without choices.

Make no mistake, the energy is strong and the patterns within the energy are triggering WILLING destructive action from within some people’s hearts and minds.  For, one main factor here is not whether it manifests through the Earth or through people, but do we get to have the choice of whether we manifest destruction or not.  It is better if we get to choose, because with souls doing the choosing, there are many who choose to heal that which is within their hearts and minds instead of it being forced upon all people.

Souls will always be given freewill.  With this freewill, we can do many things to help healing.  Prayer being one thing.  We can also bring forth many things to enact destruction.  Rage and hatred being two of those things.

Venezuela will find peace again, after much time, suffering and  effort (and prayers) – just like New York City and the U.S. did after the WTC attack, as well as New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.  Healing comes from effort to bring forth healing.  There was suffering from all these events, and there is suffering going on in Venezuela, too.

Always when we bring God into the mix of things – through prayers, meditations, kindness, mercy, love, openness, etc – there will be a raising of the vibrations and healing will occur according to the strength of the souls working for this healing.

We are always given a choice.  Through prayer, and that listed above, we have the choice to answer what He said, “As I love you, love each other.”

We can determine our life and change our future by the choices we make.


I’m working on an article updating/reviewing some of the predictions I’ve made in the past.  As people change, so does the future.  If you’re subscribed, you’ll receive an email about it.

Kindness – on Purpose

Right now in the US, we face a kind of craziness.  It is brought on by the political situation in the US.  It is brought on by the stress, the fears, the concerns, the words, the actions of the people.  Very few of us are immune to all these above.  All these issues show themselves via people across the nation arguing with each other (and worse) – people who usually don’t argue (and worse) with each other.

For the people of this country, (or anyone you choose) – it’s time for those of us who pray and meditate to do so – pray and meditate for the people of this country (and anyone you choose.)  Those of us who pray – pray.  Those of us who meditate – meditate.  Anyone of us who doesn’t do either – do acts of kindness – on purpose.

Acts of kindness are not meant to be accidental, so let them be on purpose.  Look for opportunities to do a kindness for someone – on purpose.  Look for an opportunity to speak a kindness – on purpose.  Look for an opportunity to think a kind thought – on purpose.  Random kindness is no longer enough.

These acts or words or thoughts of kindness are not automatically done by us.  Kindness is not always automatic.  Kindness isn’t  always second nature.  These acts are not always our automatic response when someone does or says something that causes anger or pain in us.

Many times, the opposite is our automatic response.  Anger is our automatic response. Resentment and bitterness are our automatic response. Unkind thoughts are our automatic response.  Verbal arguments and abuse are our automatic response.

If this is the country we choose – one of anger, resentment, bitterness, abusive words, blame, etc.  we are moving towards that, now.  What we see happening in our country will only get worse.  As we continue along this road of anger, resentment, bitter arguments, and abusive words, we will move into the next decade building mountains and mountains of even greater anger and abusiveness.

Christ started a trend when He walked the roads of the Middle East.  He started a trend of looking for opportunities to offer kindness – through His healing, through His actions towards others one on one, and through His words.  It caught on with His followers because it offers something a whole lot better than what we automatically offer through anger, bitterness and abusiveness towards others.

Blessed are those who do kindness on purpose, for they are offering a medicine that we need much more of.


A word of warning:  Don’t you dare think it’s going to be easy.  Remember, kindness is rarely an automatic response.  Those times you we fail, we practice “Kindness on purpose” on yourself ourselves, as well.

By the way, the kindness we give to others, the kind acts we do for others, with regards to receiving back from them – think of all the kindness that God extends to us every moment of every day.  We aren’t even aware of His kindness, are we?  But, yet His kindness comes and comes to us without end.  Such is the gift from the Spirit of Infinite Kindness.  The question is how many times have we given an equal amount of kindness back to God?  We all know the answer to that.  So, we can let God extend the kindness through our human hearts so that the other person will have had the experience of receiving kindness from God, through us – this being the purest kind of kindness.


“Being patient towards someone is one of the most important acts of kindness there is.  You can be sure that being impatient with someone has no kindness in it whatsoever.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1996-2016, Jodie Senkyrik)

Render Unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s

In the US, this year, we’re having elections all over the place. Primaries and General Elections

Whether we feel inspired or discouraged, the main issue isn’t whether we’re feeling inspired or discouraged.  As people who care about the world we live in and hope to find ways to help, the real issue becomes whether we’re going to do what we can to help.  The real issue is whether we’re willing to try with what we have.

The ballot box is one way of trying.  Even if we don’t see many good and wonderful options in that ballot box – the issue becomes whether we’re willing to try to do what we can with what we have – or in this case – with who we have.

When we go into the ballot box, we’re not just saying “my vote counts”. We’re also saying, “I matter” – “I count” We’re saying I am one person and I matter in this world, in this nation, in this state, in this county and in this community. I matter. I touch this world. I am here.  I am alive.  I matter.

Granted, We may not be saying this aloud to anyone.  More often, we don’t even realize we’re saying it within our own self. But, we are.

If we believe that as individuals we can have value by being alive, then we count as an individual alive in our world, right now.

Some may ask me, “Jodie, if you know the future or know who is going to win, why do you vote?” My answer is always – because my opinions, my thoughts, my ideas, my feelings have value – maybe not to “you”, but they do to me. And I’m going to express them.  I matter and all of that which is within me matters.  The other answer is that peoples’ freewill choices can change.

Someone once asked me who I was voting for and I told him. He said I was throwing my vote away, because that person couldn’t possibly win. But, I voted for the person who I WANTED to win, not for who I thought could beat the other person. I voted for who I wanted in the office – not for who I thought had a chance to win against the other person.

To me, I wasn’t throwing my vote away, because I voted for the person I wanted to hold the office. Others have the strategy of voting against “the other person”, whomever it may be that could beat “the other person”.  I wonder how many people don’t vote for who they want to hold the office only because they don’t think this person could win. Instead, they vote for someone else because they vote against the other person – thinking this person could have a chance to win. This type of vote is common and it’s focus is – voting against a person, rather than voting for a person. They vote for who can prevent someone else from winning.

We all vote the way we want.

Final thoughts:  John Adams once wrote (paraphrasing here) “Either wise men will come forward to run for public office, or others will.”

I add this:  “Render unto Caeser that which is Caeser’s” also means contributing in our own way to being a part of the government system that we have accepted in our nation.   When wise men and women don’t come forward to run, we are left with those others that do run and get elected.  Being part of the citizenry, we still matter.  Our vote still matters even when we are called to do the best we can with who we have – those that run.


PS.  Someone else (I don’t remember who) mentioned a comment that (paraphrasing again) “when the younger generations [or any of us for that matter] don’t get involved, don’t run for office or don’t vote, this becomes a statement saying to the world, ‘we want rich, white old men determining the direction this country should be going’ [and all it’s policies.]” Obviously that’s a lot of generalized negative opinions, but it is a noticeable comment, nonetheless.



Psychic Predictions for 2016

Because I’ve been so busy and haven’t had any opportunities – that’s why I haven’t gotten my 2016 predictions up yet.


I don’t see ***a lot*** of change happening on a Global scale comparing 2015 to 2016.  By this I mean, I don’t see many major events making large changes from what we have in 2015.  A few – but not many.

What I do see for 2016 more often is a continuation of that which has already been brought forth in 2015.

The Economy

In general, the World’s economy will overall stay steady as she goes.  The economy at the beginning of 2016 will pretty much be where we are at the end of 2016.  However, there will be some economic problems or scares related to Europe, up and down, but ending at a stable place at the end of 2016.

India’s economy is still slowly growing and I see it continue to grow in 2016.  China’s economy, too, will grow, but not as strong as India.   Although, we won’t get any word of it, the country with the initials, NK – I see their economy getting worse.  Sad indeed.  The citizens there will suffer.  The citizens of NK need our prayers, as they always have.  The leader(s) don’t see a need to do anything about it.

Russia’s economy will fluctuate some because of their ties with Europe and Asia both.  They’re invested in the countries around them, as well as their own.  Some of their “investments” in other countries will bring bad results.

For the most part, except for the continued warring, the economies of the Middle East are stable, because they’re based on the sale of oil in the regions.  Moving away from oil in any way will trigger some fluctuation, but in 2016 I don’t see any major disasters for any countries based on oil.

The US economy will continue as is it in 2015.  At the end of Spring, 2016, I see an announcement from Washington that will help boost the economy more, even.

A Presidential Year in the US

As of December 29, 2015, a total of 1,458 candidates had filed a Statement of Candidacy with the Federal Election Commission. No, that’s not a typo.  1,458.  That’s the total of all party candidates, independent. write-in, and non-affiliated candidates.  Some of these were “meant as jokes”, but the majority are real people.  There will not be 1,458 names on the ballots, because not all candidates register or meet the requirements to be on the ballots in all states.

As we get closer to the November, 2016 elections, we will see more and more what we can term as -“bizarre behavior” in our government officials.  It’s hard to describe what it will be, but that word – “bizarre” – will be used by many.

What I see is that the diversity of opinions and beliefs in the U.S. can do nothing but remain the status quo.  I’m seeing no success by any candidate in unifying the country.  Every person who has their own opinions and beliefs thinks they’re opinions are right and the other people need to wake up to it.  With this way of thinking, there is no middle ground where people are willing to come together.

I see extremism in American politics being the theme of the November, 2016 campaign trail.


The economy for the US will stay stable and doing well.  The gasoline prices will remain at a lower level, but look for them starting to inch up around the end of the summer.  I’m seeing a “flash” of an average price around $2.25 being the high by the end of the year.  This will be an average with some areas of the nation being only slightly higher.  What I’m also seeing is how volatile this price is – moved by human consciousness which moves like flocks of birds in the sky.

I’m seeing several medical breakthroughs announced in 2016.  These will get little press time.  What is getting press will be several more mass shootings happening sometime around May.  Prayers can help to curb, minimize and even stop some of these shootings.

Overall, 2016 won’t be a “great” year for the Midwest large-scale farming or the US car industry.  Although starting strong throughout the spring, midsummer will bring downward trends and struggles.

I see the immigration issue in the US as being a mud wrestling pit.  There is no clarity and cleanliness to this issue.  The politics of this issue will increase the separation of the divided camps.  I see no worthwhile progress, just running for office dictating what is said and done.  Congress will have another year of passing a low amount of legislation.

The economy will be good in general and overall.  Food prices won’t increase much.  Local farms will continue to serve their local customers.  The drought will hit somewhat, but not as bad as in the past (in general.  Different states will have different levels of it hitting.)


I see Africa struggling with similar issues as 2015.  I see areas where government officials ignore the needs of the citizens in need, illnesses and diseases getting a toe hold.

I also see other nations reaching out to help African nations and this will keep Africa’s problems from getting too much worse – it won’t remove or solve the problems, but it will help it from getting much worse.  A few areas will have serious problems.


Europe’s nation-cooperation will become more a stormy struggle and will require a great deal of hard work.  Some of that hard work will come in 2016.  The Syrian refugee issues will still be a major issue through the 1st half of 2016.  The hugely vast majority of refugees will come to be seen as good citizens in the years ahead.  But, it will also be years before the stigma is worn away.

The Middle East

I see an optimistic announcement coming from Washington sometime near the end of spring to mid-summer that a breakthrough has come in negotiations for better cooperation and acceptance among nations in the Middle East.  This will be an uneasy breakthrough – and will come from a “compromise” – the definition of this compromise being “when both sides are equally dissatisfied with the results.”


Australia’s economy will not gain but will not lose much either.  It is relatively active, but won’t increase, even with the incentives brought in.  The problem is the vast amount of foreign investments are going to wait and see what happens, rather than take an aggressive or optimistic approach for 2016.  On the plus side, the economy won’t lose that much because of it.  Were foreign investments to take a more aggressive approach in vast numbers, Australia’s economy would grow.

Meanwhile, the drought will continue through 2016, as well.  I see more potential for fires.  Even with this happening, I see Sydney continuing in positive and growing ways.  The energy of the city will be more celebratory than discouraging.

South America

They will continue with some major earthquakes in the same old areas – mostly western S.A.  Mudslides will accompany the earthquakes.  The differences between 2015 and 2016 in so many areas of comment will be almost unnoticeable, except in Southwest S.A. which has a potential large destructive event which would be reported in world news.  Prayers for this area will bring the destruction down to a small event – hardly worth mentioning and therefore not by news agencies.

The Pope

The Pope will be more active in the 1st half of 2016, continuing to be in the public eye, but will stay more close to Rome in the 2nd half with much less visibility and press.  His speeches will focus mostly on the poor, needy and suffering people in the world – some about the refugees.  His messages will carry some sternness towards world leaders for the recalcitrance towards compassion and helpfulness of many nations’ leaders.

Natural Disasters

While the world will continue to experience natural disasters, I’m not seeing a hugely world event in 2016.  The 2nd of 3 events I saw for August, 2015 has been broken up into smaller, better handled events over a number of areas, including what I think is deep water earthquakes off the coast of N.W Africa.   If this does happen as I’m seeing it, it will be in the same area near where the southern tip of Atlantis existed over 12,000 to 200,000 years ago.

In General

Because of the lower fuel costs, there will be less incentives for automakers to proceed with more efficient vehicle production.  However, the research into electric vehicles will continue – especially in Japan.  In the years ahead, the progress made in Japan, in the electric vehicle batteries will lead the industry, while American manufacturers will do more observing than research.  The Tesla company will have some improvements, but Japan’s research is still ahead.  Japan’s intention is to move the auto industry further into the electric vehicle direction by 2020.  They see the China market – with it’s current pollution problems – and envision Japan’s cars as being a solution for China’s problems along that line.  This is in actuality a positive move and will put them ahead of the game again, leaving the American manufacturers playing catch-up in electric vehicles as a solution.  The growing China economy and growing spending power, plus China’s growing numbers of younger car buyers will be very open to electric vehicles.  There will be a push for this to happen in 2019 and 2020, but will lessen going into 2021-2023.  The focus during 21-23 will be on trying to come up with the next generation of technology for electric cars.

At the same time, during these years gas powered vehicles will still have the dominate share of the market.  Unfortunately, for American car manufacturers, they are looking to much to the present and past, while Japan’s are looking more to the future.

Medicine and Medical Care

We won’t see much change over all from 2015 to 2016.  A few unmentioned breakthroughs in medicine will be announced in a few medical journals.  The controversies with vaccines will continue with the same arguments happening on both sides, but little pursuit to solidify any deeper insight or understanding of vaccines and autism.  If more medical research were to happen in the field, more would be revealed that hasn’t been understood before.  Currently, the status quo is pursued by pharmaceutical industries and the medical community (which doesn’t have research to say anything else.)  The opposition to vaccines won’t go away soon, and may get louder until the medical community starts asking more questions about what is possible with vaccines and autism.  Research is happening, but only in small pockets and effort is made more to ignore it.

Update:  A New Energy

A new type of energy which I’ve been seeing coming into our lives within the next few decades is being delayed.  The person I foresaw as spearheading the research is taking a longer approach in his research and therefore could add another 7-8 years before he finally develops his theories.  The delay may only move the completion of the research into working models from 2045 or so, to 2050-2052.  This also will change the timeline for the world’s beginning to make welcome contact with extraterrestrials, who, more than anything else, are waiting for humans to develop our own technologies to help the planet – technologies in energy that will move us away from polluting, non-sustainable energy sources.


The Spring of 2016 will see a bountiful harvest of local producing small farms.  The weather from 2015-2016 will help bring water to the farms.  Even though flooded, many areas will benefit from the water for food crops.  As mentioned earlier, the large-scale farming operations will have trouble from the same weather.  The small farms can recover faster.


2017 is different.

The 2016 Winter Weather

I haven’t put up much weather predictions because the meteorologists watching and predicting the weather for the 2016 winter have been spot on close to what I see.

Overall, I see, again, the 2016 winter being harder than last year’s. There will be heating oil and other energy shortages and the winter weather will create problems getting heating fuels into the areas.

New England
The New England states are going to be the worst hit of the states with winter weather. Their temperatures and snow levels will be equal to last year and even a little worse. This includes New Jersey, Pennsylvania (the western edge of the worst weather) and Washington, D.C. reaching into Virginia and some into Ohio.

While the meteorologists see the winter being warmer, this doesn’t mean “warm”.  This means warmer than the average temperatures have been in years past.  We’ll still see very difficult weather for Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and parts of Vermont. The snow that is happening now in these states, is serving to give people a “heads-up” and will start coming down permanently in November. I see deep snow in these states on through the winter until it starts dwindling in March (but not gone) and then starts melting in April. The last of their snow will be on the ground in May and a little in June. And as odd as it might seem, I see a possibility for more snow at the end of April or beginning of May, but it won’t be enough to add to the hardship. For these northern most states, December will bring cold, snow and some storm winds, possibly having -50F being mentioned regularly in some form in the areas. [I am not seeing the -50F temperatures at this time of looking – 12/6/15]  January will be just as bad as December, and February will equal January. However, I see fewer storms in February, but the cold and snow will stay as is.

While March will see lessening of the severity for the lower New England states, I see the higher N.E. states Winter lasting well past March and include half of the Spring months. Spring temperatures won’t arrive until May/June in the higher N.E. states.

Eastern States
I see the Atlantic states having a harder winter than they did last year, as well.  The average temperatures of the years past would be colder and so it can be said that this winter’s temperatures will average out to be warmer, (but still not warm.)  The cold winds will be their most difficult part. There will be lots and lots of ice on the roads – especially January and February.  Once they get into [December and 12/6/15] January, they’ll see snow skiing become more and more unfavorable because of the ice forming. Their time in this difficult Winter weather will begin to end at the beginning of March. It will be sudden – like turning a switch. February will be very cold, and March will be suddenly warmer -rather than a gradual warming. There a chance for a late snow storm near the end of March but with the warmer temperatures happening, it can turn into rain. Some flooding could happen in a few areas in March.

Central US States
Again, warmer than the yearly averages does not mean “warm.”  The Winter in these states will be somewhat worse than last year, but most of the worst of it will be January and February and not past the Spring date in March. North Dakota, S. Dakota, Minnesota and that area will have what seems like normal winter weather for them – a hard cold winter equaling the New England states – but again, the average temperatures will be warmer than the past yearly averages.  [There won’t be much fluctuation better or worse away from what they usually get. 12/6/15] Tennessee, Arkansas, Kentucky, will have winter storms with snow during December and January, but the harshness will back off some in February.  Spring will arrive in March.

The Southwest

We’re not going to see anything out of the ordinary – like a mild winter.  This will seem very much like a normal, cold, winter.  We’ll see it being much colder than last year’s mild winter.  But, not as bad as 2014 was – 2 years ago.  That doesn’t mean it won’t be cold.  It just means that it won’t be a repeat of 2014.   The Southwestern states will face many cold fronts and freezing temperatures.  For states that aren’t built for cold, this can be a very difficult time.   This winter should be considered a practice run for the winter of 2017 which currently looks like it will be extremely difficult almost equal to 2014.  Don’t block out the winter of 2014, it looks to be coming again and being forewarned is being forearmed.

The West & Northwest

California, Nevada, on up to Washington to Montana – this whole area will have a much warmer winter than the rest of the nation.  At times, the people of Colorado will wonder when winter is going to start.  There will be cold temperatures, [and storms 12/6/15] but for the most part, this will be the year of a milder winter than some of the past winters in the Western states.

For the most part, the meteorologists are forecasting some of the same things I see.  If anyone in the East decides to go west for the warmer winter, take your own water.




World Weather Predictions

Because weather is such an important topic to so many places on the whole Earth, I’ll add what I see with regards to different areas.


Australia has been going through a tremendous drought.  I still see 2.5 more years of drought happening, but after those 2.5 years, the drought will diminish step by step from then on. So, in 2018, I see the drought taking the other turn and begin the process of lessening.  While 2 more years of drought is a problem, I do see its end.  Australia is going into its Summer temperatures right now and this year will see some rain associated with at least 1  major storm.  Look for the storm to not hit Australia directly.  This means there won’t be a lot of rain, but there will be some.


I see a general direction of the same weather patterns which Europe has had for the last 4 years.  I don’t see a lot of fluctuation or dramatic changes.  Climate Change is real and the weather patterns of the last 4-5 years are to be considered the new normal.  The nearest time period I see any dramatic change will be 2018 when I see Europe having an extremely mild winter with 2019 being the pendulum swinging back the other way.  This is far off in the future, but gives the indication that the weather patterns Europe has had recently are going to continue.

As a whole, expect lots of rain over the next 18-24 months.  More than what has been “normal” in decades past.

South Africa

This is one area where the dramatic weather extremes are going to be felt less.  I’m still seeing some extreme weather – with regards to higher than average temperatures, but not beating up the area, like is happening in Australia.  I see the extremes in weather being related to temperatures rather than being extreme storms.  I see a severe mosquito (swarming) problem coming for South Africa – worse that before.  This is related to the weather somewhat.


As a whole, the Climate change effect for India’s weather will be a longer rainy season.  While I see the level of intensity of the storms will be near the same level as compared to decades past, the length of the rain season will be longer and come earlier.  This does mean that there will be significant flooding in cities as well as rural areas.  India will face some disasters related to flooding.  Disease and insects will become a problem because of the flooding.  Clean drinking water will be part of the challenge for people during the floods, and this should not be a surprise.



Additional Weather Information

Thank you Jodie for your post, I feel that we will also feel these effects here in Australia, with the El Niño tapping on our door. We have had a cold dry winter and I suspect a long , hot and dry summer to come . C

Yes, there is bad news and good news for Australia.  I see two more years of difficult drought, with the worst year being in two years.  The good news is that in two years, the drought will start diminishing more and more each year after that.  Starting in 2 years, you will see more rain each year compared to the previous year.

What about the mid-atlantic states? what will happen in Virginia, Maryland, etc?  E.G.D.

You can expect to see lower average temperatures in the Atlantic States – lower by 7-12 degrees compared to last year.  This is “in general”.


“Being patient with another person is an act of kindness.  Being impatient with others is the opposite of kindness.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

Winter Weather and more for 2015, 2016, 2017

While we’ve had a milder winter here in Texas, (for the most part,) and the New England and Great Lake states have had horrible weather, (for the most part,) this year’s winter is milder for most of the US.

Regardless of what you consider this year’s weather to be, mild or horrible or somewhere in between, next year, 2016, is going to be worse across the board, and 2017 will be almost equal to 2014.  Remember 2014?  It’s coming back.  So, be prepared.

Around the world, for the most part, (not everywhere, though) this year could be called normal, but only because when the pendulum swings, there’s a moment when the pendulum is straight up and down.  It’s “normal” and on its way to be “abnormal.”

2016 for Latin America and the northern countries of South America will mostly be wetter than normal.

Australia will get some rain this year, but nothing to balance the drought.  Australia has a seriously difficult next 10 years ahead of her with regards to water.  The worst of it will be in the years 2020 to 2025.

In Asia, (a large place), again, in general, 2015 will be milder than 2016 and 2017.  2016 will see Asia be a much, much wetter year.  2017 will see Asia be a much dryer year.  Obviously this will fluctuate in specific regions.  I’m stating this for the entire area in general.

I’m stating things in “negative” terms here, because we can do things to prepare and get ready, so that the impact won’t be catastrophic.  There are “positive” things happening, also.

The Southern countries of South America will have helpful rain/sun balance from 2015-2017.  Their agriculture productions will increase.

Mainland Europe, which will have some larger fluctuations in the weather, will have what can be called a “normal” balance of rain/sun in 2015 and their agriculture production will be near normal.  In 2016, I see dryer conditions overall, but in 2017, a movement back towards more rain and closer to what can be called “normal”.

In 2015, the northern Asian countries will experience “mostly normal” weather as is now judged, but in 2016, those same countries will go for “mostly normal” to “abnormally colder”.

While this article can’t be considered a weather report for a specific area, I want to give people a view of what I’m seeing down the road.  Preparation is always wise.

In the Old Testament of the Bible, Joseph interpreted the Pharaoh’s dream predicting 7 years of plenty, then 7 years of drought.  They were able to prepare for what was coming.  Fewer people are harmed when more people are prepared.

We’re in this together – everyone on the planet.


“Loving us is second nature to God.  He doesn’t give it a second thought. ”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2003-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Jesus’ message is not: ‘Don’t do!’, or ‘Judge and condemn others!’ or ‘Guilt!’ or ‘Shame!’
His message is none of these.  It is simple.  It is plain.  It is
‘Love one another, as I love you.’ ” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2003-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)