Winter 2014 Predictions: #5

I’ve gotten a lot of followup questions for different parts of the country and outside the US, so I’ll answer these in this separate blog instead of the comments section.

“Jodie, What do you see for southeast lower Michigan for Winter 2014?” M.

“Hi Jodie, I am from the UK.  Can you predict weather for May, 2014 in UK?  London maybe?” L.

“What type of winter weather (2013-2014) for Nebraska?” G.

“I was wondering how this was going to affect crops and the economy. I believe that there will be an economic crash in the not too distant future – perhaps happening in 2014/2015. What are your thoughts?” L.

First, the specifics:

SE. lower Michigan – With most of the worst part of the winter storms happening across the midwest, southwest and western US, the effects of these colder patterns, will stretch out to the Eastern parts of the US.  This doesn’t mean that the Eastern areas of the US will be affected in the same ways, but rather, the Eastern areas will not go unscathed.  Lower temperatures will hit all the way across the US.

However, the major areas are central, western and southwestern US.   The arctic fronts that cause these storms and temperature drops will reach this far, and these areas, because they’re not used to this kind of weather, and in many ways not prepared for it, will be affected most strongly.

Michigan, on the whole, will be colder than average during the times I’ve been pointing to, but is set to handle the cold better, because it always gets cold weather.  So, Michigan and this region will face cold weather harsher than normal, but not to the extreme that I’ve mentioned.    So, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and the areas, prepare for a somewhat longer winter, and a somewhat colder one.  With extra heating fuel, and other “longer winter” preparations, you should be able to “weather” it well enough.

Nebraska:  Nebraska is going to be in the middle of some of the harshest winter weather that we see.  Prepare for long-durations of winter storms.  This will absolutely affect agriculture as well as transportation.  I keep looking at what I see to check if I’m accurate and every time I look, I see the same thing – harsh winter storms of long durations.

Prepare for them, and by all means, check other sources.

I see wind, snow, blizzards, people being socked in, transportation stopping,  potential disaster declarations.

I see December being close to normal, but the temperatures through the month of January will go down gradually (slightly warming at the beginning of January, but going down from then on) and in February, the harshness will be here and here to stay.  Expect February’s harsh and  potentially deadly weather to stay the whole month with no letup until March begins, and then only gradually.

By mid-March, you’ll be out of the worst of it and start seeing some  small signs of Spring.

The UK. specifically, London:  London’s and the UK’s weather patterns are going to be different, of course.   December, 2013: I see nothing special happening – from my vantage point, it appears to be normal muggy, somewhat cold weather for London but not so much for the UK on the whole.  January, 2014:  this is when London and the UK as a whole will have basically the same weather.  In general, it appears to be more wet weather than cold, but with some sun.  For London, the month can still have more rain than the averages.  February is when I start seeing a lot of clouds and foggy, muggy, wet, gray weather through the UK as a whole, including London.  For the UK, wholly, this will be through the entire Spring of 2014.  London will have some spots of sun during March and April but not as much as normal.  In comparing this to other years, the UK and London will have more clouds and muggy gray wet weather than normal.   The UK and London will both come out of this weather pattern in June – for the most part.

This will affect the emotional and mental states of people.  Especially during April and May, when people expect more sunshine, but it doesn’t happen.   This can be helped by prayer to help balance the weather patterns.

I don’t see much transportation problems during this time, but this will affect widespread moods.  There are potentials for flooding in some areas.

The economy related to the weather:  Absolutely, this will be devastating to the midwest and southwest – major agricultural centers.  This will cause prices for food to go up.  Even local growers – farmer’s markets will be affected.  But, I don’t see an economic collapse based on these events alone.  I’m seeing the economy struggling and taking a beating, as it has in the past, but not collapsing.  The best way to “weather” the storms is for each individual to prepare, and when the times arrive, help others during this time, as well.

We won’t be able to do well, if we think we are an island with no connection to others.

All weather around the globe is connected.  Everything impacts everything else.  I see Europe’s weather being wetter than average.  I see the Southern Hemisphere being wetter on the whole, also as you get closer to the equator, but droughts happening further from the equator.  Australia will be slightly cooler.  Specific areas will be different, but on the whole wetter and more clouds.

If I see any of this change, or if I can see more detailed information, I’ll add it to this site.


“Christ is the teacher of all lessons of life, and is aware of all the parameters that we have set up, and in which our lessons come forth, hoping beyond hope that we will come to Him to get the answers.  Of course, the one answer He gives most often – Love – since real Love is the answer to so many problems.  It is Love that leads us to cooperation so that all can help each other make it through the life challenges and life burdens together.”  The Rainbow Cards, 2013