On The Climate Crisis Again

As I continue to psychically look at the lines of time written in the sand, this is what I see:

With regards to the Climate Crisis which we now are living in and increasing, . . .

For all of our sakes, collectively the general attitude towards changing our living choices/behaviors and such, . . .

WARNING: Many things in this article will be very difficult to read and even MORE difficult to accept. I don’t even want to post this. But, it holds information.

Success, . . . reducing and reversing Climate Change, – is NOT happening, as it would need to, in order to stop or reverse the direction the climate is going. I’m seeing less and less transformation with regards to the collective consciousness in dealing with the Climate Crisis. Currently, those who oppose changing lifestyles – oppose changing government regulations – oppose changing behaviors – oppose changing from “convenient” to “inconvenient” truths – oppose putting the climate needs/Earth needs first — are choosing to not change their stance and choosing to not change. They work to oppose change, and will not participate. (It is their freewill choice given to them by God.) They strive to establish their influence in the behavior of many millions of people around the globe. This “no change” state of consciousness is still strong and therefore, delaying more and more the behavior changes which would prevent ever growing climate disasters in the Earth. It is a case of metaphorically but also realistically: Nero fiddling while Rome burns.

Those who work to support the changes needed – well, I equate it to being equal to: selling the change of behavior ideas, as if selling margarine on TV – “Try our brand of butter. It will help the climate.” As if suggesting to people, and enticing people into buying something. This approach to selling the Climate Crisis is not working. It is trying to convince people logically. It is based on the economics of changing the behaviors and thinking in the world. It is based on convenience as if it were simply a choice to make at the local grocery store. But, the results of climate change – the disasters that are happening to us, now, are not and will not be convenient in any way, because the destruction is happening to people – families, children, women, men, animals, livestock, pets and not just pocketbooks. These disasters don’t offer a choice for people to make. These disasters, that people now experience, and which people (we) are soon going to be experiencing more of, don’t ask politely, or say “please”. The disasters’ only “message” is “Here, people! This is now your life. . . and death.” The disasters’ only choice given to us, when these events happen, is “People, choose today – your life or your death, or your loved ones life or death.”

The people in question – who dominate the decision making around the world – in general, as a whole, are not strongly invested in changing lifestyles, nor are the people who elect them who want “something easy” and convenient. The tendency is to be strongly invested in living the way one always has lived in the past. This entrenchment – this anchoring of one’s life with the perspective which they grew up with – perspectives and beliefs like “everything is fine” – “there is nothing needed to do” – “we can keep on doing the same thing” – this state of consciousness, point of view, perspective, belief system, is so prevalent that it slows down any major changes which would otherwise prevent so much coming destruction. The entrenched belief for the most part is that these events may happen to humanity, but they don’t happen to individuals —- like me.

So, obviously this means that the events we’re going to see in the years and decades ahead will impact us all – the whole Earth – in more stark ways and in more direct ways as time continues. No human being on the planet will be safe from Climate Crisis events – some events of which can/could be diminished – if, collectively, there were stronger and more direct actions taken to change the directions humanity, as a whole, is going. Even though we are experiencing these events now, sometimes in small ways, we are the frog in the pot, with the temperature of the water going higher. For many, the pot is already boiling causing the deaths of families, children, women, men, animals, livestock, and pets.

It is as if, as a planet, we are driving down an old road, and the signs along the road, which are many, are saying “Do not use this road.” “Danger, road ahead is hazardous.” “Danger, bridge ahead is not usable.” “Turn around. Take another route. This route is not safe.” “Bridge is unusable”. Some people in the vehicle are saying, “let’s pay attention to the signs.”, while so many are still saying, “We’re fine. There’s no problem. We’ll keep going as is.”


The population of the planet is nearing 8 billion. I add this in, because this number is growing. This number is absolutely significant because of the impact on the planet – the resources needed to help 8,000,000,000 people live – the speed at which 8,000,000,000 people consume these resources – the waste and trash from 8,000,000,000 people who have consumed the resources – and the lack of any significant handling of the waste and trash of 8,000,000,000 people. Then add in the refusal of so many people to change many different behaviors related to any of these. Then add in the social beliefs, religious beliefs, economic beliefs, everyday beliefs, beliefs that “we should be able to do it without any economic inconvenience”, which are contrary to opening up our minds to different ways of thinking and living.

While we, collectively, have been changing based on behavior convenience and/or economic convenience, the results – some of which the Earth itself will create – that which we are going to face – are not going to be based on any form of convenience. Neither will these results allow anyone to have a choice. The impact is going to be on you and I – unless we are the ones that die. This means that the continued droughts will not be – are not – convenient, nor the hurricanes, or fires, the dwindling of usable water, the mass extinctions which are already happening, the pollution in the oceans, and reduction of food to feed the 8,000,000,000 going on 9,000,000,000 people. All of these will be/are very inconvenient.

That World?

What this also means is that the Covid Pandemic is not the worst problem we’re facing in the decades ahead. Vaccines have been helping a considerable amount, to return a “sort of” normalcy to how we live momentarily. But the climate crisis is decades long and even centuries long. So, there is no such thing anymore as normal. We don’t live in that world anymore. People will not ever live in that world on the Earth ever again, ….. at least not for hundreds or perhaps thousands of years. This also means in the US, (yes, this is a contributing factor in 200 years) that the US will one day break up into 3-4 different nations, in the 23rd – 24th century because of many factors which include responses and opposition to responses to climate change, as well as the lack of cooperation and the lack of political will to do what is needed.

If you consider this narrative to be negative, drastic, pessimistic, despairing, fatalistic, doom-saying, hopeless and defeatist, you’re right. It is all of that. The future starting today is written in sand. But, the future that started in 1900, 1945, and 1960 has already been written and is being fulfilled. The future starting 1980, 1990 and 2000 has already been written and is being fulfilled.

Then think of what you’d rather have — — someone crying out in the wilderness – someone yelling that the flood is coming so build an ark! Think about what it was like for Noah, who did listen to what he was told, and did build an ark. Think about how people around him responded to him trying to warn people.

The Biblical story is based on actual events and people. There was a massive upheaval that caused a great flood, and there have been other major Earth changes in the history of this planet, which caused supreme upheavals, major numbers of people who have died, – think Black Plague – think major flooding – think earthquakes – think tsunamis – think ever growing larger hurricanes – think about why Atlantis doesn’t exist above sea level anymore – and think about why people don’t even believe Atlantis ever existed – how this land was so completely and wholly removed from the face of the Earth – so much so that few believe it actually could have ever existed – thinking instead that it couldn’t possibly have happened because events that destructive could never have happened.

Hurricane Harvey

And then think man-made events which have caused great numbers of deaths, injuries, and destruction of property. Now, we’re faced with realizing that we don’t need bombs to go down the old road that leads to “Danger! Bridge out ahead! Your lives are in danger!” (I’ve decided to not even mention the most recent man-made mass-death disasters of Fukushima, the World Trade Center Attack, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, World Wars, the Holocaust, Small Wars, and how many people’s deaths are because of air pollution, water pollution, toxic living conditions, and the like. I don’t mention these mostly because of the fog of personal beliefs and opinions surrounding the consciousnesses when considering the impact of pollution – not realizing that 8,000,000,000 frogs are still sitting in the pot of water that is beginning to boil.)

No One Wants This

No one wants to experience these events of sorrow and suffering, much less think about them. No one ever wants to believe that these levels of destruction can be possible. No one ever wants to think that events like Fukushima or the Indonesian Tsunami would just happen with very little warning. No one ever wants to think that the signs on the side of the road, saying “Turn around, Danger ahead” are real. No one ever wants to think that we generally are making things worse, not better by continuing to live life as if there were no problems.

I Look Ahead

I look ahead and see 20 years from now, and then 30 years from now, and then 40 years from now – years that we may see – and since we are on this particular road – the road of “change only if it’s convenient” – and I see drastic differences – even between now to 20 years from now. It is because of this timeline that I see why the current dominant generation fights against changes – because it’s so hard to believe it’s real. It is because of the drastic Earth and climate changes that are coming on this road, that younger people work so hard to get older people to listen – trying any way at all to change the road at which we’re all driving down collectively. But, too many parents and grandparents aren’t listening.

It is also because we are collectively the frog in the pot of water that is coming to a boil. We don’t see the difference between Monday and Tuesday, or the difference between Tuesday and Wednesday. It all seems to be the same, and therefore, we find it easy to discount and ignore what others are saying – those others who are crying out in the wildernesses – those others whose names are “Noah” . . . or “Greta”. Those crying out don’t say what we want them to, so we tell ourselves anything to deny it – like “it’s all political”.

For so many of us, we are still sitting down and having a picnic on the train tracks. In the distance, there is some sound that sounds like a low whistle. We can choose to believe it’s only the wind – normalcy – and ignore it. But, there are some people over there yelling at us – something to do with a train – but we don’t see it, so we tell them to go away and leave us be, they don’t really know, and we’re not moving, because we don’t see anything. And it is easy to tune them out, turn off our hearing so that we can barely hear anything said or any now-faint whistles . . . or maybe it was wind, that we thought for only one split moment could have been a warning, which we found easy to forget. And so we continue with our picnic on the train tracks, while the tracks are shaking and vibrating more and more for some reason, and we don’t look up.


Is there any good news?

Yes. The good news is not just knowing that human beings are resilient, and the human species will survive the climate related destruction which has happened and will happen in the years, decades and possibly centuries ahead – and without needing to live in bunkers and horde guns and food – which is not helpful or wise. Yes, the human species will survive, but many individual persons won’t, as we’re watching each day in the world.

We have made magnificent transformational change all through the 20th century. The disasters which we have so far been able to avoid would have made today’s disasters look like just stepping into a rain puddle. So, it is possible. Yet, the struggle to move into more transformational change has been and is getting more difficult as more people choose to not participate, and instead, directly oppose helpful steps.

We cannot change those who exercise their own freewill given to them by God. But, we can take a look at our own actions and beliefs. We can take a look each day at what we could do on a particular day. We can take a look at our beliefs, our inner self work, our efforts at healthy living, our efforts at healing our relationships, our efforts at meditation and prayer, our efforts to cooperate with others concerning better decisions for our lives, and we can take a look at how we then may help others in their lives, as well. We can take a look at the different parts of our lives and with inner guidance, find answers to the questions of “What can I do, today, to help?”

Technology won’t save us, by itself. Technology does not have a heart or a mind, which feels compassion for men, women and children, and unity with other people. However, there are some newer technologies that are slow in making headway, which in decades ahead – in this century – will help to slow down the vehicle driving down that old road heading towards even greater disasters.

Technology: In fact, one example: in the 2020’s, Toyota and Honda car manufactures – already working on even better electric cars, will continue to make headway. Toyota’s stock and Honda’s stock are good buys and will be even better as the 2020’s continue and go into the 2030’s. Toyota is a steady good stock, being ahead of the game, and Honda will make a great breakthrough around 2026 that will cause their stock to shoot upward. (Buy, now, though.) And there are other tech areas which are worth mentioning.

Sadly, I see bad news about the Amazon jungle in South America – the size it is now, will be reduced to 1/2 of this size in only 15-18 years. (Do you remember 15-18 years ago? 2006?) There is little progress or willingness by those nations’ powers that be – to stop the devouring of the natural resources. This will trigger even greater numbers of hurricanes in the Atlantic, which will trigger many destructive changes and many lives lost along the US eastern coast – from Florida, all the way up to Virginia, with some hurricanes reaching Maine. Some islands in the Caribbean are foreseen to disappear underwater permanently. Land disappearing underwater has happened before, especially in the Atlantic.

Political Predictions

Politically speaking, Donald Trump will never hold a political office, again. Events in his life in 2023 will determine this. Joe Biden will win a second term in 2024. The disasters of 2023 and 2024 and the Biden administration’s response to help people, will help Joe Biden to win, as well as the Republican Party’s putting all their hope in Donald Trump. Trump won’t come through for them. If they were to reestablish leadership through other people, they would venture better, but for most of them, the strategy is to hang on to glory days and strategies of the past. New leadership for the Republicans will only come in 2026, when better people will move in place.

The presidency of 2017-2021 has served many things – one is to bring forth to the surface, making it known throughout the world, the differences in consciousness across the nation and across the world – those who wish to move forward on new roads of change and readiness for the future and those who wish to move back to using the old roads of past glory — those who wish to reject the call of working together (the call from the Light of the World) and those who wish to seek to build a better world for every peoples, which only comes from bringing forth the Light of the World — those who wish to unify and those who wish to divide — those who wish to increase diversity and those who wish to ignore diversity and choose sameness.

So many of us have had very painful awakenings regarding the people in our own lives, and the deeper beliefs and feelings which have come forth in discovery. Yet, because no one is all one side/way/beliefs or the other, we are called to continue to work to try to bridge the expanse between opposing beliefs, by letting go of judgement of those who have an opposing view. We are called to see the good in those who frustrate and discourage us, as well as know the experience of long-suffering – the suffering which comes from loving those to whom we can’t unite with because they reject unity. It is this that Christ felt when He looked upon Jerusalem and said, “So many times, I would have gathered you all into my arms, but you would not have me.” Christ does not give up and has not quit. Christ never left this world, because His work still continues through those who open the door to mercy, kindness, and forgiveness, when He knocks on the door to one’s heart.

A Minor Prediction for the 2030’s

In the 2020’s the Qphenomenon will grow significantly, and in the early 2030s, the Qphenomenon will come crashing down, because of discovery of the increasing continued criminal activities of its central core originators. What was started as more prank and joke than anything else, caught on because many people wanted ammunition for their prejudices and their fear of change. Qphenom creates this ammunition according to what their customers demand. It absolutely is possible to be misled if someone feeds us exactly what we already want to believe against someone.

Hurricane Irma swept through south Florida leaving behind a trail of debris, flooding and power outages in September 2017. Loren Elliott/Zuma


Yes, there is hope – in letting go of the past way of –
1. continuing to attack people in our minds, hearts and words,
2. behaving without awareness and
3. living without considering consequences.

There is hope in the letting go of
4. trying to get back to what made us comfortable back then – what we think must be easier.

There is hope in looking at our lives today, right now, and asking,

What can I do today?

There is hope in working at enacting new ways of living, and letting go of any old ways of living which brings harm in any form, held onto because we think these ways are easier. There is hope in thinking of ourselves as one member of a multi-member community, and enacting behaviors to further this thought, instead of as an individual who can go it alone. There is hope in looking for new ideas for living, new behaviors for living, new determinations for living.

There is hope in believing that God is not some THING far away, and must therefore not be interested much in helping with “my” facing life’s challenges and hardships. There is hope in believing that we do have help which we don’t even know about. There is hope in finding new resources within ourselves – finding new courage, finding new determination – finding new Willingness to learn and try. There is hope in believing that others “believe in me”. There is hope in believing in others, then in uniting with others.

As I’ve told people for decades, our best source of help – both giving and receiving – is at the local community level. All of us at the local community level are the ones who – when things go horribly wrong – are there with shovels, brooms, rubber boots, bottled water, and muscle to help dig us out of the mountain that just fell on top of us. There is especially hope when we are one of the people with the shovel trying to dig others out, because we then know that hope lives within our self. There is also hope when we care within our hearts for the people in our lives, our family, friends, community, because when we are involved in helping and being helped, we recognize the caring that is the same in someone else’s heart – someone standing right next to us wearing muddy rubber boots and working a shovel, just like us.

There is hope because God lives inside our hope – God is the Hope – God is the caring spirit – alive inside us. God is the Infinite Hope, never-ending Hope. God is the Infinite Caring – never-ending caring – caring about our lives and always working to help us get back up when we get knocked down. God is the one standing next to us carrying a shovel to help dig us out, and God is the one within our own self when we pick up the shovel and help dig someone else out.

Living through the times ahead will be very similar to how we live now, – but only in regards to our “Taking life one day at a time”. What will continue to drive us through living one day at a time is “Doing the best we can with what we have.” There is no going back to a world that will never return to us. But, there is going forward today – starting today – looking for new thoughts, new beliefs even, new ideas, and new actions and behaviors. The perseverance within humanity comes from doing the best we can with the life we live today, and then keeping an eye open to see if anyone else needs help to do the best they can with what they have.

We need most to check on ourselves and others to see if we’re the complacent frog, and we find our self inside a pot of water in our life, and it seeming more and more like the water is getting hotter. Or perhaps, we need to check to see if our hearing is okay, and listen harder for the whistle, while noticing the train tracks are shaking/vibrating even more, . . . then look up to see what is racing towards us and which cannot be stopped quickly – if at all.

Community does not ever mean and has never meant “me first”. It means all of us, together. It means no matter what road we find ourselves on, when we come to the old road, all of us together get our shovels and make the road better for all of us. It means when we come to the bridge that is too horrible for life, all of us together look for ways to build a better bridge to continue our lives together, knowing that we need each other – we need each other, because we’ve been designed to need each other – and we can, with hope, find ways to be the community which we need help from and which needs our help. . . . and sometimes, that community is the whole planet.



As an individual person, we can only do what one individual person can do, affecting our own life and the lives of those around us. As people, we can only do what people can do. But, we can only do what people can do, if we unite with other people, cooperating, and working for everyone’s benefit, instead of using our own individual fear and prejudice as the weapon to strike out at others who are trying to gather people together to get on board the Ark. If we’ve never considered working with or never wanted to work with others around this before, . . . we can never be too late, if we begin and let today be day one. With today being day one, then the future which starts today, and only written in sand, so far, can be rewritten.

Reader Questions about Earth Changes, Weather, etc.

1. My questions: The disasters in Aceh and Japan as well as Haiti and the Caribbean seem to have a depopulating factor. Will the population of the US decrease due to this economic crisis? I don’t necessarily mean that people will die, but will they migrate from the US (much like Puerto Ricans are leaving the PR)? If so, where will they go? Does this have anything to do with the eclipses that could be seen across America?

[A second look at this question with more details:]
With regards to the population – No, I still don’t see a decrease in the population in the next few years or going into the 2020’s. I’m not seeing a drastic drop in population world wide, at all. Quite the opposite. However, I see a lessening of the rate of increase in the mid-2020’s. I see this as a result of economic struggles world wide, as well as in the US. As economic times get better in the 2030’s, I see the rate of increase in population going up. I see population rising to about 8.9 billion by the mid- to late- 2040’s. 2050’s and 2060’s could potentially cross the 9-9.5 billion count. And yes, this will be a great strain on resources, if it happens.

While the disasters in the areas you mention do affect the local population and are readily in the news and can be seen on the internet, the percentage drop is only in a small time period.

The migrations of peoples in the world over the next 10 years, will mostly be seen in the middle east and Mediterranean areas – almost exactly as it is today. Some still from South America coming into North America. Migrations around the world will happen but be at a relatively unchanged rate compared to today. Mostly war and natural disasters will be the motivating factor. Searching for work is next and the overall economy is after that.

With regards to the eclipses affecting these factors, I see the effects of the eclipses, during the times before/after the eclipses, being to inhibit energy which stimulates movement and change. [An eclipse inhibits the sun’s energy. The sun’s energy stimulates movement and change.]

2. Is this climate time period similar to the ‘dust bowl days’ of the Great Depression? Will we see similar consequences with cold as we did with dust during this 11 year period? There is also a theory that the earth is expanding – what was once the Pangea has broken apart due to the expansion of the earth from the inside out. Is that what we are experiencing now? Is the volcanic activity due to an expansion process that the earth is going through? Do you think that major faults all over the world will begin to shudder – such as the giant and overdue San Andreas fault line? Do you ever see the lower part of California breaking up into islands, like I am told that Edgar Cayce foresaw?

In the arguments over climate change, some can argue that natural weather forces similar to the ones in the 1930’s, and the solar impact, are what is driving the current climate changes. I psychically see the “dust bowl days” during the 1930’s being a culmination of weather patterns of many decades leading up to that time, (even forces beginning to take effect going back to the mid-1700’s). The weather forces then were mostly natural, with some “lesser than today” influence from karmic forces. The impact from human consciousness was not as strong as today.   Human impact on the weather, today, is real.

The extremes in both heat and cold and other weather events are what we have been and will continue to experience. The younger generations will have to carry the full impact of today’s decisions regarding climate change. We have NOT experienced the worst that can happen. If the conflicts around decisions and actions continue, then during the decades ahead, there will be some great/difficult/dangerous/harmful times that the younger generation will have no choice in going through. If people continue as we are now, with regards to lack of major steps taken, in the same way that we are experiencing serious and deadly weather problems now, the next few generations will experience even worse – not “can experience” – “will experience”.

The Pangea effect is evolving continuously and will continue even to the point of creating new continents in future millennia and eons. However, it’s affects are too slow for us to be impacted in a major and noticeable way. An example of this is the volcanic activity in Hawaii. This is a small and slow process measured in human terms. It happens, but does not create new continents in our time.  The Pangea process does influence the magnetic field that surrounds the Earth, but again, we won’t see this process by itself affecting quick change – more like 100 to 1000 years measurable impact with measurements via scientific instruments rather than Earth changes.

The Earthquake activity on the planet now is under what is considered as “normal” forces influencing it, – this includes the increase of activity at this time in history. Included in these manifestations are karmic energy which aligns human and social patterns with that which goes on physically in the Earth. These both will continue. We are in a time where much is happening and “natural” happenings are in line with karmic manifestations.  Supporting this:  remember the journey of the planets around the sun are a natural occurrence, but they still have impacts and influences on people and human patterns of behavior – not causing these human patterns but influencing them. At the same time, human consciousness impacts the natural occurrences, in return.

Finally, I see any potential of land mass changes of significance in the California area happening over several hundred years and being thought of as a natural occurrence. I see it not being in the whole state but in the southern area – Los Angeles/San Diego area down to the midpoint of the Baja Peninsula. I see more changes happening in Florida than California. More happening in the Northeastern coastlines than the Pacific coastline. Over many hundreds of years, I see the Pacific Northwest rising slowly out of the ocean due to the Earth’s “creation of new land” process. Meanwhile the east coast will be losing its shorelines.

Edgar Cayce’s predictions were accurate for him during that day and time, and came with statements saying, in effect, “if all things stay the same, these things will occur.” This meant that if mankind’s spiritual state only stayed the same, and humanity’s life on Earth kept being run by the darker nature of mankind, the energy of the times would fulfill themselves and manifest as Edgar Cayce predicted.

But, mankind had and still has a spiritual awakening in many different arenas on the planet, thus healing much of what Cayce described. While many may see the spiritual awakening which has happened in all the decades since Edgar Cayce predicted these, as being a fad or “Woo-woo”, this path is the source of the increased energy vibrations that has lifted us out of many of the karmic disasters previously destined to manifest.

The increase in meditation, prayer, efforts to change away from humanity’s patterns for war, the continued increase in social awareness which would lead to better goodwill, as well as helping the welfare of all people – these are the practices and influences which bring a Higher level of consciousness and higher vibrations – the vibrations of the Christ Consciousness (Love), which in turn helps to bring healing at many, many different levels of existence for all of life.

Remember, Christ was met with the same resistance and “push-back” that exists today. He was mocked, ridiculed, and eventually killed. But, His involvement and His teachings lived on, and live on through those who sought to, and still seek to help create a better world and better relationships throughout the world for All people and all life.

The same is true of the spiritual awakening that has been happening in our lifetime. No resistance can hold up over time to the evolution of consciousness in this planet. However, this evolution can and will only happen – as Edgar Cayce says – “one hair at a time” – meaning “slowly”, so that all souls can be brought along in this evolutionary process. The physical planet gets included in this evolutionary process, as well.


“Peace is not born from War.  Peace is not the child of War.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2007-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

“We can be among the first ones to lead the new ways into the future, or we can be among the last ones to follow the old ways of the past.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2007-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

“We have war, because we have not yet prayed enough for it to end.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2007-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Strive to leave another person’s life better than when you entered into it.  This can only be done with Love.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2007-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)