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Social Security

The Social Security system will continue as is, until about 2015 when they open it up to include private investing. A small amount of opening it up will occur in 2008, but it will only be a minor change. Private investing and retirement accounts will eventually become the primary source of retirement income by 2027-8, we’ll see it become #1 with SSI becoming #2 based on funds amounts. It will start in 2015 but will take about 14 years before the mainstream population are using this method. Without major reform, by 2040, most people will see the writing on the wall for SSI even existing in any form, and by 2060, the SS system will be relatively useless. It’s possible that by 2065, the SS system will end all together, or it will be revamped to become an “also ran” secondary system rather than the primary system as it is today. In a sense, at that time, it will be for those that would like the govt. to be their retirement fund banker. (Added 8/10/05)