Speaking Engagement

April 13, 2015:  Finally, I’ve made available the presentation I gave at the A.R.E. Spring Retreat during March, 2015.  To listen to the 85 minute presentation, select the Download tab at the top of this page.  You’ll find the presentation near the top of the listings.  You can listen to it by clicking the presentation title or you can download it for listening to it later.  It is an .mp3 file.


I will be giving a presentation at the Palestine, TX A.R.E. (Association for Research and Enlightenment) retreat/conference on March 13, 2015.  I will be sharing what I’ve written about regarding August, 2015, the Ukraine, many other topics, plus answering audience questions.  I plan to audio record the presentation and if it is a good quality, will post the audio recording on the download page.

Winter Weather and more for 2015, 2016, 2017

While we’ve had a milder winter here in Texas, (for the most part,) and the New England and Great Lake states have had horrible weather, (for the most part,) this year’s winter is milder for most of the US.

Regardless of what you consider this year’s weather to be, mild or horrible or somewhere in between, next year, 2016, is going to be worse across the board, and 2017 will be almost equal to 2014.  Remember 2014?  It’s coming back.  So, be prepared.

Around the world, for the most part, (not everywhere, though) this year could be called normal, but only because when the pendulum swings, there’s a moment when the pendulum is straight up and down.  It’s “normal” and on its way to be “abnormal.”

2016 for Latin America and the northern countries of South America will mostly be wetter than normal.

Australia will get some rain this year, but nothing to balance the drought.  Australia has a seriously difficult next 10 years ahead of her with regards to water.  The worst of it will be in the years 2020 to 2025.

In Asia, (a large place), again, in general, 2015 will be milder than 2016 and 2017.  2016 will see Asia be a much, much wetter year.  2017 will see Asia be a much dryer year.  Obviously this will fluctuate in specific regions.  I’m stating this for the entire area in general.

I’m stating things in “negative” terms here, because we can do things to prepare and get ready, so that the impact won’t be catastrophic.  There are “positive” things happening, also.

The Southern countries of South America will have helpful rain/sun balance from 2015-2017.  Their agriculture productions will increase.

Mainland Europe, which will have some larger fluctuations in the weather, will have what can be called a “normal” balance of rain/sun in 2015 and their agriculture production will be near normal.  In 2016, I see dryer conditions overall, but in 2017, a movement back towards more rain and closer to what can be called “normal”.

In 2015, the northern Asian countries will experience “mostly normal” weather as is now judged, but in 2016, those same countries will go for “mostly normal” to “abnormally colder”.

While this article can’t be considered a weather report for a specific area, I want to give people a view of what I’m seeing down the road.  Preparation is always wise.

In the Old Testament of the Bible, Joseph interpreted the Pharaoh’s dream predicting 7 years of plenty, then 7 years of drought.  They were able to prepare for what was coming.  Fewer people are harmed when more people are prepared.

We’re in this together – everyone on the planet.


“Loving us is second nature to God.  He doesn’t give it a second thought. ”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2003-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Jesus’ message is not: ‘Don’t do!’, or ‘Judge and condemn others!’ or ‘Guilt!’ or ‘Shame!’
His message is none of these.  It is simple.  It is plain.  It is
‘Love one another, as I love you.’ ” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2003-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)


Darkness and Light

Darkness was always there ….and will be in the future ….Yesterday Hitler and Stalin, today ISIS. There are always two polarities needed to make whole. Night and day, plus and minus, yin and yang and so on ….The darkness is needed so we can see there is light out there. If there would be no darkness (no negativity) we will not be able even to see (be aware) that there is light out there. Hitler an ISIS …they are needed to give us opportunity to be aware of opposite: light, sun, love peace, kindness, help ect. With such “negative groups” as they are, world is changing faster for the better (towards the new better world). If there was no Hitler who would even bother to make any important change in the world. There would be no moving forward. But: standstill is not god for the world. Everything in our Universe is based on the movement.

So see: every war had a deeper purpose for the world then it seems: after each war in the past necessary changes has been quicker and much bigger then would be if there was non. Wars push mankind forward when it needed so. So this way negativity gets its purpose. Love.  Z

This is a common view of “Light and Darkness”, but if one were to follow further down the line of this belief they’d find a view that negates free will.  I’ll explain.  Let’s look at the “Light and Darkness” from another direction – the point of view of light and darkness being vibration levels on a spectrum of consciousness instead of names assigned to specific unchangeable states.

Darkness isn’t a substance of itself.  Instead, we name the states of lower vibration “darkness.”  We name the states of higher vibration, “Light”.  Both of these and everywhere in between and outside of these chosen positions are levels on a spectrum of vibration.

In our universe and beyond all known universal existence, all is vibration – everything. “Darkness” and “Light” are labels of two characteristics/levels of vibration.  We’ve given different states of vibration names in order to help us convey the concepts that we talk about.  This highest vibration level we call ‘light’.  Acts, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are further from this highest vibration – from this ‘light’ – are lower vibrations and we call these lower vibrations “dark”.

God Consciousness which is the Consciousness of Infinite Oneness, Infinite Awareness, Infinite and Pure Love, Infinite and Pure Patience, Forgiveness, Understanding, Mercy, Kindness, etc. is the highest vibration.

In the same way that you and I as spiritual/human beings have consciousness and in the same way that all living things have consciousness at some level, this Highest Vibration has consciousness, and the Consciousness is the vibration level of Infinite Existence. This (also named) Infinite Love is the vibration of the Oneness of all Life.  These are not just concepts to bounce around philosophically, but the substance of existence.  (Love isn’t just a feeling, it is the vibration of the highest existence, but that’s for another article.)

But, these concepts of the Infinite are hard to understand for us, because as humans, we have not been able to completely understand Infinite anything.  We can have subjective experiences which last a moment in time, and possibly give us a glimpse of that which is way beyond our self concepts.  Yet, when we try and convey that to others who have no equal frame of reference, it becomes all but impossible for us humans to convey, especially using physical, 3-dimensional examples.

So we use the terms to try to convey different aspects of, yes – freewill choices which we make.  This is what we’re describing here – freewill choices which we make and which we make manifest – manifesting physically at a certain vibrational spectrum.  And I’ll add that all the terms and languages which we use fall short in conveying God Consciousness/Love Consciousness/Infinite Consciousness/Infinite Vibration/Love Vibration/God Vibration.  See?

What we term “darkness” is the freewill manifestation of our efforts to act separate from God and manifesting at a certain level of vibration.  There is no true separation from the vibration that is God, but there is a perception of separation via the act of freewill choosing to manifest lower vibration states of mind/heart – that being hatred, selfishness, bitterness, violence, vengeance, etc. etc.

If it’s still not that understandable without some study, don’t worry about it.  We have Infinite Eternity to come to study, learn and understand the All of Infinite Existence.

On a related note: the question isn’t really whether darkness and light are real unto themselves, the question becomes which of our own freewill actions do we choose to manifest – the actions of “darkness” or rather lower vibrations, also called “Separation from God”, or do we choose of our own freewill to manifest higher vibrational actions – called “Light” of “Oneness with God”- these being kindness, patience, understanding, unselfishness.

If we choose of our own freewill, to bring forth actions of lower vibrations – actions far from Love of any kind – actions which express hatred, selfishness, self-centeredness, bitterness, vengeance or separation and the like, we are perceiving that we can and therefore, are “pushing ourselves” as far away from the Love vibration that we can.  In effect, we are lowering our vibration – which we call “choosing darkness”.

So, to say we “HAVE TO HAVE” darkness is like saying, of our own freewill, we HAVE to choose lower vibration actions and behavior.  In turn, it is a contradiction of freewill to say some of us have no freewill with regards to choosing to manifest lower or higher vibration actions.

And yet there is more.  In the process of deciding what we choose of our own freewill to manifest in the world, higher vibrations or lower vibrations, we are creating an experience of a certain level of vibration for others and ourselves.  This is a true act of creation coming from our own aspect of God Consciousness that is us individually.  However, it comes forth filtered through all our thoughts, feelings, motivations, ideas, beliefs, actions, past, present, future, subconscious, superconscious, etc, and manifests as an experience of a certain vibratory level, not just for others to experience, but for ourselves to experience eventually, as well.  In essence, we create our own experiences.  In addition, because we are part and parcel of the God Consciousness, when we act separately from God Consciousness, we are acting separately from ourselves – which in turn causes all sorts of internal problems which manifest as illnesses and worse.  (A topic for another article.)

So, you see, “darkness” is not a thing or something that must be chosen by someone to fulfill, but rather a vibrational manifestation from the illusion of separation via the attempt to separate (via our perceptions) from the Highest vibration of God Consciousness – also called Infinite Light.


I can try to explain it in another way.  For example, with God Consciousness being Infinite and therefore Infinite Light, nothing exists that is not God Consciousness/Infinite Light.  But, of our own freewill, we choose the illusion of separation from the Infinite.  And therefore we can choose to perceive “a separation” of sorts that contributes to the experiences of darkness.  But at no time do we separate from Infinite Vibration.  And if we’ve studied the definition of Infinite, then by the very definition of Infinite, nothing outside the Infinite exists separate from the Infinite.  All is a part of the Infinite, including the freewill choice to perceive “darkness” as a thing.

So, All is awaiting us on this journey to Infinite Understanding which we’ll accomplish in Infinite Time, also called Eternity.

PS.  And then there is the role “Judgement” has in all this.

I’m ready for questions.


“There is good in the worst of us, and bad in the best of us.” The Edgar Cayce Readings.

“Problems arise when we think our perspective and understanding of anything in life is completed.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1997-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)