Praying and Meditating With Others

All of us, at some point in our lives, if we pray and meditate in our lives – have prayed and meditated with others.  Whatever method in which we’ve done both, whether we sat, kneeled, stood, danced or whatever, we can say we’ve done this with others, because there were others in the room, in the circle or in the very near vicinity.

And, of course, we can argue that all of us at some point in our lives, have prayed and meditated alone.

Or have we?  Let’s take a closer look.

What we’ve been very unaware of during so many times that we’ve prayed and so many times that we’ve meditated, is that we’ve never done it alone.  Ever.  In these moments of prayer and meditation alone, we have been used to thinking only to look at our immediate surroundings to determine if we’re alone or not.  We only examine who might be within our sight.

The Physical Earth

First, what we’re unaware of is that all around the globe there are other people praying and other people meditating at that same moment.  Each and every person praying or meditating is part of the energy field that each of these activities generates.  Each person connects to each other that prays or meditates.  Physical location can truly have no bearing whatsoever.

We need only open our minds to these other souls, and become aware of what we have been unaware of – that even when in a particular room alone, we are connected on the planet in that moment in time, to all other persons praying or all other persons meditating.  The energy of prayer and meditation can be felt, recognized and even seen with our mind, if we allow ourselves to feel, recognize and see it.

We are never alone in our prayers.  We are never alone in our meditations.  The joining in prayers is around the globe.  The joining in meditation encircles the whole Earth.  Pick a time to pray or meditate and we connect to those who pick the exact same time.  This is true 24 hours a day.

The Spirit Side

Second, when we pray or meditate, we can also pray with and meditate with those in Spirit.  Those in spirit who seek to join in prayer are countless beyond our imagination.   Hold out your hand ready to hold someone else’s hand and there will be another holding onto our hands.  We may not “see” or “feel” their hand as we are used to thinking, but if we open our minds to them being there, holding our hand in prayer or meditation, we will learn just how many are linked in that moment.  Again, we only need to open our minds to this actuality.

Meditating with the mind open to those souls in spirit that are present to help us connect to the light within, allows us to join an energy field infinite in scope – the field that is all life.  Again, we need only be aware of this connection in order to become aware that we are a part of it when we pray and meditate.

When we open our awareness of these others beyond our room and beyond our physical world, who are ready, willing and able to connect with us in prayer and meditation, our prayers become united throughout this world and the next.  The strength and expanse of our meditation grows to beyond that which is our own concept of the size of our universe.

We need only allow it to be, and we will become aware that it is.  In this, we will know then that we’ve never prayed alone, ever.  We will know that our every meditation connects us to all others, in physical bodies or not – these others who are like minded.  Together with these others, we are connecting with this side and the next in raising our vibrations to the One Life, One Love, One God that is All.

In doing this, we become part of the chorus singing the highest and the most beautiful of songs which is what prayer really is.  We join as part of the most expansive community within the ocean of consciousness which is what meditation really is.


“The more prayer and meditation, the more God. The more God, the less war.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1999-2016, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Enough Prayer.  Can.  End.  All.  War.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1999-2016, Jodie Senkyrik)

We practice meditation, in order to meet God within, where He tells us, “Come unto Me, and I will come unto You.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1999-2016, Jodie Senkyrik)

Why do Extraterrestrials Not Let Themselves Be Known?

The argument has been made that “If extraterrestrials existed, they would let themselves be known”.  While this argument can be popular among many, it lacks an understanding of the factors involved and therefore doesn’t give insight into the reason why they don’t. In turn, this argument usually seeks to dismiss any discussion or anyone who looks to go beyond the box of one’s beliefs.

Look at the Earth today, with the current number of nations and the different types of governments. As a whole, look at the conflicts we have between countries. Then look at the conflicts we have within each individual country’s borders. We have many different ideologies that lead to disagreements, and conflicts. We have wars based on selfish efforts to overpower others for one’s own agenda. We have many organizations and groups that have their own agendas based on affecting others’ lives according to the most powerful groups decisions. This is the very real situation on the whole Earth.

No country, government or group is immune to this or free from some nations, groups or factions displaying this behavior or other efforts made to gain control or have power over someone else. As long as there are individuals and governments who seek their own agendas over the good of all, this will happen. We are very aware of this here in the U.S. since we’ve seen it play out in our own society.

Take a look at the technological leaps we’ve made in the last 100 years. We’ve gained nuclear power, computer technology, cellular phones, and the list goes on almost forever. None of these have “saved” mankind of been made to be free from the agendas of those who greedily seek financial or political power over others. Instead technology still also gets used to serve the quest for greater power and more deadly weapons.  We can see examples where the hunger for more power and weapons grows still.

In addition, the craving for energy sources is great as well. We have over 7 billion people on the planet and will have 8 billion in a decade. We’ll move towards 9 billion after that. Looking down the road, our energy needs will be way more that they are today.  The effort to get that energy to sell to consumers will be greater, also.

What do you think will happen when another (albeit, FRIENDLY) civilization comes forth that has technology and energy sources far more useful or powerful than our own?

In general, each country, each nation, each governing body, each corporation, each industry will be clambering for the technology and energy sources. On the whole, with current human thinking, the clamor and acquisition for the best technology means making the most money. With current human thinking, the race to get the energy sources ET’s have won’t bring different people’s into cooperation, but rather, more likely into more fighting.  That is what is happening now. The level of technology and energy which non-Earth civilizations would bring – would trigger even greater conflict and even worse wars, because the fighting for these would continue.  After all, wars have been the ways for many to accomplish getting what one wants, in the past.   The motto, “Use what works.” is still alive on this planet.

Right now, the effort to get the technology and energy wouldn’t unite humans. Look at what nuclear capability brought. It did not unite peoples. Look at what computer technology has brought. There are still great imbalances among the different nations of the world – and how to disseminate and control that technology. Look at oil, electricity and the like. The struggle among humans for power over others still goes on even with the advances in technology and energy.

Those that are from other planets, or rather, those with benevolent intentions from other planets, don’t seek to get in the middle of the conflicts we have here on Earth. They know that their technologies and energies could lead to even greater conflict with the tug-o-wars that would happen. Governments would demand their share of technologies in the name of “keeping the balance of power” with many going to war to maintain this balance. Even greater wars than we’ve ever had, could happen.

Greater technologies will never be what saves humankind from our self and our own selfishness. We have much evolution to go through, yet.  We can only be that which, and who, we are.  Currently, all across the planet, we are still the humans that we are.

The day is coming that people from other planets make their presence known publicly. But, today, the human race as a whole is not where we need to be in order to avoid making a conflictual situation even worse.

No benevolent race of beings wants their arrival to destroy the people they come to “visit”. The human race, with its conflictual behaviors, and examples in history of the human drive to conquer rather than coexist, plus today’s examples of abusive behaviors to life here on Earth – and our not having the full collective will to stop the abuse – all point to this time in our lives not being when they should make themselves known.

Until that day comes, they may make themselves known to individuals or to small groups. They may make themselves known in secret. They may make themselves known as rumors and half-believed stories. They may make themselves known in ways that only a few believe are real. But, much has to happen among the human race before they make themselves known publicly to all people and all nations as visitors from another star system.


“Pray for All Life.” (The Rainbow Cards, 1996, ©, Jodie Senkyrik)

The Fear and Violence part of the 3rd Chakra

We can look at the world and see violence happening all over the place. We can also look at the world and feel the fear which is within people all over the place. And both violence and fear seemingly grow, and seemingly grow and seemingly grow.

The 3rd Chakra Connection

The spiritual consciousness 3rd Chakra is connected to the physical Adrenaline Gland. This particular Chakra part of the whole consciousness activates the Adrenaline Gland. We all know what adrenaline is. We all feel it when we’re pumped up for an athletic event or the latest roller coaster ride, or a scary movie, or a James Bond movie or an X-men movie or Deadpool Movie or a war movie or any number of all the other movies which are designed, written, and purposed to give an adrenaline thrill ride. It is the “fight or flight” experience.  It is meant to be associated with personal power.  (Even reading this last paragraph brings back memories of these activities and triggers adrenaline.)

It is the adrenaline experience that fuels many actions including violence – the “fight” part of the coin. This is the thirst for blood – the rush of adrenaline that comes with violence.  Many seek this.  Fear is also the adrenaline experience – the “flight” part of the experience. We either “run like everything the other way” or we fight.  Many seek this, also.  Fight or flight are both the 2 sides of one coin.

Currently, in our world, our reaction to violence is to bring forth more violence, because the original violence triggers fear within us, and through our response of violence, we’re trying to no longer be afraid via overpowering the original fear and violence.

Put another way, in our world, our reaction to this type of 3rd Chakra experience is to bring forth more of these types of 3rd Chakra experiences, because the original 3rd Chakra experience triggers another 3rd Chakra experience within us, and through our responding with this type of 3rd Chakra experience we’re trying to no longer have these types of 3rd Chakra experiences by trying to overpower the original 3rd Chakra experience with another 3rd Chakra experience.

Do you kind of get where the problem is with fear and violence – fight or flight?

Einstein once said, “We can’t solve a problem at the level at which it was created.” We can’t solve the cycle of violence and fear – a type of 3rd Chakra cycle of experiences – by bringing forth more violence and fear – more of the same types of 3rd Chakra experiences.

Options for Something Different

However, we can step out of the cycles of these 3rd Chakra experiences with two different changes in consciousness.

The 2nd option for change is to move our awareness up to the 4th Chakra and begin practicing 4th Chakra experiences whenever we are aware that we are responding to our life situations, circumstances, and experiences with adrenaline.  It’s not always easy to do, because this act requires self-awareness.  The self-awareness also needs to include the knowledge and awareness of the difference between 3rd and 4th Chakra experiences.  This takes practice – months of practice added to years of practice added to one’s life path full of practicing.

This is a process of observing one’s self.  It is also referred to “stepping aside and watching one’s self pass by.”  Many times we can recall memories of our experiences easier, and this gives us the chance to “observe” how we reacted in the past.  It also can become possible then to remember the present and our current responses happening in the ‘now’ moment.

The 4th Chakra’s center of response can move us to much different responses.  It also can move us to many different choices available to us.  None of the choices are “to not feel the 3rd Chakra” or “to feel nothing at all”.  The 4th Chakra isn’t about “feeling nothing”.

Quite the opposite – the 4th Chakra is about feeling more than only what the 3rd Chakra offered.  The 4th Chakra, the heart Chakra, is the Chakra centered on Love and the many different forms which love can take.  Love can take many forms – compassion, mercy, forgiveness, patience, understanding, tolerance, etc.

In this topic, Love can come forth from the 4th Chakra in the form of compassion and understanding.  This is the 1st option which I skipped over previously.  The 1st change to the 3rd Chakra experiences from moving our response into the 4th Chakra is the compassion and understanding of the 3rd Chakra experiences of fight or flight – the compassion and understanding of the experiencing of fear and violence and why we experience these.

A transformation can take place by moving our responses into the 4th Chakra.  As human beings, holding on to our compassion, we can begin to understand just how difficult and confusing it is to be a human being.  We can understand what human beings go through to struggle and live on this planet.  We can understand how our thinking styles, our ways of responding to experiences, and our chosen ways of believing can be so difficult to step out of, that it is any wonder that we’re able to find peace at all.

Being a human being is hard.  We try to latch onto some way of living that may possibly lead us to something better.  But, as human beings we can only do the best we can.  Sometimes, we can only do the best we can at doing the best we can.  Hence why responding from the 4th Chakra can be so important and helpful.  It is from our heart that we offer compassion for the struggles of life that people face.  It is from our heart that we find patience to extend to someone else who needs just that.  It is from our heart that we find it within ourselves to live in some form of peace with others, allowing all the different ways of being human to try to coexist.

It is from our heart that we can transform the experience of fear and violence to one of compassion and understanding which in turn, can lead to acceptance and tolerance.  Love is possible, when we move our consciousness from our adrenaline experiences to our heart – the center of love experiences and all the different forms that love could manifest.

As humans and spirits, we are all our Chakras and all our experiences – the sum total of all experiences we’ve ever had, plus the sum of all our potential possibilities for the future.  That’s a lot, so, no experience or response we’ve ever had, is not “not part of us”.  Nor should they be.

But, we have choices that we can make.  We are more than automatic responses of fear and violence.  We can make choices of healing and learning.  We can make choices of compassion and understanding.  We can make choices of growing in our awareness of our self and our being a human being.  These choices can help us heal our self, our relationship, our communities, and even, our world.  “With God, all is possible” no longer are just fancy words, but can become a new way of living.

The transformation of the 3rd Chakra by moving into the 4th, is a transformation of fear and violence to one of learning, understanding, compassion, and patience.   In turn, these can also lead to mercy, forgiveness, and a healing of our Family of Man.


“Never underestimate the Infinite possibilities of the Infinite Consciousness of God bringing forth Infinite Love.  Infinite things can happen.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2016, Jodie Senkyrik)