Airplane Disaster question

“What do you make of all the plane crashes and disappearances that have been happening since earlier in 2014? It’s seeming to be more and more common for planes to be crashing than it ever has. Thoughts? Insights?” R.

The focus is not about “events”, but about life.  These things and things like these remind us that life is fleeting and can change in one second.  Someone can be in our life one MOMENT sharing their life with us, and us sharing our life with them, yet in the next MOMENT, gone instantly, neither of us, ever again able to share our lives.

Take the MOMENT to show someone your love, so that if that MOMENT comes when they are gone, at least, in that MOMENT they’ll know they are loved.


“There’s nothing wrong with choosing to love more. The problems arise when we choose to love less.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2011-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

“For some, Love is what they talk. For others, Love is what they walk.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2011-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

Autumn Weather

My apologies to gardeners and folks across the country in case my predictions of a milder winter caused problems with their plants or anything else.  My predictions for the Winter of 2015 were only for the Winter months of Dec. – Feb.  I did not even think to examine November and did not see the current cold spells spreading across the Midwest and East.  I didn’t look at the Fall of 2014.

One of the idiosyncrasies of psychic readings, for me, is that many times, I see only what I look at.

So, in general for the nation, with the cold Arctic spells in November, I’m seeing continued intermittent cold temperatures up to around mid-December to the 2nd week in January, depending on the regions.  This is what the meteorologists are saying, also.

The milder winter I’m seeing, in general, I see happening after the new year comes in.  I’m defining “milder” as being way warmer than the 2014 Winter with much less storms.

As of right now, I’m seeing the Winter of 2016 (Dec, 2015 to Feb, 2016), as being slightly harder/colder than 2015, but still milder than 2014.  I consider the Winter weather we’ll see in the Winter of 2016 as being the “new normal”.  Then the Winter of 2017 (Dec, 2016 to Feb, 2017,) will be almost as bad as 2014.

So, of the next 3 winters, this one will be the mildest – for the most part, beginning after the new year.

Elections Results

Regardless of whether our candidates won or lost, it’s helpful to remember that it’s not who is in political power who will save or destroy our lives, our country, our anything.

It is who is in spiritual power that will have the greatest and most lasting effect on our lives.

Many people think political power is the ultimate power, because they think it is connected to the power over people’s lives and the power of controlling money, but this power is an illusion compared to real power.  Real power is so far beyond anything called “political power.”

Political power can affect a small section of a person’s life, but Spiritual power affects a soul’s life after life after life, staying with the soul for all eternity.

This is the power that lasts.  Political power is like playing with Legos during an afternoon.  Spiritual power is the thing that the foundation of eternity is built upon.  No politician playing with money and people’s lives can build a foundation of eternity.

Politicians can affect one life, for sure, but God affects the entire evolution of that person and their soul growth in ways that are beyond what many people can even imagination.

Do not look to politicians to bring good for all the world.  God does more good than any politician ever could.  Now, this doesn’t mean that there are no people elected that help others.  There are a few “Public Servants” who are elected, but they are a small minority.  Fortunately, they have what it takes to help some.

Sadly, we haven’t seen too many politicians who have made good public servants.

Me? I vote for Christ, because I believe He can help us more than anyone else can.


“What would you want heaven to be like?  Are you creating that in your heart & in your mind, right now?  Are you helping to create that for others in the world?”  (From The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2000-2014, Jodie Senkyrik)

“What we pray for others, we equally pray for ourselves.” (From The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2001-2014, Jodie Senkyrik)

“For us to release ourselves from prison, we must release everyone else, as well.
For us to release ourselves from this cycle of karma, we must release everyone else from their karma, as well. Mercy and Forgiveness are the keys.” (From The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2001-2014, Jodie Senkyrik)

Dreaming of Storms

In my dreams, I see clouds, water, storms, – and I always feel I need to run, to escape this disaster situation, in which my world around me is becoming a global natural disaster. Weird thing is though, is that I live in British Columbia, Canada. A mountainous climate, with green forests. I have never seen a tornado, hurricane, typhoon, or felt an earthquake, or any other mother nature disaster. The weather where I live, doesn’t have a lot of wind because of the mountains that surround me. So I ask, how did I dream, on more than one occasion, that I was actually running from a storm. How did I feel the wind? The water? … the fear of not escaping in time? T.B.

In our dreams, first and foremost, don’t assume the dream is literal.  The dream must be studied and investigated to determine the message it carries.  We do have some literal dreams, but the biggest number of dreams are symbolic and hence will need examined and investigated.

Also, consider that some dreams are precognitive but not necessarily “Tomorrow.”  Some precognitive dreams are months, years, decades and even centuries into the future.

With this in mind, I suggest you look up the words – ‘storm’, ‘water’, ‘clouds’ and ‘running’ in the dictionary.  You’ll find many different meanings to these words.  Then look at how these words can go together – i.e. water also runs.

With other meanings to these words, take a look at the different parts of your life.  Do the meanings of these words parallel any part of your life?  For example: Is there a storm in your life anywhere?  Is there anything in your life that is clouding up another part of you?

Even water has several meanings, and in dreams can sometimes be symbolic of emotions.

With just these small tips, perhaps you can make more sense of the dreams.

Dreams are a language, but they’re not English.  They speak in symbols because the messages they try to convey have many levels and facets.  Dreams “speak” holistically, while in our waking life, we speak “linearly”.  This is why studying and examining them in greater depth than their literal happenings can be extremely helpful.

For anyone wishing to pursue greater understanding of dreams, I recommend starting with “Edgar Cayce on Dreams”, and “Dreams, God’s Forgotten Language”, as two of many good books on dream study.


“Listen to your dreams, what are they saying?” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1990-2014, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Who are you?”

“I’d also love to know who you are, where you came from and how did you know all those stuffs. It’s amazing revealing. I’d love to learn from you.” M.

If we look for learning within ourselves, from the “still, small voice of God” within the heart and soul, we will learn from God. If we look for learning outside of ourselves, we might get lucky.
We come to know that we learn from what others put forth in books and discussions, but others are not the source of that which is truly worth learning. God speaks to us within ourselves, and others merely are putting into words that which God is trying to teach us from within our own heart and soul. The source is God, but sometimes we need help from other people in “getting it put into concepts and words that we understand”.

In these moments, we recognize the words of God within us, even though He used an “outside of us” translator in that moment.  This also means that God will teach us with the help of many people. The Bible says that wisdom comes from having many teachers.


I am a traveler on the path, one who asks questions and listens for answers.  In the words of the Beatles, “I am he, as you are he, as you are me, and we are altogether.”

I strive to practice what I learn and make it real.  I work on myself and share what adds to my understanding.  I strive to know myself and my relationship to God and others.  I am a human being striving to evolve.  I pray and meditate.

Isn’t it amazing what God can do with the “dust of the Earth?”


“Humanity IS evolution.  Evolution IS humanity.  You cannot have one without the other.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1990-2014, Jodie Senkyrik)

The Holes in Siberia

What I see is this:  There is a focused level of great heat coming up from deep below the holes deep in the Earth – more like “mini-volcanoes”.  Because it is so cold where these are, the surrounding area remains frozen, hence why the holes look weird.  Had they happened in temperate areas, the holes would have formed differently.

The heat comes from fissures below ground.  This warms the iced areas, creating both pressure and an opportunity from that which is frozen to melt.

It makes the news now because we humans love stories of magic and wonder.  Do you think it will make the “front pages” or “6-oclock news” when the natural understanding of their formation happens?

I expect a few more to show.

For more on this phenomenon, I suggest this website address:

“The miracle isn’t in the phenomenon or the amazing happenings.  The miracle is in showing forgiveness, understanding and mercy to another person.  The miracle isn’t in lifting others’ eyebrows in amazement, but rather helping lift another back up when they’ve been beaten down by life.”  (Rainbow Cards, ©, 2014, Jodie Senkyrik)

“An act of forgiveness is an act of freedom and joy.” (Rainbow Cards, ©, 2014, Jodie Senkyrik)

Prayer, Meditation, Edgar Cayce and Hurricanes

While Edgar Cayce himself participated in drilling for oil in the 1920′s, and the readings tried to help him, he didn’t succeed at that particular time.  The readings considered the venture worth pursuing, though. However, what he did succeed in at that time, and during his life, was help people to learn the power and influence of meditation and prayer.

We can see this now as being a powerful force to help in facing disasters here on Earth.  In my own work, I was able to psychically see that after Hurricane Katrina, the outpouring of prayers for the entire Gulf Region – the outpouring of prayers coming from across the country – brought forth the Christ Spirit to protect the Gulf during the entire 2006 hurricane season and 1/2 of the 2007 hurricane season.  While meteorologists were baffled, expecting a great many hurricanes, it was a quiet season and they didn’t know why.  I did.

Skeptics could have a field day with this vision I describe.  But, it brings us face to face with the challenge.  Do we believe in prayer and meditation or not?  Do we believe prayer can change things in this world?  Do we believe the power of thousands and even millions praying and meditating can change the future, change the Earth, and change situations for the better?

What about the questions, “What are we thinking that will happen that will let us know that our prayers have been answered? How will it appear?  Will there be signs in the sky telling us, ‘Your prayer has been answered from XYZ happening to ABC happening’?”

I don’t think so.  Who else saw or even considered that it was the prayers of the many that resolved the 2006 hurricane season?  But, if we believe that prayer and meditation can change things, then we are going to have to expect things to not happen as they may be expected.  And we may not fully be aware that we did in fact change the future with our prayers and meditations.

Edgar Cayce and the readings spoke often of the power of God.  The readings speak of Christ and His current and continuous involvement in our lives.  Books abound about personal contact with Jesus Christ and other spiritual beings.  All of these describe a very active involvement by the Divine with our personal and collective lives.  And so, we have to decide if we believe in prayer and meditation or not, because prayer and meditation are practices that can make direct contact with the Divine.   Edgar Cayce’s readings are clear about this over and over again.

Many believe it is important to pray and meditate but yet expect nothing to come from it.   That’s like playing the lottery, but throwing  the ticket away in the trash, the same moment we buy it.  Putting effort forth, but expecting nothing from that effort.

I think I remember E.C.’s readings saying, (someone may have to help me with the reading number)  “Expect much, you’ll gain much.  Expect little and you won’t be disappointed.”

I think this is telling us that God is eager to be an active participant in creating this world that we live in, and affecting our lives in a healing and supportive way.  But, God won’t take away our freewill to choose to bolt and lock the door before He enters, when we’ve just finished inviting Him in.

What I tell people is something that I’ve come to realized for myself from reading and studying the Edgar Cayce readings.  I don’t know if it’s specifically in the  readings, but the readings have helped me to be aware of this.

Don’t trust the doubt we have in God.  Don’t trust the doubt we have in ourselves, our prayers, or our meditations.  Doubt is not truth.  We may have it but it’s not true and need not be trusted.  God’s readiness to be active in our lives is the truth.

In praying for any disaster anywhere, right now, let’s not tell God what He is capable of or not capable of.   Let’s ask Him to show us.  Studying the readings have helped me to believe that God rejoices in the opportunities to show us what He can do.  A new paradigm is being created on this planet – by God – through us and with us.  Through our prayers and meditations, we can participate in this new paradigm in ways we could never have come up with by ourselves.  But, God won’t do it without us if we decide to not participate.


“Don’t trust the doubt you have in God or in yourself.  Doubt is not the truth.” (Rainbow Cards, 1995, ©, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Let God decide what is possible.” (Rainbow Cards, 1995, ©, Jodie Senkyrik)

[Written in 2011]

Who are we?

I know there is a lot of talk about drought but in the Dallas area we are in the 3rd worst drought since 1899. The lake I drive over, one side is dry the other is drying up. It’s the worst I’ve seen. This is May, the hot summer months are ahead. Will we have a record breaking 100 degree summer again? When will this end! When it does rains for a minute I remember what rain really is. I watch the TV and see all the storms in the east causing lots of damage and all we got was a sprinkle or two. It’s kind of scary.  (Vicki, May 3, 2014)

It can, indeed, be kind of scary.  Yet, life is such that we don’t live going backwards, no matter how much we may want to try to hold onto the past.  And as scary as it sounds, our living forward is a good thing.

We will not see weather patterns of the past – weather that we consider normal weather – in the future.  We no longer live in that climate or world situation.  We have a different world existing now based on over 7 billion people living on the planet, and this different world is where we now live ever moving onward to 8 billion people.  We will have greater pendulum swings, and in between these swings will be what appears to be normal as compared to the past.  But, we will find ways to help to live our lives, as every generation before us has.

There are many factors in our world that have brought about “the end of the world as we know it” and so we’ve experienced this “end of the world as we know it” over and over again.  Take a look at Sept 11, 2001 as an easy example to see this.  But, it is true in other ways, also.  Neal Armstrong walking on the moon was another example, as was the end of the Soviet Union.  Others are yet to happen.  One of these examples is climate change.  We don’t live in that past world – we no longer live in a world of only 5 billion or 6 billion people.  We are here, now, and this world has challenges to face and work on.  We will work for solutions and we will pray for guidance.  We will continue to live our lives, as every generation before us has.

While it could be easy to say the past was better for us, remember, for some, the past was way worse, also.  How many people in Europe would like to return to the 1940’s to live?  How many people in Viet Nam would like to return to the 1960’s to live?
But, the question and issue isn’t “what is the world like, today.”  The question and issue is “who are we, today.”  This is a question that every generation before us has had to answer, and now, it’s up to us.   Who are we?


“Just because we see nothing but darkness, doesn’t necessarily mean the light has gone out.  Sometimes, it’s because we’ve closed our eyes.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006, Jodie Senkyrik)

“God does not praise us for being perfect yet treating others harmfully.  God does not chastise us for having faults yet being kind and forgiving.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006, Jodie Senkyrik)

“If you want things to change, then change.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2004, Jodie Senkyrik)

How do we know?

Hi Jodie! I wasn’t sure where to ask my question, so I thought I would put it here, hehe.. I “stumbled” across your page awhile ago, looking for information one day about Edgar Cayce and Atlantis and I found you! :D I really enjoy reading your entries and find myself reading and re-reading everything you have here.. Love it! So, the other day I was talking to a friend and was a bit conflicted. He mentioned that not once does “Jesus” get mentioned when referencing the “New Age movement”.. In that, he doesn’t know who is behind these notions of lets say, Law of Attraction, or Living in the Now, etc. etc. So, I was a bit conflicted by that because he used to be all about researching Osho and everything that he lumps into “New Age” now, which includes channeling (the Seth readings, Abraham-Hicks, Bashar via Darryl Anka, etc.), crystals, psychic readings, etc. etc. So, I guess my question is, how do we know what is right and what is wrong? If reading these books, researching about law of attraction, etc. is “evil” and not information that is of Jesus and the church, but we are learning about it with good and pure intentions, does that still put us in the wrong? Will we not be “saved”? Honestly, I don’t know much about religion, but feel like the information out there about this so called “New Age Stuff” is positive and I wanted to see what your take on it was.. I might sound naive and I hope I don’t offend anyone, but it made me question my “faith” and I have always thought I was in the right (but his views made me question myself, which scared me).  (VanessaM)

I’m almost jokingly tempted to write, “Yes, Vanessa, there is a Jesus in what you are learning about.”  But, I won’t.

You’re questions are good questions to ask.  To answer them, go back to much of what Jesus said at different times.

I’ll preface all of this with the statements that like any system of beliefs, what is called “New Age Thought”, is many times used to lump so many different beliefs under one name.  Since that is what we have to work with, I’ll go with it, even though some of the beliefs of the “New Age” have been around longer than many versions of today’s religions.

Let’s take a look at Jesus’ ministry.  During that time, his message was overwhelmingly about how we behave towards one another.  There is no mistaking this.  The first two commandments he gave were about love.  Love God above all else, and Love your neighbor as yourself.  His admonition to know who was a follower of His, was along the same lines, when he directed that we will know one another by our demonstration of the Fruits of the Spirit – the fruits being loving kindness, mercy, patience, charity, brotherhood, compassion, cooperation, forgiveness, understanding, faith, and more.

At the same time, I’ll mention that Jesus did not condemn other religions – he condemned hypocrisy and self-serving agendas.  Even though he walked among the Romans, he never condemned the Romans or that they had different beliefs.  In fact, John, the Baptist, also didn’t condemn the Roman’s beliefs, but instead said to the Romans, to be honest in their dealings as Romans.  John did condemn some actions which were also self-serving.

We can look at every religion, and hold to the same questions that you have.  How do we tell who is sincere in their following God?  The answer I adhere to is whether they practice what they preach.  If we want to label one religion as the only right one, or any religion over any other, then I think we”re missing Jesus’ message – that the main question we need to ask ourselves isn’t about what we believe, as it is what we do with our beliefs.  Do we use our beliefs to bring brotherhood, harmony, kindness, forgiveness, mercy or understanding in dealing with the people in our lives?  Or do we use our believes as weapons against others, bringing separation, condemnation or hatred into ours and others lives?  Do we use our beliefs to unite one another, sowing peace instead of war, or do we use our beliefs to go to war, attacking others in some way?

For the most part, every religion I can think of has the ability to bring more peace to this world, but every religion also gets used to bring war into this world.

That which we believe lies inside the mind and is a belief system (called a paradigm,) but how we live, demonstrate and activate our beliefs, comes from the heart.  If we hold forgiveness, patience, kindness in our heart, our beliefs are in line with the one who said “Love one another, as I have loved you.”  However, if we choose to hold criticism, bitterness, resentment, hatred, vengeance, prejudice, contention or separation, in our hearts, no paradigm of beliefs will ever counter that using any rationality or logic.  Our life simply will not be one of Love.

Like every religion or any other way of believing – whether it be science, math, psychology, philosophy, politics or anything – they all have adherents who go both ways with regards to their hearts, and therefore their beliefs.  Those who wish to use any of these beliefs to serve their own judgements and condemnations, supporting their own agendas will find ways to do that within the paradigm/belief system they’ve chosen.  Those who wish to use any of these beliefs to love more, support brother and sisterhood, be more forgiving, understanding, or kind, also will find ways to do that within their own paradigm/belief systems.

As it is said, “God seeks mercy, not sacrifice.”  We don’t need to sacrifice any belief we have that we feel brings us to love more and then demonstrate love more.  Know that what a person has in their heart, is what guides a person in how they show themselves to the world.

If any of us find our beliefs changing as time goes on, then wouldn’t it be harmonious to let those new beliefs help us to love God more, also?  And then to Love our neighbor as ourselves more?

Every way of believing has the potential for Christ to be a part of and to come forth from within it.  Why? Because, His message was “Love one another, as I have loved you.” and we can bring this forth in any setting or context using any language or ideology.  It depends on us, and how we manifest our beliefs.

There are some that go around professing the name of Jesus Christ to anyone within earshot.  They will make sure their beliefs are known to those around them.  And they wear Jesus’ name on their sleeve, as if only saying the name is all that’s needed to live in our world.

There are others that quietly go around doing acts of kindness to someone who is beaten down by life’s circumstances. They extend patience and help to others who are struggling with the burdens they’re carrying.  They show mercy to those that are suffering in darkness, and understanding and compassion to someone who needs a friend in a moment of pain.  They don’t speak loudly the name of Christ, so everyone can know about them, but they do pray quietly within their own hearts for those they know could use a helping prayer.

Which one do you think actually knows the real Jesus Christ?

I will say this truly – Jesus Christ lives inside the act of kindness, not the act of criticism.  Christ lives inside the act of compassion and understanding towards another and not speeches of judging others.  If we find kindness, understanding and compassion in people, it will be these people that live with Christ.  When we practice the kindness, the understanding and compassion for people, Christ will live within us.  Then and only then will those beliefs we choose for ourselves be ours that connect us directly to Christ.

Finally, I’ll let you in on a secret.  No one is so bad, that there is not some good in them – some kindness, some forgiveness, some understanding of another, etc. and hence with Christ inside them. And no one is so good, that there is not some bad in them – some lack of understanding, some prejudice, some contention, some bitterness – which causes Christ to be set aside.

“It’s impossible for a closed mind and an open heart to exist in the same person both at the same time.  One will eventually overcome the other.  Either the closed mind will close the heart, or the open heart will open the mind.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006, Jodie Senkyrik)

“We don’t have to be perfect to share what we have learned.”   (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2013, Jodie Senkyrik)

“We give God to others, when we give Love to others. ”   (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2013, Jodie Senkyrik)

Q & A’s: US Dollar and California Water

Do you see independence from the US dollar as important over this period, through precious metals or other DIY methods? For instance, there was hyperinflation or pronounced inflation in the 1930′s.

That won’t be a strong concern.  For investment purposes, precious metals will be a good investment, but to rely on for currency and tender, no, I see it not being necessary.  I’m seeing a resurgence in bartering though, in twenty years.  Some of that is happening now, but I see it surge.  I don’t see it taking a majority hold, but rather it becoming popular.  Remember, this is 20 years from now and not a lot of change happens on the whole in only 20 years in the currency arena.

Even as I write this and see it being mostly true, I’m reminded that in other ways 20 years can see major change — 1985 -2005 saw some of the biggest changes this planet will see, with the explosion of computers and the internet.

I’m concerned about the comments you made about the drought in California. Do you see it continuing in severity over the next 5 years or somehow rectifying itself within that period of time? Part of the problem is our wasteful use of water. Do you see the Colorado River going back to its full levels or continuing to fall?

I see the drought continuing at the severity level at which it is at.  In the next 5 years, I only see 2017 as being a year of some rain – or rather the end of 2016 – beginning of 2017.  I also see 2017 being a year of even more wildfires than the two previous.  Not a good prediction, but I see California not backing down from dealing with this.  I see the people who fight wildfires being ready and facing them head-on.

I see the Colorado River very slowly continuing to fall in the next two years, but cycling back up after that.  Through this decade, it will be down and up and down and up.  I don’t see a time in this generation that it will return to where it was in the decades of the 20th century.  I do see greater and better steps being taken to have wise use of water and a lot less wastefulness.


We are in the times and half times, and this is a time of tribulation, as we see from this past winter and the current extreme weather patterns.  We can call it what we want to – man-made or nature-made, but it is a difficult and hard time like a woman going through labor.

I believe in the Spirit that lives inside the hearts, minds and souls of the people of this nation.  Within these hearts exists the capacity for going beyond our journey so far.  Within these minds exist the constructive ideas leading ways to cooperate and help one another.

Yes, this Spirit resides in the hearts, minds and souls of all people on this planet.  It is this Spirit that will help us as we face  challenges both on the planetary and national levels, as well as on the individual level.  It may sound corny to some, but I believe in this Spirit.

Right now, the latest predictions have been somewhat on the dire side, but there certainly are many, many positive, encouraging and inspirational factors in the future, also.  The questions have mostly been about what to watch out for, because this last winter, which is still in progress, has been one where people would fair better if they knew and could prepare for the difficult parts.


“No one speaking of judging and condemning speaks for God.  No one speaking fear and retribution speaks for God.  The one speaking loving kindness, forgiveness, understanding, mercy, tolerance and patience – this one speaks for God.” (From The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2008)

Predictions for Weather for the Remainder of 2014 – #18

As the winter of 2014 comes to an end, (April in the most northern parts, May in areas like Maine,) the energy and forces will come back into a balance, and in general, across the nation we will see more towards the average weather patterns of the last 5-6 years.  We will not see the weather patterns of 3, 4, or 5 decades ago, anymore – not in our lifetime.

As the winter slowly ends, there will be fewer extreme events for the nation as a whole for the rest of 2014. This is the general prediction for all areas.  We will be back in what can be termed as “average” weather, or rather the new term – “the new normal” for each area. This includes all the mixes of weather that have been in each area over the last 5-6 years.

I know this is not a cheerful prediction.   The positive side of this is that we can, if we’re willing, adapt and live productively through these challenging times.  Some of us have memories how things were different, and so we can compare the two eras.  But, those of us who are younger know this time only, and so come into this time willing to look for and create new ways to live productively.   In the decades ahead, we also will see many new ways of facing life’s challenges.  There will be opportunities in every arena of life – for creativity, cooperation, acceptance, tolerance, imagination, support, innovation, respect, leadership, unselfish sharing, and so much more – in every area of human life.   We will be witness to some of this, and if we’re willing, we also can bring some of this into existence for ourselves, and those with whom we have contact or come into contact.

It is always our choice on how we respond within our own lives.


“Let God decide what is possible.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2007)

“We can either follow the old ways of the past, or we can lead the new ways into the future.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006)

“Whether heaven or hell awaits us, depends on which one we’ve created for others.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2009)

DIYers and Grid Independence in the Coming Decades

(Photo credit to

There is a huge resurgence of Do-It-Yourselfers and independent living enthusiasts in the U.S., also called “getting off the grid” with the numbers growing all the time.  The Internet is one of the best tools for finding out how to do this.

This is perceived by some as extremism.  If one thinks the nation is going to turn upside down in the next few years, and that they’ll be vindicated, then, yes, I would say this is an extreme view.  However, what I see isn’t that there is an extremism movement, but that people are tuning into their intuition, recognizing that their lives are dependent on their own actions, promises from any ‘outside-of-themselves source’ i.e. the government, are rarely going to happen, if at all.   An important factor in this perception is not knowing the correct timeline for this self-reliance to be most needed.

The movement isn’t happening just because of fear.  Extremism is happening because of fear, but not the movement to DIY and becoming more independent.  This is based on an inner resource.  What I “see” is that times are coming when DIY skills and grid independence are going to be needed, and people are intuitively tuning into this need for more self-reliance – a need which will grow in the coming decades as populations grow around the entire Earth.

All this is coming forth into our awareness, because it’s all going to be needed.  But, don’t mistake this for living alone and relying only on one’s self.  This is not what is needed.  As human beings, we need one another.  We need to rely on each other, as well.  God created us to need one another, and efforts to be an island unto one’s self don’t succeed.   Neighborhoods and communities which foster cooperation and helping one another have been successful for millennium after millennium.

The road ahead I see is this:

Food prices are set to rise significantly in the next three years specifically (2014-2016) at a greater rate of increase than average.  Starting in 2016, poor government actions and judgement directly impacting several contributing factors will set the foundation for 6 years of reduction of support to the majority of people, with support instead going to corporations and bigger business.

This will push for even greater reliance on corporations and bigger businesses to supply the needs of most Americans.  In general, I see most people who run corporations seeking to maximize profits (which corporations are always designed to fulfill.)   However, in the U.S. with corporate level efforts to control more and more of consumer markets,  many of the alternatives to corporate products, which are available today, will no longer be allowed to be available.

Those that are seeking to be DIYers and move towards more independence will be in  better positions to ride through the years ahead, because, after the 6 years, which end in 2022, there will be no turning back the tide of what is coming.

Photo credit to

The population is rising around the planet leading up to 8 billion people.  This will lead, going into the 2030’s and 2040’s to experience much of what was experienced in the 1930’s.  A trend in the 2020’s will lead into the decade of the 2030’s where there will be a tighter supply of food.  It will be harder to afford what is affordable in today’s world.  The hardships will fall on the vast masses of people.   The government will be unable to do anything to help, because this will have been set in motion many decades even before the results manifest.

We see today the results of decisions made decades ago.  In the same way, today’s decisions, whether left or right, good or bad, will manifest decades from now.

What Can We Do

What can we do as people today?  Educate ourselves, believe in ourselves.  Rely on that which comes from within.  Let go of thinking that someone other than our self will make our lives better.  Let go of thinking that an elected official controls the quality of our own life.

Allow yourself to entertain the real idea that there may be more to life than just a physical existence.  Ask the spiritual world to come forth for the purpose of helping.  Entertain the idea of Christ as “a better friend” to us than we’ve imagined, and we’ve been to Him, and Him willing to give His very best to help His friends who welcome Him in.  Remember, Spiritual help that goes unused or untried, accomplishes nothing.  Spiritual help only becomes practical – only works in helping us with our lives on the Earth – if it is practiced and put to practical and pragmatic use in our lives – by applying our Spiritual principles to the different parts of our everyday lives for the goodwill and benefit of ourselves and others together.


“The question is not who is in political power that will help the world.  The question is who is in spiritual power that will help the world.”  (The Rainbow Cards, 2008-2018, ©, Jodie Senkyrik)

The Regeneration of Mankind

The Regeneration of Mankind has begun.  It extends to all mankind.  Several principles are active during this regeneration:

Those who create the problems are given the task of fixing the problems.  Everyone has done this in present and past lives.  The problems we find ourselves in the middle of – those are the problems we are to face and do our best to help.  Many times problems are the result of many, many people and can only be resolved and helped by many, many people.  We are here to do that part that we, ourselves, can help with.

Forgiveness is an act of regeneration.  The deeper in our consciousness the forgiveness happens, the deeper the regeneration. The more comprehensive the forgiveness, the more comprehensive the regeneration.  There are many more factors within forgiveness that are still to be learned.

Regeneration is for all life.

Regeneration comes through Christ (the Christ, The Christ Spirit, The Christ Consciousness)

Criticism, judgment, condemnation blocks regeneration and motivates destructive actions against others.

Regeneration is a “generation after generation” process, meaning it will happen through generational progressions.  This also means that many will struggle against it as part of the process.  But, because it will extend through many, many generations, all will be given all methods available to them for when they choose for themselves.

No one person will understand all of regeneration or what it entails.

Each person’s path of Regeneration will be unique to themselves.


“Self-forgiveness is hard, because we can’t forgive ourselves without also forgiving all souls (and sometimes more) for the same thing.  But with the 2nd, we can also do the 1st.” (from The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006)

“Love Oneness. Love Kindness. Love Forgiveness. Love Mercy. And Love God
because these all are one.” (from The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2008)

“With God, we can forgive the unforgivable.” (from The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006)

“What God starts, God finishes.” (from The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2009)

Q & A

In which countries do you see the food shortages being most severe?

In this decade, worldwide, we’ll see the current shortages in Africa and Asia continuing, and we’ll see movement towards shortages caused by drought in North America & Europe.  I state it this way because growers ship their food products across country borders.  The food shortages will be felt at the continent level in some areas.

This will be a slow process and not really recognized as being anything but a natural progression from the past and current weather extremes that bring about drought vs. floods.

However, I’m not saying that the whole Earth will have food shortages.  There will be areas that are still abundant with food, but at increasing prices.

As I will always say, local production of food is the most effective way of facing this problem.  Relying on the giant factory farms to produce the food is a great way to avoid healthier foods.  Food that must travel more than several hundred miles has a different energy than the home energy.  This can be felt by those who can sense or feel energy.  Still, if a person is hungry, it doesn’t matter where the food comes from as long as it comes.

When you say you see an ‘event’ happening in 2015 and it’s man made and economic, do you mean a stock market crash? If it is, will it be global or isolated in a certain area?

It is not a stock market crash, which actually cannot happen as it did in 1929, because of laws and precautions put in place to stop a crash in progress if it began.  Downturns, yes, but crash, no.

The event will begin in an isolated area and spread to have global effects.  I think what I see is that it will begin at the beginning of the summer of 2015, or signs of it happening beginning in the summer, but will have a culmination and highest impact in August, 2015.  The impact on the economy will be seen as time progresses.  I’ll continue to look at this and begin posting about it in 2014.

At one time on this planet, there were creatures much larger than us who probably ate a lot more (of course I mean the dinosaurs). So why won’t the earth have enough food to feed everybody? Will the GMO foods that Monsanto is pushing have anything to do with it? Will organic food prevail?

Currently, people choose what to eat based on many socioeconomic factors.   This means that there are many “tastes” as to what people want to eat and are willing to eat.   People’s different tastes will always be varied in quality, ingredients, price, etc.  This means there will continue to be a market for the variety of “foods” that exist even like today.  As today, so tomorrow.  Some will choose convenience.  Some will choose cheap.  Some will choose healthy, etc.  Organic food will be available for those willing to buy it.  Non-organic food will be available for those willing to buy it.  If people buy it, others will supply it.  What we will see is more of an effort to try to curb the food wasting but even this is done voluntarily.  The most impact on people will be the price of food going up.  And another opportunity to say it – local food production – including personal gardening – is a tremendous solution for these problems and will become more prevalent as people recognize this.

And in all of this, remember, by the 2040’s we’ll have reached in the neighborhood of 8.5 billion people on the planet.  I’m not seeing it ever get above 9 billion – ever.

There are people who believe in a Christ figure – they call him Maitreya – and that he has manifested himself on earth and is waiting for a period when people are ‘ready’ to receive him.

They say his message is one of sharing.

What do you see in this? It strikes me as similar to the extraterrestrial visitors in nature and I wonder if these are related in any way.

There are also many other figures that yet others believe to be the Christ figure.   Christ’s message wasn’t to go “out” looking for the Christ, but rather go “within” looking for the Christ – always the Christ within – in the heart and higher mind – listening to the still, small voice within.

His message also, with regards to whomever may claim they are from “Higher sources”, – you will know them by the fruits of the spirit which they demonstrate – not walking on water, or other physical miracles, but sincere loving kindness, patience, mercy, forgiveness, tolerance, true understanding, courage, a sense of humor, cooperation, faith, and more.

Do you think that gas prices will still be high given that we now have lots of wells producing natural gas and oil?

If by high, you mean 2013 prices, then, unfortunately, yes, the gas prices will remain high, because of the growing demand for oil and gas around the world.  It is the demand, rather than the supply that influences prices, as well as how oil and gas are bought and sold on the market.  Oil and its byproducts are used in the creation of hundreds of thousands of products of many kinds.  Even if all the cars in the world were electric, oil would still be in high demand.  We can deal with this draw on our pocketbooks on an individual level, but worldwide, we won’t see prices drop much – of course, there will be some price drops at times, but not very far drops.

We have drought conditions here in Southern California. How long do you see this lasting? Will we have an unusually hot summer this year in SoCAL? The weather has been so warm that we have early spring like conditions – plants are flowering all over the place.

I see the drought in Southern California lasting at least 5 more years.  I do wish I saw better than that, but I see this.  Prayer and meditation can have a healing and balancing effect on weather patterns.  The more prayer, the more balancing.  Praying is like rowing a boat to another location – the more people rowing, the faster one gets there.  If they give up rowing before they arrive, they’ll never get there.  If they only have their hands on the oars and aren’t putting their hearts into it, they’re not doing anything.

This new energy source sounds like an answered prayer for all the people of the world who are lacking resources – water, energy, etc. Will this bring about better crops and more water (through desalination – a usually expensive process)? Will it be decentralized or will it be able to be a little unit of energy for each dwelling? And will it be a lot less expensive and dangerous than nuclear energy?

Don’t misunderstand what I’m trying to mention.  While the beginning of the process for bringing forth this new energy has indeed begun – and by beginning, I mean, the formulation of theories that would eventually contribute to it’s manifestation and eventual useability – the process is a long ways away.  We will indeed have different energies at our disposal by the end of this century.  But, obviously, they won’t come on their own.

First of all, we have many paths before us as a nation, as a planet, and as a species.  Which path we take depends on our own efforts at spiritual levels, mental levels, financial levels, scientific levels, emotional levels and physical levels.  We can just as easily miss the path of bringing forth this energy by the choices we make.  This new energy can be put on the back burner and forgotten.  This act has been done before by us humans.

Bringing it forth is not set in rock, but there will be commercial efforts to bring it forth.  It also will be hidden to many during its development because of theft reasons.

Now to answer your questions.  It could become an answer to our prayers.  The impact can potentially bring down pollution levels including water pollution levels.  It would allow the waters and air to rebalance and cleanse.  This process would be several decades in the manifestation of this result.

It can be used for many purposes which will depend only on ingenuity and imagination.  Right now, I see it having potential for both centralized and individual units.  The individual units of generation of useable energy being portable units like gas generators are portable today.  Larger units would be able to serve larger groups.  There would be a need for some new type of commercial processes for those suppliers to make money from it.  The demand for it would drive its manufacturing.

Nuclear energy will be with us on into the next century.


“Imagine life if we put forth no effort of any kind.
Imagine life if we put forth as much effort as possible.
Imagine life if we put forth no effort towards prayer of any kind.
Imagine life if we put forth as much effort towards prayer as possible.”
(From The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2007)