“Giving to the Poor” (?)

So many of us have thought, “if I had money, I would give to those who need. If I had more money, I would donate it to many charities.”  “If I won the lottery, I’d donate so much of it.”  So many times, so many of us have had this sentiment – that if we had lots of money, then it would be possible – that we would not miss it if we gave to those who were in need. It is an easy thought to have, and it is a common belief to have, even at the same time that we may realize the “WE” are the needy.

It is in these statement moments, in these moments of belief that we think, I don’t have enough to give to others.  It is in these moments, also that, simply put, we are thinking of our bank account, thinking that money is the only thing the poor need.  In essence, we are not considering the riches beyond what is obvious.  Most certainly we’re not thinking of anything of which we do have.  We’re not thinking in other directions with this idea, especially when we aren’t even aware of any “riches” which we do have.

Instead, in these moments of wishing in our hearts that we could be monetarily generous, why not look at the “riches” which we do have and give of that?

While we may look around and think to ourselves, “What riches? I’m taking care of my family and myself as best I can. What riches do I have?”

What I refer to is the riches which are given to us in every moment. These are the riches which are conceivably infinite in supply. We merely need to be aware of these riches and we can then begin giving them out… if we so choose to be this generous.

These riches are hidden, sometimes to ourselves. We don’t even know we have them, sometimes. But, we do face the experience of knowing them, because we come face to face with the “storing house” where we keep these riches. Do you understand where I’m going with this? Not yet?  These riches are meant for people who are in need, and I mean “IN NEED!”

But remember, with these riches, we also can be stingy, and give nothing, if we so choose.  However, if our willingness stays in our hearts and minds, and our generosity is the spirit which we wish to be a part of, then we can begin giving the riches which we do have (and these riches are abundant indeed.)

The riches are the ones in our hearts.  Beginning with  – the richness of forgiveness being one of the most abundant, IF we so choose it to be, and IF we’re willing to continue to give out an abundance of forgiveness which others need. There is infinite forgiveness within us, and the question then is if we are willing to give to those who need forgiveness.  There-in is the rub.  We are faced with the question, are we really wanting to be generous and give to those in need?  If so, then we can start with those who are in need of forgiveness.

In the same way, Mercy, is another richness, which exists in infinite amount within our heart and soul, and which we stand ready at the counting house door, able to give if we so choose to give.

We’ve been at these riches’ storing house doors many times in the past, and failed to realize how rich we were, … and … at the same time that we’ve chosen to not give out our riches to those who need.

We all know people who need forgiveness. We all know people who need mercy. We all know people who need kindness, and understanding. And we all know people who need our patience, and our tolerance, and many more of that which is within our own heart.

We can give out every amount we think we have, because no matter how much we give out, we do not reach the bottom of the amount which exists within us. Yes, we may reach points where we choose to not give out any of that of which we have an infinite supply – of that which the person desperately needs, but we never reach the end of the supply.

We can give out our riches in the quiet of our own thoughts and feelings. We can give out forgiveness in the silence of our time alone, thinking of another. We need not be in anyone’s presence or any specific location. We don’t need to trumpet it to the crowds. It is not a matter of where or how or why. It is only a matter of willingness to give, and then giving.

Forgiveness, Mercy, Kindness, Patience, Understanding, Tolerance, Love, Gentleness, and more, – we have a massive storehouse for these – a storehouse so great in size that it has no end and no limiting walls. It comes from within us and there is no limit within us – except when we decide to say “No. I won’t” and we close the door to that which is within us that we otherwise would have given.

Then and only then, do we close the door to our storehouse and not give of that which we have an infinite supply – and usually to someone who is more in need of what we would give them, than anyone could ever know.

The final decision is ours.  We can be generous with the riches we have within us ready to give, because there is no end to these riches. There is no limit. Within us is the Infinite Forgiveness, the Infinite Mercy, the Infinite Loving Kindness, the Infinite Patience, etc, which we are learning exists within God – and which we are learning God makes available to us, within us, ready to give out, as soon as we are willing to decide to give to others, … and to ourselves.

We can fulfill our own wish to be generous, perhaps not with money, but with some things that are more valuable than money.  And if we so choose, we can even give to ourselves.


“Forgiveness is for giving and for getting.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1992-2020, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Forgiveness is letting go of the desire to have others suffer.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1998-2020, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Being forgiven changes people.  Not in front of our eyes, but in front of the eyes of time, which is where we changed when we were forgiven.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2015-2020, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Mercy is something very good for us to be on the ‘receiving’ end.  It is for other people, as well.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1995-2020, Jodie Senkyrik)