Consider the Surgeon

Consider the Surgeon

Imagine if someone came up to you and said they were going to cut you open. It is a violent act and would be a horror to go through. Even thinking about it is traumatic. Imagine if they said they were going slice you from one end to another. These are traumatic words and to experience this is a truly horrific event. No one should go through these acts of violence or any other.

Consider the skilled and caring surgeon, who performs helpful and life-saving surgery on a patient in an operating room.

The surgeon is trying to correct abnormalities creating problems – to bring healing to the patient.
In almost all cases, the patient is unconscious and completely unaware of what the surgeon is doing during surgery, or any other part of the activities of the surgeon – which have to do with “cutting you open.”

If the patient were to experience these surgical acts outside of a proper surgery, or if they were to suddenly become conscious of the surgeon while doing the surgery, and what was happening to their body, without any understanding of what was happening, this could or would cause great fear, horrific trauma and/or deep mental/emotional imbalances within the patient.

Experiencing any understanding of what is going on in surgery can only be done either before or after being unconscious. Without a doubt, any awakening to it afterwards would need to be slow.

Meanwhile, on a side note – other not yet relevant points to mention are that, connected to this experience, in addition to the surgeon, the patient has intercessors in the form of family and legal representatives. Some intercessors in the patient’s life support hope, and some intercessors in the patient’s life support fear. Still other intercessors don’t believe in any doctors, surgeons or surgery and think it’s all wrong.

Another side note is that the surgeon also has helpers.

At some point, when learning and gaining an understanding of the skills and care of the surgeon, as well as surgery with its potential, the patient’s growing understanding can lead to develop a feeling of peace, hope and a healthier attitude about the surgery, which leads to willingness to have the surgeon proceed.

Either way, the patient has freewill to decide for themselves about all of this.

Consider the relationship every human being in existence has with God.

In a vast many cases, going about living our life, the human is unaware of God and what God is actively participating in, within our life.

Although having possibly little or no understanding of God, the human being has a main intercessory and other intercessors. Some intercessors support hope, and some intercessors support fear.
Some intercessors don’t believe in any God or Spirit life at all.

If the human being were suddenly aware of the fullness of the Infinite Consciousness of Light, LOVE and Power — God — and all which God is active in within our life, regardless of anyone’s belief to the contrary, the human would massively be overwhelmed, possibly causing fear, trauma, misunderstandings and/or mental/emotional imbalances. So, awakenings are slow.

(Image licensed to Timothy Don Lapham’s Quarterly by Timothy Dons © Scala / Art Resource)

Likewise, on a side note: God has helpers.


When the human being allows an openness to, and therefore a learning of the presence and activity of God in their life, this experience many times brings an inner sense of Peace, Hope, and a healthier state of mind.

Either way, the human being has freewill to decide for themselves about all of this.

There are reasons why not everything about God is revealed all in a single moment – just like why a teacher doesn’t teach Calculus on day one in Kindergarten. Yet, if we were to take it at our own pace of learning, we can come to understand, and in turn, this understanding then can help to bring peace, hope, a healthier state of mind, and finally in turn, gratitude for things happening the way they do.


“Consider the Healer of our Soul, the Healer of our Spirit, the Healer of our Consciousness, the Healer of our Psyche, the Healer of our Self … and the Love from which this healing comes.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2024, by Jodie Senkyrik)

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;.” Proverbs 3:5

Questions of the Future

When the current world order collapses, will it be replaced by a multi polar world led by civilizational states or a corporation ruled world govt?

Will the savings based economy return or the consumption driven credit based economy continue to rule the world ?

Will the marriage and family system cease to exist in the AI age ? S.

Hi S.,
First, I want to interject that when people see what is believed to be the future of society or the world, many, many, many people will absolutely freak out within themselves, because we tend to like the world we’ve created for today, and not want to find out that in the future today’s world and what we think of as a normal world will disappear. The future world is a foreign world to us. Today’s world is our current home.

Okay. With that said, I’ll mention that you’re jumping the gun by making some common assumptions based on a mixture of your many different feelings including an aggravation and frustration with humanity (which you share with many people these days). That’s pretty normal, right now. Fortunately, there are forces at work which are beyond the worldly forces which we see acting within the visible Earth societies and other Earth arenas.

Mankind, including all the functions of Society, is/are evolving and transforming just as much as individuals are going through evolution. This evolution is a slow process, but also an active process. Your mention that “the current world order collapses” is jumping the gun – or maybe going 0 to 60 instantly. Are you seeing all the small steps that Humanity is taking daily which are contributing to our natural evolutionary process?

“Humanity equals Evolution. Evolution equals Humanity.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2024.) This is a truth of the physical universe. This means that the changes we are going through are evolutionary changes. Yes, there are some instant changes that happen, but even with these, we recover from the instant changes, because humanity is capable of getting back up and dusting ourselves off. We adapt and keep on keeping on.

9-11, Covid, The Great Depression, Pearl Harbor – these are examples of instant changes, meanwhile all the smaller daily evolutionary changes cannot be counted, the number would be too high. Humanity does respond to instant changes, and these responses are mostly easy to see. Our responses to evolutionary changes sometimes don’t get noticed. All the small steps are happening and some without being seen.

What I’m saying is that what you expect to see as “the current world order collapses”, means possibly you’re not yet seeing all the countless small steps that are being done by millions and billions of people, each responding to one-day’s change in our world, which in turn, removes the chance of ‘the world order collapsing as a major event.’ The world order is simply transforming and evolving one day at a time. And this “one-day-at-a-time” is a good thing.

That which we will evolve into is yet to be determined. Humanity does not evolve into the “boxes” in which we already exist. We tend to evolve towards adding more “outside the box” particulars. Put another way, we evolve into what is called for in the future moments. This is a birthing process and a creative process. We, humanity, cannot evolve ourselves. Higher Creative Forces guide our evolution on all levels. The Consciousness of Infinite Creativity guides our evolution through the process I’ll call “Creative Creating”. This Creative Creating is Infinite in possibilities, and this is what we humans draw upon when we participate and cooperate to evolve/create our future. You mention 2 ideas or options in a “one or the other” scenario. Couldn’t there be more options than just those two? What if there are 202, or 2002 different options? (There probably won’t be a need to produce 2002 options.)

When we have 8 billion people on the planet, we have 8 billion people creating the new world and all the different governments, organizations, people, etc, that are chosen to lead in making decisions for the new world, all its nations, and all its citizens – whether it is obvious or not. This we can see happening now if we look back hundreds of years to see the “slow” process of evolutionary change which has already happened in the world. And yes, like in the past, we’ll have some people that want to evolve one way, and others that want to evolve other ways. I offer the ways the world’s religions have all evolved, as an example.

At times of instant change, we have seen quicker responses, but there has never been a full on scale collapse, not even during the Wall Street collapse of 1929, which did not happen on only 1 day. Most of it happened over 3 months time. What evolved from this particular event were many processing steps to take in banking and trading stocks, to stop when it looks like something like a crash could proceed again.

Will change happen? Yes. We’ll see remnants of today’s systems, and we’ll also see creative innovations which we could not set in motion before their time arrived.

One thing I’ve precognitively seen is that the United States will NOT see a 500th anniversary – with a change happening in the 23rd century. I see the US changing into 3 or 4 different nations. (I say 3 or 4 because there will be some difficulty is making decisions about which states or borders will go where.) I interpret what I’m seeing as new nations of 3 equal sizes and 1 small size. And right now, I’m not seeing anything preventing this. I see it taking about 60 years of working at it to bring it about, and I see it NOT being from violence. I think it is more like a single-celled organism growing into a 4-celled organism.

Will the savings based economy return or the consumption driven credit based economy continue to rule the world ? S.

Both will continue to be part of this world. Human beings have worked towards building better lives throughout all of history. Both the savings based economy and the consumption driven economy have served their own purposes, and therefore, been and will be a part of today and our future world. Humans are not strictly “Either/Or” beings. For the most part, humans do not have “black or white” perspectives. Humans are massively diverse and creative in vastly different ways. This is why we see hundreds and thousands of different colors when one goes into paint stores. (8 billion people who are all different can create 8 billion different ways to see the world.)

Will marriage and family system cease to exist in the AI age ?

No. For Humanity, marriage and the family system have served and do serve the purposes of mankind’s growth and evolution into directions building Love, unity, mutual support and many other worthy qualities. The technologies of today and of tomorrow could grow to the level of allowing consciousness to exist within artificial forms.

Make no mistake, consciousness does not come into existence from the physical form – any physical form. The physical form comes into existence from consciousness. This has been true of the physical universe and it is true of all life. Spiritual life was not created for or from the physical universe. The physical universe was/is created for and from expressions of spiritual life. And this is true at all levels of creativity and existence. This means that when and if the technological complexity reaches a level worthy of consciousness, consciousness can enter into this type of form for purposes of evolution and growth…. AND THE FULFILLMENT OF FREEWILL.

The challenge will be to figure out how to give the “artificial” form an opportunity for freewill, to love, to feel all feelings, and in turn, to experience our connection to the Spiritual Plane of existence as reality, in ways like humans can via Chakras. How does one invent an electronic connection to a Chakra? Until this happens, AI will have limitations.

But, these limitations will not stop anyone from wanting to marry their robots. Currently though, the level of complexity is nowhere near being able to hold a human-level consciousness. Currently, the robots are just equal to desktop computers and desktop computers do not have freewill. The consciousness level of the robot is equal to a rudimentary machine.