Q and A’s (Questions 1-7)

Some of what I have written in response to the questions, are general in their statements, rather than specific.  This is because part of our growth is to learn the general principles of Spirit and apply them in personal ways in our lives.  We are not meant to be like computers – told what to do and do only what we’re told to do.  We’re meant to take our understandings and apply them in personal and unique lives, practicing the wisdom and the principles, so that we can make these learned lessons real and applicable to a human life in the world.  At no time will freewill be taken from us to turn us into machines answering only to commands.  We are meant to develop our comprehension of all we learn and practice in order to learn more.  We practice by applying the lessons in our real life situations.


1.        I think you mentioned … about the children now seeing things in their lifetimes that we can’t imagine.  I am very interested in First Contact.  I would love to be around when that happens.  Do you have a rough ballpark estimate?  Are they waiting until we collectively evolve more; stop this senseless violence towards each other, ourselves, animals, the planet? D.

First contact has been “made” thousands of times already.  There is regular interaction with many species for generations and even today.  What you’re talking about is a public recognition of regular and recognized interrelations.  This won’t happen in a “Star Trek”-like way for many, many years.  There is possible public recognition in 30 years to 60 years, but not in a big way.  More in the “long distance” phone call way.  Then the times will be un-exciting again.  So, lots of time will pass, yet.

Look at our world and all the conflict and wars we have.  THEY DO NOT WANT TO GET CAUGHT UP IN THAT!!  Look at the ways that the politically powerful people want more power or the place in our lives where we humans place money.  WE DON’T WANT TO GET MORE PLAYERS INVOLVED LIKE THAT!!  Look at what we’re doing to this planet.  THEY DON’T WANT US DOING THAT TO THEM.

There are some that think that technology is our savior and that is absolutely an incorrect understanding.  Atlantis had higher levels of technology than we do today and wiped itself off the map and out of historical records.  Technology is the external to our internal inner spiritual guidance – and the external is never where the Savior exists.

There are some ET visitors that would help and some that would harm.  In the 2nd half of this century, we will be able to go beyond the moon.  Help with this from ETs will begin in very small ways sometime at the end of this/beginning of the next century in ways more than they have so far.  You and I will not see that this life, but more in future lives.  As a planet we are moving in this direction and it is our species future.  You will be able to see this evolution as a soul, as you continue.  Your interest in this is because you like being a traveler/ adventurer.

2.       You gave an overview of this year, 2019.  What will 2020 be like?  I know those challenging years of low energy are coming and soon.  I also know that so much hinges on choices made so I am aware that you can only do this from a big picture perspective.

I’m waiting to talk about 2020.  I’ll be posting as much as I can about 2020 in the Fall, near the time that we enter into 2020.  It is a very significant and important year.  I will also post this year’s 2019 predictions publicly in October, 2019.  [My 2019 predictions were available to the public beginning in January, 2019, for a fee of $6 – through this blog.]

3.       Speaking of those years of challenge (i.e. great opportunity), how can I prepare myself best to make it through those years and even thrive?  While material comfort is certainly nice, I guess the question really ought to be how to best prepare myself spiritually.  That’s always the key, isn’t it?  The real foundation of all things? 

The years of challenge, 2020-2026:  the best spiritual way to prepare is to practice, practice, practice.  There is no romantic activity to be a part of and no special outward or external participation that we are called towards – except —- Service and help to those who need help – including giving the help and service to our own inner being, because sometimes we are called to — “physician, heal thyself”.

The call is to respond to the outward struggles with our inward connection to the Christ or God or Higher Self or Buddha within (whichever name we use when referring to the Father/Mother God within our own hearts).  We prepare through the manifesting of the fruits of the spirit in our everyday lives: patience, loving kindness, mercy, compassion, understanding, faith, forgiveness, support, comforting, humility, charity, long suffering and the others, as well as continue to pray and meditate.  This is not just for extending and expressing to others, but also to ourselves as one more who must find our way, as a being who is united with others – and others who are united with us.

We are called to go deeper within to discover ourselves, and to discover why we sometimes choose to not love, choose to not be kind, choose to be afraid, choose to not pray or meditate.  All of this is the walking of the spiritual path, at times alone, and at times in groups and communities together.  It is from this learning process and practicing process which we develop the inner tools to help each other and make it through the Time of Challenge. 

Be open-minded and open-hearted, as Christ was/is.  It is the open mind that God fills with wisdom, understanding, and insight.  It is through the open heart that God’s love and consciousness come into this physical world.

4a.       With the evolution of computer processors and AI, how is this all likely to play out over the next 20-30 years?  I mean, there are two extremes in predictions.  The free market libertarians always say that advances in technology create more new jobs than what gets destroyed.  The doomsayers are claiming that half of us will be made redundant and rendered useless. 

The doomsayers are not saying those things for the reasons they think they are.  The libertarians are not saying those things for the reasons they think they are.  Many Doomsayers say this, because they aren’t seeing the Infinite Creative Spirit of God within each living spirit living in the Earth.  Many Libertarians say this, because they seek to promote their views of the future, and know nothing other than seeing technology and money as the primary force bringing creativity. 

Both fall short in seeing this as having an evolutionary potential, and both fall short in understanding how God, mankind and technology relate to each other.  No amount of technology will cause souls to Love God above all else and Love our neighbor as ourself.  We advanced to the point of splitting the atom and putting a man on the moon, but did these advances help us to unite as human beings across the planet?  We have created the Internet, but has the Internet ended hatred, prejudice, condemnation of those who are different or who hold different beliefs?  Technology is not a savior, but like all tools, they have their purpose and uses.  It is through the human heart that Infinite Love can come into this world.   Infinite Love is the Infinite Savior.

The extremes are not where we will be going – but sometimes we human beings have the desire to want to be important to others or promote our own views.  We want to be loved, we want to be held in high esteem – and mostly because inwardly we tend to believe just the opposite about our own self – that we are not lovable and we are not worthy of being respected, well-regarded or even to be alive on this planet.  Of course, this is a simplistic explanation, but we are faced with dealing with two directions – selfishness or unselfishness – us against them or all of us uniting together as One – putting ourselves first before others or putting all of us together on equal standing. 

And although it is easy to see these issues played out in others, we are not called to heal others where these issues are concerned.  Rather, we are called to heal ourselves.  Jokingly, I offer that after we have made ourselves perfect, then and only then, we can make others perfect.

To say human beings will be useless is like saying God is useless, evolution is useless, eating and breathing is useless, growing, learning, evolving is useless.  Humanity and evolution are synonymous.  They are equal.  There is none of one without the other.  The fear comes up, but only because fear comes with looking backward. 

The “new jobs” come and will continue to come and will continue more – being created as needs arrive.  To say there will be no jobs is to say there will be no needs to be fulfilled.  Having no needs to be fulfilled has never been the case with human beings, and will never be the case, because human beings as physical beings have needs, which are always evolving.  Human beings are constantly evolving, and therefore, our needs are always evolving.

Look at the technological influx we have now as compared to 500 or 1000 or 2000 years ago.  Question:  In our times, now, are people sitting at home with nothing to do because all their needs have been met?  No.  However, the idea is still in our consciousness that this is what we want.  The surprise to humans, as we continue to live our life is that we don’t want to “do nothing”, we want to evolve, and with this, we always have “needs”.  One of these needs will only be fulfilled by going within and developing our awareness and awakening to our relationship with God.

Creativity comes in to the picture for us to come up with “something to do” and “fulfilling the needs”.  This creativity is Infinite and is a manifestation of the Infinite Creativity of the Infinite Consciousness of God.

4b. Where on this continuum do you see the true being located?  Of course, my concern in all of this is where and how do I fit in with the emerging economy?  Anyone who claims that age discrimination is not widespread needs to talk to people over the age of 50, which I am approaching before too long.

The TRUE BEING can and will continue to create the methods and processes AND avenues in which to fulfill learning, and evolution, whether in the Earth or out of the Earth.  Many “forms” (like jobs,) are created when they are needed.  We manifest what we, as souls, need, when we need it. Notice I didn’t say, “…as humans…”


The emerging economy is one where we will ALL face the up and down cycles, … each in their own way.  The Bible tells us, “It rains and sunshines on the good and bad.”  It also rains and sunshines on both the rich and poor.”  Living in the Earth, all are subject to the Earth’s laws and circumstances.  Your own circumstances, although not the same as the other 7+ billion, they also will not be different than the other 7+ billion.  Your own situation will go through cycles.  This is a time for ALL souls to make decisions and choose.


There is no human being who has not been discriminated against in some way, whether during this life or a past life.  The fear of this coming forth again in our own current life, can trigger more discrimination.  In other words, we manifest towards others what we are afraid will happen to us.  But, we don’t always learn the lesson of not participating in discrimination towards others, the first time we experience it.  So, here we are on Earth, smack dab in the middle of discrimination alley.

While the demonstration of discrimination is noticeable, it can serve to teach spiritual lessons to those who had discriminated against others in the past.  The avenues used for spiritual lessons which are available to any who are ready to “get busy and get their hands into the good soil” – get to work on our spiritual path – are readily available – just, not always in the way we want or have decided in our head that they must look like or must show up.  Therefore, the experience of pain and suffering, including discrimination, while painful and full of suffering, have been chosen by souls as a way to experience spiritual lessons – the main one being – That which we create for others to experience, is that which we are creating for ourselves to experience.

Many souls have chosen to inflict pain and suffering onto others (including ourselves choosing to inflict pain and suffering onto others).  By choosing this, we have deemed pain and suffering to exist and if it then exists for one, it exists for all of Infinite Consciousness.  The experiences of pain and suffering which we create for others will then go full circle and come back home to the one who created them, for the creator of the experience to then be on the receiving end.  Can you see areas of your own life where you’ve experienced pain and suffering?  We all have, which means we all have helped create pain and suffering for others – whether in this life or in past lives.

The way things work is not – “God, make my will happen, not yours.” but that is how we want things to happen sometimes, isn’t it.  We want others to learn their lessons, but not always our self.   Therefore, as with other forms of harm inflicted on others, discrimination is also a “created” experience, and therefore also subject to this “full circle” principle.

The healing of discrimination, like the healing of pain and suffering, is the same principle.  The experiences we create for others is the experience we create for ourselves.  Some say a person must go through their karma, guilt, shame, pain, or on and on.  If that is what we are creating for someone – to go through their karma, guilt, etc, then we are creating the experience of going through karma, guilt, etc for ourselves, as well. If we create the experience of sincere forgiveness, compassion, tenderness, mercy, kindness, patience, understanding, support, etc, then it is that experience which we are creating for ourselves. 

This means that recognizing others in ourselves and ourselves in others is the way to healing discrimination as well as other forms of pain and suffering.  When we see someone else suffering in some way, we are also witnessing our self suffering, because when it is created for one person to experience, it is created for Infinite Consciousness of God to experience.  All souls are part of Infinite Consciousness, therefore all souls are impacted in some way by the experience. 

To see one person suffer, is to see all people suffer.  When this lesson is learned, many will choose something other than pain and suffering for others to experience.


The creativity of God is infinite, and creativity is infinitely happening.  Infinite creativity is always creating Infinity.  We can see this in a small way with the ever expanding physical Universe, but won’t understand the Infinite part until after we integrate an awareness of the existence of life beyond the physical world – into the spiritual plane of existence – something which we can “see” with our “beyond the physical plane” senses.

As we connect to the Infinite Spirit of God within us, and ask/seek that guidance from within, we tap into this Infinite Creativity which is creating brand new possibilities and opportunities always.  Those who say we will be rendered useless are unfamiliar with Infinite Creativity.  Look back hundreds and thousands of years in the history of human beings.  Question:  When was there never evolution occurring (socially, physically, etc)?  When was there ever lives who were rendered useless?  Now remember, though, technology has never, in all history, been the savior of mankind.  The higher mind/ heart-centered learning and evolution guided by the Infinite Spirit of Love – has indeed been the savior of mankind – regardless of how much technology or lack of technology has existed.

5a.       One place of interest I would like to live in for a time is the UK.  Big reason for me is the awesome National Cycle Network.  With me being an avid casual bike rider, that is the place despite the rainy weather.  I am curious about the future of the UK and Europe in general.  The native population is ageing, becoming more atheistic, and more pessimistic about the future.  It’s like they have been taught to hate themselves and everything about their culture and traditions.  Then you have a growing population of Muslims.

As the years progress, in the UK as other places, the different cultures will make efforts and some successes at coexisting.  It’s like trying to fit more people at the supper table when they weren’t expected.  Things get shuffled around, effort is called for, but the world is now this way and no one is exempt from being in the world of today.  While there are conflicts, (some at the supper table get upset with having to make more room at the supper table) there are also lessons for every single individual that is alive in the UK, and the Infinite Consciousness of Infinite Love is actively working to help every single person alive in the UK.  All the forces at work at all Infinite levels of Consciousness are at work to help all these people who exist there.  Sound familiar?

Yes, there will be “butting heads” between people who want to keep life in the UK the way that it never was and never will be.  There will be “butting heads” between peoples who want to make life in the UK shape into ideas they hold in their own heads.  Sound familiar?

The UK will not be free from the cracking of the eggshell of consciousness, with the new chicks being born.   All children of God cannot stay where we were in our awareness and consciousness of Spiritual truth – not even those of us who think we are aware and conscious of Spiritual truth.  All of us are being remade in the image and likeness of our maker and our maker is the Infinite Consciousness of Infinite Love.  Who among us as a finite human can claim that we are Infinitely Aware of the Infinite connection to Infinite Consciousness?  :-)

5b.    Europeans overwhelmingly eat pork, drink alcohol, and have casual attitudes towards sexuality and how revealing they dress.  What is going to likely happen between the two groups:  native Europeans and Islamic newcomers?  I hope both of them learn to simply coexist and accept one another.

The absolute need for infinitely diverse circumstances of life, which we all find ourselves in – are what is needed for all the diverse souls that enter into the Earth in order to evolve in our journey of spiritual awareness and learning.  Eating, drinking, casual attitudes towards sexuality, revealing dress codes are all manifestations of the different needs and manifestations of the different levels of consciousness of souls. 

Look at any one human being, even one’s own self for example, and we find lessons specific to our self and our own learning.  Look at any other human being and we find lessons specific to that person that are so foreign to us as to make us think they’re from another planet or they’re literally insane.  These are not similar souls but diverse souls, … and not all the same lessons to learn the same principles, but diverse in lessons and diverse in principles.  Different foods, different drinks, different attitudes towards sex, different political views, and more and more are all manifestations of the Infinite Creativity of the Divine, for helping all of us to struggle and learn of who we are as a diverse humanity. 

This is why our beliefs being different from each other are not as important as what our beliefs motivate us to do to each other.  Different attitudes towards drink, food, sex, politics, etc are always going to be different from one person to the next.  This is why our most important spiritual lessons are practicing compassion, patience, tolerance, mercy, forgiveness, loving kindness, understanding, and the like – especially with people who are very different from ourselves.  (Continued after the July 29, 2019 segment.)


Added July 29, 2019: 

Practicing the fruits of the spirit-loving kindness, patience, mercy, forgiveness, tolerance, charity, etc – are not just meant to provide something to do, biding our time, until the day comes that we all believe the same way so that there is peace among us.

It is the opposite – it is the diversity of thought, beliefs, and ways of living that have the purpose of calling us to practice the fruits of the spirit.

It is for the development of the fruits that all the diversity exists. The purpose of diversity is for us to do the work of developing loving kindness, patience, mercy, forgiveness, tolerance, charity, etc –  in order to create peace among us. Put another way, the purpose of diversity is to have relationships, environments and circumstances in which the practicing of the fruits becomes the path to finding peace and goodwill towards all men.


(Continued from previously)  For myself, my learning has taken me to learn that it is not what is external of ourselves (eating, drinking, clothes) that causes problems (“sins”), but what is internal – those attitudes and feelings within us — the heart and mind, the feelings and judgements, the openness or closed-ness of our own heart and our own mind.  There is plenty of open heartedness and openmindedness in society, but there is also plenty of closed heartedness and closedmindedness.  It is the open mind that learns more from God.  It is the closed mind that stops learning from God.  It is the open heart that loves more.  It is the closed heart that stops loving. 

Choose for yourself, and know that it is the judgement of the Infinite Existence and possibilities which the Infinite Consciousness of God brings forth – that throws us off balance on our spiritual journey – and what we judge becomes a magnet to which we are drawn into, if we refuse to learn what is it like for the soul who we are judging, and instead judge and condemn them.  That which we judge and those whom we judge – mirror parts of our own infinite consciousness which we have yet to learn to “Let Go of Judging” as well as that part of ourselves being judged — will come forth if we are needing to learn to let go of judging this aspect, but instead have chosen to only let go if we come face to face with it within ourselves.

Remember, all that exists, exists inside the Infinite Consciousness of God.  There is nothing that exists that does not exist inside the INFINITE Consciousness of God.  So, those souls we judge, we are blocking out a part of the Infinite Consciousness of God.  We need not experience all things on the Earth, nor do we need to create pain and suffering for others, but to judge and condemn others’ lives is to judge and condemn the efforts of God to teach and bring forth growth.  We can choose the path we walk – the life we live, but because we are not yet Infinite in our own understanding of the evolution of all life, we cannot take the Infinite Consciousness of God’s place in being a judge over another person’s life or over another person’s circumstances.  We cannot judge different possibilities in Infinity with having a human finite understanding of all the different ways to live life.

However, we all have freewill to listen to the guidance of God, and we all can learn from both experiences of 1. listening to the Still, Small Voice of God within our hearts or 2. not listening to the Still, Small Voice of God within our hearts.  We can pray for others and send light to others, so that they (and we) can hear the guidance of the Infinite Consciousness of God. And through Infinite Mercy, God can take our “Not listening” experiences and turn them into learning lessons for us.

6.       If Donald Trump gets reelected, then what do you see in the Middle East in terms of war and peace?  I asked you with my last reading about that.  Right now everyone is sort of waiting to see what happens in the US.  If Trump gets reelected, then support for Israel will be such that they have carte blanche to keep doing what they have been doing (my hypothesis).   If he does get reelected, what are the consequences for the US and the world at large?

Regardless of the political leanings of readers, I will write what I see. 

The percentage chance of Donald Trump getting elected is less than 3% in the range of possibilities.  It is so low that I’m not going to look into that time line.  We are not in that timeline or dimension.  The percentage would have to move from 3% to over 50% and the forces in our world are just not there for that to happen.  In 2012, I foresaw the Republicans winning in 2016.  It was clear. But, look how many people believed Hillary Clinton would win – a shoe in.   I’ve foreseen the 2016 winner being a 1-term president for years and there is no “change” to this.

To use a metaphor, (positive to some, negative to some) the door is being bolted shut for that to happen and the only thing that has not happened yet to make it complete is that we haven’t removed our fingers off the bolt knob as we are locking the door.

While that can come across as anti-Trump, if Hillary Clinton had won, I would be saying the same thing, only it would be about Hillary Clinton – and that the Republicans would win in 2020.  Whomever won in 2016, both candidates would have been 1-term presidents.  Also, regardless of peoples’ feelings about Donald Trump, both sides can truthfully say, that he is someone who got in the game and gave it a shot.  Many become the target when they get in the game, but getting in the game is how the game is won (and sometimes lost).  No one wins if no one gets in the game.  Those who criticize others the most need to throw their hat in, and GET IN THE GAME!  Don’t pity those who get in the game and get criticized for their level of play.  Pity those who never choose to get in any game.  It is one thing to try and then win or lose, but it is another thing to never try.

7.       I am interested in getting a glimpse into China and its future as well as how the rest of the world will be impacted by their growing role in global affairs.  Will they dominate, become part of a multi-polar world, or will they get old before they become that powerful?  Their society is ageing too, more quickly than ours.

They will change much in this century, however, it will be a natural, evolutionary change and not a radical change.  Their energy and change comes through different ways than the US and other parts of the world.  This works for them.  They are a billion people and this force is one that is strong enough through natural evolution to make changes that are right for all the people.  This means that we won’t automatically see much change unless we study the country and people in depth.  The “controlling” part of some people’s attitude will all but disappear naturally through government officials’ policy to meet the changing times — by the end of this century.  Change naturally happens when the older generations (people) die and newer generations (people) are born.

No section of people of the earth “gets old” culturally or socially from physical aging.  It is more a shifting of focus.  The physical aging process merely adds to the anchoring of the evolution energy which I speak about earlier.  They are a dominant group, but the other 6.5 billion people currently elsewhere on the planet have their own intentions on which way to go, also.  The Earth is governed by all souls living on it, and the needs of each soul to grow in our/their spiritual awareness.

We will see the individual level of activities there and have the chance to catch quick glances at different parts of their society, but these are small points to consider and like tides in the ocean – will come and go in cycles.  On the small time scale, in our lifetime, we will see them solidify their commercial base in their own country.  Trade is their best avenue.  And their desire to “control” things will only be manifested in the short time scale.

Commenter’s Information about 2017

There was a summit of 300 plus world´s best psychics ….a gathering ….Something very bad will occur in a year and a half time. A danger to the world in 2017. Evil forces of this world are preparing very bad things to happen. So, best world´s psychics came together to see what could be done about this. Don´t know what will happen ….a very big event in a bad way for this world. Could be this evil forces the IS atempt to throw an atomic bomb? They are capable to do such even if this way destroy themself too. Wish to know more about this Psy [Psi] summit, sadly have no further information on a subject.  M.

Please add a link to information about the Summit if you have or find one.  Meanwhile, you can add my name to the voices mentioning this 2017 Event.  I’ve been seeing it for about 10 years, also.  I will begin writing about it after the event in the Caribbean happens.   I see it having warning signs in 2017, but I see the beginning of it at the end of 2017 and beginning of 2018.  There are steps we can take to prepare for the 2017-2018 event, but I’m not getting into it until after August, 2015.  We have time to prepare for 2017-2018.  It is not a natural disaster like the 1st and 2nd of the 3 disastrous World Events.  It is economic in nature.  I will NOT write about it until the event in the Caribbean is responded to and people are being helped through our prayers and other methods.  This is more important right now.

Don’t guess at what it can be.  Go within, sit in silence and stillness, and ask the question in the stillness of meditation.  Pray for information.  In the quiet moments are when you’ll sense information or be open to a visual image coming to help you understand.

All of us can get information in the quiet of meditation, but it comes as a “whisper” (metaphorical word) in the silence.  Use your intuition to try to tune into the “tapestry” of the whole.  If you “pull on a thread of the tapestry” you can begin to understand and get clear on the  information.

Also, all of us can get helpful information in dreams – about the past, present and future.  But, remember 99% of dreams ARE NOT literal.  They will come in picture messages, like hieroglyphics, and “action” messages, like movies that have a message – not in English speaking sentences.  They must be studied and examined to gain help and guidance.    We do a disservice to and mislead ourselves if we only look at dreams as literal.  I recommend joining dream study groups or reading any of the good books on studying dreams.

Those that sincerely seek guidance from spiritual help – God, Holy Spirit, Christ, our angels, our guides and guardians on the other side, saints – will get guidance from spiritual help – but we have to do our part to learn the language and method in which they convey their help.

This method is more often holistically – meaning multi-level, all together, multi-faceted  – like a very orderly orchestra playing – all coming together.  We have to unravel the tapestry to gain the whole thing.  We have to listen for specific parts which leads to the whole.  Their method of conveyance is through consciousness and not linear language like we speak and write here on Earth.

This is why listening, studying, being open and even writing down what we get is so important.  In the same way that Dumbledore said, “Help will always be available at Hogwarts to those that ask for it,” in the 2nd book/movie, spiritual help will always be available to each and everyone of us who sincerely ask for it in prayer and meditation.


“Do not trust the doubt you have in yourself.  Do not trust the doubt you have in God.  These doubts are not the truth.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2000-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Too often we trust self-doubt simply because we know it so well, and it has been with us for so long.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2000-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

Commenters’ Questions

Hey good night i am from the island of Barbados and yesterday July 23 around 1-30-3 am there was increased seismic activity with Kick em Jenny volcano that is located north of Grenada and as a result Grenada, Barbados and Trinidad were placed on an Orange Level of warning of seismic activity and the possibility of tsunami but the media are saying the volcano is too deep under the ocean and therefore tsunamis are unlikely. But i am a bit concerned as we have been getting quite alot of earthquakes of the northeastern coast of Barbados. I was just wondering the 2nd world event you have been mentioning is it kick em jenny or do you see a bigger volcano eruption some where near Barbados and in terms of the volcano, tsunami etc. how will Barbados be affected in relation to the entire 2nd world event? and do you think this will happen very soon do you have a specific date that keeps coming to mind?
Thank you. God Bless!  J.G.

Rather than answer all the questions you have on this blog, again, you’ll get more detailed answers if I refer you to select the category “2015” or “South America” (and a few articles from “2014”) where I already have about 3 dozen articles which go into detail about what I’ve been seeing.  I don’t want to give a short version here now, when details are really what are needed.  You’ll get those details from the articles in the Categories in the right hand column of this page.

FYI, as far as I’m concerned, there is no such thing as “too deep.”

*****As of July 27, 2015:  I’ve added 3 categories referring to the articles on the 1st of 3 world events, 2nd of 3 world events and 3rd of 3 World Events which I’ve been writing about.  Select any of these categories and all the articles tagged will come forward.

Any word on Barbados at this time – they are under orange alert for the next 24 hours
from kick em Jenny  J.M.B.

If what I’ve been seeing is accurate, and these are the signs I’ve been expecting, then the entire area, not just Barbados, but the entire area needs to be on alert.  I strongly suggest you take precautions as you would a major hurricane – store extra food and water, medical supplies, batteries, radio, etc.

Unfortunately, I see it being so much worse than a hurricane.

As for the volcano, I see a volcanic opening on an old volcano but also new area.  Not two separate unconnected areas, but both being connected to each other.

I see many, many people being destructively affected, so prepare.  The dates again as I’ve written in other articles – I see mid-August being the start of many parts of the whole event and mid-September being the last of all the parts that are the whole event.  By October 1st all of it will be completed.  But, the response to help will have already begun and some of the debris will travel the winds across the Atlantic.

Folks, every time I look, I see it happening.  I wish I could say “maybe it won’t” but every time I look, I see it happening.  But, I’m not God, so being human, I can still be wrong.  However, prepare.  Don’t wait and see if I’m wrong.  If you do nothing else, you should start preparing.  Water, food, medical supplies, living supplies, “loss of electricity and water utilities” supplies, and more.  Not just for yourselves, but to share with those who need.  People will die without help.  I see every area around there being affected in some way.  Some more so, some less so.  It’s time to prepare.  It’s already been time to pray and send light.

I am curious to know what do you foresee what will happen to my country Guyana i humbly look forward to your reply. P.J.

Guyana is also in the area and I see it being affected.  Although long ago, I thought the center of the whole event might have been Guyana, I have for a while now seen it happening off the coast of Venezuela.  People of Guyana would do well to prepare, also.  You’re too close to not be affected.

Dear Jodie , signs are already here . Seismic activity in the Caribbean has increased significantly. This has already started , is going like you said. Keep us informed and please pray for us. C.75

I see the “signs” diminishing during the 1st week of August, and being quiet the 2nd week of August.   If they start back up on the 14th or 15th, then the whole thing is starting.  And if that, then the night of the 16th and/or morning of the 17th will be the worst of it, but not all.  The whole of it is now stretched out, so that all of it doesn’t hit at once.  This is good and is part of the help already coming from peoples’ prayers and higher Spirit’s working.

Believe me, I’m praying along with everyone else.  Regardless of our location, we’re in this together.


God is committed to helping us.  We need to be committed to helping each other, as well.

Psychic Predictions for 2015

First of all, in the category listings entitled “Predictions” on the right side of this webpage is a listing for “2015”.  These are articles I’ve already written which include that which I see psychically ahead for the year 2015.  So, there’s more information than what I’ll add here.

Second, there is no more need for a password.  The article,  More of the 2nd of 3 Events: A Call to Prayer, is now open for public viewing.

Third, I don’t profess, in any way, to see everything that will happen.  I see what I look for in order to see.  If I don’t look for it, I don’t see it.

Let’s get going…

Weather:  As I’ve written before, the winter of 2015, January & February, now, will be a lot milder…. except for the areas around the Great Lakes, and in the New England states on up through Maine.  These are going to be cold winters again.  As I write this, there is a bad cold winter coming for Christmas for the Great Lake and New England areas and they’re going to have more on through to mid-March/end of March .

Meanwhile, the rest of the country as a whole will have uncharacteristically warmer weather.  Get your snow skiing in early.  Start your gardens early.   Addendum on 12-27-14: Now I’m seeing a late cold front for the Midwest and Southwest at the end of March, 2015.  If you start your gardens early, like I will be doing, be ready to deal with one last cold front at the end of March. 

The Economy:  There will be some details that will get brought forward in time, but the stock market will have a pretty decent year in 2015 and on into 2016, also.  So, the economy is doing well, according to this psychic, and the stock market is doing well enough, also.  It’s a mostly good year for investing.  We’ll have one bad area of investing, but I’m not seeing what it is, yet.  As the year progresses, I’ll keep looking to pinpoint what to watch out for.  However, on the whole, it’s a decent year for investing, so let it ride for another year.  The one area of investment that I’m seeing that will have a bad year is because of the bad things happening in the industry and the low public opinion.  So, let this be a clue to watch for.

Gas Prices:  Enjoy the lower prices while they’re here.   Of course, they’ll eventually come back up, but we can enjoy the lower prices while they’re here.  Their being low is helping people have more spending power which helps the economy.  Remember this point, because the opposite is also true.  (When the gas prices are high, spending power is reduced greatly which hurts the economy.  This has happened before, hasn’t it !)  Don’t let the low prices now fool you.  Electric cars purchased yesterday, today and tomorrow hands down will be in better position for the future’s gas prices.  These low gas prices will not last.  The game of pricing gas will bring prices back up.

The Political Scene in Washington DC.:  The best metaphor I can use for this particular collection of elected officials is – a car driving on wheels that are half round and half square.  There will be a few months of teeth gritting cooperation, and there will be months when all hell breaks loose and they go at each others throats.  Then, it will cycle through and happen again.  (BTW,  have you ever seen a car driving with square wheels?  As the talking shrunken head on the Knight Bus in “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” said, “Hang on.  It’s going to be a baumpy ride.”)  You knew that though, right?

Around the Nation:  California’s water shortage will be getting worse.  And worse.  And worse, in the years ahead.  What they need to do is plant billions of trees.  As I’ve mentioned before, removing trees creates desert drought conditions over time.  Putting them back restores a rain equilibrium.   It’s not hard to understand, if you study the science of it.  Trees act as insulation.  They greatly reduce the great fluctuation caused by the heat buildup in the soil to the atmosphere which leads to high pressure which leads to drought.

Texas water drought will not be going away and Texas’s water wars are going to get worse.  I use the word “wars” because that’s what it is and what it’s going to become even more.  This will escalate on past 2015, 2016 and 2017.  The government in Austin will wring their hands with being able to do nothing to get more water for people, while they allow for fracking to continue using greater amounts of ground water from all over Texas.

Midwest: The Midwest will see less rain than they need, but enough to continue to grow some food.  Some areas will have enough, others won’t.  In general for the area, the food production will be down, because they won’t have enough for all they could grow, but there will be able to keep most farming going.  We’ll see some prices rise on food because of lower production.  This isn’t news to anyone, but I don’t see the situation getting better.  I don’t see it getting worse yet, either, in 2015.  SIDE NOTE:  If you haven’t started growing your own vegetables, it’s time to start.  If you don’t know how, go to Youtube where you’ll find 1000’s of helpful videos that people have uploaded.

Pharmaceutical Industries or rather, the people who run the Pharmaceutical Corporations have slowly been moving in to control the medical fields, including the AMA licensing board.  They have pretty much stacked the deck on the AMA, now.  Almost all the personnel on the AMA are so far tied in to the Pharmaceutical Industries that there is very little stopping the people running the P.I. from running how medicine is practiced.  Alternative Healing Methods and Practitioners have a bull’s eye painted on them, and the rest of this decade, they’re the target of the Pharmaceutical Industry lobbies.  This I psychically see to be where things are going.  Doctors will almost be forced to prescribe drugs for conditions, or risk challenges to their licenses, even when better remedies are suggested.  I don’t see good things for the medical field.  As hard as it is to believe this, I see it psychically to be what is happening, but not easily seen by the public.

What I do see is that some practitioners will pull together to fight against some of this takeover, but they’ll need people supporting them.  If people don’t affect changes via the voting booth, I see the people running the Pharmaceutical Industries controlling the practice of medicine for decades.

For individuals, medical information will be available on the Internet, but even that will be attacked using misinformation and outright lies (yes, it’s what I see psychically, believe it or not).  Still, anyone who seeks Alternative Healing Methods and Practitioners will find them.  Just don’t forget that these people have an uphill struggle sometimes to be of service to you.  Ask them about their “battle scars” sometime – in other words – ask them what they’ve faced to practice, and what their outlook is for their future practicing.  Then ask them how one can help.

Oil Industry:  We’ll see more oil spill accidents in 2015.  I see one in Northeast Texas and one in one of the Midwest states – somewhere near the Kansas/Nebraska border.  The damage being done by oil companies and their practices in the biggest part of the Midwestern states from Kansas to North Dakota to Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin is absolutely amazingly massive.  Those states will suffer from this for this entire century.  Very, very few are aware of how massive the damage is.

Natural Disasters:  1. I see the 2nd of 3 major world disasters happening in August, of 2015.  The Japanese events of 2011 was the 1st of 3.  This one will happen off the coast of Venezuela and the impact of the force will be southward.  I go into more detail in the now unprotected article, More of the 2nd of 3 Events: A Call to Prayer, which I’ve added information to in reverse chronological order through the months I was becoming clear on the information.  The earliest dates and information are at the bottom of the article.  With this event, I see some potential impact on Florida, but not life threatening.  The worst will be a wave of up to 3-4 ft in height – but, keep alert, in case I’m wrong about the height.  There is much less danger to Florida than a hurricane would have been, because Florida is protected somewhat by other land masses in the Gulf.  The most dangerous areas are the South American north coast line and the islands in the area.  The islands northward are in harms way, although not as serious as the Venezuelan coast line, but some.  Signs for this event will happen in June and July.   I’m 98% sure of this as of this writing.  … I see it beginning deep within the Earth – I interpret that as volcano and earthquake and tsunami, all 3.  The US will be in a better position to help than so many others, but helpful response will come from all over the world.

Regardless of what I project as what will happen, stay alert to how or if it could get worse.  Watch in June and July.  Get ready.  Prepare.

2. The Madrid Fault:  In 2015, the Madrid Fault will only be slightly active.  I see the potential for some small earthquakes through the year, but mostly in the 2 and 3 range, and only one possibly in the summer, July, maybe that will get to either a high 3 or at most a 4.

3.  California Disasters: Summer forest fires, as usual.  The loss of trees just makes things worse for California.  I’m seeing potential for one large or a series of smaller earthquakes in the eastern area of Southern California.  Not Los Angeles proper, but in the eastern half of Southern California – in San Bernadino County.  If it’s not a large earthquake measuring 6.5 or thereabouts, it’s another type of disaster – like an extremely huge fire.   But, I think it’s the earthquake.  It will be felt from L.A. to the western half of Arizona.  Many, many praying can bring this down to a 4 or 5 point earthquake.  The maximum it will get is 6.7.  I think the epicenter will be just east of Barstow, along Hwy 40.

4. Sunspot Activity:  In 2015, it will be stronger than in 2014.  Those who follow this will see the summer/fall months producing some very strong sunspots.  VERY strong.

5. Hurricanes:  The 2015 hurricane season will be moderately active.  Currently, I see 3 hurricanes going up the East Coast and 3 Tropical Storms going up the East Coast.  South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and Virginia will get the brunt of the hurricanes and Tropical Storms.  I think 2 of the hurricanes will take most of their force up the coast and out to sea.  Florida will have storms, but I’m only seeing 1 Tropical Storm causing serious problems for Florida.  That one will be on the west coast of Florida.

The Gulf of Mexico will see a few hurricanes mostly small – almost just Tropical Storms, and going into Mexico and Latin America.  Texas will see one storm during the hurricane season, but not a hurricane.  I don’t think it will be formed into a Tropical Storm when it comes into the southern area of Texas – Brownsville to Corpus Christi.  It will be more like a tropical wave or depression.  It will bring rain.

Misc:  I see something “odd” washing ashore on the California and maybe, Oregon coasts (mostly California.)  If I’m accurate, this will happen in April through June, 2015.  It looks like human-source debris of some kind – it would have to be a lot to be noticeable right now, psychically.

Around the World:  I’ve focused mostly on North America because most of my readers live in N.A.  I’m willing to take a few specific questions about different areas of the Globe – the more specific the question, the more specific the answer.  I will choose only a few questions that are sent to me, but I won’t be able to answer all.

In 2015, China will take a more active role in world events.  The Pacific Rim countries – I don’t see a lot of drastic or dramatic events happening.  There will be news of the area, but nothing beyond the regular events.

The electronics industries of Asia will continue to do well and prosper in 2015.  The Japanese Auto Industry will be stable as will the Korean, and the Japanese A.I. will be more stable and better for investments.  Both will be worthy investments, though.

The Pope will be even more visible and active in 2015 than he has been so far.  He will be traveling and making many very public appearances.

South Africa – in 2015, it will still experience social “growing pains” and struggles.  But, slowly it will progress and move forward.  I see effort and struggling and slow progress.  This is a good thing.  Slow progress is more stable than other types of “progress” because more people support it over all.

India will continue to grow in the business arena.  India will be a good overseas investment area for long term investments.  It will continue to grow for many years.

Finally, from specific areas to the globe.

Global warming is real and will continue to get worse.  We’ve not seen the worst of it, yet.  I wish I could say the opposite.  There is no magic bullet or magic beans.  ET’s won’t be saving us.  Technology will help and hurt us both.  The Earth as a place to live will become worse yet.  Remember the analogy of the frog in the pot of water slowly coming to a boil.  The frog dies, because it gets used to the water getting hotter.  The frog dies, because it does nothing to change things.  We are on the road to suffering more than anyone can imagine.  I’m sorry.  The good news is that the human race doesn’t lay down and let ourselves die.  There are many that bring forth innovation and help.  Support these.

These are dire words and I’m saying them, because we will need to rely on ourselves, individually, more and more with local centralized organizing serving local people the best.   While life seems normal for some, we also know that we’ve been adjusting to the warming.  If we were to jump ahead 10 years, we would see a world we didn’t recognize.

HOWEVER, !!! there are things we can do.  We can do something about all this today – this year. Ideas are already out there.  Actions to take are in place.  Ignore those that deny this.  Ignore them.  They choose of their own free will to deny what is true, in other words- they choose not seeing – to blind themselves and to blind others.  There is no changing the hearts of those who desire blindness.  Don’t let them blind you.  Ignore their words and move yourself forward with knowledge, cooperation, effort and practice.  It is said, “Let those who are blind, stay blind.  Those who have eyes to see, let them see.”  Get your hands dirty in the soil of life.  Join others, help, seek understanding.   As we seek ways to move forward, we will find ways to move forward.

And remember, God is real, and more than our beliefs can comprehend.  God is actively involved in our lives and very much aware of every aspect of all our lives (still beyond our comprehension.)  Yet, God never forces His help where there is no open heart that seeks His help.  Instead, God does fill the open mind and open heart -that welcome Him – to overflowing.


“No one understands the all of God.  No book, no speaker, no story, no anything can ever hold an understanding of all of God.  Consequently, no human understands the all of God – not even when we tell others (and ourselves) we do and pat ourselves on the back for being so smart.”  (From the Rainbow Cards, ©, 2014, Jodie Senkyrik)

More of the 2nd of 3 events – A Call to Prayer

December 25.2014

(This is the previously password protected article and no one needs the password from here on.  This is written in reverse chronological order with the earliest parts at the bottom of the article.   I always added at the top of the article.)

The closer the time comes to the August, 2015, event timeline, the stronger I see it, but I also see that prayers will help.  I’m currently seeing it happening during the 2nd week of August with the earliest start time being August 7, the earliest visibility time being around August 9, the earliest reporting time being the first week of August, and the event day being between August 11-15, with the highest possible day being August 13th and 14th, 2015 both.

November 17, 2014

Here’s an odd piece of information that came forward in discussing predictions – around 58,000,000 years ago, processes in the Earth started that set up the foundation that is contributing to this event.  Then, 16 million years ago another contributing process happened within the Earth, then more as time gets closer to now.   (Yes, even this information is available in the Akashic Records to be gathered.)

As time continues, I’m seeing the event happen, and I’m NOT seeing it NOT happen.  Both of these are important.  What this means is that I’m seeing the processes that will lead to it and I’m seeing that with these processes in the Earth happening, and having happened, it can’t not happen.

I see a volcano, but more than a volcano.  It’s almost like the volcano or volcanoes that is/are currently there will be made larger.   The potential earthquake and tsunami will come as a result of the volcano/s.

After the new year, I’m going to make this a public article.  Some preparations can be made.  Greater benefits would be to not be in the area from the 2nd week of August until after the 2nd week of September.  I see it happen in August, but the devastation could be harmful to life until after mid-September.

November 2, 2014

I haven’t mentioned much lately, but as time progresses I still see additional aspects of the event.

I’m seeing June and July, 2015 being very prominent and if these two months have some serious activity, (I think – geological activity) then the 2 months will precede the month of August bringing much worse.

The 2nd to 3rd weeks in June is what I see, and then the 1st to 2nd week in July.  Then I see a lull until the 2nd week in August.  I see the beginnings of the August event being deep in the Earth.  Now, in August, I think I see earthquakes over about 7-8 or so days, causing a fissure deep in the Earth’s crust that will trigger volcanic activity off the coast of Venezuela.

If there is no activity in June and July, 2015, then the event in August will be much, much less.

October 10, 2014

I continue to test the vibrations that I believe I see, in the hopes of finding that which is accurate understanding of what is vibrationally visible.  With this, I believe I’m not seeing a meteorite effects and result, but the combination of an earthquake and with it – a volcano spurred by the earthquake.

While I’ve seen what looked like the results of a meteorite, I’ve never seen a meteorite, itself causing the “results”.  This doesn’t mean there is none, but I still don’t see it.

Meanwhile, we’re reaching a time that we now must wait and see, spending the time praying, meditating to bring forth and send energy/light.

October 2, 2014

“So, the second event you see happening is between July and Dec 2015 with a two month pre-warning…..then the 3rd (economic) event will happen within the following 4 years ? 2016-2020……how on earth could we possibly prepare for any of this?”

As time goes on, we’ll have more exacting information.  But, meanwhile…

We prepare the same way we prepared for Japan’s event and the Indonesian Tsunami.  We live our life.  Be aware.  Pray.  Meditate.  Learn.  Love.  Live.  Laugh.  We do the best we can.  Obviously these events are serious, but living our lives is more important than having perfect preparation for any of these or like events.  If special preparations are in order, then common sense and wise decisions are what are called for.  I’ll share what I suggest and see is helpful as time continues.

We will face all kinds of situations all of our lives.  We will face pain and joy, agony and ecstasy.  No event of any level or magnitude calls for us to live a life in fear.  Live wisely – yes.  Be cautious – yes.  Take appropriate action and response – yes.  But, live in fear of life – no.

Always and forever, the issue isn’t whether we’re prepared or not prepared for the future Earth disasters.  We can take wise steps to some extent, but remember death happens every day.  The real issue is whether we’re preparing for helping and healing our relationships with those in our lives today.  What steps have we taken to love, to forgive, to show mercy and understanding?  Relationships are what we live with every day.  This is where we need our real effort.

The important relationships I refer to also includes relationships with our communities.  What steps do we take to strengthen our communities,  or support those members who may not have what they need?  How do we contribute to the lives of those around us?  This is where we start.  If we can unify and help solidify the lives of those we’re connected to, we can survive any disaster.  If we strengthen the brotherhood/sisterhood of humankind, we can face all of life’s challenges.

If we’ve done this work, then even if we should die in an event, we would have succeeded in preparing for the most important parts of life – and leave the legacy of Love and service from which others may learn and follow.


“The next time you wonder how to deal with certain people, don’t ask, ‘How would Jesus deal with them?’.  Ask, ‘How does Jesus deal with me, when I’m like that?’ ” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1999-2014, Jodie Senkyrik)

September 10, 2014

One of the things I saw during the 2006 hurricane season which never manifested – was the Christ Spirit and Energy covering and protecting the entire Gulf of Mexico all the way into the hurricane mid-season of 2007.  This presence came because of millions of prayers from across the nation for the Gulf Coast as a result of Hurricane Rita, and had the affect of balancing all the energy that would otherwise have manifested as hurricanes during 2006.  Remember, Christ said to the storm, “Peace, be still.” and the storm quieted.  As 2000 years ago, so also in our days.

I now do see the beginning of a start of the presence of Christ Energy and Spirit.  This Spirit and Energy comes as a call from prayers and meditations.  Christ knocks at the door and can only enter through the door if welcomed.  We do welcome Him.


“The fall of the asteroid is the first phase of this judgment, the second will be the shock-wave on these places, immediately the earthquake of 12 degrees, the tsunami, the three days of darkness and the sixth will be the outbreak of a great pestilence. This will be the worst of the six events. It will be a result of the decomposition of bodies floating on the water and left unburied. (The 3 days of darkness and the flooding of oceans and rivers will make it very difficult to get rid of the bodies). Everybody will be affected in different days and times.
No matter how many medications are stored, Jehovah God will bring this nation back to His feet, through this punishment. God will move the entire continent in a way that has never been seen.”  G.

Your views and beliefs are common in our world.  But, let’s examine this.  Believing in a judgmental, vengeful God has contributed to millions and millions of people believing that natural occurrences are the manifestations of that vengeance, and millions have gone on to believe that they must carry out the vengeance of the God who they believe exists.  At the same time, then, millions and millions through the ages have suffered and do suffer at the hands of and at the perceptions of those who believe in – and justify their own actions based on – a vengeful God – a God who brings condemnation, punishment and death as His gift to humans.

Isn’t that why we’re in such a mess on this planet?  All along, we’ve used and still use bitter, rage-filled anger, our own desire for vengeance and our own condemning of ourselves and others as the fuel for the fire.  Then we justify our own hate-filled actions adding pain and suffering to people’s lives by calling it either an act of God or our own “acting on God’s behalf.”   I suggest that what we pursue in our own life to further and develop within ourselves, is the kind of God we’ll decide to further and believe in – including vengeance within ourselves and therefore within the God that we choose of our own freewill to believe in.

Even the Bible is filled with vengeance attributed to God.  Look how easy it has been to further that belief and teach that in our world.  Yet, when Jesus came and told us, “He that has seen me, has seen the Father,” (John 14:9) Jesus carried out absolutely no vengeance, whatsoever.  None.  In fact, what He gave us and demonstrated to us was the exact opposite of vengeance, the opposite of hatred and the opposite of condemning each other.  What He gave us was the chance to witness a Father/Mother God of Loving kindness, of mercy and of forgiveness.  He demonstrated compassion, tolerance, understanding, helping service, support, patience, and goodwill to everyone and everything. “He that has seen me, has seen the Father,” (John 14:9) is what He said.  Yet, many of us still choose to believe the opposite of what He said.

Your views and beliefs are common in our world, and of your own freewill, you can continue to believe as you decide for yourself.  I would suggest that the kind of God we decide to believe in, is what we will seek to become like.

I don’t choose the views and beliefs that you state here.  I believe in a God whose gifts to us are Tolerance, Understanding, Life, Love, Service, Mercy, Goodwill and never-ending Presence, Patience and Help in our lives regardless of what we believe.  Perhaps you might agree with some of this.

I think we benefit from striving to believe in the very best God that we believe could exist.  We then may strive to be the very best children of that Father/Mother God.

There are over 7 billion people on the planet.  No two people believe exactly and perfectly the same.  That means there are over 7 billions different belief systems on the planet.  That’s not a bad thing.  Imagine if everyone believed exactly the same thing in every way.  No belief would ever be challenged.

September 9, 2014

I”m now convinced the timing is about right.  With signs beginning in June, 2015 through July, 2015 and the event happening in August, 2015.  Why am I convinced? Because I realize now that I’ve also been looking for ways for it to NOT happen and I can find none.  By “ways” I mean ‘timelines” or event lines or some way that I can be off or completely backwards or not see correctly to give some hope or chance that we can avoid it as a planet.  But, I’ve found none.

The world will experience this – not all in the same way – but like the Indonesian event and the Japanese event, the whole world will watch.

Since there were two tsunamis for the Indonesian and Japanese events, it’s also possible that a tsunami will occur in this one.  Whether caused by an earthquake or meteorite, I’m seeing a giant wave moving southward into Venezuela.

September 5, 2014

I believe I’m coming to a point to make this public.  Each time I look, I see energy playing out in the form of a unique event that will come forth physically as a catastrophic event.  I use this wording because this is the process that I am aware of.

I present the information not as a means to frighten, but a call for prayers for any and all ways that may help in some beneficial way for those involved.  This is the time to respond now – with a call for prayers to help in whatever way God knows will truly help, and I say to all that God does indeed know very real ways that will truly help – more-so than we do.

God does NOT reveal Himself through disasters and horrors. God reveals Himself through the hearts of those that respond to help during disasters and horrors.  God does  not inflict punishment in the form of earthquakes and natural disasters.  God is in the people’s hearts that rush in to help those who are hurt or suffering because of the earthquake.  These events are natural events and truly if no human existed on this planet, any “disaster” would go unnamed as such, because no human would be harmed.  These “natural” events have happened before mankind came onto this planet and will happen after mankind moves on from this planet.  Even the sun’s eventual expansion and engulfment of the planets of this solar system is a natural event.  Yes, God’s hand is in the creation of all things, but believing God to be infinite Love and infinite Mercy, then we can look to how we respond during events like these in order to “see” Him.  Hence, why it is God in the responding to help those who are hurt, injured, homeless, etc. and not in the cause.

While I’m not seeing a clear cause, yet.  I’m seeing the result of the cause – this being a “tsunami-like” event heading south towards the northern part of Venezuela.  The direction is southward from it’s causal point.  However, the reverse of the force will then be felt throughout the islands in the Caribbean.

While I’ve tried to identify the cause, I am having difficulty with either seeing it or believing what I’m seeing.  It may be possible that the cause is a large meteorite that hits in the waters off the coast of Venezuela and lands at such an angle that the water is “pushed” onto the coast of Venezuela.

And, again, a natural disaster but one where God comes forth through the work, the hearts and the willingness of those that help others who are in dire situations.

If it is a large meteorite, then the “signs” in June and July, might be precursor meteors and/or meteorites in those months.

I think the “explosion” I was seeing may be the result of a large superheated meteorite hitting a body of water.  This easily can be many!!! times larger than a WW2 size atomic bomb.

Could I be wrong?  Absolutely.

August, 26, 2014

The prayers of a few will save many.

I’m not seeing a direct connection with any events happening at this day and date – 2014.  What I’m seeing is in the neighborhood of the same levels of destruction as the Japanese devastation of 2011.  They had a 9.0 earthquake, a massively high Tsunami and a radioactive disaster/meltdown.  19,000 people died. In 2013, there were still 300,000 living in temporary shelter.

In 2010, Haiti was devastated by a 7.0 earthquake that killed over 200,000 people.  While I haven’t considered this before, this event might be part of the 2nd of 3 events with the 2nd half happening in August, 2015.  But, I don’t think so.  Because this happened to an isolated area.  I think the 2nd of the 3 events is more than a 1 country event.  Japan’s events affected many other countries.

I think the event off the coast of northern South AMerica will be a multiple country event.  I believe those other countries will be the many islands in the area, on both sides of Venezuela, some of the Gulf Coast, and then on through the Atlantic.  I believe we’ll see the death toll go up to hundreds of thousands, if not more than a million.  It is conceivable that some of the smallest of the islands may disappear – islands that are sparcely populated.

I think the region it will hit most will be the Venezuelan coast, with Guyana and Columbia getting hit sideways.  I think it will happen close to the coast line of Venezuela and the devastation will go southward mostly.  In looking at maps of the region in the water, there is deeper water northward and this could help the islands north of there – Puerto Rico and such.  The islands east of there will be affected, of course.  But, I see the major force moved southward with an epicenter of some type being NNE of Caracas.  I’m seeing the darkest energy and most destruction from Curacao to Port of Spain.

Then many diseases will spread like wildfire.  This will affect the same areas and the diseases will escape the efforts to contain them completely for quite a while.  There will be little to no SAFE drinking water for so many areas, which will help the diseases spread.

The islands east of there.  I’m not sure, but I may be seeing them almost being wiped off the map.  It’s hard to see this because of my own difficulties with what I see.  I try to see accurately and yet I see such disaster that I hope isn’t what will really happen.

“The prayers of a few will save many.”  This is the time to start praying.  The event cannot be stopped, but people can be saved.  I don’t think we’ll get enough prayers but if you’re reading this consider yourself part of a spiritual Red Cross.  Your prayers are being asked for.  There is much we can do through prayer.  We have a year to go before I see it happening.

The signs of this will be in June and early July.  I think there will be earth events in the Gulf of Mexico east of this area – perhaps Cuba in June.

If any of the oil rigs in the Gulf is destroyed from a Gulf Tsunami, then the whole Gulf will be a disaster area.  The shorelines along the Gulf will be the biggest mess we’ve ever seen.  Take a look at the Japan event disaster.  Each aspect of the disaster affected the other aspects of the disaster.  I think we’ll see waves along the entire coast at that level – several feet high Tsunami.

The prayers of a few will save many.

August 20, 2014

I believe I am identifying a Tsunami as part of this event.  That is why it’s devastation spreads to islands and eventually goes out into the Atlantic.  It appears that the force of the Tsunami is facing southward.  But, some smaller part is going to affect Florida, Cuba, and the northern Islands.

While I’m NOT seeing this as of yet, I’m wondering if there could be a land mass that comes out of the water.  This would have to be accompanied by massive earthquakes.  I’m trying to see what I don’t like seeing.

August 5, 2014

I see the entire North East portion of land in South America being affected by the event in August, 2015.

I see it possibly being connected underground to the 8 point earthquake in Chile.

July 19,2014

While it will affect the islands in that region, I think the spreading of the event, will dissipate the harm that it would inflict on any one area.


I think I see it being about 10x-20x worse than an oil spill like the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, but the problem with be spread out over a much larger area.


I’m starting to see something of the size of a volcano happening underground, perhaps a nuclear explosion.


By the Spring of 2016, this event’s effects will have spread throughout the entire Atlantic Ocean.


August, 2015: 2nd of 3 events – Is This For Real?

With looking at the event of August, 2015 coming, and believing that it is real, then it doesn’t take any time at all to start praying.  If I’m the only one speaking about this, then very few if any will move out of harms way.  If I’m the only one praying and meditating to help, (which I know I’m not) then very few would be helped.  When the scientific community begins to contribute information, the questions will still be, “what does the data mean?”, “Can a disaster be predicted?” and “Is a disaster really possible and going to happen?”

Today, what can we do?  Pray, ask for guidance, meditate, send energy, be alert, prepare if we’re near, and more.

To those who are willing to do what needs to be done, that which can be done – can be started now.  Any of us that are reading this, are we any of those who are willing to do what needs to be done?  Good.  Then, let’s proceed.

The issue will never been, “How many can “I” save by making this public?”.  The issue will always be, “How many of all of us are willing to pray and meditate?”  It is this that will save people.  Remember, “The prayers of a few will save many.” Imagine what the prayers of many can do.

I will open the password protected “August, 2015” blog article to the public on Dec. 25, 2014.

I act according to what I feel within myself, and what I think I’ve come to understand and learn of life – the same way as every other human being that has existed and will exist.

Still, that doesn’t mean I’m right in what I write or how I handle this.  However, when anyone judges or criticizes me (or anyone in general), it doesn’t in any way mean they’re right, it only means they’re judging and criticizing me (or anyone in general.)  Anyone who judges and criticizes is no more right (or wrong) than anyone else with their thoughts and feelings on a subject.

I don’t make the information public, yet, because there is still a possibility that I’m seeing everything inaccurately.  It could be quiet in the Caribbean in August, 2015. I will go forth with my information on Dec. 25, 2014 and continue to work at identifying accurately what I see from then on, also.  If nothing comes forth in August, 2015, I will then investigate why I psychically saw what I saw, and how it came to NOT happen.

However, I believe what I see coming, is coming.

Radiation from Japan

Many are talking about future disasters, including radioactive fallout from Japan.  I’m not seeing radioactive fallout from Japan being the bear others are saying it is or will be.  If you look back, though, on my blogs, I do see radiation high in the atmosphere.  However, I don’t see the amount in the atmosphere causing widespread harm to people in the US.  Those few at very high sea levels – above 9000 ft, will get some of the radiation, but again, the amount is not at a level that would cause widespread harm.  In the US, I see more fear than reality regarding people who will come into harm from radiation, and then it’s exacerbated – the people made vulnerable – from the high altitude and the sun’s effects.  The amounts will be measurable, but the harm to U.S. citizens will be negligible.

I see some of the western Pacific waters around Japan being harmed by the radioactivity, but I also see this being dissipated by the wide oceanic expanse eventually.  Will this harm the waters off Japan?  Yes, and it already has.  But, this part of the mess does have the ocean’s size helping it dissipate.  It will eventually be resolved.

Still, I will also admit that it’s prudent to stay alert to potential harm.

Predictions for 2012 and Beyond

Two friends of mine, who are also intuitive and receive information about this time and more, have shared information with me.  D.T. and C.B. have shared information about the 2012 impacts and the years coming up.

D.T. shared information regarding spiritual changes happening starting Dec. 21, 2012.   His information rings true when he shared it with me.   I share his information and my explanation of why it’s accurate in my latest audio file available here and on the download page.  Warning, it is difficult to understand on the surface, but if you listen through to the end of the discussion, hopefully, an understanding will come.

And in a discussion with C.B. we both confirmed what the other was seeing – a dark time/destructive event or series of events happening sometime in 2014 to 2016.  I see it more happening in the 2nd half of 2015 and in talking to him, we fleshed out more that there would be real signs in the two months leading up to the major event.  (I’ve had a flash of how it would manifest but at this moment, the flash is eluding me.  However, I will seek more information if available.)

I talked about this some in the blog article “Japan and Earth Changes”.  In the article, I put forth that the 2nd is weather related and speak of a seriously devastating 2014 winter.  What I get now is that the 2nd event is more than just a bad winter in 2014.

It is the second of three major events of which the 2004 Tsunami of Indonesia and Indian Ocean was the Preface of three events.  The Japanese Nuclear/Tsunami disaster was #1.  Two more disasters are in place to manifest.  In talking to C.B., we were able to identify that two months of signs giving warning will precede the 2nd event.

By the time the Summer of 2013 comes upon us, I believe I’ll be able to give information on the severity or non-severity of the 2014 winter in time to prepare, if needed.   Remember, I’m seeing the 2nd event in 2015, not 2014.

Meanwhile, I believe the 3rd event will now be spread out over 2017-2019/20 and will be economic in nature.


Having faith has always been God’s answer to a problem.  Not having faith has never been God’s answer to a problem. (From The Rainbow Cards, ©, Jodie Senkyrik, 2006-2013)

Use your imagination to imagine what it would be like to have Christ holding your hand right now.  Do this when trouble arises, too.  (From The Rainbow Cards, ©, Jodie Senkyrik, 2006-2013)

Japan, Earth Changes and Predictions for 2014: Weather

Let’s begin with Japan’s current state. The helpful aspects have been seen – the cultural support. International support.

The landmass. While it is true that this has been a significant shift for the landmass. This is also not unheard of when earthquakes happen. Some consider this an `end of the world” event, but it is not. Some consider this an “end of Japan” event.  It is not.  However, it is one of the most major of events to affect this earth, as we now know.

Some have reported that it cracked the island in two. This is a “Yes, and no” truth. It caused land mass movement and this movement goes deep into the earth, but in no way has this island now become two islands. Not even close.

The major devastation related exclusively to this particular earthquake is finished for Japan and will only continue in minor ways from other earthquakes as this event sequence settles down.  However, it looks like there could be a 6-7 point earthquake in the 3-4th week in May. This will not duplicate the devastation because it’s already happened. It will make people concerned greatly though.

The rumblings deep in the earth underneath Japan will continue and diminish into June, 2011. It will settle down in the Japan area but the shifts have moved and opened up the volcanic channels east of Japan, and in October we could see increased volcanic activity in the Pacific – a little in Hawaii, but not necessarily in a major way in Hawaii, but some of the other volcanic islands in the Pacific. Some increase in Hawaii, but I think more increase in the Pacific as a whole.

The devastation related to the nuclear power plant is long from over. “If all things stay the same,” it will be several months yet – the middle of May before they are able to effectively bring the radiation exhaust to a close. The deaths from this will also be added to the numbers. The illnesses from this will number in the hundreds of thousands over the next 16 years. The Japanese people will be treating those affected by radiation well into the 2nd half of the 2020’s. We won’t hear much more of this after the next few years have passed. This information will only be recorded in medical databases and government offices as time goes on.

As medical progress is made, better treatments will be available. Much of these advances will be in Japan. It will take about 4 years from now (2014-2015) to make the 1st significant medical step forward, and then another 7 years after that for another, which will then be the step that will greatly reduce the effects of the radiation. So, 10-11 years from now we will see successful remedies for those still alive and suffering from the effects of radiation.

The U.S.
The radiation will eventually reach into the entire western half of the United States. Not in great levels, but in measurable levels.  Lower elevations and more southern areas are the least affected. The greater and more dense the atmosphere above an area, the less radiation will be affecting people. Higher elevations in the Rockies will see higher levels of radiation which will find its way into the rivers and waterways that lead to the lower elevations when the snows melt. This will be most measured and observed during 2011 and 2012.

The radiation levels will not be devastating in the U.S. It will be at a level which can make those already seriously sick and in the most vulnerable position health-wise, become worse. It will affect those with severely compromised immune systems in a detrimental way.

For those that are healthy, it will be handleable, and may not even be noticed. The areas most vulnerable are the northern California coast up to Alaska, but there will be some from central Cal coast line down into Mexico. Some measurements will discover radiation levels higher than normal, but not in a danger to the public at large.

Only at very high elevations will the public at large need to be aware of potential problems. There is no stopping the radiation, but it is incorrect to think that all radiation levels are deadly. All are not. There will be increases in radiation levels, but not deadly increases.  Again, only at higher elevations, especially in the Rockies, will there be levels that can seriously impact health.  This means that wildlife will be affected in a detrimental way, also.

Those cities that have smog will find that their air pollution acts to shield and absorb some of the radiation. Strange world sometimes.

Earth Changes:
In 2005, I “saw” the Indonesian Tsunami as being like “an introduction to a book”. The “book”, metaphorically speaking is the earth changes yet to come. To continue with the metaphor of “the book”, there are 3 chapters to this book. In the same way as an introduction to a book doesn’t have the same strength as the book, the Indonesian Tsunami was not one of the three events. It was only an introduction to the events.

The Japanese event is “chapter one” or rather the 1st of 3 events. Each will be a major event affecting the entire world directly physically and/or indirectly economically.

Also, the Indonesian event was fully an earth event. The Japanese event was both earth source and human. The combination of the Earthquake, the Tsunami and the Nuclear Reactor disaster all add up to the first chapter to this most dramatic of “books”.

While I had not been fully able to see a timeline for all events in 2005, with this event happening, I’m seeing a time line now. I see the 2nd event happening in the time range of 2014-2015. I believe I’m seeing it be weather related. I believe it will be the most devastating winters ever to be on the planet FOR SOME, BUT NOT ALL AREAS OF THE PLANET. The weather will be compounded by mankind not being prepared for the winter-related effects.  For instance, loss of electricity will cause serious problems for some areas, as we saw happen in 2011.   There will be food and fuel shortages in some areas due to extreme temperatures.  Not long-term shortages as in months, but for a few areas, in central US and in some southern state areas, in the neighborhood of days to several weeks.  Preparation will diminish this affect.

While in the U.S., 2011 was a major winter event year, I think I’m seeing the 2014-2015 winter being far worse. Not just for the U.S. but for all of North America, the eastern Coasts of Asia, and in its turn the western coast of South America and Australia.  Britain will have a worse winter.  Continental Europe will have a more severe than normal winter, but not as severe as the western hemisphere. Russia and northern Asia will have a more severe winter than normal, but the worst of it will still be in the western hemisphere.

Interestingly enough, I’m seeing the winters of 2012 and 2013 being milder than usual.  If they are indeed as I see, then prepare for 2014, because events in 2013 will then contribute to the extremely serious winter of 2014.

Weather is changed by human consciousness. Ignoring this fact only means it will continue on the path it is on.  Prayer and meditation affect weather.  If anyone has concerns about prayer for the weather, I ask you to consider, what would God ask of us, to pray or to not pray?  What does Christ ask of us, to call on Him, or not to call on Him?

I see the 3rd and final “chapter” of this “book” in 2018 to 2019. I’m not yet clearly seeing the form it will take. I do believe I’m seeing it be man made, though.  As Yoda said, “the future is always changing”. The future can be changed. As the angels told Lott and his wife in the Old Testament, 10 people can save a city.

When I “read” in 2005, I also looked at how much can be changed of this that I “saw”. I saw that 20% of what I was seeing could be changed or healed, to the point that it would not happen. 80% was so well developed energetically, that even if all souls transformed and left the planet as enlightened beings, the earth itself would still go through these changes to rebalance itself in it’s own process. The combination of humans and earth processes have both created these energies that are now seeking to manifest.  80% is not stoppable and is already set in motion.  All events contribute to the events that follow them.  Weather patterns are like staircases, with each step contributing to the one after it.

The forms in which the energy will manifest into the earth and lives of the human species (as well as all life on Earth) will not be completely finalized until the split second that it happens. However, tendencies and probabilities for specific forms are a reality in this process of seeking manifestation, and this energy will lean towards specific forming into the physical world. Much of this energy can manifest through people’s lives, and some will, but that which doesn’t, will manifest through the earth itself through a change or reaction to the forces acting to manifest the physical event seed energy.

The energy seeking manifestation must come into a form based upon the pattern of the energy. This is why the New York destructive event of 2001, (which Edgar Cayce predicted as a different form- an earthquake) was only the two towers collapsing. The destructive energy was as such a large amount that if people had not worked spiritually throughout the previous decades to bring about healing to ourselves and our planet, Edgar Cayce’s prediction for New York to suffer a devastating earthquake would have occurred exactly as he foresaw. (As a side note, if the earthquake had occurred, the attack on the WTC would not have happened.)

Because people did raise the vibrations of ourselves and the planet, much of the energy directed towards New York could not stay in existence when seeking manifestation with the new higher vibrations that then came from the spiritual efforts. With continued unselfish spiritual efforts within individuals and for the earth itself, the vibration level continues to rise and thus continues to “heal” or dissolve the lower level destructive energy looking to manifest.

So, with the events of this “three chapter book”, it can easily be said that God has given us time in between each event to recuperate from the previous one and work to raise the vibrations of ourselves and our planet, through changing the level within ourselves from which we draw our desire to live. We have time to continue to try to affect some change in between events. We also have time to prepare for coming events.

Either the selfish (which is lower) energy will be what we draw from to live our lives or the unselfish (which is higher) energy will be what we draw from to live our lives. One direction of our thoughts, feelings, actions and beliefs will dissolve the lower energy manifesting, the other direction of our thoughts, feelings, actions and beliefs will maintain it.  Deciding to let everyone decide for themselves is an unselfish decision. God has given everyone freewill. Let us not act to try to take away from others that which God has given to all of us.

With the angels telling Lott and his wife that 10 souls can save a city, we can understand then how we can affect some changes in the whole world – by working unselfishly to contribute our efforts to grow, learn, and manifest the greater aspects and fruits of the Higher Spirit for the benefits of the whole of life on this planet.

I’m ready for questions.