Society will NOT collapse.

In the continuing years of the 2020 decade (and beyond,) regardless of what anyone is saying, I’m still seeing that society and the economy WILL NOT collapse. They will not. The world’s societies and economies will be stressed, and they both won’t be doing as “normal”, but neither will they cease to be or collapse. For many, many people, (not everyone) I’m seeing that events during the 2020’s will bring stress, and be difficult – life will not be “normal”, but we will not collapse – or give up.

Many are screaming and will continue to scream from the mountain tops that the end is near, disaster will fall upon us, all people should fear, horror and doom will be coming – economically, politically, and spiritually. And many want to believe this, because it serves certain perspectives people have about life, their own feelings, and their own hopes and intentions. Many believe this, because at times, for human beings, it is easier to have faith in fear and bitterness, than it is to have faith in our self, other people and God.

But, make no mistake. There are too many who recognize and have faith in the Spirit of God existing deep within our very own hearts and minds ready to come forth when we open ourselves. There are too many helping all of us in ways we many times are unaware of except through our practicing trust and faith. There are too many reaching down from on high, taking our hands as we reach up to the heavens inside our prayers and meditations. There are too many who do follow and practice the words to love God above all else, and our neighbor as ourselves. For those who believe these words, we are not left alone to face this time alone. We have legions of help. (Yes, I used the word “legions” correctly, because this word is accurate in describing our help.) This help is both on the Earth, and beyond the Earth – many present among us in this physical realm and many others beyond this physical realm.

This is a time that has been predicted by many, and here we are – now is the time for which we have prepared.

Will there be many who are affected in small ways? Yes, there will be some who won’t experience much, except being present and aware of the suffering of others. But, there will be few who are left unaffected, with the call to each of us to reach out our hands to help others and to be helped by others – uniting in the circle of helping each other. Freewill, given to us by God, will not be taken away from anyone, and we all, individually, will choose how we respond to all the difficulties and the help that is FOR us and that can be FROM us.

On my blog, I’m posting for those who are willing to take practical precautions for their own benefit as well as possibly be in positions to be able to help others – and the need for help will be, and even now, is great. We will take it all in stride, because for years now, we have been working to acclimate to difficulties of many kinds – by already experiencing many kinds and thus preparing us for potentially the worst yet to come.

Because of what I’m seeing, I will add that we have the Light within us, also. We have everything within us, either to help unite each other or else to foster fear and distrust of others. We have everything within us either to contribute to growing stronger or else to contribute to greater prejudices and conflict. We have everything within us either to help bring forth greater Light – Help – Strength – Support into each of our personal worlds, or else to bring forth insults, bitterness, rage, confusion and intolerance.

We are here either to choose willingness or else to choose unwillingness to let our heart be a source for help to come forth. We are here to pour ourselves forth into areas of life we can contribute to and help with, so that we actively become the “better wine” (at the wedding at Canaan) – if we continue to pursue this in our hearts and our actions.

We cannot diminish the darkness (especially during 2023 and 2024), but we can be ready to respond with the Light within our own hearts and giving this Light to those around us – in the form of helpfulness when the time comes, patience with others, compassion for those of us who are afraid, understanding towards those of us who panic or lash out in fear of any form of collapse of a world – including the world of our own personal paradigm – and mercy to any who choose to bring forth their hatred and abuse.

Mercy is one of the most important qualities to practice, as it opens the door to “not striking out”, to being patient, to trying to understand the person’s heart and mind, and many other things.

Letting go of judgement and criticism is one of the most important when we remember to let go of judging ourselves at the same time. We cannot take God’s place in being wise enough to judge the depths of any person’s heart, mind and soul. When we integrate this into ourselves, we are then aligning to this for our self, as well. (After all, we are our own worst judge.)

Taking life “One Day at a Time” is one of the most important, as the way of the Hebrews traveling in the desert for 40 years. Our lives in this decade can very much feel like we are doing the same thing – walking a 40-year journey through deserts. We are learning to remember that God takes care of us all under the promise of taking care of us “One day at a time” … which many times we see through the help each of us offers each other,

Angels don’t look like their pictures

…as well as through the legions of angels and helpers from the spirit side of life,

…as well as from the Light of the World, Christ,

…as well as God’s movement in the Earth (in the still, small voice available to us within our very self.)


If it sounds like these years will be people vs people – Yes, I’m also seeing this, but not in the way one may think. We are already seeing this and experiencing this. Remember, these will also be election years and the political wars will be part of the darkness, and not just in the US. Anyone who chooses of their own freewill, to go to war against another – warring in any form, attack in any form will not have freewill to choose taken away from them, even though the opportunities to do these attacks will be less and less.


My friends tell me also to share positive information, and for me – the positive is what I see when people call upon very real Spiritual Help. When uniting with this Spiritual Help, we allow our better angels – who are with and within ourselves – to come forth, remembering that no amount of bitterness, verbal abuse, or threats and intimidation have ever healed another person’s heart or mind.

But letting go of judgment and condemnation of the other person does help. None of us are without sin to be able to throw the first stone. No amount of verbally abusive attacks and insults have ever stopped another’s verbally abusive attacks and insults, but letting go and moving on serves. No amount of judgment and condemning another has ever brought peace and kindness to a relationship. But patience and merciful understanding has helped. No amount of reasoning or logic has ever healed a soul who is losing the battle with themselves. But, compassion and support has helped. Inflicting pain and suffering on another has never healed anyone’s pain and suffering, but long-suffering, compassion and prayer has helped, and will continue to do so.

It is within our heart that we hold all keys to unlocking the loving kindness which is our answer. It is within our prayers that we call forth the help and power to transform our individual and our collective experiences. It is within our meditations that God comes saying, “Come Unto Me and I Will Come Unto You.”

Compassion, mercy, forgiveness, patience, and Long Suffering and loving kindness will help our self and others. The pain to be healed is not just physical, but mental and spiritual, as well. We have been experiencing much of it already. There are no shortage of problems and issues in the world to struggle over contributing to conflict and despair.

While these words in my blog posts are not for everyone, I offer them now, so that some may gain some hope or help, after having read this. If this is helpful, then in reading this and experiencing this, then may we realize that God is fully and completely aware of all that is happening and has help available to those who will call upon Him/Her when in need.

Peace on Earth, and Peace within ourselves is possible with God.


Where Patience is, love is,

When mercy is present, love is present,

Where forgiveness exists, love exists,

When compassion is felt, love is its source,

When long-suffering is experienced, love is the embrace holding our hearts, and…

Wherever Love is, God is.

(The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2022, by Jodie Senkyrik)

2014 Article on the Ukraine

I posted the following article on May 27, 2014.

Question About the Ukraine

I mention then how important it is for all of us to continue to pray. As we see, this region and war has now affected the entire world.

It is important for us to continue to pray for all. Prayer is like rowing a canoe and/or rowing a ship. It takes 1 person to row a canoe – to pray for 1-person events. But, millions to row a great ship. With this war, it will take millions of prayers to help end this war.

It will always be true, that we have war, because we have not yet prayed enough to bring an end to war.

Please, continue to pray for the end of the war and for all life on the planet.

(©, 2014, 2022, by Jodie Senkyrik)

A Little Change

Things don’t change – our life doesn’t change – by getting up in the morning and thinking today is no different than any other day. “I’ll just do like I always do.” “I’ll do my routine.” (So many times, we tell ourselves this simply because we’re tired even when we get up in the morning. So, we honestly sometimes hope that we can do the routine.)

Our life doesn’t change by accident or without our knowing it. Sure, life happens and the circumstances of our life change all the time – either life kicking us in the gut or life passing us by – is what we call this.

But, our life which we bring forth into the world – the life we create – the life we want to pursue – comes from within us.

This part of our life changes when we get up in the morning and say to ourselves, “I’m going to try harder today to bring forth something new – to make a change – either I’m going to think differently today, I’m going to see what I can do to make something different today, or I’m going to do something to work at changing something in my heart, or inside my mind, or in my actions, today.”

For many of us, at the end of the day, we want to be able to say, “I did something different today. I changed something today.”

And maybe, “I’ll say the same thing to myself, again, tomorrow morning.”


Why Predictions Sometimes Don’t Happen as Given

“I went on to visit your website, and I came across your March 4 prediction regarding the Russian/Ukrainian war, where you wrote about it lasting about 6 weeks, with the adversaries sitting down at the table in April, to talk over the end, and finally the Russians leaving in June. …. [I have] a desire to understand why the March prediction was so far away from the truth.” P.

This is a very worthwhile topic to write about. There is a big hole in the general understanding of what Psychic Ability is and what it isn’t. I will use my past posted information as the focus to add more information about why predictions sometimes don’t happen as first described. There are many more misunderstandings than there are understandings. What I’ll try to do here is give an overview of many of the influencing factors and forces which are involved with presenting psychic predictions and the predictions then not being fulfilled. I won’t cover everything, because that would require a library full of books, but I’ll address some main points using the Russian/Ukraine war as a good example.

First, there are a number of factors which can contribute to information not “lining up”, including the normal role played by differing personal beliefs, personal perspectives, personally understanding the readings differently than was intended, and many other personal influences which color the passing information from one person to another, including when I have trouble seeing due to my own state of mind and body. These are not the main things which I have seen in this case. These factors can be dealt with as a reading happens, and so they don’t always have to interfere as much as people might think. (They do many times interfere, but they can be dealt with during the reading if one becomes aware of them in time.)

(Sidenote: A basic premise to set the foundation is that psychic reading can be like being in a library, having someone ask a question and then going to find the appropriate book (information) on its shelf. For anyone who has ever been in a library, this metaphor is a good way of understanding the extraction of psychic information. The more specific the questions, the more specific the answers will be.)


In the case of the R/U war, what I’ve seen impacting the predictions is the significant drop in the prayers for the Ukrainians.  Prayer is massively powerful but is dependent on how many pray and for how long. Prayer generates changes. In this case, I psychically read one timeline at the beginning of the war, when there is a great focus and many prayers by the whole world onto Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine nation.

This invasion had people around the world praying and as time went on, people around the world prayed less and less, soon moving their focus on to many of the other things of life which also needed attention. Less and less the media attention was having the war being upfront of all other news. Less and less media coverage thereafter influenced less and less attention from the world of people. This type of diminishing (or increasing) process influenced changes in the timeline we are existing in and therefore the outcome. With freewill, there are infinite timelines on the many decisions to pray or not to pray.

But, since freewill is always a truly dominant force and factor, with people (of their own freewill) deciding what to do every day, pray or not pray, focus on the R/U war or not , the timeline changes every day. The overall impact of prayer and meditations IS significant and real. Fortunately, in general, those who regularly pray will continue to impact events in positive ways.  We are reminded in the Bible that the prayers of a few will save many. Prayers really do change the future.  But, freewill will never be taken away.

When I psychically read events, I’m reading one timeline and don’t completely take into account billions of people’s individual choices of whether to pray or not pray.  Because of freewill of billions of people, the timelines can massively change and causes the predictions to be overwhelmed with information rendering it unhelpful and inaccurate.  Believe me, all this information – the past decisions, patterns of decisions, and potential decisions of billions of people every day, are all available in the Akashic Records – to be read. It’s part of the paradigm of reading psychic information. The way to handle this is by pulling out from individual levels and move to a level of reading humanity as a whole.  The best description or metaphor I can give in reading humanity as a whole is like calculating statistical predictions – in this case, the describing of the path of the greatest human-invested energy which comes from focusing on the topic and having an inner intent for the direction the topic takes.

Confusing? Yes, sometimes, but information is available to be psychically given pointing to a strongest possible outcome. All the while, one must recognize (and I’ll always mention this) that no force can put aside freewill of the individual – not stars or planets or anything else. These and other forces exist but freewill was given by God and will not be taken away. All the behavioral patterns, intentions, impulses, habits, and compulsions are part of our making choices, but not as strong as freewill.

Centuries and millennia of doing one thing does not erase that a person can change their direction and decide some other action, intention, belief, thought or feeling at any second. The questions arise – will Adam and Eve choose to pick the fruit? Will Judas choose to betray Jesus? Will Jesus choose to follow God’s will to the cross?

No one is a machine, and no decision or choice is 100% destined to be made no matter how strongly indicated, and so freewill is a factor in all of these situations. We always have a choice on how we relate or behave towards another person. We are not destined to harm or kill, or even love or forgive someone. We make the choice of our own freewill.

So with the war, in any writing or sharing of information, I’ve begun listing the time range, when the earliest something could happen and when the latest something could happen.  This takes into account the fluctuation which can happen with human choices. Then with this, the day I give readings, I will get potentially different or slightly different information than on another day. The information is for the timeline which begins on the day of the reading. A future day could be a different timeline.

Because predictions involving people will always have freewill as a factor, if a person chooses the same decision 99 times out of 100, the prediction can be accurate except for the one time when something causes the person to choose the other choice. When we take into account that a person is constantly changing who we are from one moment to the other simply by existing and living life throughout time, we are not the equivalent to the other “ourselves” during any of the 100 times. We are a slightly different total person with each of the 100 times we make a decision. With all those decisions where 50% of the time we choose one way and 50% of the time we choose the other, we open up quite a lot of possibilities with all the factors yet to be chosen – and then predicted.

There’s always going to be freewill choices impacting when something happens, because people change their minds and change their attention onto something else. Sometimes focusing on many different important things at once. People are not one or two dimensional beings. We are multidimensional – even beyond three dimensional beings. As such there are billions of factors that go into making the sum of the human consciousness, and all of who we are tends to be who makes our decisions.


Everything in the past up to and including the present is recorded in the Akashic Records. Now – there are some events with a path that is so “set in rock” that the event is in almost all timelines with a great strength of the forces bringing it, but there are some that fluctuate and can change regularly.  For example, the thought process for imagining and then putting down on paper, then gathering people and building plans for this war, are all information through the years leading up to a very high possibility, almost all “set in rock” that the war would happen. The intention for traveling this road by those in authority has been so strong, and subordinates followed the will of the leader to carry it out.

As I give predictions, I’m giving what I see as the greatest energy towards being decided or happening – the timeline holding the strongest amount of energy. This energy coming forth is en route to manifesting into the physical realm. The energy is built in the minds, hearts, thoughts, actions, intentions, and hope of those who pursue this. Even at the last minute, before he gave the order to invade, Putin could have chosen to not invade.


At the same time, when dealing with this war, and other events based on human choices, I work to offer hope. I also work to give the most possible outcome at that moment in time with the stipulation “if all things stay the same, this will happen” – the timeline will stay in this direction.  But, things don’t stay the same, and didn’t – people stop praying, decisions are reconsidered, other forces change, etc. and therefore the timeline is then changed.


Seeing the future is like looking down on someone driving a road, and I’m up on a mountain.  I see where they’re at, and I see how their road has many possible directions and forks.  I see their patterns of choosing directions in the past, and I then see their possible intention and route. Many times, there’s also a percentage of times where they choose A and a percentage of times they choose B. 

I see the prediction they are intending this time, knowing that the future can change, because they could choose A, B, or even create C, D or E. Since, human beings currently tend to be creatures of habit, and we tend to grow up learning what we like and what we don’t like, I make my prediction – knowing the freewill past choices, and that the chosen outcome could change based on information not even yet created.

Wars are ever-changing and can be challenging to predict what will happen. Hence why giving time ranges for beginnings and endings does help – as time ranges incorporate many changes in decisions about the beginnings, decisions about in-betweens and decisions leading to the endings. Since many psychics see similar information as well as different perspectives from within different psychological filters, then some psychics might predict different outcomes. The understanding and interpretations of the outcomes can also mean different predictions can all be considered to come true.

Earth (physical landmass) events and sometimes elections are a little easier, because the influencing factors are in place for a more long-term time period, and “the road choices” are fewer. Many voters make decisions long before the elections or are predisposed to vote a certain way for many years. At the same time, many times the future changes, and therefore even in this situation, I work to stay current to psychically read from each new timeline. To be very precise, all information up to the moment of psychically reading the information is permanently recorded in the Akashic Records, and the information for the predictions for the future comes from the past and present – yet, pointing at the future. But, then there are also spiritually-planned events which can be inserted into timelines. These come from sources of great power and energy and are not very easily changed, if at all.


The Book of Jonah describes when God gives Jonah the task of going to Nineveh and telling them of their impending destruction because of their evil ways. The people of Nineveh heed the warning and change their ways. Because of their spiritual efforts to change, God does not destroy Nineveh. Jonah is upset because it didn’t happen. God chastised Jonah for his attitude about Nineveh, the predictive warning, and God’s not destroying Nineveh. This Bible story speaks to the spiritual efforts – prayer and meditation among others – which can change the future. In our day and time, with the R/U war, we can also see that the whole world is aware of and impacted by the war. Greater numbers of prayers can and do change the future. But, all the people of the whole world have freewill to choose to pray or not pray.


An example of one of my mistakes is this: I made a large mistake in 2006 when I was predicting a hurricane to hit Texas. In 2002, I psychically saw a 2006 hurricane coming into the area my family lived in Texas. Because of hurricane Rita in 2005, millions of prayers came for the Gulf coast and the people of the Gulf coast. I did not purposefully and psychically look for or perceive the prayers. I didn’t go looking for that book in the library. I did not check on the timeline change and therefore continued to read the 2002 timeline I originally psychically saw.

The 2006 hurricane season all but disappeared altogether. I was very confused, because I knew that I was accurate with what I had seen in 2002 – a hurricane in 2006. I was confident in my reading. So, I went back and looked at why it didn’t happen. That’s when I saw the overwhelming numbers of prayers (many from Utah) seeking the Christ Spirit’s help so strongly and therefore brought forth after hurricane Rita hit, that the Christ energy protected the Gulf in 2006 and 1/2 of 2007. I also remember the meteorologists not understanding this quiet time.

Then there’s an event like the pandemic, which I saw, but did not recognize what I was seeing.  When it happened, I psychically saw something and didn’t have a conscious paradigm in which to identify what I saw.  The nearest interpretation I had of what I saw was a “swarm”, but it was not a swarm of insects. This was metaphorically like a case of being introduced to a brand new psychic “word” I’ve never seen before and not knowing what the word means. (I’m not referring to the word “pandemic”.)


Interestingly enough, I did look back in my past predictions and at the beginning of the time I started this blog (in the 2000’s), I had indeed seen and predicted a virus coming out of China, spreading around the world, and wrote it up as a blog article. But, I was way off on the year – 10-12 years off. When I saw it, back in the first decade of this century, I even thought it was such a science fiction vision, that I had difficulty accepting it.

With regards to TIME, I, as a psychic, do have to work a bit harder when working with TIME questions. I understand this problem as being because TIME is a mental construct in the physical universe and not an ultimate spiritual reality, therefore I am trying to identify what the TIME period is based on looking into the spiritual realm to find physical connections. While it is possible and does get identified, the experience metaphorically can be like trying to identify the thin line between where rainbow colors begin or end.


“Reading” is also much like reading a book, with the book changing or not changing its words according to many factors, (ie. the personal paradigms of the psychics for one) and so much like looking at maps for directions to choose from.  There are many things in our future that are all but set in rock, like so many of us going to school when we are children, and so many things that are flexible to manifest like how we treat and relate to one another. 

Choosing to war upon someone else is always flexible. How we relate to one another is not destined but rather a choice.  We can consciously choose how we relate to each other OR we can subconsciously just react habitually, or prejudicially as a way to relate to other people. This is true on the individual AND the national level.

As I’ve mentioned previously, I share to people that Judas had freewill and could have chosen to not betray Jesus. Judas’ decision to betray Jesus was based on his self-importance leading him to believe that he knew better than Jesus how to proceed with Jesus’ purpose in the Earth. This came from past lives, with one as a prince in the Middle East – a prince who also had been a strong student of spiritual teachings with a strong penchant for making decisions for all his own subjects. As a member of the Zealot group, he believed Jesus should take the Earthly throne. He tried to force Jesus to take the Earthly throne rather than the Spiritual throne, by forcing a Roman and Jesus “showdown”. He did not realize Jesus would not participate in any “showdown”. (At the same time, all the Apostles had their unique issues/shortcomings to face and work to overcome. Not just Judas.)

But, Jesus’ path was set in rock so strongly, (given to Him during His life as Enoch) because His intention was to fulfill God’s Will, whatever God’s Will may be. Jesus’ intention was to fulfill God’s path for Him to the cross.  This means that a different way could and would have had to happen for Jesus to be arrested, had Judas let go of his self-importance and not betrayed Jesus, but the path to the cross for Jesus would still have happened (the spiritual reasons of which could fill many libraries of books and still only scratch the surface to bring an understanding). A different set of proceedings would have brought it about.

It really does get interesting to see all the infinite number of timelines and possible choices available to us as a planet of billions of people, (and a seemingly infinite number of other life forms) and my task which I work at, is to tell what I see at any given moment knowing that it may mostly happen that way, but it’s rarely if not 100% guaranteed.  The future is almost perfectly changeable where freewill is the determining factor.

For myself, this speaks more for the need for prayers and meditations to help bring a stronger presence of Spiritual help for people to hopefully gain a stronger sense of what our better choices are. For me, it brings a stronger focus onto ourselves and the decisions we make – whether we make choices as undeveloped children or as more mature adults. It is not always difficult to recognize which is which, but unfortunately, it’s after we realize what choice we made – after the event happens, that we sometimes realize we could have chosen better.


Another example of a prediction nuance is when, in October, 2012, during a group public reading with people asking public questions, I reported that I saw the Republicans win in 2016, but when 2016 came along, everyone was seeing Hillary Clinton winning by a landslide. In the previous decade (2000’s), per another private reading, I saw that Hillary Clinton would never become president. Knowing that the future can change, I did not push these predictions because so as to give any voters reading my predictions the benefit of time. I also wanted to see what was going to happen.

In 2012, I also saw the Republican candidate having only 1 term. The information (the energy manifesting to bring this about) was very, very clear and strongly in place. In the years leading up to 2020, I ALWAYS saw Trump’s chance of winning being 0%, until 2 days before the election when his chance of winning went up to 3%, meaning that if we had 100 elections of the same situation, 3 of them would have had Trump winning.  All because people constantly have freewill to make decisions as to which direction to go.  And people use all the information (conscious and unconscious information) they can gather within themselves in order to consciously and unconsciously make these decisions.

Dear P., (the person who presented this topic) for what it’s worth, you need never hesitate to challenge me and question me in areas like this.  There is always an answer as to why things come into existence or happen like they do.  There is an answer as to why I see what I do, and there is always something to learn in the process – for everyone involved. If nothing else, we’ll learn something in the process.  I am certainly learning all the time in doing this work.

I believe psychic reading, in general, may be similar to this set of descriptions or somewhat similar for many who do predict.  Sometimes, things are set in rock – sometimes, softly set in soft rock, or set in mud – and some even set firmly in the dust in the wind. It is also true that many of us may not fully understand this whole psychic process. Some things in the future are easily changeable (smaller events) and some take millions of people praying to change them (The Russian/Ukraine war).  [All prayers change things.]

I know that our own (psychic readers) hopes and wishes can get in the way of accuracy in identifying what we read, and our own beliefs and desires can still get in the way, hence why some psychics predicted Trump to win in 2020.  The beliefs of millions of people are also in the Akashic Records and can be strong enough to nearly “look like” the energy ready to manifest, as opposed to just being “beliefs”, and therefore confuse the psychic reader.

I have to pray constantly for help in being honest with myself, which I believe helps, because this process challenges me to accept what I see and sense as being what is going to happen.  I work to accept what I see with me having my own feelings and emotions ABOUT what I see (and then begin my praying). Because of this aspect of psychically reading, it helps considerably for any reader to examine ourselves within our own mind, constantly – to check in with ourselves whether we are working to be honest with our own self, so as to be as clear and accurate as possible for those for whom we are reading. Whenever people sought a reading from Edgar Cayce, the request was made to the client to be in a quiet state of prayer, if possible, when the reading was being done.

Because there are many reasons why predictions don’t always come true, there is sometimes little trust or belief in psychic ability and people who practice this work – because of the belief that it should all be exact and precise. If it is not, it is not real or useful. But this belief shows more of a misunderstanding of what it is and what is happening.

While I consider this work useful and hopefully helpful to people, I try to help people understand that psychic information should not take the place of a person’s own sense of their learning to be able to make healthy and wise decisions. Spiritual help is meant to come as another source of advice and additional information, and never as a command.  

Finally, the hard part….

I still see so much suffering in the world, and I have to stay honest with myself about this suffering to be as accurate as possible.  I don’t wish to minimize or ignore the suffering in the world.  And so I try to see roads/paths where there is less suffering and what it takes to reach that timeline.  Hence sometimes I’ll add, “If we keep on praying for the Ukrainian people, at the same level of praying that we’ve been doing – a high level, then we will see a shorter war”.  But, I don’t always add that.  This is sometimes to encourage people to not get distracted focusing on the next thing in the news. I do this to help support people to keep praying.  However, human nature is still human nature, and even after asking, Jesus couldn’t keep his followers awake when He went to pray before He was taken into custody. So, always remember, every sincere prayer, truly helps.

I describe praying to be like rowing a boat. It takes a lot of people rowing to change the direction of a massive ocean ship, but it takes only one person or a few people rowing to change the direction of a tiny row boat.  This metaphor applies to forces impacting the future, and therefore, predictions of the future.  There are 8 billion people on the planet and 8 billion people making decisions every day.  The diversity of intentions for those decisions has a strong influence on what paths/roads are chosen and then what energy manifests as the future events.  God does not force any of us to pray, to meditate, to send light and love, or respond to each other with loving kindness, mercy or patience, (and more).  We choose for ourselves with our own intentions.

We do have the chance on this planet to help bring a quicker ending to the war and to change any potential future. My hopeful message is that there really REALLY!! are many, many, MANY!!! things we have already healed and resolved through prayer and meditation, but many more that we don’t have enough prayers to completely heal and resolve.

Every reason and influence is possible as to why things change and why what I see does or does not happen.  Every single reason including that I’m still a student of this work even though I’ve been doing it for many lifetimes, and was born with this ability.  It’s true for me, too.  I do my best, but I recognize there are limitations, because we’re still in human form. I always hope I’m helpful and I’m okay with doing the best I can with what I have.  I’ll keep plugging away at giving my best and learning as best as I can. 

I do mention to people, that if what I say doesn’t match what one’s inner voice is saying, go with the inner voice.  Like I mentioned previously, psychic information is just one more source of many sources of information for every individual. The Bible does say, (somewhere) to have many teachers, many advisors and to not lean only on our own understanding. Psychic information should not be considered a commandment or directive from on high unless the inner voice within one’s own heart says the same thing. Instead consider psychic information to serve as an advisor.

So, P., your concerns and questions are always welcome.  You’re not the first to address this, and I can psychically see that you won’t be the last :-) .



*** The amount of time leading up to an event or choice impacts the strength of the prediction of a choice. As an example, someone – a dedicated student, with support at home – going through grades 1-11, has a higher possible prediction of going to grade 12 in high school and graduating. Whereas, someone with little support at home, who has a history of skipping school, or having other troubles in early life, has a lower possible prediction of continuing to grade 12 and graduating. The difference is the valuing of and intention of choosing one particular future path (viewing it as realistic for themselves) – finishing high school, rather than the less-valuing of the path for themselves of finishing high school viewing other paths as being more realistic. The paths of past experiences impact the intentions and the valuing of choices, and therefore, influences the future choices one makes.

*** Cain had the choice not to kill Abel. Judas had the choice to not betray Jesus. Hitler had the choice to not order the Holocaust. We human beings have the choice not to pursue revenge. We have the choice to not kill another human being or commit suicide. We have the choice to open our minds and open our hearts OR to close our minds and close our hearts.

*** There are many things I haven’t written on the blog – concerning the R/U war. This is because of the seriously sensitive nature of information posted on the Internet. Everything on the Internet is screened by computers – even my predictions and information. Therefore, I do not post some things … and I don’t need to. My posting “everything” would not change the things needing changed. Prayer and meditation – and the sending of Love and Light – and the demonstrations of Loving Kindness in every form are what will help change the things needing changed. For this, I will continue to pray whenever the thought comes to pray. I will continue to meditate and send Light and Love to all concerned whenever the thought comes to do so. I invite you to join in.

*** The suffering and hardship in the world – right now especially – it is always difficult to address this, to empathize, to have compassion, to continue to choose love, to keep one’s heart and mind open, it is difficult for every human, because even when we say to ourself, “I’m not psychic” and live as so, we are a part of the One Infinite Consciousness forever connected to this Consciousness of One.

Like the great ocean (God), every drop in the ocean (life forms/spirits) experiences in some way, everything that happens in the great ocean (God). In the same way that waves travel through the great ocean, all that happens is experienced within Infinity at some level of impact. All parts of the ONE are connected to the ONE. (Example-Just like when we stub our toe, the impact moves through us, eventually triggering the use of our mouth and throat to yell loudly.)

*** All souls involved with this war and with every war will one day – this life or in future lives – return to a conscious spiritual path, in the process, moving to healing, and on the path to returning to the One Source, with themselves being capable of Love and forgiveness, mercy and compassion, brotherhood and unity with and for others and one’s self. To get there requires prayer, meditation, and practice, practice and more practice.

*** There are infinite timelines possible, but this doesn’t matter, because in all these timelines, we still have the same spiritual and life lesson – to Love God above all else, and to love our neighbor as our self.

*** Those we pray for are helped more than those we don’t pray for.

*** The Akashic Records are the memories of the Infinite Consciousness of God, and God remembers everything about everything.


As time goes on, I will add to the information I see regarding the R/U war, including in the Psychic Predictions for 2023 blog.

(©, 2022, by Jodie Senkyrik)