
Consider a mother carrying her infant within her womb.

Consider the infant within her womb.

Regardless of other issues, the infant within the womb knows this world, only, to be its whole world. The infant knows this world to be where it came into being, and where it came to be aware. The infant believes it is in the real world – the only world it knows, and therefore the only world that must exist.

Consider if someone should come and tell it – that this world is an illusion. They tell the infant, this world is not the real world, but another world yet waiting for the infant to be born into. But, the infant has no proof or evidence that there is another world. This world the infant is in, is the only one the infant has ever known and therefore, the infant continues to believe that this is the only world that is real. To the infant within the womb, this world is the Universe and the infant knows only this.

The infant knows only that it grows and lives inside this world, this Universe, and may or may not have a sense of a being greater than itself – a being that is giving the infant life – a being that may be all around the infant, and always with the infant, but which the infant cannot identify, and cannot discern. The infant, within the womb, knows only that which is connected to the infant, and therefore thinks this ALL, must be all that the infant is, all the world is, and all the Universe is.

Then one day, it leaves this Universe.

Consider the human being,
living within a world which it knows this world, only, to be its whole world. The human being knows this world to be where it came into being, and where it came to be aware. The human being believes it is in the real world- the only world it knows, and therefore the only world that must exist.

Consider if someone should come and tell it – this world is an illusion. They tell the human being, this world is not the real world, but another world yet waiting for the human being to be born into. But, the human being has no proof or evidence that there is another world. This world the human being is in, is the only one the human being has ever known and therefore, the human being continues to believe that this is the only world that is real. To the human being within this existence, this Universe is the only world and the human being knows only this.

The human being knows only that it grows and lives inside this world, and may or may not have a sense of a being greater than itself – a being that is giving the human being life – a being that may be all around the human being, and always with the human being, but which the human being cannot identify, and cannot discern. The human being, within this world, knows only that which is connected to the human being, and therefore thinks this ALL, must be all that the human being is, all the world is, and all the Universe is.

Then one day, it leaves this universe.

Q n A

A few months ago I converted into Zoroastrianism. It is the faith of my ancestors. But, some things I can’t find in books.

Did Aryans also come from Atlantis or they originate in Russia/Central Asia as anthropologists claim ? When did Ancient Iranians and Indo-Aryans separate ? Avesta were composed in Iran or Central Asia and Vedas were composed in Afghanistan or India ? Zoroastrater was from Eastern Iran or modern day Herat ? W.S.

During those ancient days, Aryans were more considered a cultural and social grouping like religions or today’s Masons but were also concentrated in specific families and regional people. You can see how this would be handed down in families, like religious beliefs are handed down in families and groups/tribes/villages, but eventually as centuries passed, be thought that it is a racial aspect instead because of the genetic pathways paralleling the religious/social beliefs pathways. They were not racially connected originally, but were more familial connected through many generations. In modern times, the Aryan designation has been transferred to be considered as if it were a racial subset since the familial connection way of passing it down had been forgotten and does not get looked at.

This happens with the evolution of many social/religious paths over hundreds and thousands of years of being passed on – it takes on different characteristics and meanings according to the norms of those surrounding generations. This happens to most everything. It expands out of familial boundaries. For example, the Christian religion from the year 100-200 AD is very dissimilar to the Christian Churches of 1000 AD, and they are dissimilar to today, 2023 AD for the same reasons. What Christ taught to the 12 Apostles, like many other spiritual teachers and their followers, has been translated and re-translated many times, with each translation being influenced by the consciousnesses of the people of this or that particular time and in turn being influenced via passing beyond family boundaries into larger groupings of local people. There is no way this can NOT happen.

The same happened with the teachings of Zoroaster. With each generation, language changes, meanings change, understandings change, family containment and village containment changes, but this change does not render it unworthy of being studied. Not at all. The core messages can stay within the tenants and teachings. The Spirit of the teachings of Zoroaster are also the teachings of there being One God, and this God being a God of Peace, Love and Brotherhood. It is the Spirit of the message and teachings which seeks to survive, since all the tenants can still then be extracted from the core Spiritual message of the One God, Peace and Cooperation Among Peoples.

You might also consider looking into what the Edgar Cayce psychic readings say about Zoroaster and his followers.

Meanwhile, Atlanteans were the Red race, and this DNA can be seen to be in people’s all over the globe since they had the technology and machines to fly – as we have today. As Atlantis broke up in the last 25,000 years of its existence, Atlanteans mostly migrated into the North and South Americas, then into Europe and eastward, including into the middle eastern lands. I’m speaking in general since there are many general paths and unique paths which migrating people took – much like how people move around the Earth today, what with immigration and refugee happenings. Very little is easily separated out to be saying specifically that “XYZ happened and that’s all.” (By the way, the eons in which Atlantis existed, puts our own small history to shame. People wonder why there’s no proof of Atlantis, but the proof is all around us and shows up all the time. People who say there’s no proof, simply call it something else, and dismiss the possibilities and theories. When one is trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle without a guiding picture and with most of the pieces missing, there’s a lot of the final solution that will be lost.)

Still, with thousands of years of movement/migration around the globe, Atlanteans influenced and have genetic markers all over the place. Likewise, but with centuries instead of millennia, Aryan influence (among many others) has also been passed on through many social paths and not so much via families anymore what with having expanded beyond family traditions and then expanding out and getting blended into other societal groups and other societal belief systems.

There is always a whole lot of blending that happens as time progresses – like as happens today – where everyone is a blend of many different cultural, religious and social influences/paths AND even races – without even knowing it. This is one of the greatest purposes to all spiritual teachings – to be spread out among the people of the world even with its blending with what is characteristic of the local people. And we see this spreading out happening all through mankind’s history with each and every offering from the Spiritual Teachers.

In other words, the separations you’re asking about happened, but in the process of this happening, blended with other teachings as it traveled. There really is not such a thing as a purity of ANYTHING. But, there doesn’t need to be, either. In passing these teachings from one person to another, most people take what fits for them and temporarily discard what doesn’t. However, the guiding star of all this is the message which finds its way into so many of today’s religions and ways of living – that God is One, and all people are brothers and sisters, and from this, we can learn therefore to do unto others as one would have be done unto oneself.

If you’re looking for a pure source of spiritual teaching, start with what is being taught. The first teaching being: There is One God for all life. All life exists in Brotherhood with all other life, which includes for humanity – all human beings are brothers and sisters – all of us being children of the Infinite Consciousness of Oneness – the God of All – the God that is the Infinite One. From the One God comes all Truth and all Pure Teaching. But, of course, God works with and through the still-growing-still-learning humans struggling with God’s gift of free-will, and with our much smaller understandings of God, Spirituality and Life. Because of our smaller capacity for comprehension compared to God, we must define and understand within the paradigms which we currently hold, and then evolve as time proceeds.

From these spiritual teachings and similar teachings, Jesus Christ extracted and put forth “Love the One God above all else, and Love your neighbor [who is our mother, brother, and sister] as yourself.” (Jesus did travel through Persia and the India, during parts of his early life, studying and learning much – from the ages of 12 to about 30.)

When God wants to get a message out to a planet of people, God does this over and over, generation to generation, millennia after millennia, in many languages, in many social arenas, from many teachers, (many whom are average people with sincere hearts, like maybe who you and I know – as well as “you and I”) who speak the many different languages and have the many different paradigms of the current populations. This method of teaching works for humanity, and God will continue this way for as long as is needed on this planet and for all life on the planet.

This may not answer your direct questions, but this is what I psychically see and which came forth, and this could offer some insight into that which you are studying.
As I mention above, do check out what the Edgar Cayce Readings say on Zoroaster and this, as well.

The Arena

That was an interesting article about information and not seeing it all. Can you help me shed light on the whole thing involving Trump (without taking a ton of your time to do it)? I hear from one side that he is being “taken down” for daring to stand up to the “swamp.” The other side has him nothing short of Hitler. How guilty is he of the accusations in his indictment?

What I know is that even if the prosecutions are bogus and his lawyers prove it, it doesn’t matter. Millions of people will still believe him to be guilty regardless. If the prosecutors have the evidence that anyone can see that he is guilty, it doesn’t matter to millions who will believe Trump regardless. D.M.

Hi, D.M.,

[“without taking a ton of your time to do it” – ROTFLOL – who me? :-)]

First of all, on the surface, we see what seems like a mess. But, what we really have is an arena of countless numbers of souls, all whom are involved in this particular time in Earth history, in these particular locations on this planet, each having many lifetimes of effort and learning leading to this moment in time, with each coming together, trying to pursue what each values in life and what each has learned has value, in order to accomplish what each soul believes to be worth accomplishing in each soul’s journey through the Cosmos on this planet, having come through many different lifetimes as different humans, in different bodies, and on a journey of learning and growing through many more lifetimes ahead, and all hoping to build something worth building.

But all we see as observers is the surface of this one life – the surface of the Ocean, not recognizing the journey of every soul for what it is – not perceiving the soul journey of the thousands of souls, with all aspects of their consciousness, all aspects of the unconscious, all aspects of their past, present and potential future. And yet, this is exactly what this is.

So, here is my “short” answer (knowing that books are being written, and libraries are being filled with these books about this time in history) …………

For humans, there is a human answer, for those who are seeking to walk their spiritual learning path, there is a spiritual answer. For those who seek Truth, there can be even a third answer. And for those who seek Karma, there is another answer. Each of these can teach something, if we’re interested in learning. All four of these deserve their recognition, respect and response.

For humans, of which we are, we have on this Earth and throughout history created governments and governmental laws to live by, both major and minor, based on regulating globally recognized human behavior, (for the most part). These laws are as perfect as humans are perfect, of which I’m really saying – as imperfect as humans are imperfect. We also have religious laws and social “laws”, which are also influential. We sometimes claim religious laws to be more perfect than humans are. We tend to claim social “laws” to be as diversified as humans desire them to be.

As humans, we take various steps to maintain and enforce these laws – with our quality of enforcement being as perfect/imperfect as humans are perfect/imperfect. This all means that when we view human interactions and behaviors, and then the pertinent laws meant to regulate human behavior, we’re going to both apply and enforce the laws as imperfectly as humans are imperfect. All aspects of human-created society and worldly affairs are going to PERFECTLY reflect the imperfections of human beings – the imperfect creators/writers of our Earthly laws and rules, as well as the imperfect enforcers of these laws. This is true even when we strive to do better at it – which also reflects the human effort to “do better”.

In this unique moment in history, the 2020’s, we currently see the imperfection and messiness being a part of this human arena, because the arena can be nothing but a reflection of the imperfection and messiness of humans. This is why we 8 billion humans can do nothing but do the best we can with what we have in the arena of creating and enforcing laws. Humanity has been evolving for eons, and it isn’t finished by any stretch of the imagination, as we give witness to the imperfections and shortcomings of mankind.

But, let’s look deeper for spiritual understanding.

For those who seek a greater spiritual perspective to it all, we can refer back to the teachings of many of the higher Spiritual Teachers. More often I refer back to Christ’s teachings.

Within this spiritual conception, the main issue is not whether Donald Trump is guilty or innocent. It is not whether people are entrenched in their views, beliefs and opinions about any part of this arena we have been a part of. (Because every human has guilt and innocence within ourselves, therefore “Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.”. Still, how many of us take this to heart and try to practice it. In addition, all of us souls on the Earth have our own unique sets of beliefs, opinions, and paradigms – yes, some similarities, but never completely exactly the same.) The spiritual answers/understandings are not on the surface of these events – like we imagine physical/social answers to be with human laws. Spiritual understanding and learning rarely are on the surface of our understanding – rarely easy to recognize, and rarely easy to integrate and make into a living aspect of our soul, heart and mind – and actions.

The purpose of the Spiritual path is always to learn, grow and evolve in our awareness of our spiritual nature and therefore, our relationship with God. Because of this, I repeat that the real issue of Donald Trump’s guilt or innocence is not the most important aspect. But rather, with all his life experiences he’s having up to now, these and more eventually when he willingly chooses, will lead to his learning and growth – because of the Truth that with God, all things are possible – just like all the rest of us.

But, who are we that we can say that we, personally, can take God’s place in being judge and jury over anyone? We easily react as judgmental beings, because of thousands of fear-based spiritual, physical, mental, psychological and emotional reasons, and because we willingly took and still take a bite of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We believe, with hubris sometimes and without awareness sometimes, that we know what is good and know what is evil in the absolute. So, we choose to see good where we want to and see evil where we want to.

There are no exceptions to this. Since all of us humans have both good and evil within us, both sides are accurate in the claiming that the “other” side is full of demons and “our” side is full of angels. The Truth is that all members of each side have both demons and angels within each of us.

“You follow Me”

After the resurrection, Christ sat with Peter on the shore. Peter mentioned many other people in order to tell Jesus what they were doing with Christ’s teachings. Peter may not have approved. But, Jesus’ response was simple – “Peter, you don’t worry about them. I’ll take care of them. You follow me.” In this, Christ speaks of His mission to be Savior to every soul in the Earth, telling Peter that Peter was to do the work necessary to transform Peter. This is the path of our spiritual evolution – to be in charge of our own path of transformation, and recognize the role God has in each person’s transformation. Our willingness partnered with the earnest absorbing of Christ’s statement – “With God, all things are possible.”

Ultimately, all people involved and all audience members will learn and grow, evolving humanly and spiritually. Some within years, and others within hundreds of thousands of years, if not millions.

We have a hard time with not being aware of the deeper goings-on of this time period in history. So, be human and render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s. But, as we judge others, remember, so are we judging ourselves. With all the past lives and all the future lives we have had, and will have, you can bet that we have done things similar in some way to those that are being judged now. And if we continue to seek to be the judge and jury, we will be judged equally – mostly by ourselves – of which we are harsh judges, indeed.

Many times, we oppose, in others, their behaviors and actions which we find easily identifiable as being immoral or illegal. A big reason is because we’re trying to oppose this subconscious aspect which is also a part of our own subconscious selves. We oppose that which we have done in the past and past lives, and are trying to heal/clean up. When we see it in others, unconsciously and consciously we take the role of judge and jury, because we have been unconsciously judging our past (or present, in some cases) selves. One day we will be called to look back at our past lives and forgive ourselves of those actions/non-actions.

At the same time, we are here to learn a spiritual lesson – that as we do unto others, so are we doing to ourselves. This includes judging others, and condemning others, but it also instead could apply to showing mercy and forgiveness or letting go of this judgement. This would include no longer condemning the “other”.

Whatever behavior it may be, this act which we do unto others, we are also creating the happening of the “doing it to ourselves”. We are saying to the Infinite Consciousness – “If I think it is appropriate to cause this to happen to someone else, it is therefore appropriate for it to happen to myself, as well.”

Several particular aspects (out of thousands) for us to acknowledge – some people are very forgiving of Trump, and this is returned as forgiving of themselves. This is their soul path – a soul path with which they are familiar – the path of one to break laws and seek forgiveness.

Another, but different, aspect is that some choose to have little respect for other people and laws, and this is their soul path then – a soul path where they are shown little respect in return. The little lesson which we can gain from this is that “All we create for others to experience, we are creating for ourselves to experience.” There are no exceptions. AND there is no judgment to this process/principle which we have come to recognize as “Karma”, even if we don’t have that much understanding about how karma works, though.

A Spiritual Truth for all of us, right now: it is important to remember that we humans/spirits have very small capacity for understanding the deepest inner lives of others. We do not have the capacity for being judge and jury over ourselves much less others, because what we show on the surface is rarely the truth of our human life or the truth of our spiritual nature. Yet, we take on the task of being judge and jury, anyway. In time, likely many, many lifetimes, we also will learn to let this go – the judging and condemning of others, as our understanding grows.

If we ask which side is right or wrong in our current political arena, we need to first recognize that we’re all humans and as such, all sides are all things as a “Truth”, because all people are all aspects of right and wrong, good and evil manifesting according to the choices we make. There are no absolutes with humanity. In addition, as a result, all human beliefs about this historical period are viable. It is the same with religious beliefs – viable for the person themselves. (Has anyone ever tried to convince someone that their religious beliefs are wrong and one’s own are right? Yeah, it’s like that.)

Everyone sees and experiences from our own perspectives and learned paradigms. This is why what we see play out on TV, and in the news, and in government, is not the most important part. The very most important part is, when we are faced with these events, whether we are willing – willing to learn and grow – whether we are willing to examine how we treat one another – whether we are willing to work on ourselves, so that we don’t keep entrapping ourselves over and over by thinking of ourselves as being capable of taking God’s place – (from Joseph’s conversation with his older brother who sold him into slavery into Egypt.) When Joseph saw his elder brother, he cried tears of joy, readily forgiving him and told him, “Can I take God’s place? What you meant for evil, God meant for good.”

If it helps, remember, God’s ways are not man’s ways. But we, with our human readiness to judge and condemn others, so often, forget to seek to understand God’s ways or seek to have faith and trust in God’s ways. “With God, all things are possible” includes trying to understand God, and we need not shy away from this effort. It can also help to realize that there is no absolute understanding of any part of this. There are no absolute right or wrong perspectives about human events.

It is important to note that all that happens in the world – ALL. THAT. HAPPENS. IN. THE. WORLD. – comes with the potential capacity for spiritual lessons to be taught and spiritual qualities to be practiced – whether we take on these lessons or not – whether the lesson is “we do the best we can with what we have – in our bodies, in our minds, in our lives and in our paradigms” – or whether it is simply to practice letting go of judgment and condemning others, practicing patience, kindness, tolerance, etc., and then praying for all life – all the time.

The purpose of these world events is not to get all people to believe the same way. It is not to have all people know that what someone says is “Truth”. It is to challenge us all to choose today – life or death – healing or harming – unity or separation. And we will both succeed and fail, on our path to learn these, and in the doing either, we will have the chance to learn of our self and our relationships to each other and ultimately our relationship with God… if we’re willing.

So, Donald Trump is both innocent and guilty of many different things, because he is human, and no part of him, or any part of his life, makes him any better or any worse than any of the rest of us humans. At the same time, no part of any of us humans, or any part of our human lives makes us any better or any worse than him or any other human who exists.

P.S. Jesus was also human.

What we are called to ask in return, is – who among us would like to be judged in the same way we’re judging Donald Trump, Republicans, Democrats, or any group or person we are judging? It doesn’t matter if we deserve it or not. If we require Karma to be played out for others, we are calling for Karma to be played out for ourselves, too. Ultimately, when the people walked away after Jesus challenged them to find one who was without sin to throw the first rock at Mary Magdalene, Jesus’ final words in that moment said to Mary, “Neither do I condemn you.” This response is possible for ourselves, as well – with God.

It is difficult to not take sides. Indeed, we cannot “not take sides” without God. It is true that this time period will be in all the history books, but our effort to keep to our spiritual teachings, to walk our spiritual path, can help move us in consciousness to be able to finally see our world, and all our peoples on this Earth, as One World and One People, all of us succeeding and all of us failing, but still all of us trying to learn, grow, and evolve … even if it takes us many, … many, … many, … lifetimes.

With God, even this is possible.

Disinformation – Incomplete Information

Have you ever put together a jigsaw puzzle? whether 100, 200, 500 or a 1000 pieces? Have you ever put it almost together and find you have 1 or 2 pieces missing?

With the picture on the box, and an understanding of what its supposed to look like, it’s possible to put the puzzle together even with 1 or 2 pieces missing, and give an exact rendering of the picture on the box.

What if we had a box of 500 pieces, of which about 250, or even 450 pieces were missing – which we didn’t know about, and there was no picture of any kind to guide us.

Hypothetically, we might still work very hard to put together whatever picture we believed could be assembled. (More likely, we’d throw it away.) But, whatever work was needed, we would do because we believed we had all the pieces and it was going to show us a picture of some kind.

We would be totally unaware of any pieces which were not available or we didn’t find. We would be unaware that any other pieces even existed, believing that we already had all there was.

In other words, within our own paradigm, we would believe we have all the information, whatever picture we assembled in our minds, and that this was the truth of the puzzle. It would not matter if someone else said they had other pieces of the puzzle – we did not have those pieces and we believed we had all the pieces needed to render the final puzzle picture.

Right after the attack of 911, I was asked for and gave a 3-day reading about many different facets of the attack. I psychically saw much information coming from many viewpoints, in the Akashic records about Atlantis, the Middle East, Edgar Cayce, that present day’s government, and much, much more. I worked on the psychic reading for 3 days. Having full confidence in my work and what I saw, (and even today, I still do), I began giving workshops and presentations on the information, because there was much to learn.

One aspect which I presented was how one particular person was an Atlantean and in the Atlantean military, at the level equal to today’s Colonel. He was a very strong military commander and his general orders were to subdue and control the Middle Eastern people.

(Sidenote: Later on in history, during the Roman Empire, this person was a high ranking Roman Centurion, still seeking ways to subdue the middle eastern peoples, considering them a constant thorn in his side, and with having a desire to continue his warring on them as a Roman soldier.)

(Now, to return to Atlantis,…) at that time in the Atlantean history, it meant government factions in Atlantis were much of the time attacking, killing, controlling and/or enslaving the human beings of many areas of the globe. Atlantis was a high technology level civilization, even with flying machines, and during this time in its history, factions used Atlantean higher levels of technology to work to command, subdue and control as much of the land mass and peoples on the Earth as it could acquire.

This warring mentality of trying to control other regions and peoples, created a lot of enemies in other peoples around the globe, including in the area now known as the Middle East. But, the Atlanteans were the technological leaders on the planet.

These global peoples being attacked were souls/spirits like today, and the hatred Atlantis engendered in others through their military actions, stayed within the consciousnesses of many, many souls on the receiving end of these harmful actions.

[Sidenote: Hatred and Love both are part of Souls’ experiences, and we have the freewill to hold on to it or to let it go. What we experience in our past lives, stays with us as part of us – and we always have the freewill of acting on whichever aspects are within us, whether harmful or helpful aspects, and harmful or helpful attitudes and feelings.]

In my workshops/presentations, I shared that the 19 hijackers were souls who had been part of the Middle East peoples during some of those days, and who were attacked by the higher technological civilization of their time – the super power of their time – Atlantis.

In the process of doing the Reading, I could see that this was the reason they were so willing to carry out these acts today – their hatred which had been with them for thousands of years (The last part of Atlantis didn’t finally finish sinking until about 10,000 BC, which led to the final mass migrations into North America, South America and northern Africa.)

During the workshops, many in the audience volunteered that they held to the beliefs that the 911 attacks were “an inside job” orchestrated by President GW Bush, and there were explosives planted to make the buildings explode on command.

I saw none of that in the Akashic records. Even when they brought it up during the workshops, I looked for the information and if it had been true, it would have been in the Akashic records. I did not find it.

Instead what I psychically saw was that these people – who believed Pres Bush was responsible for the 911 attacks, as an inside job – some were around in Atlantis during the times of the Atlantean military conquests. (Not all Atlanteans were of this mindset of militarism and conquest towards other peoples.)

What I was also becoming aware of was that they had an unconscious sensing of the involvement of GWB. But, they didn’t have the psychic tools to flesh out all the details recorded in the Akashic Records. They didn’t have all the pieces to the puzzle or a complete picture of the puzzle to help them. What they did have, though, was a sense that he was involved somehow. Within their own paradigms they put together whatever understanding they could with the pieces of the puzzle which they had.

With the limited information plus the intuitive sense that GWB was involved, they put together some of the only scenarios which made sense to them – ‘an inside job’.

What I haven’t yet mentioned here is that GWB was the Colonel and the Roman Centurion. By no means was he the only Atlantean who carried out military conquests like this, because Atlantis lasted for tens of thousands of years, with hundreds and thousands of leaders and military conquests.

GWB was one of many who did have an influence on the people of the Middle East and in a negative way. The US is a super power and has a high level of technology. It was a perfect storm ready for Osama Ben Laden (a Middle Eastern village leader in Atlantean days) and the 19 hijackers to try to strike back at the 21st century version of Atlanteans.

The point of all this is that the people in my workshops only had a small number of pieces of the puzzle from which to draw from to explain the attack of 911. But, from their own non-fully-psychic, but yet intuitive-based paradigms, they formulated their own scenario which they proclaimed as Truth- that GWB was directly involved as the causal source of carrying out the destroying of the Twin Towers.

I did share as much as I could of what I saw with regards to the attack, including that I saw no Akashic information saying GWB was directly involved in our time, as being the perpetrator – but rather the 19 men used the US as symbols of the destruction and death they experienced at the hands of the Atlanteans when they were souls in the Earth at the Atlantean time in history. (The 19 only knew the conscious reasons – not the unconscious Atlantean connection.) What anyone then does with receiving more information – more pieces of the bigger picture puzzle – is always up to the individual freewill which we all exercise.

The current world is not the Atlantean world, but in the 19 hijackers paradigm, it was only one piece of the incomplete puzzle they had. In my workshop, there was no Akashic information presenting that GWB was directly responsible for the destruction of the Twin Towers, but in the attendees’ paradigm, it was only one piece of the incomplete puzzle they had in their minds and hearts.

And now, you have additional information about the whole picture.

For us in the world NOW, we see disinformation and misinformation. We are taking sides in what we believe. Do we believe conspiracies? Do we believe whatever someone posts on the Internet? I know I’m included in this tug-of-war, always having to work hard to stay clear, and be honest with myself about what I see psychically – always working to NOT be influenced by negative emotions and personal resentments or bitterness – which is DIFFICULT TO DO, but still possible, because we are not machines which are automatic and can’t choose.

We’re always going to have freewill to make choices of what we believe. ALWAYS! No one can legislate or command what we believe within ourselves or whether we love or hate. Our choice is to cooperate with either someone saying to Love and unite, or someone saying to hate and attack. We have freewill to choose to participate in Love or to participate in hate.

If any of us are confused about misinformation or disinformation, or incomplete information, we can also keep our minds open.

We can also pray very sincerely and earnestly, “Lord, teach us the Truth”. If we believe that Christ is Truth, then we can say this prayer all the time, over and over and believe (as long as we’re willing to stay open to what comes.)

Misinformation, disinformation, and incomplete information comes from the same place – not knowing. We try to put together the puzzle from only the pieces we have, and think that’s all there is. There is no more.

But, that’s NOT all there is. There are paradigms beyond our own self-established and current paradigms, understanding beyond our own self-chosen and current understanding, insights beyond our own current insights, and answers beyond our own current answers.

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what we believe, as much as it matters what and how we use our beliefs to motivate us to treat our neighbor. This is one of Christ’s most important messages – “Love one another, as I love you.”

It does work better for us though to recognize that none of us have all the information about any topic which is subject to disinformation. Some of us may have more pieces of the puzzle than others. And we all think we’ve got the whole Truth. In reality, it’s like we’re all stereotypical teenagers thinking there’s nothing left to learn, and we, (now that we’re teenagers,) know it all.

Pity the world where no beliefs are ever challenged.

It helps to challenge beliefs. It helps us to challenge our own beliefs and to challenge others beliefs. It also helps us to remember that this process of challenging beliefs has been going on throughout all history of life on the planet.

In essence, the question asked through all generations is Do we believe we have to stay the same/believe the same as all generations before us, or do we believe we can change and become/believe something different than all the generations before us?

One of the greater challenges for every soul, for every spirit, and for every human being is to recognize that we learn without realizing we’re learning, we grow sometimes without realizing we’re growing, and we change because we are alive and exist, and all of this happens regardless of what we believe, but it happens better and easier when we have an open heart and an open mind.

Remember, when we were 6 years old, we were smarter about life and the world than we were when we were 3 years old. When we were 10 years old, we were smarter about life and the world than we were when we were 6. When we were 14 vs 10, when we were 18 vs 14, when we were 25 vs 18 and on and on. At no time did we stop learning, growing, and changing. Even back then, it went smoother when we had an open heart and an open mind.

There is no time that we’re not changing, and so when we ask ourselves the above question, “Do we believe we HAVE TO stay the same (or think) as all generations before us or do we believe we can change and become (or think) something different than all the generations before us?” (just like the first single-celled organisms that existed hundreds of millions of years ago) we face a big challenge for our self in cooperating with who and what we will become. And it probably will work better for us if we have open hearts and open minds.

If God Had Wanted

If God had wanted us to fully understand human life – to walk not only in our own shoes, but in the shoes of others so as to better understand the lives and experiences of other human beings’ in addition to our own life’s experiences, and so as to grow in expressing the spiritual qualities which come from the Spirit within us – if God wanted all this – He would have created Reincarnation, and thus give us many chances to be born into the shoes of many diverse human lives, so we can learn our real relationship to each other and God.


Sometimes, not remembering our past lives is a gift of mercy from God, giving us a chance for a fresh start. Knowing this is for those who recognize that we could have made some real and hurtful mistakes in that life…

… also.


Some of us do remember our past lives, or at least some of them. To remember them, we do need to seek to remember them, because knowing them does come with work to be done, forgiveness to ask, forgiveness to give, higher standards to reach for, an effort to be more honest with ourselves, and a desire to understand and heal our relationships with others and with ourselves.


Curiosity alone when seeking our past lives can also bring realizations which we are NOT equipped to handle. I.e. who we have harmed, killed, or murdered. If any of us wish to remember who we were, we need to acknowledge both our helpful and our harmful past life actions, and some of us don’t have the tools yet to process and resolve what comes. Healing ourselves and our relationships is also determined by holding the desire to heal ourselves and our relationships. Not everyone wants to heal ourselves and our relationships. Sometimes, it’s because we don’t yet have the tools to accomplish this.
Knowing our past lives is not required to walk our spiritual path and grow spiritually. All we need to do this, is to Love God above all else, and Love our neighbor as ourselves.

(©, 2023, by Jodie Senkyrik)

The Anti-Christ

Who is the Anti-Christ?
Throughout history, there have certainly been plenty of people who have volunteered their resumes for the position.

But as Edgar Cayce’s readings say, the Anti-Christ is that which we all must deal with within ourselves. The Anti-Christ exists as potential – within us.

The Book of Revelations describes the transformation process which we are to go through – with each of us dealing with each aspect described in Revelations.

Each of us are called via our spiritual paths/evolution, to go through a transformation, through many steps, culminating in the expression of the Christ Spirit within us.

Because we have freewill, each of us then has the decision to walk the path to Christ or enact the Anti-Christ within us. Many do the 1st. And many people instead choose the Anti-Christ consciousness to grow within themselves.

This is by way of allowing ourselves to express always greater amounts of selfishness, self-importance, disregard for others, hatred, fear, separation, untruths, and more. These qualities are available to be developed within each person. Each of us has the potential for all of these, and it’s possible that each of us has some part of all of these within us – to deal with as part of our own individuality.

This duality is described as the Light and Darkness within us. The Light is a real essence – One with Love – and is developed from living from this real essence, manifesting Love in many forms and many acts, behaviors and thoughts.

The Darkness is the lack of living from this real essence – acts and behaviors a far distance from Love when these acts, thoughts, behaviors etc., are made manifest.

So, the Antichrist is the one who makes little effort to have Love being a guiding force. The antichrist is the one who seeks self-only above all others.

Throughout history, we have had many people who could have been considered or referred to as embodiment of the Anti-Christ. In humankind’s future, there may be many more. Yet, always, the potential is within us all.

Ultimately, as Christ has mentioned, “I am in you, as the Father is in me.” This points to the presence of the Christ Spirit within every life form in existence.

“Through Him all things were made.” means that the Christ Spirit is the Creative Force of all Infinite Existence. All things created have Christ at its center – the essence of all.

This means that no soul is without the Christ Spirit – the Light of God – to guide us back -sometimes taking this life, sometimes taking a multitude of lives, or longer or shorter – to the Father/Mother God.

We can see this principle and reality also in the phrase, “Hell is not forever and ever, Amen. God is the way out of Hell.” (The Rainbow Cards.) This is true because The One God is Infinite and all life exists within the One that is Infinite, since the Infinite contains all, and therefore through this quality of being Infinite, all things are of the One Consciousness. (Yes, confusing, but still accurate.)

There is no part of anything that does not exist within the Infinite Consciousness of God. Even the embodiment of the Anti-Christ, which is a mindset, a way of thinking, a way of living, a way of treating others, a way of manifesting, – has an innate way back to God – through learning, growing, Loving, being kind, forgiving, showing mercy, showing compassion, understanding, patience, long-suffering, letting go of selfishness and judgment, and many other of the qualities which are born from The Infinite Love of the Infinite Consciousness of God from which we have no separation.

Practice, Practice, Practice

I know I’ve written about this before. But, it is still worth posting.

We humans are not at the level of our spiritual growth and evolution where we make NO mistakes or have NO accidents, which cause pain, harm or worse to others. We are at the level where we still need to practice forgiveness, and self-forgiveness; mercy and self-mercy; compassion and self-compassion; And to “do the best we can with what we have” including doing the best we can with the awareness and spiritual growth that we have gained so far.

This is why I recommend from the Edgar Cayce Readings – “The Search for God” books. I consider these books to be very helpful – to help us practice and learn to forgive when forgiveness is needed, to give mercy when mercy is needed, to be patient with ourselves and other people because patience is needed, and many other topics to practice.

It is not time in our world to throw out all our practice or abandon what we have learned. It is time to practice it and practice it and practice it even all the way up until our last breath. And be grateful to God for always working to teach us about all these qualities, and how much they help.

We are willing to take on the task of forgiving, showing mercy, being patient, sharing compassion, and more, because of the great joy which comes with knowing that as we do these, others are learning these too, and all of us who try each of these, are becoming free and full to overflowing with the Grace and Joy of realizing that the Love of God is ours, as well. And none of us need to be anywhere even close to “perfect” to know this Love inside us.

We need not earn God’s love, but only be willing to come rest in it, allowing it to be all around us and wash through us, and know that inside God’s Love is where we may live life, both on this side of the veil, and on the other side of the veil.


We Decide

We humans – we have accidents and we make mistakes. These are part of our real life. And others or our self can get hurt and sometimes worse. But, if we’re going to be part of the squad who brings the Light, we are called to make forgiveness and mercy very real and very much a part of this real life. Forgiveness and mercy never come forth by accident. We decide, then we carry it through, and we make it real – for our self and for others. Remember, there is no soul who has not had an accident or made a mistake.

And sometimes, forgiveness and mercy come with accepting the pain and suffering we feel.


Jesus: “Been there, done that. Still here, still doing this.”

©, 2023

Just a Casual Conversation with M.

People who are forgiven are changed. Just like we’ve been changed every time we are forgiven. Even when we have no awareness we’ve been forgiven. We would not be on any spiritual path if we had not been forgiven quite often. Others cannot continue their spiritual path completely if we don’t forgive them. Of course, we don’t progress either if we don’t. We release them to go to God on their path. We release ourselves to go walking hand in hand with them on our joined spiritual paths. We cannot forgive others unless we also forgive ourselves and everyone. This means all life is walking hand in hand on our combined spiritual paths. In any given lifetime, we can all stumble, fall, and have the chance to start again. We forgive all so that others can learn how to do it also. With God this is possible to do.

…All hate crimes and violence, and negative vibes cause flooding and tornadoes… right?

A lot of this energy has been waiting to be used up and discharged/healed/resolved for the last 50,000 years. It has an opportunity now to manifest and be used up and finished/resolved. This is a lot from Atlantis’ days with actions from thousands of years, then after Atlantis’ days also. Humanity has chosen violence also, and the energy of this manifests physically, also.

Humanity took on the job of being God, judge and jury, when we all individually ate (and still eat) of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We decided (and we still individually decide) that we are equal to God in our ability to assess what is good and evil and then punish who we individually think has done evil. We punish through violence and have so for eons. This includes violent thoughts, and thoughts are things.

Through time, we have sought to add whatever wisdom that we have gained – as best we can to the world to change our world for the better. (Spiritual lesson – “Try to do the best we can with what we have.”) We have made worthwhile changes.

Yet, who among us has grown so high in consciousness as to individually (and eventually collectively) as to decide who or what is good and evil in everyone and everything? Who among us is so wise as to say, “I am everyone’s judge”? None of us, but we do it anyway, even to ourselves. When we do this to anyone, we are doing it to all life, and doing it to our self, all at the same moment, within the same thought, and from the same heart, mind, and soul.

And we can undo it in the same way.


All of this “mess” is our inner homework. We live on the Earth in a world which is a spiritual classroom and spiritual gymnasium, perfectly made for us to practice all spiritual qualities of Loving kindness, patience, compassion, forgiveness, mercy, humility, long-suffering, faith, trust, humor, joy, more patience, charity, understanding, and more patience.

And only one person has made all straight A’s, a perfect score – from 2000 years ago. And so He helps tutor the rest of us, as we continue to learn, grow and evolve our own awareness, consciousness, and understanding. He helps us then to tutor others.

Here in this “mess” is where we practice and learn how to bring forth loving kindness into making real and better relationships, lives and our world. We have lots of homework and we can do it here on Earth, when we are willing.

Do you have any idea when it will be finished. We are losing our country, losing free speech, equity among laws and others. I’m afraid for the country.

No one on Earth is losing God’s presence in their lives, regardless of if we believe or don’t, feel it or don’t, or what paradigm we hold to. This country and all countries are here and gone like all boundaries, or differences which have been in the past. This is a blink in God’s time. Where was the US and today’s world’s nations 10,000 years ago? Where will they be 10,000 years from now? But the souls of 10,000 years ago are here – in different situations, cultures, subgroups and positions. And today’s souls on Earth, many will be here in 10,000 years in different cultures, families, religions and circumstances. And all that is happening is that everyone is continuing to do their work to try to learn love more/grow more and learn from when we stumble more/make more mistakes/have accidents, hurt or be hurt, etc. and all of it in different environments, different bodies, different conditions, circumstances and spiritual laboratories.

No lesson is ever lost. This is the little picture vs. THE BIG PICTURE.

The little picture – our individual, momentary picture will never look good, because it is so limited in it’s scope, or rather we are so limited in our comprehension and understanding of the whole. Only the Big Picture – God’s Whole Picture – includes everyone and everything – rather everyone’s understanding, beliefs, paradigms, comprehension, consciousness, and more even than that. In the case of this Earth and all souls and soul growth, it is true that the whole is MUCH GREATER then the sum of all its parts.

No one will ever lose the freedom to love, to forgive, to be kind or to speak To God (or to cry out to God from the wilderness). Remember, the Earth is not here for human purposes. It is here for God’s purposes. No one can change this. God’s purpose is always Love and from that Love, Unity and Oneness.

I know God’s purpose has to win eventually.

Not “eventually”. It has always been in place. We just don’t have all understanding to be aware of this. There is no opposition to worry about this. This is not the battlefield humanity thinks it is. It is a classroom. But humanity has only gone half way with regards to what this Earth can offer.

This being a classroom is why our enlightenment is to be. It is why Love is to be. It is why our awareness of our Oneness with God is to be. God wills it. For all. Even those who we individually judge to be SO WRONG!!! (Our classmates, and gym partners, but then of course, judge ourselves to be wrong – from their point of consciousness.)

Who knew? This classroom is hard to [be a part of] without getting involved.

LOL. You got that right! :-)

But, we can be involved. That’s why we need each other. We need one another to help each other – to hold each other’s hand while we walk our paths of life and learning. We stumble and fall, – and – holding hands as we walk our paths to live our lives, helping one another, will always demonstrate the best to each other, and to let our hearts’ Love guide our learning.


“Many souls have traveled in the area of 15, 20, and even 25 million years to be in the Earth to do this spiritual learning and work of Loving Kindness for others and ourselves, in this Earth.

The question for us as individuals is, having gone through that much time to become human beings, are we doing what we came to do?” (The Rainbow Cards, 2023, ©, by Jodie Senkyrik)

The Good Friend
Everyone needs some tutoring and everyone gets to tutor.

The Old Ways Are Dying

The old ways of thinking are dying – the days of the past being the way we live life, with its past behaviors and thinking being the acceptable behaviors and thinking – are fewer and fewer. The old ways of living for selfishness and self-centeredness with our own self being our only center of life, are dying.

The sun is setting on the consciousness of the past – survival of the fittest – force and might winning all battles – violence serving and used to get what one wants. Like the passage of the day into night and the night into day, these changes are happening.

For any who have eyes to see it, these will see it. For those who do not have the eyes to see it – the consciousness to recognize it, or the mind to grasp it, these will not see it. Or rather, each will see according to one’s own willingness and capacity. Everyone has different willingness and capacities to see what is coming and what is leaving us.

It’s time to change or we find ourselves turning to being like dinosaurs. Many are helping the process to change towards qualities like tolerance and respect – both on this side of the veil and on the other side of the veil – both working to make the veil thinner and thinner until it ceases to exist, which will also be an evolutionary process. Those who can think to look for different ways of relating like cooperation and open-mindedness, and looking for new ideas like listening rather than screaming, who can look for ways to adapt and practice new concepts like kindness and compassion to bring forth that which serves all of humanity in better ways – adapting to changes like goodwill, self-reflection and inclusion happening, even during this minute which just passed, will awaken to even more of a new dawn and a greater age of Humankind which will last for a very long time.

The young ones and those born today, will never see the world we grew up in. That world of yesterday, yesteryear and yester-decade and yester-century are gone… and never coming back. Ever. For example, we have seen this in our own time with the worlds of our pasts, and on backwards, never returning. (Many try to bring these whole worlds back, but they do not succeed.) Even the entire physical Universe evolves and is moving past what it was long ago.

If we keep to the effort of change within ourselves, recognizing that self-change contributes to world-change, considering goodwill and the betterment for all of humanity and all of life, we will walk through a door into a world in which we will be able to become evermore aware of why there is hope.

God is greater than any force or movement in the Earth which on the surface appears to be opposing our spiritual evolution manifesting in the material world. God’s will is for us to grow, learn, love, and live life. God is committed to this and God’s Will comes about. Always with love and kindness, always with wisdom and understanding, and always with support, patience and persistence.

And… always God with the greater awareness of the path that has been and is yet to be walked.

We won’t recognize all of it, but like those on the other side, working with us, this ‘big picture’ reality is THE reality. All are destined to learn this, but not all at the same time, and never will freewill be taken away – meaning the freewill of when to learn this. Like the depth of water that changes in a swimming pool, as we change our place in the pool, gaining in skill, we are given the opportunity to learn to gain from our experiences and our changes – going ever more into greater paradigms, greater experiences, and greater understanding.

For this is also our souls’ evolution and our souls’ destiny – to live all of life in all arenas knowing we are the spiritual children of the One Infinite Consciousness of Love and Unity – God.

A Call for Unceasing Prayer

A psychic view of optional time lines with the war.

We are 9 months away from being in 2024 – the final and worse of the dark years. Many don’t want to think that P is capable of using nuclear weapons. But he is, because he has reached a desperate state of mind. Nothing has gone according to his plan. Using nuclear weapons is not smart, safe, sane or consequence free. Nothing good will come from it. Nothing. He wants to make Ukraine “no longer a country.”

I see that he has stepped past a line where his mind is no longer healthy. He is capable of using nuclear weapons. Make no mistake about it – prayers help whomever is prayed for.

The question is no longer whether he will or not, but when. He is preparing now for a scenario of using them. While it could be argued that he is playing a game of bluff poker, make no mistake. At this point, he is slipping into a distorted mental state in which he is capable because he is thinking it will help convince the world that he intends to get what he wants.

But, those days of using violence to get what one wants are coming to an end.

I’m remembering a dream now of seeing these particular two Asian presidents who met – with the world coming to this place in history. The President of the East is okay with the other’s use of nuclear weapons. He does not oppose it because it would serve the purpose for him to see how far the west is willing to go. The President of the East is betting that the west will be preoccupied with his nuclear weapons. The PotE can lose very little. But it won’t go according to PotE’s plans either. To PotE, either P uses nuclear weapons or he doesn’t, and it doesn’t matter. By not stopping P, using P like this, PotE allows the focus to be in Europe. Meanwhile, PotE will look at moving on the tiny Pacific island.

The scenario that is presented to the world – by the recent presidents who met to discuss opposing the west – their presentation does not reveal the truth of their intentions.

The PotE is using P to distract the west from the Pacific area.

Every person chooses. Elected officials choose. People with their fingers on the buttons choose. No one has freewill taken away. People who give orders choose. Each of us chooses.

I look for which timeline we will go down, and I’m seeing a dozen and more.
We can choose to pray that God surround, help, support and shine Light for all who must choose. For many, this is all we are in positions to do, but praying is one of the strongest and most powerful things to do. For if many do pray for help, the world will be helped. Many are praying, but many more are needed. It is only Spirit that can bring us out of this.

Many times, predictions are made, because we can see a person choosing 99 times out of 100. Right now, I’m seeing people all over the “spectrum” of choosing. I am not able to make a prediction about the people and what they will choose. It is a time of desperation. When people are desperate, they are not themselves.

What I AM seeing : I am seeing a handful of people standing at a crossroads. I see more destruction. I interpret the images of this destruction as an image from a use of a nuclear weapon. I see it in the area of Kyiv.

As I continue to look, I only see results – not which choices are made.

But, I can also see that another path is available – for it to be the path that is chosen – another path from the ones described above.


“There is never a time, there is never a place, there is never an event, …
in which God is not present already at work, …
with our praying simply making it a “taking it to the next level” thing.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2023, by Jodie Senkyrik)

Question on Suicide: Part 1. Of the Heart

This is a 3-part series of articles, written to respond to a reader’s question.

Part 1 of 3: Of the Heart

Part 2 of 3: Of the Mind

Part 3 of 3: Karma


“I have been suicidal many times in my life. I have studied metaphysics most of my life. I believe that we, along with our guides, plan our next incarnation and the lessons we will take on. If we and our guides plan our next incarnation, can suicide be written into our ‘blueprint’? If so, would this being planned ahead of rebirth, doesn’t that alleviate the bad karma associated with suicide? It seems if it is planned it is part of our spiritual evolution, yes? Or maybe it is the big picture and the bad karma is part of the learning process as well.” V.

I will start this way. You’re asking about a larger topic than you might think. I could write several books to explain. The real answers, or rather, the answers I see and offer, will take one far beyond the questions and topics you are asking about. I do not have every facet and issue related to suicide. I can only offer that which I see.

So, here we go.

Part 1 of 3: Of the Heart

First, I suggest that there are very few people who have not thought of suicide. It is part of the realities of human life. But, suicide is not just a “mind” thing. It is not a “logical” thing. It can be and is a “heart surrounded in unrealized and unrecognized emotions” thing. It can be a “feelings unknowingly overwhelming a person” thing. When injured, harmed or ill, rational thought and logic does not heal the mind.

Secondly, from a different take on it, I will offer that one of the practical spiritual lessons of experiencing the desire to end our life, is to reach a point in our own consciousness where we step back and begin to understand how any human being at all can reach a point in one’s life where we desire to end our life in suicide. When whatever has come forth in life to move us to reach this point in our own life where we desire suicide, we can begin to understand how others can reach points in their life, where they desire it. Ultimately, this practical lesson, can help us to begin to have the compassion within us for others who turn to suicide as their solution. This growing compassion and understanding can serve us greatly as humans in this world leading us to ever more ways to connect to those who are struggling and suffering with suicidal thoughts. 

If we had been judgemental in past lives about people who commit suicide – and many have been extremely judgemental about this, especially the Churches through the centuries – then us now having these feelings gives us a very real perspective to help us have compassion of how difficult it is to deal with this.

This awareness, deeper understanding, and connection are no small things. We gain when we can learn and understand what it’s like for human beings to be human beings with real human turmoil, loss and pain, etc. which can lead to this choice. As humans, the questions related can deal with the despair we feel, the grief we feel, the sorrow and suffering we feel, the experience of being lost in life, the disconnection from others we may experience, as well as the pain of loss of that which we hoped for and sought in our lives. And not all of this is necessarily recognized in our conscious mind all at once. We can be unaware of what drives our considering/grasping at suicide.

When we reach what feels to be the darkest place in our minds and hearts – and possibly finding it to be one of the most alone places within ourselves – then it can become possible to be able to understand why we think that ending our life might end the feelings, sorrow, grief, despair, loss and whatever else which may contribute. Although reaching this newly recognized understanding of humanity from this experience is a seemingly small idea, it has a very big effect on the connecting process of many human hearts. We can easily find that we believe that ending the human experience will end whichever deep black-hole we experience ourselves in.

When we become more aware of this human experience, we can then see what drives humans to believe that stopping this life must be a solution. We can see what drives us humans to WANT the ending of this life to be a solution.

There is loss which we can go through, which we can’t readily identify. We can feel grief which we don’t know where it comes from. We can feel sorrow and pain which we have no understanding why. There are losses in our life – loss of our hope for better in our lives, loss of our intentions, loss of our dreams, loss of our desires, loss of our beliefs about life, and loss of our valuing of different parts of life and on and on. All of these aspects of life are very important to us and for humans, loss of ever kind is felt deeply and impacts our hearts and minds. We even feel it in our bodies.

In our physical life in the physical universe and in our spiritual life in the spiritual realm, it is ourselves who are the voices crying out in the wilderness. We cry out from that place within our own unfinished heart and, as yet, not-fully-discovered mind.

But, coming from this crying out in the wilderness, sometimes, one day in the healing process, we can slowly, slowly learn and recognize the notion that we would never feel any of these things unless we first had an ability to somehow and somewhere have the capacity to grasp there is a God and there is love existing somewhere, and grasping at any/all of this comes from inside our own self – from inside our own heart and from inside our own soul. It is the love patiently waiting and tucked away inside us – and the suffering we recognize we go through connected to a love we can’t even remember – which originally led us to hope earlier on, to have better intentions and beliefs, and to value whatever in life we have found valuable – and have these at the beginnings of our sojourns to experience being human – at the very beginning of our life or lives.

It is the love inside of us which we so many times forget, with having forgotten the awareness that love is our very nature and the center of our life. Yet, the Love at our core of life can help us to find ways, with others’ help, to walk a “seeking for healing” path which can lead, in turn, to reconnecting, communing, and sharing with others, in their lives. It can be these moments, in turn, when we hope that our own healing path of slowly discovering our center, again, that our core awareness of love could help us help our neighbor to come to know they are able to find themselves loved and able to love, eventually, too, thus connecting to an unending circle of help, and then even giving us opportunities to express the compassion we begin to find within us and we have heretofore been relearning (even from the seed of compassion within which we can have for our self.)

All our spiritual lessons will always be centered on and born from loving God, and loving others. Christ’s words, “Love God above all else, and love your neighbor as yourself”, are the words which are the foundation of every spiritual discovery and healing principle. All spiritual teachings flow from the spring of this pure source. For not only is it true that God is Love, but Love is God – the God energy and the God center.  Love is healing because of this.

Our struggles, our pains and our sorrows many times involve, at some level within us, our forgetting that we are asked to bring love with us as we walk through our life, (sometimes one life at a time, one day at a time, and one moment at a time), so that we can know this love is within us, this love can grow within us, and that we can never be separated from this inner healing love. It can never NOT exist as our very being and essence – even if we’re totally clueless about this reality. In addition, in turn, then when we can consider helping another life to learn before their time is up – that they are loved and they now, might know how deep love can reach into every part of us, and out from every deep part of us.

All of us are ambassadors of some kind – whether of harm or of healing. We can be ambassadors of healing, if we are willing to love even one other life, and through the sorrow, the pain, the grief, the despair that we all have known and still know and go through, realize that through all this, we can still love someone or something in life. We can still love, even when we ourselves are on our cross with the nails through our hands and feet, and with the sword piercing our own heart. We can still love when we are in our deepest pain. In turn, any love we give to another is indeed the savior of both of us – is indeed the greatest lesson we can hope to one day grasp – to love God and others – and in turn, this leading to loving the Oneness of all life which begins within our own individual nature.

Loving is always a choice and can be chosen even when we’re on our own cross and we ask, “Father, please forgive us, for we don’t know what we’re doing.” The act of loving is an act of healing and is the act of giving of our self for the benefit of helping others to heal, beginning from ourselves and expanding to more than ourselves.


We are the voices crying out in the wilderness, “God, please, help me!!!” We are the voices crying out, “I don’t understand!” We are the voices suffering. We are the ones whose tears create streams within our soul so that healing waters, the water of love, may begin to flow forth.

We love, and because we love, we experience sorrow and grief, loss, pain and despair. Just ask any parent who loves their child as that child grows and struggles through life. And in these moments of our strongest pain, we know what it means to need help, and we know what it means, when we realize we’re not alone in these feelings, and we’re not alone in the very moment of needing help.

It is the human condition to know sorrow, pain, loss and despair – a few of many triggers for suicide. Yet, when we are nailed upon our own cross, the challenge is at the greatest – to decide to end our life and take ourselves down off the cross, or instead to turn to the one on the cross next to us, reaching over to Him asking to be remembered, or to let someone else know that today, we/they are together with our/their crosses, in the same way that He remembers us to let us know that on our cross, we are with Him and He is with us. And He will never leave us or forsake us when we are on the life path we walk.

Our greatest lesson is Love and in loving, to join with each other and show whomever comes into our lives that love is real, and love can exist in our life. We are meant to both give Love and receive Love. We are not alone – we are meant to become one more person who can come to learn to love and learn to be loved. In turn, because we can choose to love and seek to show love in real ways, then we are united, and then no longer alone in our life. When we love, we are not alone. In this joining based on loving, we are then in that better place we have always been seeking since the beginning of all times.

It may seem disconnected to the response, but I’ll add this…

God designed us to need one another…
and to learn this is a great lesson learned.

Part 1 of 3: Of the Heart

Part 2 of 3: Of the Mind

Part 3 of 3: Karma

Question on Suicide: Part 2. Of the Mind

This is a 3-part series of articles, written to respond to a reader’s question.

Part 1 of 3: Of the Heart

Part 2 of 3: Of the Mind

Part 3 of 3: Karma


“I have been suicidal many times in my life. I have studied metaphysics most of my life. I believe that we, along with our guides, plan our next incarnation and the lessons we will take on. If we and our guides plan our next incarnation, can suicide be written into our ‘blueprint’? If so, would this being planned ahead of rebirth, doesn’t that alleviate the bad karma associated with suicide? It seems if it is planned it is part of our spiritual evolution, yes? Or maybe it is the big picture and the bad karma is part of the learning process as well.” V.

Part 2 of 3: Of The Mind


Depression plays a large part with many suicide decisions. There are an extremely large number of factors which add to depression. Anger, disillusionment, addictions, feelings of being condemned, disappointments, and so many more. I will focus this article on only one of the many. What I will mention here is high expectations of people, of our self, of God, of spirituality, of circumstances, of our understanding of life and of more – both conscious expectations and unconscious expectations.

This is a very seemingly simple facet – seemingly simple in understanding and simple in any depth within the psyche. However, expectations can be buried deep in the unconscious – even coming from our past lives and the beliefs, attitudes and experiences we had during those times. So, with high expectation, too often we are not recognizing or acknowledging that, our expectations of life are driving our perspectives, our beliefs, our hopes, dreams, attitudes, feelings, our subconscious and ultimately our behaviors and decisions when these expectations aren’t followed through or fulfilled – by our self, others, the world or even God and religion.

This non-fulfillment of so many conscious and unconscious expectations can become overwhelming to our spirit and soul. One missing piece of helpful awareness when dealing with a soul’s expectations of existence and life, simply put, is the lack of prayer. No person, no life can grow within through this physical life without God. (I’ll explain this more, a little later.) Prayer – which I define as a reaching for the hand of God – both FOR our self FROM others and FROM our self FOR others is one of the greater catalysts for this connection. We tend to have our highest and most hidden inner expectations of that to which, or for whom, we don’t pray. Beginning this path of exploration and discovery in a simple way – we can begin to see that with our expectations being high, we tend to not consider prayer to be needed or deserved.

I’ll repeat what I just wrote – no person or life can grow within, through life – without God – and with prayer, either for us or from us, we are helped more readily. There are plenty of us who have thought or do think we can go through life without prayer, and plenty that do, but then on the other hand, few of us ever know who has been praying for us, or is praying for us even now as we read this article. In addition, those who are prayed for are helped more readily than those who are not prayed for.

When we don’t include prayer, we are not giving ourselves or others the very real and best help which is needed to face the challenges and difficulties, problems and pain of human life. God created us to need one another. God created us to need Love, prayer, and the Infinite Love of God. We so often tell ourselves that we don’t need any of this. Sure enough, we can exist thinking this way, but denying reality – in this case, denying our spiritual reality begins the path of many serious inner problems. Some of these problems lead us to believe that suicide is a solution. Others of these problems lead us down the road of many destructive and harmful actions – including killing others, as well.

But, existing is not the same as living a growing, evolving life. Exploring our spiritual reality begins the path of enrichment and connection (which is very difficult to make objective – what with it being so personal and unique.) Individually, we can awaken to wonders, connections, and healing beyond what we previously imagined or thought, living a life we had not yet been aware to even think possible – which is why it is more a subjective path rather than an objective path. In addition, the eventual connection to and communing/exploring spirituality with others can show us that there are a lot of us subjective spiritual-path walkers around and connecting up. Yet, at the same time, walking our spiritual path, opens up a whole other box of expectations – related to our religious expectations, our own soul expectations, our expectations of the spiritual path itself, and our expectations of God and spiritual teachers.

When we pray for ALL, and continue to pray for ALL, we can begin to recognize that we are all equal – all life is equal in being valuable, all life is equal in our needs, and all life is equal in importance to and loved by the Consciousness of Infinite and Unending Love – God. We can recognize that All life is worthy of and in need of being prayed for.

We also realize that our prayers may not be easily seen as being helpful. Yet, with continued willingness to and practicing of having faith in God, in others and in our own prayers, the help to face our days’ problems can begin to be felt, and sometimes seen. We can grow to see that our daily life is where we build our relationship with an active God – active in our efforts – who is ready to help us in growing and learning – instead of having the expectation that all of life should be easy and wonderful by default with few prayers and little or no effort.

Part 2B.

[To the questioner] There are several aspects which you mention in your statements which you present and describe here showing what I would consider either a misunderstanding or an incomplete understanding. These aspects are – the planning of our future lives, and the understanding of karma. There are facets of each which you haven’t mentioned which sometimes don’t get considered.

First, consider the concept of “planning of our future lives”, as being a synonym for soul evolution. Now, consider perhaps that there is much more to the “planning” of our future lives, than we are aware of while living our human lives. In addition, planning of each life does not happen at the Earth level in the 5-senses human consciousness level. It cannot take into account the cosmos of who we are, and how each level of our Higher Consciousness must also be involved – something that does not happen at the human level.

Our soul evolution does not get planned by our self. We cannot evolve our self, simply because we don’t have in our human consciousness that awareness of and growth which evolution would lift us into. The highest of consciousness is the guiding force helping us to bring forth our evolution of all things, including levels of consciousness which we cannot physically and psychically hold within our human minds as a human species.

Like the call for a step/leap of faith, we do not consciously have much of that next realm within our minds which we step/leap into, when faith is required. If we did have it in our consciousness, we would not need faith to open our minds beyond our own self-established limits. But, for us to be willing and then to step up into our next level of consciousness, we step off in faith into that which we haven’t yet integrated into our understanding.

The baby being born has not previously been in the world it is being born into. The baby cannot birth him/herself. Higher forces must bring the baby forth, because the baby does not understand the experience and aspects of it. The baby has no concept of any experience except being within it’s one original environment provided by another being – also of which it knows very little.

Humanity, is not at the point where we understand and know all there is to know on the Earth. Our spirit guides, though helpful with the life we live and with seeing future lives, are not the first or last word in spiritual evolution. For they too, are evolving spiritually, and they only can share their own path’s experiences up to that level of growth they’ve reached, with each individual’s path still being subjective to that individual.

Still, our guides of every kind, are indeed helpful, because they sometimes can contribute to guidance from a point of advantage. Just remember, that our guides are many times, many, many times, our friends and family members who we’ve known in life and in previous lives. Likewise, they may be angels, but angels also are on spiritual paths of growth.

The question to consider along with other questions then is: are these the souls we seek to be our source of higher consciousness guidance when they may not have yet gained to the point of providing a comprehensive perspective for a soul-path that is not their own. Who among us knows what is best for another soul? We tend to not always know what is best for ourselves, much less someone else.

Advice we get and give, personally, comes only from that level of learning and growth which we, ourselves, each have reached, and not from the levels of learning and growth which we, yet, have little understanding – in other words, it comes from our own subjective paradigm. Ultimately, who do we approach seeking help on our spiritual path, Aunt Sarah and her understandings, or the Christ within? Both are helpful, or can be. But, each has a different capacity into which their understanding and wisdom expands.

Part 1 of 3: Of the Heart

Part 2 of 3: Of the Mind

Part 3 of 3: Karma

Question on Suicide: Part 3. Karma

This is a 3-part series of articles, written to respond to a reader’s question.

Part 1 of 3: Of the Heart

Part 2 of 3: Of the Mind

Part 3 of 3: Karma


“I have been suicidal many times in my life. I have studied metaphysics most of my life. I believe that we, along with our guides, plan our next incarnation and the lessons we will take on. If we and our guides plan our next incarnation, can suicide be written into our ‘blueprint’? If so, would this being planned ahead of rebirth, doesn’t that alleviate the bad karma associated with suicide? It seems if it is planned it is part of our spiritual evolution, yes? Or maybe it is the big picture and the bad karma is part of the learning process as well.” V.

Karma, of itself, is neither good nor bad. It holds no judgment of the energy it carries or the form it manifests. It holds no judgment because, in truth, God holds no judgment. This may disappoint a lot of people, but it is people who hold the judgment – each having taken a bite of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The life energy of Karma is the God energy. Karma is as aspect of the mind of God, designed to produce the “exact return” of all experiences which we create. Karma is the act of creating – creating experiences for ourselves and others, both in our own realm and in all the realms of life. Not everyone experiences the same form which karma takes when it manifests, but then not everyone experiences the same form which we initially create (for someone else or for our self).

All things are energy, including thought, action, the environment we’re in, manifestation and everything else. These are not just cliches or words of platitude. Not yet understanding these words, does not mean they are false or fanciful.

All of these items are energy in their essence and ultimately in their manifestation. Karma is the creation of different energy patterns, being “sent” into the Infinite – which includes the Earth, physical Universe, our personal lives, and all realms of consciousness. All of this exists because the Infinite Consciousness of God is its source of existence, and is its essence. Karma is an aspect of the Consciousness of God.

The experience that Neal Armstrong gave to the people of the Earth, is the experience making a circular journey, in some form, for all of life, and eventually back, in some form, to Neal Armstrong to experience, with all aspects and factors present in whatever form is available at some point in time. This journey includes to all life in the Universe. The experience that the 19 hijackers gave to the people of the Earth, is the experience making a circular journey, in some form, and eventually back, for all of life and the 19 hijackers to experience, with all aspects and factors present in whatever form is available at some point in time. This journey includes to all life in the Universe.

There is no judgment innate to Karma – judgement comes from the the current beliefs in duality within the human consciousness/mind. There is no Karmic label of good or bad. There is only the returning home of that which is sent out. The boomerang that is thrown outward is the one that returns home – in some form. (Not always the exact same form, but always with every aspect and factor to address.) There is no judgement to this process. It is the same ripple on the surface of the lake which goes outward that is reflected and comes back. The experience we create for others to be on the receiving end of, is the experience which comes back around in the circle for ourselves to be on the receiving end of – again, not always looking exactly like it but holding all facets. It then behooves us to consider, if we are able to, what the impact we are having on others and how we affect other people. If we feel it’s okay to send out certain experiences to others, whether helpful or harmful, then we are accepting that it is okay for ourselves to then receive the very same experiences upon returning.

With God all things are possible. In fact, only with the Infinite Consciousness of God, are all things possible. With God, Loving kindness is possible. Mercy is possible. Healing is possible. Patience is possible. Tolerance is possible, and forgiveness is possible. With God as our partner, our having a better impact and effect on others is possible. With God, we can “Love God above all else, and Love our neighbor as ourselves.” (Like breathing air is why we can continue to live our human life, the presence of God within our very being, is why we can love, why we can forgive, why we show mercy, patience, kindness, courage and more.) We can only Love God and Love our neighbor as ourselves, because it is the God within us – which is our Self – that does the loving. We love, because God within us, as us, which is us, loves.

The point of this is that all actions we make to happen in the world, impacts all of life, whether it is the gift of lifting people up to the stars; demonstrating life, love, and light; whether its judging and condemning ourselves and others; or bringing people down through destructive ways. This we have called karma.

Ultimately, our path will lead to ever higher realms of consciousness, and this will happen when we create experiences of higher realms of consciousness in the realm we currently are at – in other words, “making a heaven on Earth” for those with whom we have contact to experience. To put it another way, we climb the stairway to heaven by building the stairway for everyone to experience. (Neil Armstrong took all of us with him on his climb to walk on the Moon. Also, this is why we say that Jesus Christ was the example for us all – because He lived the life of Love, and then gave this life of Love to All Life – for all of us to be aware of.)

We strengthen God’s Love in the world, by Loving our neighbors as ourselves. We strengthen the presence of Heaven on Earth by making a Heaven on Earth for the people in our lives in whatever way we can. If we wonder how – it is as has been said many times – Loving kindness, patience, forgiveness, mercy, long-suffering, Oneness, prayer, meditation, brotherhood, faith in the God within all life, trust in the Infinite Consciousness of God, and more.

For anyone who contemplates suicide, I would simply suggest, first get permission from all the people in one’s life. Ask them if this act of suicide would create the same type of experience that it would for the one contemplating it.

… Or would this create a different type of experience in their lives.

If this is only a question of spiritual logic, then these questions are valid to be asked. But, if this turns out to not just be a question of logic, then deeper exploring of the heart and soul could provide much greater insight and much greater answers leading to finding something greater than previously thought possible, i.e. peace of mind and heart, healing of the soul, and/or a greater understanding of our purpose of being alive, just to name a few, if these are sought.

Go deeper. Seek deeper into the soul and the human heart. Never give up the journey into one’s own Self to discover the riches yet existing within the cosmos of one’s own Self. Consider the cosmos of the night sky as an easy to experience reflection of our own depths.

There is no need to guess about God or our spiritual path. God’s will is Love. All spiritual lessons begin and end with God and God’s Infinite Love. There is no separation between the two. The One Infinite God is also Infinite Love. And the Consciousness of Infinite Love does not withhold Love.

These 3 articles (3 parts of 1 article) are by no means all that can be put forth to discuss suicide from a spiritual perspective. As I mentioned, many, many books (possibly even libraries) can be written about these aspects. My own paradigm is that we can learn from our own experiences including the experience of reaching a point where we consider suicide.

Being human, our own experiences also give us insight into human experiences which push us to consider much about humanity including suicide, and in turn, when facing/dealing/healing this, then use that gained insight and understanding for self-exploration on our spiritual path and eventually for helping others to try to move through any experiences which led them also to consider suicide.

Learning only about ourselves and our own life is not the end purpose of the spiritual path. The step beyond that is to rejoin the Oneness of all Life, and release/share the learning into the Infinite (which includes people in our life, and our world.) As we live our life, we are observed by those who learn from our examples – whether “good or bad”. One of the things we can be observed doing, is the human process of learning from our experiences. One of the things we can teach, is wisdom we’ve sought from our experiences and sharing with the world (or one other person) what we’ve learned.

The Individual Human Consciousness is a cosmos as vast as the one we see by looking up into a clear night sky. I’ve said it before – if anyone would like to gain a glance at one’s own consciousness, then look up during a clear night. Try to take it all in. Then realize that the wonders we see in the night sky, we see because it is reflecting our own self. If we don’t grasp this, it is only because we’ve not yet expanded our awareness to that vastness – which can indeed be done by using our own mind with all the capabilities the mind has, including exploring ever deeper into ourselves.

Just don’t forget – after the journey to expand, then to shrink back down when returning to the room and one’s own body.

Just sayin’.

God bless us, Everyone.

Part 1 of 3: Of the Heart

Part 2 of 3: Of the Mind

Part 3 of 3: Karma

Psychic Predictions for 2023 – to get access

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Thank you to all of you who value this work.

Joseph “Jodie” Senkyrik