A Short 2020 Update

With the virus changing things – our lives – I’ll give a momentary 2020 update for the circumstances. For the US, in general, the people will continue to struggle against staying home. I’m still seeing mid-May to Mid-June averaging out to be when society opens back up slightly. This will not be a time of “controlling the Covid-19 virus”.

If society were to stay in place, we would have been able to avoid a resurgence of the virus, but this won’t happen. There will be an upswing again in the numbers. I’m seeing them go up in the 2nd half of July, then more in August. This means that the election in November will still have the air of the Virus about it.

If you’re still playing in the stock market, stop. The ups and downs will blindside people. Losses will contribute to the economic bad times. You cannot juggle knives when you’re blindfolded, and you won’t get specific enough information from psychics to save you from financial losses. The storm waves are too high.  Sit on what you have for the long term – at least 5-6 years.

This is a long process for the whole world. There are areas in the world that will still see devastating numbers in the fall.

At the same time, with a Democratic win for the presidency in November, the Republican Senate leaders will still announce they will obstruct everything they can. This bodes badly for helping the American people.  Even as individual people, they have the right to choose arguing and fighting as their mode of living – just like you, and/or me, if we wanted.

This is one reason why I have said this many times – don’t look to the Federal government for help during this time. Help for individuals and communities will come from local sources. And being a part of community efforts will be what helps people.

Helpful steps to take:
1. Express creativity in whatever is necessary for you to carry out. It is creative expression which will help to enliven people. Your own mind will have new ways to be creative if you slow down your “racing”.
2. Use your hands, use your mind, be active – all in creative ways.
3. To get a sense of how to be creative, sit quietly, resting the mind, eyes closed for a few minutes – allowing your breathing to slow down, and allowing your adrenaline to slow down. This process will allow creative ideas to bubble up. It is adrenaline activated in the bloodstream which also causes one to grind their teeth and be on edge.
4. Sometimes it takes priming the pump for new ways and new ideas to come forth. Don’t censor yourself. There are no bad ideas, just ones that need tweaking.  If we can think it, we can do it.
5. Challenge your own mind. There are plenty of ways – games are just one suggestion.
6. Read. To yourself or to others. For children – read “The Princess Bride” book. Read to them as they’re laying down with their eyes closed – the associated images in their minds will be magnified. Don’t believe me? Have someone read to you as an experiment with you lying down and having your eyes closed.
7. There are 10,000 other items that also can be listed in this category.

1. Drink water. Pay attention – to help you drink more water. Or tea. Dehydration can occur without knowing it, and this can mess up your brain function in subtle ways. Drinking more water will help your body in ways you’re not even thinking of right now. It helps with washing your physical body’s systems of which some may be contributing to your current stress hormonally – both male and female.
2. Let go of using the whip on yourself. If you don’t have all the answers on how to handle this time and these experiences, then realize that only you were thinking that you should have all the answers – you can change your mind and give yourself more time. This will help your adrenals to calm down.
3. The world won’t come to a standstill if you take a nap. You can get back on the world, when you wake up. You’re going to be tired.  Sometimes, you won’t know it and you won’t know why.
4. Yoga, exercise, riding bicycles, walking, gardening, building something or making something with your hands, sitting in a rocking chair, and other physical activities.
5. Try an activity which you’ve heard others try, but you’ve never tried before. Try it only once just to see what it’s like.
6. Focus your attention on “what to do today” and only today.
7. There are also 10,000 other items that can be listed in this category, as well.

1. Reach out via whichever method is available to anyone you feel comfortable with contacting. Remember, they need to have contact with someone, too. Even if they’re across country.  They are feeling scared, antsy, and other feelings, as well.
2. When still working at a job, remember, by your example of following the guidelines set in place, others will be helped to feel more comfortable with following the guidelines.
3. Don’t criticize people for following guidelines if you don’t agree. They care about and want their families and friends to be safe, and these ways offer the most hope to make them safe.  People don’t care who’s right.  People care more about saving their loved ones lives.
4. Be brave, but also be wise. Trust God, and tie your camel. No one is harmed by following guidelines. No one is helped by condemning the guidelines. There’s an old Texas saying, “Trying to demonstrate that we’re smarter than everyone else by condemning others efforts, always has the opposite effect.”  (Hmm.  It could be a new Texas saying.)
5. Ask questions of other people in your life, and of yourself — about life. It’s time to check in with others on what they feel, too. You will discover something new about them. Find the book, “1000 Questions for Couples”.  Check out the questions available.
6. Someone once said, “There is no excuse for being bored.” Answer one of these questions – “What do you like most about being bored?” or “What do you like most about enjoying yourself?”
7. There are 20,000 other items that could be listed in this category.

1. Talk to God inside your own mind and heart. Be honest. If you’re afraid, say so. He/She is not mean.
2. Pray a short prayer, when you think to do so. Praying doesn’t need lots of words when only 4 will do – “God, please help us.”
3. Sit down for 5 minutes, just to rest. You’ll know when to get back up.
4. Meditate for the benefits it brings. Meditate in order to sit in silence with a very kind “Friend”.
5. Bless people as you go through your day. “Bless you.” can be said to anyone who is helpful.
6. There are 30,000 other items that could also be listed in this category.


God bless you.

The Question

Right now, with the Covid-19 virus, climate crisis, unemployment, immigration, etc, we see a lot of troubles, a lot of problems, a lot of a big mess happening in our world – not just our country, but our whole world – right now. Everyone has a story. Everyone has a complaint. Everyone has an opinion. Everyone has everything with regards to each others experiences.

And… we are asking questions. For some of us, one of the questions we also HAVE to ask is – “How does this serve me?” as an individual, and “How does this serve us?” meaning humanity. (I consider this 1 question even though it’s asked in two ways.)

There are real questions to ask, and this particular real question has a much deeper answer than just the surface answers being more complaints, more problems, and more opinions. This is a question which can bring an even greater understanding of our spiritual path, our spiritual place in life and our spiritual work in this situation.

It is also a question which must be looked at, considered, and let simmer over time. If we simply repeat the problems and gripes as if that were the answer, then we don’t have the answer. This is a question which must be examined in depth.

We can equate it with Christ’s dying on the cross. If we were standing at the base of the cross 2000+ years ago, we would think the answer is just another problem, loss of hope, and sign of more danger. But, looking at this question 2000+ years later, we can see there is a much more expansive answer to the question.

How does Christ’s death on the cross serve me? How does Christ’s death on the cross serve humanity. With asking it now, we can see that, for our self, there is more to the answer than just a momentary immediate answer which we might come up with off the top of our head.

We can ask the same thing about Gandhi’s death, Martin Luther King’s death, or many of the events which we consider disasters for people throughout history.

There are answers – deeper and more meaningful answers. And …. each of us can only ask for ourselves, because each of us has our own unique story, perspective and understanding. My answers come from my story, perspective and understanding. Yours come from yours.

The question is worth asking, because the answer that comes to us – for us alone – is worth knowing, … and the answer has meaning at some of the deepest parts of ourselves.


“If we put everything in human terms, we are going to miss out on a lot of understanding.  But, if we put everything in spiritual and consciousness terms, then we will gain more of an understanding than we ever imagined possible.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

“If we don’t ask God our questions inside our hearts and minds, God won’t answer from His/Hers.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Wisdom is made available to all people.  But, only those of us who want it, will hold onto and practice wisdom to make it real.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2016, Jodie Senkyrik)

Evolution: What It Is Not vs. What It Can Be

A lot of people have very unique images in their minds about what this world will look like “after the evolutionary time” passes. I have some abrupt news for some people. This evolutionary path is not going to manifest as “a wonderful world where everything goes the way we want”. It’s not going to manifest as everyone knowing how to cooperate and get along. It’s not going to manifest as a dream world. Take a look around and realize that we have been on an evolutionary path since the beginning of time, and an Earth-based/human/spiritual evolutionary path since Adam and Eve. Now is a unique time for this process, but there has never been a time when evolution has not been or will not be happening.

Evolution – namely our spiritual evolution will manifest from within our hearts. What we put forth from our hearts is what will come into the world – not one or the other, but rather BOTH – the beautiful and the ugly, what we’re conscious of and what is hidden in our subconscious, all that is good and all that is bad – within our self. This is what will then manifest as our social evolution in the Outer World.

The evolution is activated by how we respond to the world events, both large and small, both global events and individual life events. Evolution begins with what is in our hearts and minds. So, don’t look for it only and simply to independently manifest in the outer world around us – the arena and circumstances of our day to day life. It will grow from our own responses to these outer world circumstances of our day to day life. Our outer world always comes from our inner world and not the other way around.

How we respond (to the outer world,) is the source of what we create within us. It is this consciousness and energy within us, which is that which is evolving. This consciousness will eventually bring about the different life that we seek for ourselves and in turn, what we then contribute to the community of which we are a part.


The Decade of the Heart and Mind

Artist-Mark Lewis Wagner

Artist: Mark Lewis Wagner

In the next 6-7 years in particular, we will be faced with many challenges to let go of things we thought were established reliable ways of thinking, acting and living and choosing for our lives. We will have to let go of thinking that we know what we’re doing, and let go of thinking we have a good head on our shoulders. We will be called to learn things that we don’t even know are things we didn’t know. We are being put in situations where we either change how we do things, or think things, or else we could bring suffering of many different kinds or even death into people’s lives. We can see that happening already.

Don’t look to the outside world – any outside-ourselves person or thing – to be the source of any evolution or “saving us” from the next 6-7 years. All evolution and “saving” comes from within us in our choices and responses – when we respond from kindness, love, patience, forgiveness, etc.

We use this guidance to make better choices and/or to manifest more heart-centered responses. We will be helped to see that we do not have the wherewithal to evolve ourselves. We will be helped to learn that all of us are called to let go of that which is holding us back, individually.  And of course, some of us will say “NO” to this evolution and these changes, because freewill will not be taken away from anyone.

If we are willing to evolve, then the evolution will come about, and our responses – either unselfish-centered or selfish-centered, either “my way” or “Infinite Love’s way”, either “what I think should be how people and life should be” or “how God creates the world from the heart outwardly” – our individual responses are what will fuel the evolution of our “self towards our higher self” individually.

Act (Love) Locally – Family, Friends, “Your Neighbor”

Yes, there are people who are willing to respond and help us in our day-to-day lives, but we are called to help others, as well. Not just “help” in the ways we think, but in new ways that we’ve never considered, which we will not even know until the moment that we decide to help. We are needing healing, and we are the ones to help bring healing – the Wounded Healers.

Willingness is everything to this evolutionary process. When we are willing, all things in life then happen in ways that will “help us to evolve”. When we are unwilling, all things in life then happen in ways that will diminish our efforts to prevent evolution. What this means is that God is all about evolution of our awareness of our being spirits who are the Children of the One Infinite Consciousness – God. God is committed to this evolution for all souls, or rather evolution for all life.

Artist: Mark Lewis Wagner

Artist: Mark Lewis Wagner

Be aware of: don’t look for the capacity to control evolutionary processes in the outer world. Our only control is our willingness and decision of when to go within to reconnect with Infinite Life that exists within our hearts and minds. The only control we have is when to turn within, and if need be, cry out to God for help, or say quite accurately, “Thank you God for your presence in my life, for your kindness and deep love, and for the support and help you extend to me every moment of every second, of every minute of every day.”

The Greatest of Challenges and the Calling to Love

Finally, the greatest of challenges has been given to us, (alongside remembering “with God, all things are possible.”) As Christ said, we are called to love our enemies, pray for those who hurt us, forgive those who spite us. This includes the call regarding the following — if we don’t change how we respond to people who we tend to think of as “everyday enemies”, those who severely irritate and make us angry, online, on social media, in our own family, in the political scene, etc, and etc, then we are not doing the work we’re here to do. One of the hardest lessons waiting for us to grasp is that the qualities we see in others are also the qualities within ourselves, otherwise we wouldn’t see them. Even seeing others DENIAL of this truth – is one of our own lessons about ourselves. Hence, why one of the most important prayers we can give forth is, “Lord, help me be honest with myself!”

If we don’t change ourselves, then our world, which reflects our inner selves, will not change in any way.  We do the work. We are the water that yet is to be changed into the wine. If we don’t pour ourselves forth from the source of kindness, compassion, patience, understanding, forgiveness, long-suffering and more, then our world will not evolve.

We start with only ourselves, individually. If we are not willing to heal/change our own hearts, minds and souls, then we can never expect to be successful at healing/changing the world. The outer world appearance and circumstances are simply a reflection of the inner world within each of us.

As the Course in Miracle says, “All we need to do is be willing and the Holy Spirit will do the rest.” This is why, “With God, all things are possible.” This is why this calling is possible. This is why it is possible for us to change our hearts within ourselves.

God bless all of you, and may God bless everyone’s effort put forth to demonstrate the best that exists within our hearts, minds and souls.



Tweets March 16 – March 29, 2020

We are in the time of the Earth when we’ve entered into the dark times-low vibration-manifesting as serious problems in the Earth (6-7 years). There’s so much going on spiritually, making this one of the most important times in human history, but we must do our inner work to help.