Think of the Ocean

Think of the Ocean

Think of the ocean with the waves coming upon the shore – among the grains of sand. Some water stays blended in with the sand, but eventually makes it back out to the ocean.

This is a metaphor for the entrance of souls into the Earth.

While in the sand, we think we’re part of the sand. We think we are sand – physical, and a product of the physical world – created as part of the physical world. But, we are only among the physical world, not of the physical world. We exist among the physical particles, but again, we’re the drops of water in amongst the sand. The sand is everywhere we look, except within.

The sand is so overwhelming to our awareness that we just forget that we are water. But, eventually, we make our way through the journey of physical life, back to the ocean. In this sand world, we call this return to the ocean, death.

In returning to the ocean, we change our consciousnesses again, and need to re-acclimate to the reality that we are among the water droplets that add to the ocean.

We are no longer among the sand which had overwhelmed our awareness and our consciousness which lead to our forgetting the ocean, again. And back in the ocean, we relearn of who and what we are.

And there are some among the sand who speak about the ocean to try to help the drops of water remember the ocean. And one drop of water came 2000 years ago and demonstrated the ocean to those who would listen and see. And He returned to the ocean and then returned to this sand world, at will, reminding other drops of water that the ocean is real, because water is real. And there are many others who try to share that we are drops of water- drops of the ocean – even though we are in the sand.

And we can take this metaphor as far as we want, because water droplets go everywhere in this world, yet always make it back to the ocean.

Even with some still thinking there is only sand.


Now, … think of how many drops of water of the ocean get to experience the sand with any of the the beaches of the planet.

And think of how many drops, and how much water in the “Ocean”, will never experience (touch) any sand.

This too, is a metaphor for the Infinite Expanse of Consciousness – the Infinite Consciousness of the Infinite All – that which we refer to as the Infinite Consciousness of God – and what yet awaits us when we “graduate” beyond this planetary plane of existence.

To move on, simply requires us to let go of everything we hold onto in this world – like hate, fear, condemnation, judgment of others, selfishness, blame, the closing of our mind and heart, etc . . .

… and embrace – willingness.
