Q n A

A few months ago I converted into Zoroastrianism. It is the faith of my ancestors. But, some things I can’t find in books.

Did Aryans also come from Atlantis or they originate in Russia/Central Asia as anthropologists claim ? When did Ancient Iranians and Indo-Aryans separate ? Avesta were composed in Iran or Central Asia and Vedas were composed in Afghanistan or India ? Zoroastrater was from Eastern Iran or modern day Herat ? W.S.

During those ancient days, Aryans were more considered a cultural and social grouping like religions or today’s Masons but were also concentrated in specific families and regional people. You can see how this would be handed down in families, like religious beliefs are handed down in families and groups/tribes/villages, but eventually as centuries passed, be thought that it is a racial aspect instead because of the genetic pathways paralleling the religious/social beliefs pathways. They were not racially connected originally, but were more familial connected through many generations. In modern times, the Aryan designation has been transferred to be considered as if it were a racial subset since the familial connection way of passing it down had been forgotten and does not get looked at.

This happens with the evolution of many social/religious paths over hundreds and thousands of years of being passed on – it takes on different characteristics and meanings according to the norms of those surrounding generations. This happens to most everything. It expands out of familial boundaries. For example, the Christian religion from the year 100-200 AD is very dissimilar to the Christian Churches of 1000 AD, and they are dissimilar to today, 2023 AD for the same reasons. What Christ taught to the 12 Apostles, like many other spiritual teachers and their followers, has been translated and re-translated many times, with each translation being influenced by the consciousnesses of the people of this or that particular time and in turn being influenced via passing beyond family boundaries into larger groupings of local people. There is no way this can NOT happen.

The same happened with the teachings of Zoroaster. With each generation, language changes, meanings change, understandings change, family containment and village containment changes, but this change does not render it unworthy of being studied. Not at all. The core messages can stay within the tenants and teachings. The Spirit of the teachings of Zoroaster are also the teachings of there being One God, and this God being a God of Peace, Love and Brotherhood. It is the Spirit of the message and teachings which seeks to survive, since all the tenants can still then be extracted from the core Spiritual message of the One God, Peace and Cooperation Among Peoples.

You might also consider looking into what the Edgar Cayce psychic readings say about Zoroaster and his followers.

Meanwhile, Atlanteans were the Red race, and this DNA can be seen to be in people’s all over the globe since they had the technology and machines to fly – as we have today. As Atlantis broke up in the last 25,000 years of its existence, Atlanteans mostly migrated into the North and South Americas, then into Europe and eastward, including into the middle eastern lands. I’m speaking in general since there are many general paths and unique paths which migrating people took – much like how people move around the Earth today, what with immigration and refugee happenings. Very little is easily separated out to be saying specifically that “XYZ happened and that’s all.” (By the way, the eons in which Atlantis existed, puts our own small history to shame. People wonder why there’s no proof of Atlantis, but the proof is all around us and shows up all the time. People who say there’s no proof, simply call it something else, and dismiss the possibilities and theories. When one is trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle without a guiding picture and with most of the pieces missing, there’s a lot of the final solution that will be lost.)

Still, with thousands of years of movement/migration around the globe, Atlanteans influenced and have genetic markers all over the place. Likewise, but with centuries instead of millennia, Aryan influence (among many others) has also been passed on through many social paths and not so much via families anymore what with having expanded beyond family traditions and then expanding out and getting blended into other societal groups and other societal belief systems.

There is always a whole lot of blending that happens as time progresses – like as happens today – where everyone is a blend of many different cultural, religious and social influences/paths AND even races – without even knowing it. This is one of the greatest purposes to all spiritual teachings – to be spread out among the people of the world even with its blending with what is characteristic of the local people. And we see this spreading out happening all through mankind’s history with each and every offering from the Spiritual Teachers.

In other words, the separations you’re asking about happened, but in the process of this happening, blended with other teachings as it traveled. There really is not such a thing as a purity of ANYTHING. But, there doesn’t need to be, either. In passing these teachings from one person to another, most people take what fits for them and temporarily discard what doesn’t. However, the guiding star of all this is the message which finds its way into so many of today’s religions and ways of living – that God is One, and all people are brothers and sisters, and from this, we can learn therefore to do unto others as one would have be done unto oneself.

If you’re looking for a pure source of spiritual teaching, start with what is being taught. The first teaching being: There is One God for all life. All life exists in Brotherhood with all other life, which includes for humanity – all human beings are brothers and sisters – all of us being children of the Infinite Consciousness of Oneness – the God of All – the God that is the Infinite One. From the One God comes all Truth and all Pure Teaching. But, of course, God works with and through the still-growing-still-learning humans struggling with God’s gift of free-will, and with our much smaller understandings of God, Spirituality and Life. Because of our smaller capacity for comprehension compared to God, we must define and understand within the paradigms which we currently hold, and then evolve as time proceeds.

From these spiritual teachings and similar teachings, Jesus Christ extracted and put forth “Love the One God above all else, and Love your neighbor [who is our mother, brother, and sister] as yourself.” (Jesus did travel through Persia and the India, during parts of his early life, studying and learning much – from the ages of 12 to about 30.)

When God wants to get a message out to a planet of people, God does this over and over, generation to generation, millennia after millennia, in many languages, in many social arenas, from many teachers, (many whom are average people with sincere hearts, like maybe who you and I know – as well as “you and I”) who speak the many different languages and have the many different paradigms of the current populations. This method of teaching works for humanity, and God will continue this way for as long as is needed on this planet and for all life on the planet.

This may not answer your direct questions, but this is what I psychically see and which came forth, and this could offer some insight into that which you are studying.
As I mention above, do check out what the Edgar Cayce Readings say on Zoroaster and this, as well.

Disinformation – Incomplete Information

Have you ever put together a jigsaw puzzle? whether 100, 200, 500 or a 1000 pieces? Have you ever put it almost together and find you have 1 or 2 pieces missing?

With the picture on the box, and an understanding of what its supposed to look like, it’s possible to put the puzzle together even with 1 or 2 pieces missing, and give an exact rendering of the picture on the box.

What if we had a box of 500 pieces, of which about 250, or even 450 pieces were missing – which we didn’t know about, and there was no picture of any kind to guide us.

Hypothetically, we might still work very hard to put together whatever picture we believed could be assembled. (More likely, we’d throw it away.) But, whatever work was needed, we would do because we believed we had all the pieces and it was going to show us a picture of some kind.

We would be totally unaware of any pieces which were not available or we didn’t find. We would be unaware that any other pieces even existed, believing that we already had all there was.

In other words, within our own paradigm, we would believe we have all the information, whatever picture we assembled in our minds, and that this was the truth of the puzzle. It would not matter if someone else said they had other pieces of the puzzle – we did not have those pieces and we believed we had all the pieces needed to render the final puzzle picture.

Right after the attack of 911, I was asked for and gave a 3-day reading about many different facets of the attack. I psychically saw much information coming from many viewpoints, in the Akashic records about Atlantis, the Middle East, Edgar Cayce, that present day’s government, and much, much more. I worked on the psychic reading for 3 days. Having full confidence in my work and what I saw, (and even today, I still do), I began giving workshops and presentations on the information, because there was much to learn.

One aspect which I presented was how one particular person was an Atlantean and in the Atlantean military, at the level equal to today’s Colonel. He was a very strong military commander and his general orders were to subdue and control the Middle Eastern people.

(Sidenote: Later on in history, during the Roman Empire, this person was a high ranking Roman Centurion, still seeking ways to subdue the middle eastern peoples, considering them a constant thorn in his side, and with having a desire to continue his warring on them as a Roman soldier.)

(Now, to return to Atlantis,…) at that time in the Atlantean history, it meant government factions in Atlantis were much of the time attacking, killing, controlling and/or enslaving the human beings of many areas of the globe. Atlantis was a high technology level civilization, even with flying machines, and during this time in its history, factions used Atlantean higher levels of technology to work to command, subdue and control as much of the land mass and peoples on the Earth as it could acquire.

This warring mentality of trying to control other regions and peoples, created a lot of enemies in other peoples around the globe, including in the area now known as the Middle East. But, the Atlanteans were the technological leaders on the planet.

These global peoples being attacked were souls/spirits like today, and the hatred Atlantis engendered in others through their military actions, stayed within the consciousnesses of many, many souls on the receiving end of these harmful actions.

[Sidenote: Hatred and Love both are part of Souls’ experiences, and we have the freewill to hold on to it or to let it go. What we experience in our past lives, stays with us as part of us – and we always have the freewill of acting on whichever aspects are within us, whether harmful or helpful aspects, and harmful or helpful attitudes and feelings.]

In my workshops/presentations, I shared that the 19 hijackers were souls who had been part of the Middle East peoples during some of those days, and who were attacked by the higher technological civilization of their time – the super power of their time – Atlantis.

In the process of doing the Reading, I could see that this was the reason they were so willing to carry out these acts today – their hatred which had been with them for thousands of years (The last part of Atlantis didn’t finally finish sinking until about 10,000 BC, which led to the final mass migrations into North America, South America and northern Africa.)

During the workshops, many in the audience volunteered that they held to the beliefs that the 911 attacks were “an inside job” orchestrated by President GW Bush, and there were explosives planted to make the buildings explode on command.

I saw none of that in the Akashic records. Even when they brought it up during the workshops, I looked for the information and if it had been true, it would have been in the Akashic records. I did not find it.

Instead what I psychically saw was that these people – who believed Pres Bush was responsible for the 911 attacks, as an inside job – some were around in Atlantis during the times of the Atlantean military conquests. (Not all Atlanteans were of this mindset of militarism and conquest towards other peoples.)

What I was also becoming aware of was that they had an unconscious sensing of the involvement of GWB. But, they didn’t have the psychic tools to flesh out all the details recorded in the Akashic Records. They didn’t have all the pieces to the puzzle or a complete picture of the puzzle to help them. What they did have, though, was a sense that he was involved somehow. Within their own paradigms they put together whatever understanding they could with the pieces of the puzzle which they had.

With the limited information plus the intuitive sense that GWB was involved, they put together some of the only scenarios which made sense to them – ‘an inside job’.

What I haven’t yet mentioned here is that GWB was the Colonel and the Roman Centurion. By no means was he the only Atlantean who carried out military conquests like this, because Atlantis lasted for tens of thousands of years, with hundreds and thousands of leaders and military conquests.

GWB was one of many who did have an influence on the people of the Middle East and in a negative way. The US is a super power and has a high level of technology. It was a perfect storm ready for Osama Ben Laden (a Middle Eastern village leader in Atlantean days) and the 19 hijackers to try to strike back at the 21st century version of Atlanteans.

The point of all this is that the people in my workshops only had a small number of pieces of the puzzle from which to draw from to explain the attack of 911. But, from their own non-fully-psychic, but yet intuitive-based paradigms, they formulated their own scenario which they proclaimed as Truth- that GWB was directly involved as the causal source of carrying out the destroying of the Twin Towers.

I did share as much as I could of what I saw with regards to the attack, including that I saw no Akashic information saying GWB was directly involved in our time, as being the perpetrator – but rather the 19 men used the US as symbols of the destruction and death they experienced at the hands of the Atlanteans when they were souls in the Earth at the Atlantean time in history. (The 19 only knew the conscious reasons – not the unconscious Atlantean connection.) What anyone then does with receiving more information – more pieces of the bigger picture puzzle – is always up to the individual freewill which we all exercise.

The current world is not the Atlantean world, but in the 19 hijackers paradigm, it was only one piece of the incomplete puzzle they had. In my workshop, there was no Akashic information presenting that GWB was directly responsible for the destruction of the Twin Towers, but in the attendees’ paradigm, it was only one piece of the incomplete puzzle they had in their minds and hearts.

And now, you have additional information about the whole picture.

For us in the world NOW, we see disinformation and misinformation. We are taking sides in what we believe. Do we believe conspiracies? Do we believe whatever someone posts on the Internet? I know I’m included in this tug-of-war, always having to work hard to stay clear, and be honest with myself about what I see psychically – always working to NOT be influenced by negative emotions and personal resentments or bitterness – which is DIFFICULT TO DO, but still possible, because we are not machines which are automatic and can’t choose.

We’re always going to have freewill to make choices of what we believe. ALWAYS! No one can legislate or command what we believe within ourselves or whether we love or hate. Our choice is to cooperate with either someone saying to Love and unite, or someone saying to hate and attack. We have freewill to choose to participate in Love or to participate in hate.

If any of us are confused about misinformation or disinformation, or incomplete information, we can also keep our minds open.

We can also pray very sincerely and earnestly, “Lord, teach us the Truth”. If we believe that Christ is Truth, then we can say this prayer all the time, over and over and believe (as long as we’re willing to stay open to what comes.)

Misinformation, disinformation, and incomplete information comes from the same place – not knowing. We try to put together the puzzle from only the pieces we have, and think that’s all there is. There is no more.

But, that’s NOT all there is. There are paradigms beyond our own self-established and current paradigms, understanding beyond our own self-chosen and current understanding, insights beyond our own current insights, and answers beyond our own current answers.

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what we believe, as much as it matters what and how we use our beliefs to motivate us to treat our neighbor. This is one of Christ’s most important messages – “Love one another, as I love you.”

It does work better for us though to recognize that none of us have all the information about any topic which is subject to disinformation. Some of us may have more pieces of the puzzle than others. And we all think we’ve got the whole Truth. In reality, it’s like we’re all stereotypical teenagers thinking there’s nothing left to learn, and we, (now that we’re teenagers,) know it all.

Pity the world where no beliefs are ever challenged.

It helps to challenge beliefs. It helps us to challenge our own beliefs and to challenge others beliefs. It also helps us to remember that this process of challenging beliefs has been going on throughout all history of life on the planet.

In essence, the question asked through all generations is Do we believe we have to stay the same/believe the same as all generations before us, or do we believe we can change and become/believe something different than all the generations before us?

One of the greater challenges for every soul, for every spirit, and for every human being is to recognize that we learn without realizing we’re learning, we grow sometimes without realizing we’re growing, and we change because we are alive and exist, and all of this happens regardless of what we believe, but it happens better and easier when we have an open heart and an open mind.

Remember, when we were 6 years old, we were smarter about life and the world than we were when we were 3 years old. When we were 10 years old, we were smarter about life and the world than we were when we were 6. When we were 14 vs 10, when we were 18 vs 14, when we were 25 vs 18 and on and on. At no time did we stop learning, growing, and changing. Even back then, it went smoother when we had an open heart and an open mind.

There is no time that we’re not changing, and so when we ask ourselves the above question, “Do we believe we HAVE TO stay the same (or think) as all generations before us or do we believe we can change and become (or think) something different than all the generations before us?” (just like the first single-celled organisms that existed hundreds of millions of years ago) we face a big challenge for our self in cooperating with who and what we will become. And it probably will work better for us if we have open hearts and open minds.

Psychic Predictions for 2023 – to get access

As of June 1, 2023, this process and the payment are no longer needed to access the Psychic Predictions for 2023. To access the article, click on this link.

For the predictions this year, I post what I see worldwide – the Russia/Ukraine war, Asian conflicts and accomplishments, the global changes in weather, the economy, Covid, Europe, the Pacific Rim, and much about the US. I also post about the spiritual help and spiritual work which has been world changing, as well as medical improvements, tech improvements and subscriber questions.

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Thank you to all of you who value this work.

Joseph “Jodie” Senkyrik

Psychic Predictions for 2023

Disclaimer: If you find this information interesting, do read what I’ve written in past years, because in each year, I also include information of more than just that particular year. When I see information going past a particular year I’m writing about, I include it in that years predictions anyway. This means I will have information about many years written in that one year’s information. I release the past years’ predictions to be free, usually as of the following summer or fall after I post it.

As usual, this will be another long read. Feel free to download it and save to your device, if you wish. It will be online permanently, and you also can come back later, when you wish. If this inspires more questions, please add them via the comments section, and I may be able to add them to the end of this document.


Beginning and Overview:

The good news is that Edgar Cayce’s prediction of the physical earth poles shifting – the planet shifting – has been mostly transmuted, or rather, millions of souls, both incarnate and discarnate, have been working for decades to open the “doors” to the physical Earth for an increase in the higher spiritual energy – for the potential healing of the planet and for offering greater awareness of the reality of our spiritual nature and the presence of Spirit being a reality of life. Put another way, the energy which WAS in line to manifest in the form of an extremely destructive and deadly physical pole shifting, has transformed into manifesting in other ways —– but as of now, only a part of the energy has been shifted to manifest in other ways, yet it has been enough to avoid the Earth’s physical pole change — and change how the remaining energy would manifest throughout the planet.

Of the destructive darker energy, less than 20% (generally speaking) has been dissolved/resolved/healed, but roughly 80% could not be stopped from coming – yet has been shifted to manifest into different forms and manifesting over longer time periods (stretched out over time) – i.e. the ever worsening Climate Crisis, weather disasters, Indonesia’s Tsunami, the Japanese Tsunami/Earthquake/Nuclear disaster, the Venezuelan government and society’s upheavals, the earthquakes in South America, the Covid Pandemic, major worldwide economic problems, global food scarcity, energy scarcity, homelessness / housing scarcity, wars including the Russian/Ukraine war, worldwide natural disasters, as well as widespread personal conflicts which we see everywhere, even in our own personal lives, with others in our lives, and other world wide events which cause destruction and stress.

All of these could have, but now aren’t going to manifest as the Earth’s physical North/South Poles shifting event, which would have caused a tilting of the Poles and a shifting of the Earth’s position in space. For real !!! Our world, our planet, our nations, our societies and our lives would have changed to the extreme in ways only imagined in Hollywood.

This was set in place to happen and millions and millions have contributed on the spiritual level to help make this particular scenario not play out. So, when I say that prayers and meditations have already helped change our world’s future, I’m really meaning it in a big way. BTW, we’ve also avoided a much larger world war. But, we have much work still for us to do. Also, BTW, no one will ever take away your own choice to believe this or not. All of us choose for ourselves what to believe in our lives, and no one can take away what God has given us – freewill.

More good news: I will first use the metaphor of “descending into a darkened cave” when referring to going into the “hitting the bottom” years of 2023 and 2024. “Hitting the bottom” means walking the path to descending into the darkest of the years of this time, when we seemingly have “darkness” (actions without love/light at its core) all around us. Metaphorically, the descending path will have less “rocky paths” and a more smoother path to walk on our journey deeper into the cave. This is symbolic of the descent. We cannot avoid the path into the cave/the energy or the darkness of this year. The path to the future is through this darkness of the cave of 2023 and 2024. With “entering this cave”, where we cannot avoid the dark, the spiritual help and higher energy – working to raise the vibration of all energy that has been set to come forth – has also helped to connect us to help of many kinds manifesting on our descending path.

I like to think of Robert Frost’s poem, “Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening” when considering this time in our lives.

“The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.”

For me, it means there is hope, there is promise and there is good, but we have much work to do still, and we have much of our journey yet to happen before we are able to consider ourselves through this most challenging of times.

Prologue 1

It will manifest as more hurricanes hitting the Caribbean and US, more typhoons in the Pacific. More trouble with North Korea, China wants to attack Taiwan and increased digital attacks on protective systems.

It will manifest as more earthquakes in South America – in the mountain ranges. I’m seeing a few in 2023, but more in 2024.

More UFO’s will be reported, mostly because the ET visitors have been here for many decades, some more than a century, with the big majority being in the South American mountains, and the next biggest majority in Asia- specifically Eastern Russia. ET’s are very cautious with China, because China will not hesitate to fire or attack them. China will not tolerate any “visitations”.

SIDENOTE: (related to the previous paragraph) The information in Shirley McClain’s book, “Out on a Limb” is true.

For those following the Edgar Cayce predictions, the 9-11 attack on New York was a transformed manifestation of Edgar Cayce’s New York prediction which he predicted to precede the Earth changes he foresaw.

To continue: As of Aug 2022, I currently see the war in the Ukraine continuing into the Fall of 2023 possibly a few months later depending on a person’s perspective. Putin doesn’t care about any ceasefire or stopping. (This timeline is fluctuating. I am not seeing an exact date of ending, and can go into 2024, but I am seeing it slowly diminish.)

Putin’s only desire is to destroy as much of Ukraine as possible. He believes his onslaught will make them surrender and he will dictate their future from then on. He is very unaware of what effect the experience of oppression and then the freedom from oppression feels like and how it changes a person. Those who have known both are more determined to hold on to self-governing and self-determination. We see this now in the US with more people working to bring forth into the consciousness the need to work against prejudice and abuse against any culture or social group. Remember, abuse doesn’t have to be just physical. Abuse also can take the form of verbal attacks and mental and emotional coercion and persecution.

Prologue 2 (with more on this later in this document)

As of right now, my writing this in Aug 2022, I’m seeing Putin eventually sending some troops on the borders to NATO countries, but only to “throw rocks” across the borders – to be irritants to the Europeans. I see his reaction to more countries joining NATO, as being only in threats and an occasional military act, but Putin’s effort and intent, 97% is to dismantle Ukraine in every way possible. If he were not receiving any pressure from the world, he would continue unimpeded for as long as he still had munitions and people who would pick up a gun for him.

But, even greater pressure from Europe and the west will help eventually push Putin’s troops back enough to bring it to a cease fire – a very loose cease fire – meaning Putin’s forces won’t adhere to a cease fire 100% but rather around 90%.

Make no mistake, his anger and rage at the current status and his desire for the resources and control of Ukraine are still driving him.


Around the entire globe, I see 2023 as having new challenges for many nations – these challenges are related to the longterm effects of the Russian/Ukraine war continuing, continued problems with the Covid virus, and ever-worsening severe and serious weather problems. The challenges of inflation mostly come from these problems.

The Middle East
Economy- First half of 2023, we’re going to see the Middle East, the oil producing countries, have a dip in the prices from the sale of oil – the price of barrels of oil will fluctuate a little, coming down some, but not much over all. However, there will be some problems dealing with transferring of oil – transfer from one nation to another. Not shipping, but rather somewhat some difficulty in selling/buying because of oil prices. During the 2nd half of the year, I’m seeing prices go up a little bit and these countries being happier about the prices and sales. The economy on the whole will be relatively stable for these countries. The problems of 2023 will not be in the economy for these oil producing nations.

The weather problems in the Middle East will be with extreme heat. I can see some few days in the 130 degree area. While a 140 degree reading could happen as a fluke, I don’t think it will happen in 2023. I’m currently see 135-136 being confirmed.

The UK
The economy for 2023 will be sluggish. With Britain working to develop and maintain an independent economy via Brexit, the businesses of Britain over all will have sluggish and even some diminishing income producing ability. In general, many larger businesses will try to diminish losses by reducing benefits to employees, while still maintaining perks for higher executives. This will happen in the globe. The belief will be that this is a short-term economic problem, because a belief that summer economic numbers will get better. Overall in the UK, in 2023, the economy is not going to be thriving or showing any sign of it getting much better until 2025-2026. I don’t see it sinking into a recession, but only barely. Around the globe, the 2023 and 2024 years will be looked upon as “no movement” – meaning not getting better but not getting very much worse. (I’ve written about Brexit in past years’ predictions – available on this blog site.)

In the UK, the winter of 2023 will find supply for heating fuels to be down, which will raise prices some. The winter can be comparable to previous recent winters. I’m not seeing any drastic changes or events in the 2023 year, but it will be more of the same, with an only slight trend for it to become a little bit worse. In general, the change in the climate of each season is noticeable, but also slowly moving people into being aware of each year getting worse. I’m not seeing a drastic change happening over time, but rather in steps, allowing people to learn how to acclimate and ready themselves.

SIDENOTE for the world:
Humanity is long past the time that anything major can be done for the karmic/spiritual/destined energy manifesting in the years currently upon us. At this point, if only minor changes continue to be what is chosen in the living patterns in the Earth, this century will see massive changes in weather over each of the next 4 decades, getting worse with each year. We can see just how much worse, when we look back at the previous 10 and 20 year time span and it’s weather patterns. The grandchildren of this current generation will not know a world like we’ve had or even the world we have now. For the most part, people will be living inside shelters more than in the past, because of summers and winters of more intense heat and more intense cold. However, because it’s only slight changes from day to day, week to week and year to year, we humans will cope and adapt, somewhat like the frog in the slowly boiling pot.

40 years ago were the 1980’s. The 1980’s weather patterns were not a cause for alarm, but warning flags were being announced and disregarded. The Amazon Rainforest was being deforested rapidly even then. The processes which contributed to global warming were happening, but the weather extremes and record breaking which happens every year now, wasn’t happening then. If you try to imagine where we’ll be in 40 years with the climate crisis, you will under-guess…. as long as we continue on the path of doing very little. But, when energy sources change from “green-house gas creating” to “cleaner” energies, and green-house gases diminish, the Earth will recuperate and rebalance, – and somewhat quickly – even drastically improved within a single decade of time. The oceans will not recuperate and the poles will not refreeze in that short of time, though. We are not going in that direction, yet.

The US
In 2023, the US economy will be a bit choppy, like ocean waves can be choppy – at the same time that it slightly gets better coming out of the elections of Nov, 2022. The vast majority of Americans will experience the economy being slow — steady, but slow. In general, it will be erratic for the 2023 summer months, but for the most part, won’t cause major problems for the general public.

But, it will be a very uneasy state of things and definitely NOT a time to invest in the stock market unless an investor is willing to sit on any stock for at least 3½ – 4 years when we’ll be through the worst of the worst. The cause of this erratic behavior in 2023 will be events happening in Europe and in China, both. While the causes are continents away, the effects of events around the world affect the whole world, including the US. The economy will stabilize slowly somewhat going into the Autumn months.

However, as I mention above, this is NOT a good time to speculate and dabble in the stock markets around the world. There will be a lot of erratic behavior contributing to many “ups and downs” of stocks in general. Instead, if investing, hold the investments for at least to the summer of 2026, when noticeable economic increases will be happening.

Stock Market

During this decade, Toyota stock will be strong because of increased demands for electric cars. Honda will have a “breakthrough” with electric cars in 2027-8-9 and this will cause the stock price to go up. If you follow my predictions and you can invest, invest in Honda before 2024 and then let it stay there through the end of the decade.


One of the areas of problems for the US and many areas of the world is that there is a relatively unseen segment of the population who will sink into homelessness. Then on top of this, in the US, there will be more destructive events – hurricanes on the East Coast which contribute to the loss of homes (the entire Eastern Coastline and Florida, again will see hurricanes or the storms from the breaking up of hurricanes). The growth of homelessness will be slow, but it will happen. The housing situation will NOT improve in 2023. Although there are industries and policy makers, (elected officials) looking at the problem of the shortage of housing, and trying to give hope to people, solutions will come very slowly. The homeless shelters will see the percentage go up of families coming in.

But, the demand will still exist, and I see those who want to make as much money as possible in the housing market, raising the market to ever higher prices in the US. Ever higher percentages of income will go towards rent or home prices and hence will create a downturn in the economy… again. This will continue throughout the entire 2023 year.

Gas prices will continue to cycle through a range of prices. The cause of these up and down numbers is speculation on the R/U war. War destabilizes many things, including gasoline at the pump, as well as other resources. Then the snowball effect happens with food, and other necessities. I see the price range averaging from high $2’s a gallon for a short time at the low end with a very short time spike downward to about $2.50 in a few places (the low range) before going back up – with the upper range being high $7+/gal in some areas with a short-time upward spike into $9/gal as the highest range. The prices in the US will be dependent on one’s location in the US.

Near the end of 2023, I’m seeing the gas prices fluctuating in both directions depending on each event. I see the government working to keep prices down, which could have the effect of keeping prices lower. But, I also see some events happening in August, 2023 which could cause prices to go back up. These events would be more global conflict around late July/August. Watch for this type of event. If it comes to happen, the prices will begin to rise, then go down during Autumn months, then go back up by the end of the year. This is what I’m seeing, at this time. As time continues, I welcome any checking in, in order to reexamine this.

Weather in the US
January and February, the US as a whole needs to prepare for another winter which will “stretch the envelope” meaning be just as difficult and a little bit more so – overall. The weather will be all over the place and very chaotic. The weather builds upon itself, meaning the previous weather influences and acts as a foundation for the current and future weather. As extremes continue to happen, this pattern drives even more extremes.

The states just east of the Mississippi will face harsh winter conditions. This has become common place and so should not surprise too many any more. The Rocky Mountain states already know to expect serious winter weather – about like it has been in the last 3 years. And the western states, in the summer, will once again experience severe and deadly drought and rising temperatures. These extremes can be expected ALMOST every year, now.

I do see a few days in the 2 winter months where Texas has to deal with freezing temps again, but right now, I don’t see it being as long a time period as 2021. I see it being either the end of January or sometime within the first 12 days of Feb. Texas will have some small scattered local power outages, though not like 2021. I’m seeing no state-wide outages. Overall, I see 2023 being somewhat similar but only slightly more severe as 2022 because of pockets of freezing fronts.

As usual, the Climate Crisis will be one of the major factors of 2023, which will cause the most hardship. The weather patterns for the planet are not going to get better. But, the worst of the worst will not be winter experiences – for some it will be, but not for everyone. Yet, I’m seeing serious freezing storms for the states of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, western part of Pennsylvania, and the western part of Virginia. This pocket will see a storm event of extreme weather during the winter. I’m seeing a loss of services of possibly 6-7 days (not more than 7 days for the most part) of some type in this pocket of states during this event – either electricity or heating fuel.

I’m seeing electrical blackouts and downed lines in the northern New England states (New Hampshire, New York, and in the Midwest and Plains states. I’m currently seeing mostly electricity loss for up to 4-5 days. Also in spots throughout the Rockies. These ARE going to happen! Prepare now.

High number of tornadoes. There are too many to identify where, so I’m leaving this prediction in general terms. Total number of tornadoes in the US during 2023 will be nearly equal to 2022 but slightly more. I’m seeing a range of 163-195. There are human influences which affect the numbers. No surprise there. I am not able to get more accurate numbers, but that isn’t what is important. And yes, sometimes you don’t need a psychic to get a sense of what is coming. The weather we have is built from the weather we had previously. The very serious weather is coming in many forms in 2023 and a higher extreme than previous years.

I won’t be on the nose accurate about the weather predictions, but I’m not trying to be. The point of my predictions is to let it be known that serious weather issues are with us and are going to get worse and more extreme. This I see psychically. And the meteorologists AND SCIENTISTS are seeing this from evidence and their research, also. If you don’t believe it, so what. Prepare for it without believing it.

Shootings in the US
WARNING – This topic concerns more mass killings.
I’m not going to give any predictions about where more mass killings will happen in 2023 or when. There are too many through the years ahead, and they will happen everywhere. I have had a vision and it showed me that the largest one (of contemporary comparison with current methods of being carried out) has not yet happened. The political will for change is not strong enough at present in the US to make any changes in the gun laws. Lack of adequate gun control laws and shootings, whether in school or otherwise, will always go hand in hand regardless of the arguments presented. This is not the first time in human history that children have been targeted: Herod during the time around the birth of Christ targeted all male children up to the age of 2. There were people willing to carry out those killings of children. During the Holocaust, children were targeted just as much as adults. There per people willing to carry out those killings of children. Even in the US, we have events in our history, of people targeting and killing children alongside adults. There will be people willing to carry out these killings of children.

I will not answer any questions about this topic. There is nothing I can give. There is no resolution, except change in the laws. Common sense is what is required, and too many choose against it. Christ said, “They who live by the sword, will perish by the sword.” For us in this time period, the ‘sword’ in the US, is the gun. And Christ’s words are coming true. There is nothing from on High that deems the United States being sacred or anything sacred about the existence of United States. It can perish as well as any other nation. Everything must evolve or end, including laws evolving.

What I see psychically is that if no major change happens to gun laws in the US by 2065, the US will come to an end in the 23rd century. (There are other factors, as well.) If all things regarding this issue stays the same, it could happen sooner, but not in this century. What I see is that 50-75% of the population alive today, will reincarnate and be alive when it happens. It will happen via the will of the people of the time. And this high a percentage of people, today, want change.

SIDENOTE: Prayer can help nationally to support any active efforts. Prayers can help some prevention be effective, and some who are planning attacks, be discovered before they act. I say this, because as harsh as it is to mention this – it is also true that the non-act of NOT praying does nothing for anyone. As ridiculous as it is for me to write this, there are some people who think NOT praying is helpful, with action being the only thing helpful. I encourage both to be two hands of one body, instead of just one hand.

If all things stay the same:
The weather can be affected by human consciousness in both directions (better or worse), but helped now namely through prayer. With this in mind, I currently see possibly 3 hurricanes or major storms hitting Florida in the hurricane season of 2023. I’m seeing them go inland on the eastern coast from the Atlantic, and in the northern half of the Florida coast line. I also currently see a 4th go inland in South Carolina and a 5th that could either go inland in North Carolina or after looking like it would go inland, then veer eastward, miss land and go into the Atlantic northward. I see 3 storm events in the Gulf of Mexico impacting the US – either 3 tropical storms OR 2 hurricanes and 1 tropical storm. And at least 3, possibly 4 impacting Mexico. I see one coming straight inland towards Austin, Texas, but it will have diminished before reaching that far inland.

[June 1, 2023: Shortly, I’m going to give an update on the hurricane factors.]

Focusing on the eastern coast only, I see a possible of a minimum of 3 tropical storms impacting the eastern coast with a 4th grazing it’s edge.

Whether I’m accurate on the size and locations, right now, I’m seeing a TREMENDOUS amount of storm activity in the 2023 season. TREMENDOUS amount! The earliest could be in May but mostly I see them gear up mid-June. I see the last of them being as late as one in November or the end of October.

This much activity is what I see as bringing the most destruction to housing along the coastlines. If this happens as predicted, or anywhere near what I believe I’m seeing, then it will cause an even worse overall housing shortage in the US.

For those who face these events, remember to not try to go through these events alone. Join with other friends or community members to create a stronger support system for everyone. Usually I don’t make suggestions like hoarding food or water, but this time, if you live in these areas, I do recommend storing a significant amount of water. Any recovery efforts will truck in bottled water, but don’t wait for that. And don’t wait until next summer to store needed supplies. Again, join with others. Rely on each other in your local communities. People will need each other’s help.

Political Arena (added 12/20/2022)

(Added 12/20/2022) I’m seeing – the earliest that former President Trump will hint at NOT running for the Republican Nominee in 2024, is beginning in October and November of 2023. I see him announcing officially – that he will NOT run for the nominee – in February, 2024.

While I have seen for several years that the former president would not be the nominee, I held back this information to the general public. I felt I wanted to respect the political beliefs, feelings and thoughts of everyone, letting each person come to their own decisions with regard to who they would want to run in 2024. For this reason, I kept my own information private to myself and a few people. The energy associated with each person choosing for themselves is significant and influential on an energy and mental level. Even thoughts are real things and have real effects, and as such belong to their author. Each author of thoughts – each human being, deserves respect for their own decisions, thoughts and feelings for their life. God gave and thus respects every soul’s freewill.


I’m seeing the war continuing on into the summer of 2023 before any significant activity to begin to bring and end to the war. There will be events that make it look like it’s slowing down, but……..Putin isn’t really trying to have an out right victory, but rather to destroy as much of the Ukraine as possible. The troops may pull out of an area, but the costs of trying to rebuild and the resources needed to rebuild an area will be high. Many countries will be helping the Ukraine, but the work force will be small until people can return. But, the return will be slow, because many areas are destroyed and the infrastructure (including food and living supplies) will not be at a level of supporting many people returning quickly.

In the summer, Putin will not admit defeat, because he will not be defeated. He intends to go on as long as he can. Even with peace talks happening in the summer of 2023, he will string them along as long as he can in order to continue to inflict as much damage as possible over the long haul. His plan is to show the Ukrainian people that they cannot have a normal life, normal economy without being a part of Russia. The help from other nations of the world, to rebuild the Ukraine will make him angry and he could restart the war, again. The cease fire will happen mostly because Russian troops will lose ground and the numbers in the forces will diminish some – not all the way, but some. The Ukraine cannot defend themselves without help from the EU, and other western nations….. over the long term, which Putin wants – to cost nations money and resources. He is slowly seeing that he won’t be able to move in and take over the country.

The Ukraine has a lot of factors in its favor, but the world and the Ukrainian people know that it is NOT escaping great suffering and destruction in some areas of Ukraine.

I see Putin staying in power for many years, yet. Meanwhile, the economy in Russia, in 2023, I see there being a sluggish economy with some areas being worse than others. The sanctions are hurting some segments of the Russian people, but not everywhere. It is causing prices to rise in Russia as well, and many citizens are willing to go through this for what they’ve been told is a righteous war. I do see Putin being in power possibly to 2028, at a minimum, and as long as 2032-34. There are stronger forces in Russia that are quiet, which will eventually maneuver him out as he weakens through the years. He will have medical issues as well, by then. Many, many Russian people will suffer before his time in power ends. People all over the world will suffer because of his political objectives that cover gaining others’ lands and resources.

When the war all but comes to an end in – from the Fall of 2023 to the first 6 months of 2024 – (October-June, I believe I see) (most likely the end of this range) Putin will tell the Russian people that it is a victory. But, usually countries economy begins to strengthen and grow when wars end, Russia’s will not, until about 2025. The sanctions will have an effect more long term than short term.

In 2023, I see those businesses that focus on progressive directions – like electric cars and other alternative energy sources, these businesses will continue to do better. Those businesses which are not will lose some ground in their economy but not all at once. Over all, Japan will also have a sluggish economy but it will not be a recession. It won’t grow according to hopes, but it won’t tank, either. Sluggish. I am seeing Japan’s and Australia’s economies resembling each other, helping each other, working together since they are the two main Democracy nations in the region.

Japan is a strong player in the Pacific region and will remain so, partially due (but not exclusively) to its automotive and electronic industries. As such Japan is a strong place for investments. By the end of this decades, Japan will be in even stronger position.


In 2023, I see the government trying to focus much effort on the climate problems which their 1.4 billion people will be facing. As a whole, the nation will see record rains causing massive flooding of inland rivers in the north and central half. The mountainous regions will also have their share of rain, and I see several serious mudslides, but I don’t see record breaking rain in the mountains – mainly the southern half. Most of the flooding will be around large rivers – with the water running out of the banks. When I look at these, I also think – what is needed is some kind of community warning system to warn people when flooding around rivers and other water ways is soon happening.

The Chinese Economy
For China, the economy will only have area specific economic problems – as in specific cities. For the most part, and for the nation as a whole, the economy will continue to stay mostly stable. As I mention, only a few spikes are what I’m seeing, with the economy handling any short-term spikes or area specific problems.

China’s main problems will be in how it deals with it’s neighbors. In the long term, China’s tendency to use military might is working against its economic opportunities. Creating trade partners would succeed better because military might will cause non-workable or strained national relationships. Trade makes everyone happy, but military might makes everyone angry and miserable which hinders a growing trade partnership and hurts the economy.

The leaders of China’s Communist Party will continue to make decisions for their political system. 2023 is just another year in a long line of years, until several decades from now, when future leaders see that these decisions have been hurting their economic development, and not working for China. The 2050’s will be a time for new policies which will bring more success economically. Today’s current policies will more serve to keep China held to ways of their past world and not helping China to develop into the future. China seeks a stronger role on the world stage, but their use of military might over trade will hinder this, because many nations will not want to cooperate with nations who use war and the military to get what they want. The whole world is changing into a new way of moving forward, but there are many who still think along old ways. Many nations don’t realize that using methods and ways of the past, are slowing down development, not helping development. But, no nation or people will be left behind in the evolution of this planet – an evolution of social systems, as well as every part of human existence.

SIDENOTE: Meanwhile, it is also true everywhere within this planet, that no form of government can prevent our feelings and thoughts of kindness to our neighbor. No one can stop us from loving God above all else. No rule of law can prevent us being willing to feel compassion or forgiveness in our heart. No one can hinder another from holding love inside one’s heart, and then patience and understanding inside our mind. And no government can stop us from praying within the silence of our own self, or walking our life with God in our thoughts.

Currently, Covid is still causing problems for the people in China, but not all areas. In 2023, this will continue at the first of the year, but 2023 will end with the situation in China being much better, because of the great restrictions the government uses. However, like nations around the world, Covid will continue to be active in China through 2023 and 2024. Because it will be active, the Chinese government will impose strict restrictions when they feel it’s needed. Research is continuing in China, as well as, the rest of the world, in hopes of developing better medicines to combat Covid and Covid’s versions. Because Covid will still be a major problem in China and larger nations, it will still be with us around the whole world in 2023 and on, yet.

SIDENOTE: Although the square area of China and the US is almost equal, China has 1.4 billion people to 330 million of the US in roughly the same spacing. (I see China’s population peaking at 1.5-1.6 billion people, and the US around 420-450 million.) Having more than 4 times the populations in the same space does influence many things. Imagine 4 times the people living in your home and then the resulting draw upon food and water resources. This is one reason why the military is a major employer (resources are allocated for the military) – and its size as a result, therefore being a significant consideration in the region. This begs to bring forth the future question, of how long can any huge living system, or life form of any kind whatsoever, continue to grow larger but sustain itself on ever diminishing resources? This is a planet-wide question to ask. At the same time, a second question is – how long can any living system expend great resources on efforts that would only gain tiny resources from its efforts?

Hong Kong
China intends to continue to use military might as a threat (the stick) instead of making the city a cooperating trading partner (the carrot). The Chinese policy with Hong Kong is to expect cooperation from Hong Kong, but not realistically return the same in kind. The military forces activities will work against good trading partnerships. Because of the use of military might, this region will not offer wonderful economic opportunities (like it has in the past), for many years, because the area will not have the stability it once had. Much of these policies will not be visible to the world at large.

However, if the Chinese government were to consider other policies – which support a partnership for trade instead – without the threats hanging over everyone, both China and Hong Kong would benefit. Trying to have both military might and trade will only bring the same as if using only military might. Because China’s President doesn’t make all decisions only by himself, (he also is under pressure from those in positions of power in China) he struggles with limited ability to change China’s direction here. These “military might” policies will not work in the short or long run and will only end up hurting the economies in those areas – economies which could otherwise have benefited China.

But, the Chinese government can only be what it is – dependent on military might to pressure smaller governments while seeing power and control as more important that trade and the economy. Those in power in China are the ones who control the money like many other nations around the world. This form of government power (from money) tends to persist over generations no matter where it exists. Real change comes from persistence and patience over time, with many prayers to help. Meanwhile, the Chinese populace goes on with their lives as best they can with more trade and consumerism in the whole world, changing how people live and think in the whole world.

The same or similar to Hong Kong. Both of these geographical areas would offer great trade opportunities except if military might is brought in, which would reduce economic success for both by a large amount. Military might would also create unstable trade – trade which comes with military activity – which is unreliable trade and sometimes ending it. This reality is recognized throughout the world, and nations prefer to trade with nations that don’t threaten military might as the priority over trade. Nations prefer to trade with nations that support trade as a priority over political systems. I see tensions with China increasing to a point leading into 2024 when tensions will be at their highest and most serious ever. At this moment, I then see, depending on many decisions, and which actions are chosen, tensions not coming down until a time in 2026, when I see potential for an increase in trade.


Weather: The Philippines is going to have another year of very difficult weather. I see a lot of rain and not just from typhoons. With the rains come mudslides. This is going to be difficult for the people of the Philippines.

I see in the spring – ash from a volcano have some effect on the Philippines’ air quality. It won’t be major and will mostly affect the southern areas.

Covid will still be affecting the people of the Philippines in 2023, what with a smaller percentage of the population not getting the vaccination (for different reasons.) Both of the previous issues will contribute to their economy slumping in 2023.

SIDE NOTE: The seesaw effect with economies affects all nations around the world to some degree in 2023. We’re at a time when no nation can disconnect itself from the world economy as a whole. The Earth as a whole will take from 2025.5 to 2031 to return to an economy whereby people “breathe a sigh of relief”. (The transition will be gradual during this time.) Through the 2020’s, times will be tougher than human beings have had to deal with since the Great Depression. However, there will be pockets of better economic conditions. On the whole, this time line will be in effect.

European Union
The “working” economy for the European Union has a relatively good foundation and although I would not call it “Strong”, when it is united, I do call it good. This will help support each member of the EU and each country in Europe. This will also help to unify the European nations in NATO.

Gasoline prices through out Europe will continue to be high as long as the R/U war continues and even a good few months after the war ends, because of the weak peace which the war end will bring – WHENEVER THAT END OF WAR HAPPENS.

I see in the first half of the year, 5 rainy months, and in the 2nd half much fewer rainy months. Less rain in the end of year months leading into the 2024 winter.
Germany’s government will be working to cooperate with the other European nations and this is good in that it helps to support Germany’s own economy. I do see some higher unemployment though than usually expected. I see the main cause of this higher unemployment being the economic downturn which has happened to all of Europe since the beginning of the R/U war, plus some small influence from loss and confusion of some (but not all) trade agreements due to Brexit.

I see the political turmoil being the challenge for the government of France, more than economic troubles. It will be difficult to carry out some of the considered reforms because of a higher level of political opposition. However, for 2023, I see France’s economy being reputable and reliable. While there will be criticism, the economy will still be continuing to proceed as it has been. I see for 2023, that the political protests will not be as severe as usual, because there is a steady job market. However, the most volatile political protests will be mid-spring through the summer. Joined community/national prayer events will help France considerably – example: France Prayers for Healing Day. France can benefit from the awareness that millions of prayers from the millions of French people will help France in very real ways.

Poland will continue to have a political struggle in 2023. Sometimes it must seem to the Polish people that their nation must sit on top of a volcano. The factions of Right vs Left are many and so this political struggle will be one of the main factors in Poland which the people are active with. I see it being more active during the first 8 months, but then after August, and during the Fall months, fewer conflicts will be visible and reported on. This political struggle for Poland can also be seen as an opportunity for citizens to express themselves when for so many years !! they’ve been under the dictates of other forces who have taken drastic measures against political opposition (Soviet influence and even German forces during WW2). It is their opportunity to yell and rant and participate in protests and voicing their oppositions and beliefs.
I see Poland’s weather as being colder and wetter than usual.

India still has high numbers of Covid deaths happening. There are still higher numbers of people who never got vaccinated. When all is said and done with Covid, India will have the sad distinction of being one of the top 4 nations for Covid deaths. Some of this is because of the size of the population, but also because of the difficulty to get people vaccinated – a nation that is one of the most difficult to get people vaccinated.
Their weather is as the new normal – the rainy seasons will include many, many mudslides and flooding. This is the norm for India. Mosquitoes will always be a problem, as they are each year, with the diseases mosquitoes carry.

South America
In 2023, I am seeing earthquakes happen in the region of Ecuador to Bolivia on the western side of S.A. I do NOT see a tsunami on either coast, nor any major volcanic activity in 2023. Minor activity, yes, but not deadly major.

I’ve said this before: I see the destruction of the Amazon Rainforest continuing with little of anything slowing it down. This destruction is a major contributing factor to Global Warming and one of the most major of factors increasing the number of hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean. This is not my opinion. This is what I see psychically and have psychically seen since the late 1980’s. I can say with accuracy that the destruction of the Amazon Rainforest contributes to the destruction of the US eastern coast lines. This is a major event which shows how actions taken in one part of the globe impact other parts of the globe. We can pray, and our prayers will help, but the Amazon Rainforest needs millions of prayers to help. In the next 15 years, if nothing changes, I am seeing it being reduced in size to the point of it being one half of what it is, today. The resulting impact will be the increasing of temperatures in South America, and the increasing of drought in S.A.

In 2023, there will be much effort in the government to solve many of the problems, but few solutions will not come forth, except for those policies which are already in place and in play. There will be much discontent among the citizens in general, because they won’t see much new change being brought forth to deal with the problems. But, there is too many areas of disagreement and little coming together to find solutions. Australia is being affected by the Climate Crisis/Global Warming. While it otherwise would have been normal for parts of Australia to go through an average drought, the factors with Global Warming are causing greater and longer droughts. See some rainfall in Western populated areas, but not enough. The hope is in the spirit of the people of Australia – to continue to persevere in finding solutions of any kind, and to keep trying to make them real and practical. Some say only the toughest can live in Australia, and this type of effort is what is needed to pursue solutions to weather problems, social problems, and economic problems.

With the economy, in 2023, I see Australia’s economy being workable and decent. I don’t use the words “good” or “growing” because I don’t see those words fitting YET. But, it will be decent, meaning not going into a recession or depression. One of the areas which helps Australia’s economy is tourism from the surrounding nations – many being Asian nations. It has a significant place in the stabilizing of the economy.

The principle of neighbors helping neighbors is one of the dominant and strong principles of spiritual help coming for all peoples around the world during the 2020-2026 time period in the 2020’s. Very real spiritual help is present in any avenues of “neighbor helping neighbor”. Tourism from neighboring nations has higher spiritual help to occur because of this principle. The more Australia can embrace this incoming tourism, the stronger the economy will be.

YES!!! it is true that the majority of the economy is from Australian businesses, and Australian workers, but we are in a time where trying to be independent in “slogging” through problems, (being alone in trying to stand up and handle one’s own problems by oneself) will only make things worse, since this is opposite to the spiritual lessons this time period is seeking to establish and help people develop. Anywhere where incoming tourism is encouraged and expanded, and welcoming tourists from neighboring nations will be embraced, this business will be stable and strengthen over time during the 2020’s.

With natural disasters, I’m seeing no earthquakes centered on land. I’m seeing Covid still being active in Australia, but for the most part – not in a major way, but not gone! This will not be gone and will still be getting people sick, with deaths still happening, but far fewer than years past. Still, who among us wants to be the ones whose family members die from Covid, still, after so many have been vaccinated. And yes, I’m still seeing the vaccines being good for 96-97% of the population around the world – if people are willing to take it or if they can get to it.

Northern Africa
There will be some minor discoveries in the archeological digs in N. Africa. They will be exciting for the people involved, but nothing of any global interest. What will be of global interest is the government activities of N. Africa – the politics of the region. In 2023, there will be little change in the political arenas. It is business as usual with regards to not having success with seeing peaceful solutions and agreements come forth among conflicting factions and groups. The attitude, in general, is to disagree, and to fight. I see many government leaders yelling. I see very few agreements, no matter how helpful or important they would be, and little progress to work out solutions. The hope for these areas is in giving time and patience. Conflict has been in the region for eons and will continue, slowly lessening, through most of this century, also. There will be small progresses happening and small steps being taken to bring a willing peace. The hope comes for this region and their conflicts through the willingness of world nations to bring each of these N.Africa nations to the discussion tables. This allows the issues to be visible.

Israel is a high energy location – not just a high energy people and government. The area is fraught with politics, and national tensions. It can be said that the tension is high all the time, and this is felt in the energy around and in the region. This energy stimulates people being on alert all the time, also. While people go about living their lives, there is a field of mental energy offering alertness 24/7 surrounding Israel. However, there is an Etheric field surrounding Israel offering peace.

In 2023, I see a continuation of everything present in 2022. The thing is that there is a need for Israel to be alert. There are those in the middle east who continue to work in the dark to try to find some way to go against Israel directly, to remove and/or eliminate Israel. Tensions will stay at this high level for the rest of the 2020’s decade, and in the mid 2030’s, progress will come in relationships with other neighbor nations. But, not yet in the 2020’s. The progress then will be in mutual coexistence treaties. But, difficulties will arrive in the 2020’s which will bring conflicts.

An interesting vision for the middle east: I had a vision many years ago of priests and monks in Tibet praying for this area. It was their continuing praying for the middle east that kept the middle east from exploding into war everywhere.


I don’t really have a lot to give about Canada. The energy is one of “continuing along similar pathways.” There will be some more extreme cold temperatures for Canada, but overall, the average temperatures will only be slightly out of the norm. There will be some economic struggling for many Canadians because some of the economic supports will not provide for everyone in 2023. This means that some social programs will also be weaker, giving less support and not providing as much as is needed. I see single mothers struggling more because of less help available to them. I see colder Arctic fronts coming down through Canada, many going into the northern US.

N Korea

While N. Korea may seem quiet in the media, they are readily continuing to work at developing their missiles and weapons systems. These are not necessarily offensive weapons, but rather an attempt to “build their wall higher and stronger”. They also have regularly carried out computer warfare attacks – mostly efforts to find ways to hack into financial and other government systems. Those who work to do this for the state, are rewarded, some – and hence why they are motivated. They have been active in the crypto-currency industry. They do have a trade relationship with China. China is okay with N.Korea having an antagonistic attitude towards the US. Sadly, Charles Dickens’ quote is applicable to the N. Korean people – “Beware of WANT and IGNORANCE.” This is affecting the people of N Korea, who mostly live in “Want” and are “Ignorant” of the truth of the rest of the world. And the people of N. Korea wait – and wait – until the latter part of this century when a new leader in chosen after the current one passes. In 2023, hardships will increase for the N. Korean people, who overall, consider hardship to be their lot in life.

S Korea

The South Korean government is forever leery of the North Korean government. (No surprise there.) While they have made friendly overtures for better relationships, they also are accepting of the fact that better relationships could be decades away. Meanwhile, South Korea’s economy does fluctuate some due to the influences of the global economies. South Korea’s internal economy (within the nation) is good and stable, but S.K.’s external economy (with other nations), fluctuates up and down due to it’s exports fluctuating. However, in 2023, there is no cause for concern and S.K. businesses can be a decent investment. (I see them being “Decent” to “Good,” on a scale of “bad – weak – asleep – okay – decent – good – great”)
I do see at least one severe storm in 2023 for S.K. sometime from May to the beginning of August (possibly end of May to June). I see abnormal weather in September based on weather coming from China – winds and colder/dryer than normal.

LGBTQ Rights
WARNING – There exists in this topic much sorrow, pain and suffering.

(Again) In Dickens’ book, “A Christmas Carol”, he writes the line, “Beware of Ignorance and Want.” And this is worth noting in our world, today. Ignorance reigns in the struggle for protection and human rights for the LGBTQ community and other communities. Persecution exists, and I can rightly call it this. It continues in many nations in the world. In the US, not even Christ’s teachings have been able to stop the people who choose persecution and ignorance associated within this form of prejudice.

So many people still don’t understand how to practice Christ’s teachings, whether it is loving kindness and tolerance, or understanding and wisdom. Instead, some continue to pursue prejudice and ignorance.

It is the open heart with the open mind that God works through and whom God enlightens and teaches. God works through personal willingness to offer kindness to another, not through thinking that the Bible’s purpose is to justify criticism, judgement or condemning another.

These laws will not get much better during 2023. In the US, those states currently pursuing laws against the LGBTQ community, will continue to be locations of the most prejudice and ignorance – for many years. In the world, this spirit of prejudice will continue through the 2020’s, in those nations on the planet, where it has taken a foothold. In those states and nations where laws are in place to protect the LGBTQ community and their Rights, these places will become sanctuaries.

In Nazi Germany, the LGBTQ community, also, was persecuted and killed along with the Jewish people and many other groups. Laws were put in place in the 1930’s by that time period’s German government, to also limit the freedoms of the LGBTQ community besides the others that were limited. When it came to rounding up people, (late 1930’s to 1940’s) they were included, as well.


The Spirit within each individual is the real identity, individuality and personhood of each human being. We are Spirits living within human bodies. We are souls who are born into human bodies. We live before the birth and after the death of our physical bodies. As such, we have (what we label Earth-wise as) male and female in the wholeness of our self, the spirit/soul – and these are in more differentiated mixtures than we can count – even into the millions of different mixtures of manifesting. This aspect of our wholeness has as many ways of manifesting gender, non-gender, and both genders together, as God can think up. And God does think up creative ways, without placing any limits on Him/Herself.

However, we human beings do have a history of working to limit and control each other in as many ways as human beings can think up. And we human beings do think up creative ways to limit and control each other. This comes from believing that we are physical beings and our physicality is the reality.

Our lesson is to let go of limiting God via our thoughts and feelings. Each of us, as individuals, are called to open our own minds to possibilities beyond our understanding and beliefs that have gotten ingrained, and long-taught human limitations, towards the Infinite Consciousness’s Infinite Creativity. Even Christ raising Lazarus from the dead, was beyond the minds – beyond the understanding and beliefs – of human beings, then and now, and yet, He did just that…. and still does, even though people abjectly refuse to believe it or Him, and still say, “No one has ever returned from the dead.” But, thousands have, and more do every day.

“With God, all things are possible” (Christ) – including the creation of LGBTQ human beings from God’s own Hand.

In 2028-9, because of persistent work by souls who have received persecution in past lives, things will get significantly better for LGBTQ community members – better, but not perfect.

Energy Sources
Here in 2023, we won’t see much progress in the energy industry, but human beings will see a minimum of 2 major new energy resources in the next 100 years. A third will follow these 2 but it could be following by 50-75 years after these 100 years. The first one is as mentioned already, by the end of this century, the bulky batteries powering electric cars, will be eliminated. A smaller, more light-weight powering station will take its place. Development will progress in the 2nd half of the century, and in the 2090’s people will see it begin to be used in the cars. This is what I see.

I have no context for the 2nd and 3rd new energy sources. Although I can see it, I cannot identify it.


Medical Research

The area of childhood diabetes will see continuing breakthroughs in these early 2020’s, including 2023. Breakthroughs do take a little while to make it to the patients who need it, but anyone who is connected to this topic, look for information on the Internet. Watch for progress throughout this decade.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – What do you see? – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –



Consider a body of water. In any body of water, there is a bottom of the pond, lake, sea and ocean. There is a bottom to every body of water.

But, when we enter into this arena of water with it’s bottom, we don’t always hit bottom. Many times, the buoyancy of the water added to our own efforts at staying afloat keeps us from going under as well as all the way to the bottom.

If we give up or don’t call for help, sure, through little or no effort, we can sink to the bottom eventually hitting the bottom. But, with our efforts to “cooperate” with the laws of the water, or seek help, we can avoid hitting bottom, and in turn, survive the environment.

In this metaphor, I’m using the image of the bottom of the water as being “the worst things can get” in 2023 and 2024. Hitting bottom, then, is the experiencing, in our own life, of the worst these years will have manifesting.

The bottom will be staying where it’s at. The manifestation of destructive or dark energy forming into physical events and acts is happening as it is seen, predicted and more. However, as mentioned already, through the centuries, decades and years, with the help of a great amount of prayers, meditations, spiritual teachings, help and healing, as well as our own manifesting of spirit in the form of each quality of spirit, we have changed much of the energy which has been coming to manifest in these times. But, we could not change or heal the majority of it. It is too great. Even if all people on the planet turned to the Light, today, much energy would finish manifesting in the Earth to finish out this event time.

SIDENOTE: This time collectively IS the time I’ve been labeling metaphorically as “The Third Chapter of The Book of Disasters.” I’ve written about this in other blog articles. It is the last of the 3 “days” or 3 time periods (Edgar Cayce referred to this time as “3 days”. I refer to it as 3 time periods), which have been destined and predicted by many.

To continue….

In this metaphor, the Water is the presence and help of God, Christ, Spirit, Angels, Helping spiritual guards and guides and the spiritual teachings and sharing of qualities of higher consciousness spirit (love, kindness, compassion, hope, courage, faith, trust, long-suffering). These are not just present in the spiritual world, but also in our physical world. These qualities are also displayed within many human responses to the needs of people.

But, even with those who, of their own freewill, choose to be part of the solution, others still choose to be part of the problem. Some choose selflessness and some choose selfishness. Everyone will be allowed to choose, and freewill will never be taken away from anyone.

And so, with there still being much unstoppable dark energy manifesting into the earth, the strength of the Light (the vibration level of the Light – like a higher pitch tuning fork raising the vibration level) is at a certain amount which can help in some ways to heal/resolve/dissolve/rebalance some of the dark energy.

For 2023 and 2024, the prayers and meditations, as well as the spiritual efforts brought forth to manifest higher energy in this case, helps by adding buoyancy to the help in the physical world. In practical, physical ways, this help can manifest as from human help , from community help, national help and more. Each of the efforts to offer help to people is another form of this buoyancy helping to keep as many of us as possible from sinking and hitting bottom.

There will be events and circumstances which some will reach bottom, but the efforts which have been and are coming forth will help many. Many wonder where is God in all of this, and one of the answers is that God is in our willingness, and acts to respond to those who need help. God works through those of us who are willing to have God work through us, and who pray to God “Here I am, Lord, use me, too.” And yet, I will mention that it is still true that God does not force help through or onto anyone.

As I’ve mentioned so many times before, the level of our efforts for prayers and meditations determine the level of spiritual and higher level help that becomes available. One example of this was in the help which came forth to help those in the floods of Central Texas in 2015. Thousands of people came forth from all over the world to help clean up the areas damaged and the houses destroyed. Responding to the need for help was the manifestation of God, and not, like some might suggest, the Biblical-level flood being the hand of God.

Another example is the 9-11 event. There were people going into the buildings in order to help people get out. The responders and others who helped, were the manifestation of God – in the form of the “best within a human being.”

At this point in time, with even more effort yet coming in, with still the establishment of and natural manifesting of dark events, the remaining Light then manifests as “The Water of the Ocean” which helps to keep us from experiencing sinking to the bottom of the experience.

So, as to help us, by preventing us personally sinking to the bottom, there are more and will be more help available – more directions available, more advice, in some instances, more resources, more cooperation, more assistance, more community connection, more efforts to help one another who needs help, and many examples of this. These helping resources – both human resources and other resources are ever increasing in availability, for those who are WILLING both to look for assistance and to look for being an assist to others.


Questions from Subscribers and online readers


  1. There’s been warnings that a recession is coming in USA and that lots of layoffs will be imminent. What do you see for that?

    First, different people define “recession” differently. So, there will be some debate about whether we’re in one or not. In 2023, I see more effort scrambling to stay out of a recession than effort causing one. Officially, I do not see an “official recession” happening. But, I do see much economic pain. The general view I see is that many people are needing to work harder at their individual efforts to cover their economic needs and expenses. There will be more people who have no choice but to rely on assistance. The answer for many will be to NOT try to be independent and face all hardships alone. We are called at this time, with very deliberate and real reasons – to learn to unite with others within our local communities, to help the whole community – as a whole. This means joining in when there are opportunities to help others and in turn seek out help to be helped by others.

    Regarding layoffs, we’re already seeing some large corporations laying off higher numbers, and this is affecting areas locally, where those corporations have centers. I am seeing a few more of these layoffs, but not nation-wide, like an epidemic. What I see staving this off is that more people are working at smaller companies, and these companies are locally supported. I’m seeing support for employment and the economy being stronger at the community levels. I’m seeing a few large layoffs at the corp. level, but this has more to do with corporate redesigning from higher level strategy rather than economic problems inflicted upon these businesses.
  2. Regarding Ukraine do you see them finally defeating Russia? Also do you think Russia will use nuclear weapons in the Ukraine conflict?

    I am seeing no “recognized official” winner to this war. Eventually, when it’s over, I’m seeing both nations being crippled by the destruction (Ukraine) and by the massive cost (Russia). Both sides will consider themselves victors in some way. Eventually, the Ukraine will seek to be able to join NATO – about 5 years down the line, 7 at the most. Joining is their hope.

    I can see Putin very much wanting to use a small nuclear weapon. And one idea of his is to try to sneak it in hidden or “under the radar” in some way. But, our prayers and world pressure is also working against this. What I see is that if Putin does, Putin will receive back such backlash that he will have all of Europe and almost all of the nations of the world then opposing and a few possibly taking military action opposing him. This because no matter where a nuclear weapon is detonated, the harm/destruction will be over huge areas of Europe and Asia, as well, not just from the blast but from the radiation and debris.

    An attack on the Ukraine with a nuclear weapon will also be a very real attack on Europe and parts of Asia with real harm from radiation spreading in the atmosphere. Sadly, he can do more damage by not using nuclear weapons – with just dragging this war on and on, which I see him leaning towards instead.
    I’ll say this, one thing I can see is that the whole world will benefit from Ukraine existing, and the whole world will be hindered if Ukraine becomes part of Russia. I’m seeing that there are many reasons why this is true, and I won’t go into that, in this document.

Do you see our country going toward authoritarianism with the new MAGA minded politicians in control who refuse to concede elections?

Not in our lifetime, but, …. it seemed like we were going in that direction. Still, things are not always as they seem, are they. This does not mean that we won’t wobble back and forth from time to time. Fear is a powerful experience, and many are wrapped in fear and use fear as a tool to build their own world. Selfishness is a powerful state of mind to have. Selfishness, based on fear, can take control of our very soul. Fear (of another) and selfishness (“me only”) are powerful states which we choose of our own free will.

But, we can also, of our own freewill, and with God’s help, build Love in our consciousness – the only thing that can eliminate fear. We can also build unselfishness – which can help us understand how we are equal to all, and in turn, recognize equality among all life. God offers help in building Love and being unselfish, and with God all things are possible. God offers Love, and God offers Love equally to all life.

Meanwhile, the spiritual world is real. The real issue is not what kind of government we have in the US. The issue is whether we, as individuals, decide to love… and then practice and apply this in our individual life, in whatever way we individually can figure out. If we’re not practicing love from one human being to the next, why bother with what kind of government we have because without love, our efforts are then a waste of time and will be lost to all time, going nowhere in our evolution. A government based on human rights and the rights of each individual comes only when based on loving our neighbors as ourselves, and any efforts we make toward this end. No nation on Earth has this as their present state completely. However, many nations are working at creating this.

What do you see the weather like for the weather in western Texas. Two years ago we had the ice storms that left so many people without power since the power companies weren’t prepared for it. Last year was mild. How is this year’s going to look?

I answer this in the sections above, … but specifically for western Texas, I see the temperatures being somewhat colder than central and eastern Texas. Deserts don’t hold heat, releasing it into the upper atmosphere at a much faster rate each day compared to non-desert areas. This will set up conditions in which you can lose electricity from damaged electric lines. It won’t be as bad as 2021, but I am seeing scattered loss of electricity due to damaged lines. I always recommend having personal generators of a size that would get you by for a few days, at least. Whether small or large, generators are helpful. In western Texas, where communities are smaller, it is also important to unite as a community to help each other and not rely only on state or federal governments. Small groups can do a lot when united for helping one another. I see this, as a rule, helping a great deal in western Texas.

Here are my questions…..

  1. What are you seeing in the Philippines (especially northern Luzon) in terms of weather? In general, what will be the political situation there? They elected a new president so some things will change.

What I see:
Weather – Luzon is not in the direct path of any MAJOR typhoons, hurricanes, earthquakes, or tsunamis in 2023. I am seeing a major volcano eruption that does add some ash into the atmosphere and some will reach there. I haven’t yet located exactly where the volcano is but I see it possibly being in the Southern Hemisphere, Pacific Ocean. I’m not confident in this “location” information at the time of this writing, because I haven’t focused on this during this question, but rather how Luzon will be affected. So, Luzon’s weather will be one more year along the line for Climate Crisis Weather Changes for the Earth. This means it will be little to nothing beyond expectations, and expect more of the same as last year, with a little bit more added in.

Political Situation – I’m seeing the Philippines being in a semi-conflictual time in the history (and future) of their government. Some of the conflict is just because in general, people are angry, but they don’t know why they’re really angry. They don’t like past governments, but are still struggling with their attitudes towards their leaders. They’re idealistic, but ideals can take long times to build to fruition. They want exceptional political leaders, but who gets to say what that means. This doesn’t help. So, the people of the Philippines are struggling with hope with their attitudes vs the humans that seek political power. But, they have great hope in their hearts and they are willing to do what they can. This is what will help them to go forward. Their government isn’t horrible, but the citizens viewpoint comes from idealism and hope, which doesn’t just get fulfilled on it’s own. In effect, a lot of “mucky energy” is manifesting through people (on the planet) including government reps, for the people of the Philippines, and they have to deal with it.

Advice – Praying eliminates the attitude of disappointment, because it brings with it the realism that everyone needs our prayers and everyone needs help to walk the higher path. Sound familiar? Where else does anyone know these kinds of government issues are happening? Answer: All over the world, right now. Even with a new Philippine president, eventually there won’t be overwhelming satisfaction with who is elected but the new president will help in some areas including foreign relationships. Idealism is high, hope is high and wisdom and understanding by the population is where it has been. Like everywhere else on the planet. And…. everywhere else on the planet has hope, too. Like a beautiful rose bush with flowers and many thorns. Still, the people will go about living their lives, individually, as best they can.

  1. What are you seeing for Kuwait’s economy in 2023? We are still very heavily dependent upon oil though there is a push to diversify.

Yes, in 2023, for Kuwait, the oil economy will continue pretty much as is, even with some fluctuation amongst Arab nations. Meanwhile, diversifying will be slow, but steady. This will bring in jobs, but very slowly. I’m seeing Kuwait’s economy continue to be tied to other Arab nation’s economy, as well. Kuwait’s leaders work to keep this happening since it also acts as a buffer for any economic downturns. Oil will be an industry for many decades to come still, even though our climate is worsening and oil consumption contributes to global warming. Hence, why the climate will continue to worsen in the decades ahead.

  1. For geopolitical events, are you seeing anything disruptive like Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine, but in other parts of the world?

Not in 2023. In 2023, Russia and Ukraine, and China and Taiwan/Hong Kong, though we won’t hear much of Hong Kong since China is trying to hide what it’s doing there. All of these areas/people need help and we can help them by praying for them – AND have expectation that our prayers will be helpful and real.

  1. For relations between Russia and the West, what are you seeing?

Tension in 2023 and many years afterwards. The war is not good for Russian business or its economy especially in the long term. As the years change, I’m seeing that many nations will be very slow to return to business with Russia, looking for ways to be slow and possibly avoid as much as possible or wait as long as possible to reestablish trade- especially as long as Putin is President. There will be concern that Putin/Russia can start a war again at any time. This is not good for the Russian economy. The Russian people will suffer rather than those leaders in the government. Diplomatic relations will be extremely strained.

  1. Same as above but China and the West.

    We are entering into some of the more dangerous years for China and the west. Discussions will be heated. Relations will be stretched to their limits.
  2. (Added 12/20/2022) This question goes far beyond that of 2023 but I am curious. I would like to know how the events of January, 6, 2021 will be seen 50-100 years from now.

(Added 12/20/2022) There is no definite answer to this. Look how diversely people view WW2, the holocaust, the Civil War and slavery. There are still widely different views even though it has been so long ago and the attitudes are not popular or shared much. The attitudes and views we have today, will be the attitudes and views, for the most part, which we have then. Even if just asking this about the US alone, 50-100 years from now, there will be viewpoints supporting all sides to this event. The history books will present certain views, but the views and attitudes remain in the hearts and minds of people for generations, getting reignited in society at different times. In addition, returning souls bring back their own views and attitudes within themselves, when they reincarnate. Hence why we seemingly deal with these issues for centuries, sometimes, if not millennia.

7. (Added 12/20/2022) Do you see any serious push for a universal basic income in the coming years in the US? I can see European societies doing it but in the US, there is always such fierce resistance to anything that benefits the majority of the people.

(Added 12/20/2022) No, not in the US in this century. It won’t be popular in the US. I can see smaller societies in Europe doing this in small pockets during this century. Also in some areas in Asia.

The consciousness of the citizens of the US are centered around “Independence” and “Self-reliance”. Within each individual, on the individual scale, this can help one to find the courage and fortitude to step forward for themself and contribute and build what one person can contribute and build. But, this is not true at the larger scale, as part of society, and no one can be separate from their own society.

Yet, while Independence and Self-reliance has long been pragmatically untrue about living in the US with all our everyday connections to everyone, it still strongly pervades in the American consciousness. What is actually true in our world is “No man is an island.” No person is completely reliant on only their own self for their own life. Hidden behind the curtains of every life in the US and around the world are the hundreds and thousands and millions of people who have been tied together to accomplish and support each person. There is no human being that is alive that has lived based solely on their own “boot straps”. There is no person who is “self-made”. Scratch the surface of every person’s life and we will find the beginning of a large, large group of people who have impacted each of our lives to help “make” this person, to influence this person to be who we are and to determine how we got to where we are life.

God designed us to need one another. And this design has permeated throughout all of human history. In addition, each generation and each individual of that generation stands upon the shoulders of the previous generation to reach further, and by standing on those shoulders, to see the horizon which only that generation can see.

1.What do you see for weather in Raleigh, North Carolina (January thru December)?

What jumps out at me first are the winds, especially with the storms coming off the Atlantic Ocean. What I see are a higher average of winds throughout the year. I also see a lower rainfall average in the Eastern half of North Carolina during months where there are few storms. But, again storms coming off the Atlantic will take up the slack and bring the yearly rainfall average back up. If you’re a gardener, you’ll be doing more watering from the garden hose rather than from regular rain.

2. Will there be any natural disasters in my area?
In 2023, I see your area once again, being prone to smaller tropical storms and rainstorms in mid-summer to mid-November. I see one former hurricane (tropical storm or what’s left of a hurricane) come up through the southern states, going into N.C, but what I see coming from offshore are smaller than a hurricane. However, this will not be what happens further into the future, which will bring up to 3 full-on hurricanes of various sizes into the state in the 2020’s. This is the maximum I see. Weather can be changed by human consciousness and prayers and so this prediction can shift downward. But, God never forces anyone to change their consciousness or pray.

SIDENOTE: The Raleigh Hurricanes Hockey team will be better than breaking even, and will do well, but it won’t be their best season. I do see potential for their being in the playoffs even though it won’t be their best season. Still, fans will see professional level hockey played, but I see some mental fatigue among team members in the 2nd half of the season.

1) Growth of the space industry, do you see Florida’s space coast, (near the Kennedy space center,) becoming more important or the growth being in other areas of the country.

In 2023, I don’t see any super high profile national events happening with Florida’s space industry. There will be some shifting of programs and some people, because there will be more movement towards programs for the return to sending humans further out in space – moon and eventually Mars. But, there’s a lot to work on yet, to bring both of those, and 2023 is not the year these steps will be completed, just the year for gearing up for more.

How other areas of the country are related to the space industry are : with companies and corporations, located elsewhere, which become contractors. Some new businesses will be brought into the space industry.

2)The housing crisis and real estate prices, do you see things being more affordable or less affordable for the middle class?

In 2023, I see real estate inching towards becoming less affordable, because demand will always be growing, due to increased population numbers. Those who say the population numbers are going down aren’t seeing the full picture with many factors going unseen, and many people going uncounted. The US has ALWAYS been the pinnacle of places to emigrate to, and will continue to be in the 2020’s. It doesn’t matter what politicians and people yell and scream about regarding immigrants. Everyone wants their voice to be heard, sometimes screaming and shouting, but this will not affect emigration to the US in any way. The legal system is in place for legally immigrating here, and it’s quietly and behind-the-scenes satisfactory in a bipartisan way, for all legislators, and therefore will continue to crank away.

3) Hurricane weather, particularly Florida, Orlando?

In 2023, I see the Orlando area face 2-3 small storms, but at this time, not a major hurricane hitting head-on. Florida will face several hurricanes, and I see one track south of Orlando, across the southern end of Florida – possibly across Miami going from East to West. And a smaller storm track north of Orlando. The maximum hurricane potential for Florida in 2023 is 3, but mostly I see 2 with the remaining being tropical storms. There will be more damage along the coastline, similar to what happened in 2022. But, not as much national news as 2022 has seen. As expected, Florida’s governor will be spending time running for President in 2024. As time gets closer to the hurricane season, it would do well to reexamine this question for updates and changes which are possible.

4) Homelessness in the US

What I see is that this is not a year where we will tackle homelessness. Remember, we’re in an exceptionally difficult time. The effort and purpose of this time is symbolically the time to “clean out the closet” before we begin our ascent from the “closet” into the New Age of Mankind – beginning this long Age of Man in 2038.
We will see and hear of an increase in homelessness because of the real estate bubble which has driven prices of purchasing and renting higher and higher. The Pandemic set the stage for severe housing problems and 2023 will not see much relief.

The hope comes again, when communities come together to help with their own homeless citizens. Keep alert to any ideas or programs which can help someone you will know – who is struggling to hold onto having a place to live – who you didn’t realize was a few hairs away from being homeless. As this century moves forward, in later decades, we will see more effort, mostly because there will be increases in homelessness due to natural disasters, like hurricanes and sinking coast lines.

5) job growth areas, with so many jobs disappearing to computers what areas of jobs will see growth in the next few years.

The technology industry is always ripe for more and more people, because of the ever growing depth of use in our world, as well as the complexity and ingenuity of which ever new uses are created. Long gone are the days that only laptops and desktop computers are what we think of when we say “computers”. The cell phone will have several more evolutionary steps even though many people would be hard pressed to think of how they could be enhanced more. All this – not in 2023, but there will be introductions of new cell phone enhancements in 2023, just not in every person’s cell phones. The cell phone leading edge will be for few people at first, because of cost and limited understanding of how best to be used, but it all will be available to others, several years later (which is how long it takes for innovation to saturate the market) as practical use comes forth.

For example: having a cell phone as a ring on your finger. This has already been thought up, and is being worked on. But, it has not spread throughout society because it’s difficult to use, loses some features, and impractical. Innovation is only practical if it helps people easily do something we already do, but makes it faster and easier… and affordable. Inventions which seek to change how people think of doing things, but which takes a learning curve and a change in the way of thinking, are more difficult to gain a foothold in the world – for example, small computers weren’t practical at first in the 1960’s and they did not catch on except in small groups, but as practicality expanded, so did the small computer’s presence in the world.

But, what about ideas for moving people from one place to another? Impractical ideas (including whether the cost is practical) don’t get done. The ideas I see psychically down the road are ways to develop energy sources which are practical and easy to use to get energy. But the research is still at least 3 decades before it is brought forth to be tested. Before the end of this century, we won’t be using these big, heavy batteries in electric cars.

FYI, Atlanteans used the sun’s energy focused through crystals in their vehicles. This was also what they used to destroy themselves – that and their own arrogance, lust for power over all the planet and their own self-conceit and self-worship working to be The World Power over all. They were self-aggrandizing and the resulting irony is that very few people, today, even know or believe that they ever even existed at all.

The service industry will always be with us, but in 2023, in general, it will “shuffle” around A LOT with people trying to find good jobs and better pay in the service industry, caused by much dissatisfaction and realization that service people are not always treated with respect or regard, which is true still, hence why people are motivated to start unions.

The Education industry will not change in 2023, BUT eventually will make changes (in the decades ahead) and teachers will need more skills. I can see teachers doing more online teaching, due to not having enough teachers in the industry (unless much better incentives are provided), but with potential teachers’ assistants being in the classroom in person (instead of the teacher). One teacher online / onscreen can hypothetically have many classes happening at once, if there are assistants with the students in the physical classroom.

Imagine a giant screen in front of the class for students to see, then teaching assistants monitoring the students questions and problems in person. While students benefit from being together in person and from assistants in class, the actual teacher doesn’t have to be the one doing the monitoring while they’re teaching. The earliest this can start showing up is pilot programs at the end of this decade, but mostly I see pilot programs beginning in the mid 2030’s to mid 2040’s and slowly taking hold in more locations in the 2040’s or 2050’s at the latest. By the end of this century, it could be common but not everywhere. (The teaching assistants would need more training since currently the authority figure is the teacher.) I don’t yet see this taking off at college and university level, even though some instructors would want it to – mostly just the younger student levels – possibly grade 2-3 through to high school.

There will be issues to work out and it will work better in some grade levels than others, but there is some growing towards this in the minds of a few people. (As technology increases, it will be used more in the teaching arena/industry.) This does not take away the need for younger students to have a person be with them in person. Children need a physical presence in the class. This need won’t be eliminated by “not having funding”. This could easily be seen as something whereby the Education Industry administrators feel they have no choice. If nothing changes at all, there will be such a scarcity of teachers that schools would no longer be able to stay open.

The Medical Technician industry will increase as technology evolves.

The Medical Insurance industry in the US, however, – I see it becoming even more complex and cumbersome. Companies will try to add more people to handle the growth, but will also rely on computers to spew out statistics to guide decision making. The good news is that this will be a gradual evolution through decades. I see the 2050’s being when it gets too bloated to serve and much aggravation begins to surface in the public.

6)any cities in our country that will have major growth in the upcoming years? Seems so many people have been moving lately and seems like it might continue, or vice versa any areas that will see significant people leaving?

I wouldn’t call it major but I’m seeing the area just east of the Mississippi River in the Midwest, and also Colorado being growth areas. As for loss, I see Florida being an area where people are no longer desiring to move there. The mid/upper eastern coastline is an area where there will be no change. People are not moving there and not moving away, yet. Different sections of Florida can become more affordable, but one must be ready for a hurricane in the different sections of FL, at least once every 2-3 years. The states of Alabama and Mississippi will have some increase from Floridians moving out of Florida with Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia and Tennessee being the destination most desirable – not so much the coastline states north of Florida being destinations for obvious reasons – hurricanes.

7) Anything to do with interest rates and it’s affect on the economy and middle class and basic affordability of items?

I see interest rates remaining high throughout the first 7-8 months of 2023, but dropping only slightly overall in the fall of 2023. There may be a downward spike but it would be short-lived. It won’t affect prices very much though, because there are too many other factors and human behaviors happening which are also affecting prices. Assistance for people with the affordability and buying of homes can again come from local communities. When any real assistance is found or received, share the information and where it’s found with others who also can benefit from it.

8)growth of electric cars and decline of gas powered cars as well as the whole auto shortage and crazy high prices cars are at [during] the moment

This will be a slow change happening. In the 2020’s progress will be made with regards to electric cars because the battery technology will improve. I still see Honda announcing a breakthrough with batteries by 2028. I suggest buying their stock either when the general stock market is erratic and sometimes low during 2023-2024 or wait until the end of 2024. I’ve spoken about this before and I’m still seeing it. Electric cars are the future, but how quickly it goes widespread depends on SO MANY FACTORS. But, we’ll inch up into this as we go along, decade to decade. The problem is not everyone is being harmed by the climate crisis and so little motivation is created. However, the harm from the climate crisis will be increasing and not just on the coast lines. The residual effects will happen everywhere in the same way that there are residual effects from the Russian/Ukraine war.

9a)do you see any big events that will mark the year or will be a pivoting turn point in our consciousness (good or bad,)

Mostly I see the Russian/Ukraine slowly diminishing during 2023. I see little change in the middle east, but the middle east is mostly stable. I see many who are open and looking for spiritual help begin to recognize “spiritual help” more. (Many still won’t, but don’t despair.) I see the political conflict playing out in Washington DC. I see greater determination in the leadership of the European Union in order to go against Russia’s warring in whatever way is possible, yet with wisdom and fortitude. (Not mistake-free, but determined.) I see the 8 billion people of the world keep on trying and doing what they think will help. I see many with the hope that comes with facing these challenges. I see many being discouraged, because they don’t see effort made by other people.

But, this is the wrong direction to look for effort. We don’t look for change from the actions and words of others – we look for change in the actions and words of our self, first. If we’re not willing to work for change and hope, one day at a time, then how can we then expect others to do what we are not willing to do. Yet, when we are willing to work for change and hope, then join with others who are also willing to work for change and hope, then join with more others, … etc., we will open our eyes when we wake up and we will see what we, together, are building, and hope will come from every cell of our bodies, every act we carry out, and every thought we entertain in our minds.

9b) anything that will happen that will band people together to help each other?

The willingness to band together is of utmost importance. But, we can ONLY do this from our own individual choice and position. Nothing will happen without willingness within our self FIRST. It is like this with forgiveness and mercy. If there is no inner willingness to forgive, there will be no forgiveness. If there is no inner willingness to show mercy, there will be no mercy for anyone.

For many who will go through hardship and destructive events, this will bring forth effort, as it can, from many to support charities which help those going through these events. Locally, many who are able, will step forward to help their community members. This happens now, and I will say, that those who help now, will help then. Those who choose not to help now, will rarely help then.

The thought to help someone else is within a person during all levels of feeling our own need – and at the same time that we’re thinking of helping. Those who don’t have the thought to help during normal times, rarely ever have the thought to help during difficult times. The thought to help does not come from the thought of “I finally have enough that I can now give to others.” It comes from recognizing the needs of others, and this need being equal to our own need, then giving what one can regardless of thinking “I have enough”. There is a very big difference between these two thought processes.


  1. What will happen with Iran protests in 2023? What will be the final result, looking a few more years out?

    In 2023, I don’t see much change in Iran and how the current government deals with protests. Protests are considered crimes, protesters are considered criminals and are treated as such. Change can happen, but I’m seeing it be way over a decade away. Sometimes, change only happens when those who prevent change, grow old and die off. Everywhere in the world, many people in power choose to try to hold on to the old, old ways of living even though the world they’re holding onto has long been gone.

    At the same time, it is true everywhere, that the illness of all governments is that those with the money tend to use their money to control the government decisions and directions for personal purposes. Some think revolutions are the way to change this, but revolutions are from people’s impatience, rather than wisdom. Long term and real lasting change comes from persistence, effort, patience, more persistence, more effort, more patience, and education (with more persistence, effort and patience.)

    Iran is an example of the opposite – impatience does not bring real change. But, there are many in Iran, who are working persistently with patience and effort, so some change is inevitable. There will be more effort in the next 3 years, after 3 years, a few hopeful concessions and promises will be made but I see no real change coming from them.
  2. Will a serious Taiwan crisis finally begin in 2023? What will be the reason it happens / does not happen?

    I mention this earlier, but will add that the people of Taiwan know the situation. The Chinese government knows that this is an issue that is much more than just between Taiwan and China. It involves the world. China is not an isolated nation. If China invades and brings destruction onto Taiwan, the status quo for the whole world’s relationship to Taiwan will be gone. No nation can go up against the whole world, destroying trade to nations of the world, and come out of that in good condition. Currently, there is “peace” and strong “trade” agreements. This why the status quo is so important, and is being held onto. If China invades, all of this will be gone as part of the invasion. There’s no way to avoid trade ending if that happens.

    To gain all control over Taiwan, China would have to do what the Nazi’s did to Poland and France – take over the government and have military infiltrating to do the policing (like has been happening in Hong Kong). The question is not if China has the power to invade Taiwan, the question is does China have the ability and power to control their own military leaders desiring to push China’s decisions, and NOT use destruction and force, but choose to see the status quo being very much worth continuing until peaceful goals can be established for all, with one fact being that trade is a better foundation for relationships with the whole world, (including Taiwan’s trade with China), than force, destruction, and violence. What China would lose if they took it by force is greater than what they’d gain if they took it by force.
  3. What is your forecast for Seattle metropolitan area real estate in 2023 (and 2024 if possible)?

    Seattle’s real estate industry has been following price lines and trends mostly congruent to the entire west coast for many years. It is a desirable city in which to live, and one which knows relatively calm and moderate temperatures – not a lot of extreme temperatures, in general. (It is right on the edge of the area where serious cold temperatures begin – eastern Wash., Idaho, Montana and eastward.) Of course, it doesn’t take a psychic to know the prices will stay high for living and purchasing in the Seattle area. It is the central and eastern side of Washington state that has some lower pricing (as compared to Seattle) on purchases of land and homes – areas where colder weather begins to be an issue.

    Seattle will continue to maintain this higher level (than average for the nation) of real estate prices for several decades and even through this century, although in the last decade of this century, the desirability of Seattle will drop some. This won’t affect prices much but there will be less demand by that time. (Of course, that doesn’t help anyone right now.)

    So, this means that the real estate forecast is not very exciting, because it will be maintaining its current purchasing situations. The prices themselves will not fluctuate much except for some slow inflationary affects. I don’t see any booms or busts in the real estate market in and around Seattle in 2023. Just relatively stable markets. There will be some increasing in development of housing areas, but I see more of a buyer’s market than a seller’s market.

    I am seeing, either earthquake or low-level volcanic activity around Mt. St. Helens, in Washington State in or around 2031-2033. I think it will be in 2032, but I see activity or evidence also during 2031 and 2033.

Do you see that in the near future people will unite as spiritual groups to move out of big cities and form their own communities close to the nature ? Thank you

I will answer this question this way – to be fair – the uniting as spiritual groups happens slowly in a world the size of 8 billion people. However, we’re not starting from the beginning, are we. And we are not without countless helpers on the other side of the veil we call death, who are very much working to help us. The purpose of the presence and spreading of spiritual teachings is two-fold – to help people open their minds and hearts to our own existence beyond physicality – beyond the physical body — and also to help us to find ways to release ourselves and each other from the constant cycles of lives which we must otherwise go through. The two go hand in hand, and come from aligning ourselves with the Infinite Spirit of God Consciousness which is also the Infinite Spirit of Love. We align ourselves through practicing of the qualities we associate with the Spirit and presence of Love – Kindness, Mercy, Joy, Compassion, Forgiveness, Patience, Tolerance, Understanding, Long-Suffering, Faith, Trust, (and many others) … and we also align each time we pray and meditate, answering the call from God,

“Come unto Me, and I will come unto you!”

,…. and from honoring the statement from God,

“If you will be My children, I will be your God.”

There is such a spreading of spiritual teachings in this world of ours that whenever an individual is ready to hear their first of the teachings, their “instructor” will show up in their life. It is said in many languages, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear” – whether the teacher is a person, a book, an experience, a dream, a vision, something someone says, a movie, a comic book, a visit to nature, or whatever.

The joining of people as you describe “to move out of big cities and form their own communities close to nature” is only one way that this process will happen. All the other methods will occur and work for this purpose, also. This includes (surprising to some) “moving from the country into the cities”. People will always be moving back and forth – from and to the country and cities. If I were to look upon this migration from the top of a mountain, I would say that it is important that people come and go and come and go according to their needs (including their spiritual needs) at the moment in their life. Each and every experience we have as a human being is capable of teaching great spiritual truths, including leaving nature and moving into the cities. Never underestimate the ability of God to teach from every situation and circumstance which exists. Every one. Every day is a day that our Creator offers a lesson which will teach us about ourselves and God – when we’re paying attention, wherever we are.

ONE INTERESTING NOTE: China, and the Pacific regions were mixed with the areas known as Lemuria or Mu. Those who lived in this region were closer to nature than the Atlanteans. What I have seen of Lemurians: Lemurians also lived on this planet for at least a million years partly in non-corporeal forms like the early Atlanteans in the Atlantic Ocean. Even today there are some areas in this regions that have legends of spirits or ghosts which did originate from interactions with a Lemurian source (rather than other sources). The latter Lemurians came deeper into physicality – their DNA is part of the regional peoples throughout the area and the islands that exist now in the Pacific. They, as souls, sometimes continue to reincarnate in this area of the planet. This closeness to nature can also be seen in the people of the western United States – another area where Lemurians tend to reincarnate more.

With regard to Nature – yes, it is very much a magnificent and wonderful place to go to gain a sense of the Infinite Consciousness of God and the infinite processes at God’s fingertips to help each life form in life, and to demonstrate some aspect or quality of God including Patience, for example (in creating the beauty of the river and the canyon, and the tree.) All of Nature is God’s handiwork.

With regards to when we will gain ever greater learning –

One night, I had a beautiful dream, and in this dream many of us were spraying the trees of the forest with that which would help the trees to catch fire for the day that the fire came through the forests and the flame would spread everywhere. The trees represented all the places where God’s presence exists and is capable of being revealed to the mind, heart and soul – everywhere. That which we were sprinkling the trees with was spiritual teachings of every kind, in many forms, on the Internet, in books, in talks and workshops, courses, classes, through many different religions, in discussions and everywhere that the messages of there being a One Loving God, Loving Kindness, and our existence beyond the physical world, could be – including in the teaching of meditation and prayer. The fire that would one day come, was both the fire of Spirit, as well as when the great inner Spiritual Desire spread within people’s hearts, minds and souls to learn ever more about our relationship to ourselves and to our Creator – the fire within us. (For many of us, this spreading fire is already burning within us. We are also helping it to spread.)

I will add one more thing to this question – consider the bus, bus driver and passengers. The bus driver knows how to get to the destination (the state of awareness and learning – enlightenment, it is called) and takes the passengers to the destination. The passengers don’t all need to know how to drive the bus or how to get there, all passengers need is the willingness to go on the journey. With the few who can share what they have learned, they can lead others to learn, as well (drive the bus). The most important quality in this is “Willingness”.

SIDENOTE: “It is irrelevant whether we can or cannot do something. What matters is if we’re willing or not willing in our heart. It is the one who is not willing, who cannot. It is the one who is willing, who can.” The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2016-2022.

While the communities existing in nature are a magnificent opportunity for learning many lessons, God is not limited to any certain circumstance or living situation. “All things are possible with God.” and this means that like a tree, we can learn and gain in life wherever we find ourselves. The tree never says, “Where do I need to go to grow best?” The tree says, “How do I grow best in the place that I am?” As we can tell, there are trees that have grown almost everywhere in the world, under countless conditions, in countless environments. This is how it is for us human beings, also.

I would like to know how the collapse of FTX and the dire struggles of other crypto asset brokerages is going to play out in 2023 and beyond. Over $1 trillion (with a “t”) has been lost.

Yes, from the start, I’ve never psychically seen cryptocurrencies being stable. It has been another form of gambling. Plus, they have been very vulnerable to criminal involvement through criminal activities from all over the world.

There was a great deal of work and effort to make it a legitimate investment, but there have been too many holes in the bottom of the boat for this boat to float.

All is not lost, though, for those that still want to stay with cryptocurrencies. There are some that aren’t ready to end this, and so some will continue to pursue the industry. In 2023, I see the market get slowly smaller. We’ll see a rally of some sort in March, but it won’t be enough to save the industry. In the few years it will have left, it will be more a hobbyist-style of industry market. I believe I’m seeing it dwindle until it ends around the end of the 2020’s.

The collapse of FTX and the others is not the end of things, because there is still money in the game that investors want to “not disappear”. My advice for anyone who has investments in cryptocurrencies, if and when the rally happens in the spring, sell and move on… or hang on for 1 year and 9 months, then sell and move on. Or hang on for another 2 years and 4 months and then sell and move on. Think XFL, USFL, WFL and that these no longer exist. At the very most, it could still be breathing up to 2030, but this psychic is not seeing it be worth it. The earliest it could die completely is 2025-6. However,… if anyone’s intuition says stay in, then follow your intuition. Just make sure it’s your intuition and not your desperation. I never invested in it. I never saw it being anything but volatile. If I did have money invested in it, I would be looking elsewhere to move the investment money.

[What about] Cyber crime? Cyber warfare? Cyber security developments? A major or minor influence on the unfolding?

It doesn’t take a psychic to know that cyber crime exists, because the cyber world exists. Anything and everything in the world, also exists in the cyber world. As technology changes and becomes more sophisticated, cyber crime will keep up with it, finding ways to use the new technologies. It is currently on a global scale. Even now, as an example, we experience this with every upgrade to our telephones.

In 2023, I see no miracles helping to minimize cyber crime, just dogged persistence by those seeking to uncover criminal activity. It will remain for each individual to learn what steps are most helpful for protecting one’s self, along with companies’ efforts which try to make as safe a digital experience as possible. It is also up to every soul to choose which path they will walk down and many do choose to harm others through crime.

AND that which we call karma, does not hold judgement over any soul. It is merely the “ripple in the pond” where the vibrations and experiences we give others, also are the experiences we are giving to ourselves, at some point, naturally returning in some form, so that we may understand our own created events, and in turn, understand the difficulties, challenges, pain and suffering that humans experience, thus raising our own consciousness, also. I repeat – karma does not judge. It is simply a return to home that which we send out. Even our own personal process of judging of others, returns to us who have sent it out. (Remember, prayer helps all things – even this – and Christ never told anyone, “Whatever you do, don’t pray.”)

Cyber warfare is happening and will continue in 2023. There are few nations that do NOT have efforts to protect those within one’s own borders. Not all nations have this at the highest capabilities, but it is a necessity. Cyber warfare is not focused on personnel, but rather money and information. Some of these digital methods are so deep in the technology that it doesn’t even get discovered.

Cyber security developments – While 2023 isn’t going to be a high point for cyber security, I see the effort being high in order to keep the Internet mostly safe, or at least make today be safer than yesterday’s level of safety. This takes a lot of human staffing and ability, and hence why cyber security is one of the most active industries. I usually don’t look into this area, out of my sense of creating a boundary, nor do I offer insights, except to say, it is an industry which will stay with us for many centuries.

However, from the spiritual point of view, God does not take away anyone’s freewill and sometimes, the length of time for a soul or souls to learn how to make better decisions for themselves and others, will take eons and many, many lifetimes. But, grace for the world comes from when those who commit the crimes, return to Earth to work to help heal and clean up that mess/sorrow which they originally helped to bring about. Who was once the injurer then becomes the doctor.

Why is this true? because…
not put in the Bible, is Christ’s message:
“All things broken, can be mended,
All things injured, can be healed,
All things messed up, can be cleaned up,
and all things lost, can be found,
Because, with God all things are possible.”

A major or minor influence on the unfolding?

This is too broad a question as put. It needs to be more specific. There are too many influences.


We all know that there are many magnificent and wonderful things in the world – including the celebration of Christmas and the other winter holy days and holidays. There are social programs and charities that help many in need. There are many organizations that help many in need.

Find out what it’s like to volunteer at one or join one even if it’s just for one day. People smile at us when they receive help from us. They walk a little Lighter when they receive help from someone – in the same way that we have walked a little lighter the many times when we have been helped. Make no mistake, there is no person alive that has not been helped by another person and sometimes, by many people. Likewise, there is no soul anywhere who has not been prayed for.

At this time of year, the last two months of the year, there is a very real gathering of higher energy, brought on by goodwill towards others, doing for others, helping others and thinking of others. The spirit of unselfish sharing and helping is a VERY REAL LIVING SPIRIT and is strengthened in the Earth at this time of the year.

YES, there is commercialism, at this time of year, even in Christmas, but moving that money around helps give people jobs, puts food on the table for them and their loved ones who are normal people like you and I. It helps put a roof over many people’s head, and clothes on many people’s back. Commercial? So what ! The holidays also aren’t commercial – especially if something better is in your and my hearts at this time. Either You and I make it real or you and I make it cynical. Choose yours – a cynical December and New Year because of seeing the worst in people, or a December of sharing, feeling, caring, being friends, hugging, giving, and being just a little bit kinder. I work hard to make mine the 2nd because I see it being the 2nd and I see it being the 1st. I proclaim that the season of loving kindness is real. Individually and personally, we can make it even stronger via our own willingness to share goodwill during this time.

So, look for the Light and we will see the Light, in other’s hearts or in their eyes, during this time. We can share the light that is in our own heart and in our own eyes, so that others see…. and welcome it within themselves. Share the Light of Love with a friend, a family member, a neighbor, a community member and a stranger. Do it on purpose and not by accident. We all need it, and we all have it within us. Commercialism? So what. We see it if that’s what we look for and lock inside our heads to look for. Why look for that when there is wonderful magnificence in the world to be found and experienced. Seek it and ye shall find it. Add to it, and it will be forever stronger.

Thank you to everyone for the opportunity to offer what I can.

“God bless us, Everyone”.

Jodie Senkyrik

“Friends Visiting”

Q and A’s (Questions 1-7)

Some of what I have written in response to the questions, are general in their statements, rather than specific.  This is because part of our growth is to learn the general principles of Spirit and apply them in personal ways in our lives.  We are not meant to be like computers – told what to do and do only what we’re told to do.  We’re meant to take our understandings and apply them in personal and unique lives, practicing the wisdom and the principles, so that we can make these learned lessons real and applicable to a human life in the world.  At no time will freewill be taken from us to turn us into machines answering only to commands.  We are meant to develop our comprehension of all we learn and practice in order to learn more.  We practice by applying the lessons in our real life situations.


1.        I think you mentioned … about the children now seeing things in their lifetimes that we can’t imagine.  I am very interested in First Contact.  I would love to be around when that happens.  Do you have a rough ballpark estimate?  Are they waiting until we collectively evolve more; stop this senseless violence towards each other, ourselves, animals, the planet? D.

First contact has been “made” thousands of times already.  There is regular interaction with many species for generations and even today.  What you’re talking about is a public recognition of regular and recognized interrelations.  This won’t happen in a “Star Trek”-like way for many, many years.  There is possible public recognition in 30 years to 60 years, but not in a big way.  More in the “long distance” phone call way.  Then the times will be un-exciting again.  So, lots of time will pass, yet.

Look at our world and all the conflict and wars we have.  THEY DO NOT WANT TO GET CAUGHT UP IN THAT!!  Look at the ways that the politically powerful people want more power or the place in our lives where we humans place money.  WE DON’T WANT TO GET MORE PLAYERS INVOLVED LIKE THAT!!  Look at what we’re doing to this planet.  THEY DON’T WANT US DOING THAT TO THEM.

There are some that think that technology is our savior and that is absolutely an incorrect understanding.  Atlantis had higher levels of technology than we do today and wiped itself off the map and out of historical records.  Technology is the external to our internal inner spiritual guidance – and the external is never where the Savior exists.

There are some ET visitors that would help and some that would harm.  In the 2nd half of this century, we will be able to go beyond the moon.  Help with this from ETs will begin in very small ways sometime at the end of this/beginning of the next century in ways more than they have so far.  You and I will not see that this life, but more in future lives.  As a planet we are moving in this direction and it is our species future.  You will be able to see this evolution as a soul, as you continue.  Your interest in this is because you like being a traveler/ adventurer.

2.       You gave an overview of this year, 2019.  What will 2020 be like?  I know those challenging years of low energy are coming and soon.  I also know that so much hinges on choices made so I am aware that you can only do this from a big picture perspective.

I’m waiting to talk about 2020.  I’ll be posting as much as I can about 2020 in the Fall, near the time that we enter into 2020.  It is a very significant and important year.  I will also post this year’s 2019 predictions publicly in October, 2019.  [My 2019 predictions were available to the public beginning in January, 2019, for a fee of $6 – through this blog.]

3.       Speaking of those years of challenge (i.e. great opportunity), how can I prepare myself best to make it through those years and even thrive?  While material comfort is certainly nice, I guess the question really ought to be how to best prepare myself spiritually.  That’s always the key, isn’t it?  The real foundation of all things? 

The years of challenge, 2020-2026:  the best spiritual way to prepare is to practice, practice, practice.  There is no romantic activity to be a part of and no special outward or external participation that we are called towards – except —- Service and help to those who need help – including giving the help and service to our own inner being, because sometimes we are called to — “physician, heal thyself”.

The call is to respond to the outward struggles with our inward connection to the Christ or God or Higher Self or Buddha within (whichever name we use when referring to the Father/Mother God within our own hearts).  We prepare through the manifesting of the fruits of the spirit in our everyday lives: patience, loving kindness, mercy, compassion, understanding, faith, forgiveness, support, comforting, humility, charity, long suffering and the others, as well as continue to pray and meditate.  This is not just for extending and expressing to others, but also to ourselves as one more who must find our way, as a being who is united with others – and others who are united with us.

We are called to go deeper within to discover ourselves, and to discover why we sometimes choose to not love, choose to not be kind, choose to be afraid, choose to not pray or meditate.  All of this is the walking of the spiritual path, at times alone, and at times in groups and communities together.  It is from this learning process and practicing process which we develop the inner tools to help each other and make it through the Time of Challenge. 

Be open-minded and open-hearted, as Christ was/is.  It is the open mind that God fills with wisdom, understanding, and insight.  It is through the open heart that God’s love and consciousness come into this physical world.

4a.       With the evolution of computer processors and AI, how is this all likely to play out over the next 20-30 years?  I mean, there are two extremes in predictions.  The free market libertarians always say that advances in technology create more new jobs than what gets destroyed.  The doomsayers are claiming that half of us will be made redundant and rendered useless. 

The doomsayers are not saying those things for the reasons they think they are.  The libertarians are not saying those things for the reasons they think they are.  Many Doomsayers say this, because they aren’t seeing the Infinite Creative Spirit of God within each living spirit living in the Earth.  Many Libertarians say this, because they seek to promote their views of the future, and know nothing other than seeing technology and money as the primary force bringing creativity. 

Both fall short in seeing this as having an evolutionary potential, and both fall short in understanding how God, mankind and technology relate to each other.  No amount of technology will cause souls to Love God above all else and Love our neighbor as ourself.  We advanced to the point of splitting the atom and putting a man on the moon, but did these advances help us to unite as human beings across the planet?  We have created the Internet, but has the Internet ended hatred, prejudice, condemnation of those who are different or who hold different beliefs?  Technology is not a savior, but like all tools, they have their purpose and uses.  It is through the human heart that Infinite Love can come into this world.   Infinite Love is the Infinite Savior.

The extremes are not where we will be going – but sometimes we human beings have the desire to want to be important to others or promote our own views.  We want to be loved, we want to be held in high esteem – and mostly because inwardly we tend to believe just the opposite about our own self – that we are not lovable and we are not worthy of being respected, well-regarded or even to be alive on this planet.  Of course, this is a simplistic explanation, but we are faced with dealing with two directions – selfishness or unselfishness – us against them or all of us uniting together as One – putting ourselves first before others or putting all of us together on equal standing. 

And although it is easy to see these issues played out in others, we are not called to heal others where these issues are concerned.  Rather, we are called to heal ourselves.  Jokingly, I offer that after we have made ourselves perfect, then and only then, we can make others perfect.

To say human beings will be useless is like saying God is useless, evolution is useless, eating and breathing is useless, growing, learning, evolving is useless.  Humanity and evolution are synonymous.  They are equal.  There is none of one without the other.  The fear comes up, but only because fear comes with looking backward. 

The “new jobs” come and will continue to come and will continue more – being created as needs arrive.  To say there will be no jobs is to say there will be no needs to be fulfilled.  Having no needs to be fulfilled has never been the case with human beings, and will never be the case, because human beings as physical beings have needs, which are always evolving.  Human beings are constantly evolving, and therefore, our needs are always evolving.

Look at the technological influx we have now as compared to 500 or 1000 or 2000 years ago.  Question:  In our times, now, are people sitting at home with nothing to do because all their needs have been met?  No.  However, the idea is still in our consciousness that this is what we want.  The surprise to humans, as we continue to live our life is that we don’t want to “do nothing”, we want to evolve, and with this, we always have “needs”.  One of these needs will only be fulfilled by going within and developing our awareness and awakening to our relationship with God.

Creativity comes in to the picture for us to come up with “something to do” and “fulfilling the needs”.  This creativity is Infinite and is a manifestation of the Infinite Creativity of the Infinite Consciousness of God.

4b. Where on this continuum do you see the true being located?  Of course, my concern in all of this is where and how do I fit in with the emerging economy?  Anyone who claims that age discrimination is not widespread needs to talk to people over the age of 50, which I am approaching before too long.

The TRUE BEING can and will continue to create the methods and processes AND avenues in which to fulfill learning, and evolution, whether in the Earth or out of the Earth.  Many “forms” (like jobs,) are created when they are needed.  We manifest what we, as souls, need, when we need it. Notice I didn’t say, “…as humans…”


The emerging economy is one where we will ALL face the up and down cycles, … each in their own way.  The Bible tells us, “It rains and sunshines on the good and bad.”  It also rains and sunshines on both the rich and poor.”  Living in the Earth, all are subject to the Earth’s laws and circumstances.  Your own circumstances, although not the same as the other 7+ billion, they also will not be different than the other 7+ billion.  Your own situation will go through cycles.  This is a time for ALL souls to make decisions and choose.


There is no human being who has not been discriminated against in some way, whether during this life or a past life.  The fear of this coming forth again in our own current life, can trigger more discrimination.  In other words, we manifest towards others what we are afraid will happen to us.  But, we don’t always learn the lesson of not participating in discrimination towards others, the first time we experience it.  So, here we are on Earth, smack dab in the middle of discrimination alley.

While the demonstration of discrimination is noticeable, it can serve to teach spiritual lessons to those who had discriminated against others in the past.  The avenues used for spiritual lessons which are available to any who are ready to “get busy and get their hands into the good soil” – get to work on our spiritual path – are readily available – just, not always in the way we want or have decided in our head that they must look like or must show up.  Therefore, the experience of pain and suffering, including discrimination, while painful and full of suffering, have been chosen by souls as a way to experience spiritual lessons – the main one being – That which we create for others to experience, is that which we are creating for ourselves to experience.

Many souls have chosen to inflict pain and suffering onto others (including ourselves choosing to inflict pain and suffering onto others).  By choosing this, we have deemed pain and suffering to exist and if it then exists for one, it exists for all of Infinite Consciousness.  The experiences of pain and suffering which we create for others will then go full circle and come back home to the one who created them, for the creator of the experience to then be on the receiving end.  Can you see areas of your own life where you’ve experienced pain and suffering?  We all have, which means we all have helped create pain and suffering for others – whether in this life or in past lives.

The way things work is not – “God, make my will happen, not yours.” but that is how we want things to happen sometimes, isn’t it.  We want others to learn their lessons, but not always our self.   Therefore, as with other forms of harm inflicted on others, discrimination is also a “created” experience, and therefore also subject to this “full circle” principle.

The healing of discrimination, like the healing of pain and suffering, is the same principle.  The experiences we create for others is the experience we create for ourselves.  Some say a person must go through their karma, guilt, shame, pain, or on and on.  If that is what we are creating for someone – to go through their karma, guilt, etc, then we are creating the experience of going through karma, guilt, etc for ourselves, as well. If we create the experience of sincere forgiveness, compassion, tenderness, mercy, kindness, patience, understanding, support, etc, then it is that experience which we are creating for ourselves. 

This means that recognizing others in ourselves and ourselves in others is the way to healing discrimination as well as other forms of pain and suffering.  When we see someone else suffering in some way, we are also witnessing our self suffering, because when it is created for one person to experience, it is created for Infinite Consciousness of God to experience.  All souls are part of Infinite Consciousness, therefore all souls are impacted in some way by the experience. 

To see one person suffer, is to see all people suffer.  When this lesson is learned, many will choose something other than pain and suffering for others to experience.


The creativity of God is infinite, and creativity is infinitely happening.  Infinite creativity is always creating Infinity.  We can see this in a small way with the ever expanding physical Universe, but won’t understand the Infinite part until after we integrate an awareness of the existence of life beyond the physical world – into the spiritual plane of existence – something which we can “see” with our “beyond the physical plane” senses.

As we connect to the Infinite Spirit of God within us, and ask/seek that guidance from within, we tap into this Infinite Creativity which is creating brand new possibilities and opportunities always.  Those who say we will be rendered useless are unfamiliar with Infinite Creativity.  Look back hundreds and thousands of years in the history of human beings.  Question:  When was there never evolution occurring (socially, physically, etc)?  When was there ever lives who were rendered useless?  Now remember, though, technology has never, in all history, been the savior of mankind.  The higher mind/ heart-centered learning and evolution guided by the Infinite Spirit of Love – has indeed been the savior of mankind – regardless of how much technology or lack of technology has existed.

5a.       One place of interest I would like to live in for a time is the UK.  Big reason for me is the awesome National Cycle Network.  With me being an avid casual bike rider, that is the place despite the rainy weather.  I am curious about the future of the UK and Europe in general.  The native population is ageing, becoming more atheistic, and more pessimistic about the future.  It’s like they have been taught to hate themselves and everything about their culture and traditions.  Then you have a growing population of Muslims.

As the years progress, in the UK as other places, the different cultures will make efforts and some successes at coexisting.  It’s like trying to fit more people at the supper table when they weren’t expected.  Things get shuffled around, effort is called for, but the world is now this way and no one is exempt from being in the world of today.  While there are conflicts, (some at the supper table get upset with having to make more room at the supper table) there are also lessons for every single individual that is alive in the UK, and the Infinite Consciousness of Infinite Love is actively working to help every single person alive in the UK.  All the forces at work at all Infinite levels of Consciousness are at work to help all these people who exist there.  Sound familiar?

Yes, there will be “butting heads” between people who want to keep life in the UK the way that it never was and never will be.  There will be “butting heads” between peoples who want to make life in the UK shape into ideas they hold in their own heads.  Sound familiar?

The UK will not be free from the cracking of the eggshell of consciousness, with the new chicks being born.   All children of God cannot stay where we were in our awareness and consciousness of Spiritual truth – not even those of us who think we are aware and conscious of Spiritual truth.  All of us are being remade in the image and likeness of our maker and our maker is the Infinite Consciousness of Infinite Love.  Who among us as a finite human can claim that we are Infinitely Aware of the Infinite connection to Infinite Consciousness?  :-)

5b.    Europeans overwhelmingly eat pork, drink alcohol, and have casual attitudes towards sexuality and how revealing they dress.  What is going to likely happen between the two groups:  native Europeans and Islamic newcomers?  I hope both of them learn to simply coexist and accept one another.

The absolute need for infinitely diverse circumstances of life, which we all find ourselves in – are what is needed for all the diverse souls that enter into the Earth in order to evolve in our journey of spiritual awareness and learning.  Eating, drinking, casual attitudes towards sexuality, revealing dress codes are all manifestations of the different needs and manifestations of the different levels of consciousness of souls. 

Look at any one human being, even one’s own self for example, and we find lessons specific to our self and our own learning.  Look at any other human being and we find lessons specific to that person that are so foreign to us as to make us think they’re from another planet or they’re literally insane.  These are not similar souls but diverse souls, … and not all the same lessons to learn the same principles, but diverse in lessons and diverse in principles.  Different foods, different drinks, different attitudes towards sex, different political views, and more and more are all manifestations of the Infinite Creativity of the Divine, for helping all of us to struggle and learn of who we are as a diverse humanity. 

This is why our beliefs being different from each other are not as important as what our beliefs motivate us to do to each other.  Different attitudes towards drink, food, sex, politics, etc are always going to be different from one person to the next.  This is why our most important spiritual lessons are practicing compassion, patience, tolerance, mercy, forgiveness, loving kindness, understanding, and the like – especially with people who are very different from ourselves.  (Continued after the July 29, 2019 segment.)


Added July 29, 2019: 

Practicing the fruits of the spirit-loving kindness, patience, mercy, forgiveness, tolerance, charity, etc – are not just meant to provide something to do, biding our time, until the day comes that we all believe the same way so that there is peace among us.

It is the opposite – it is the diversity of thought, beliefs, and ways of living that have the purpose of calling us to practice the fruits of the spirit.

It is for the development of the fruits that all the diversity exists. The purpose of diversity is for us to do the work of developing loving kindness, patience, mercy, forgiveness, tolerance, charity, etc –  in order to create peace among us. Put another way, the purpose of diversity is to have relationships, environments and circumstances in which the practicing of the fruits becomes the path to finding peace and goodwill towards all men.


(Continued from previously)  For myself, my learning has taken me to learn that it is not what is external of ourselves (eating, drinking, clothes) that causes problems (“sins”), but what is internal – those attitudes and feelings within us — the heart and mind, the feelings and judgements, the openness or closed-ness of our own heart and our own mind.  There is plenty of open heartedness and openmindedness in society, but there is also plenty of closed heartedness and closedmindedness.  It is the open mind that learns more from God.  It is the closed mind that stops learning from God.  It is the open heart that loves more.  It is the closed heart that stops loving. 

Choose for yourself, and know that it is the judgement of the Infinite Existence and possibilities which the Infinite Consciousness of God brings forth – that throws us off balance on our spiritual journey – and what we judge becomes a magnet to which we are drawn into, if we refuse to learn what is it like for the soul who we are judging, and instead judge and condemn them.  That which we judge and those whom we judge – mirror parts of our own infinite consciousness which we have yet to learn to “Let Go of Judging” as well as that part of ourselves being judged — will come forth if we are needing to learn to let go of judging this aspect, but instead have chosen to only let go if we come face to face with it within ourselves.

Remember, all that exists, exists inside the Infinite Consciousness of God.  There is nothing that exists that does not exist inside the INFINITE Consciousness of God.  So, those souls we judge, we are blocking out a part of the Infinite Consciousness of God.  We need not experience all things on the Earth, nor do we need to create pain and suffering for others, but to judge and condemn others’ lives is to judge and condemn the efforts of God to teach and bring forth growth.  We can choose the path we walk – the life we live, but because we are not yet Infinite in our own understanding of the evolution of all life, we cannot take the Infinite Consciousness of God’s place in being a judge over another person’s life or over another person’s circumstances.  We cannot judge different possibilities in Infinity with having a human finite understanding of all the different ways to live life.

However, we all have freewill to listen to the guidance of God, and we all can learn from both experiences of 1. listening to the Still, Small Voice of God within our hearts or 2. not listening to the Still, Small Voice of God within our hearts.  We can pray for others and send light to others, so that they (and we) can hear the guidance of the Infinite Consciousness of God. And through Infinite Mercy, God can take our “Not listening” experiences and turn them into learning lessons for us.

6.       If Donald Trump gets reelected, then what do you see in the Middle East in terms of war and peace?  I asked you with my last reading about that.  Right now everyone is sort of waiting to see what happens in the US.  If Trump gets reelected, then support for Israel will be such that they have carte blanche to keep doing what they have been doing (my hypothesis).   If he does get reelected, what are the consequences for the US and the world at large?

Regardless of the political leanings of readers, I will write what I see. 

The percentage chance of Donald Trump getting elected is less than 3% in the range of possibilities.  It is so low that I’m not going to look into that time line.  We are not in that timeline or dimension.  The percentage would have to move from 3% to over 50% and the forces in our world are just not there for that to happen.  In 2012, I foresaw the Republicans winning in 2016.  It was clear. But, look how many people believed Hillary Clinton would win – a shoe in.   I’ve foreseen the 2016 winner being a 1-term president for years and there is no “change” to this.

To use a metaphor, (positive to some, negative to some) the door is being bolted shut for that to happen and the only thing that has not happened yet to make it complete is that we haven’t removed our fingers off the bolt knob as we are locking the door.

While that can come across as anti-Trump, if Hillary Clinton had won, I would be saying the same thing, only it would be about Hillary Clinton – and that the Republicans would win in 2020.  Whomever won in 2016, both candidates would have been 1-term presidents.  Also, regardless of peoples’ feelings about Donald Trump, both sides can truthfully say, that he is someone who got in the game and gave it a shot.  Many become the target when they get in the game, but getting in the game is how the game is won (and sometimes lost).  No one wins if no one gets in the game.  Those who criticize others the most need to throw their hat in, and GET IN THE GAME!  Don’t pity those who get in the game and get criticized for their level of play.  Pity those who never choose to get in any game.  It is one thing to try and then win or lose, but it is another thing to never try.

7.       I am interested in getting a glimpse into China and its future as well as how the rest of the world will be impacted by their growing role in global affairs.  Will they dominate, become part of a multi-polar world, or will they get old before they become that powerful?  Their society is ageing too, more quickly than ours.

They will change much in this century, however, it will be a natural, evolutionary change and not a radical change.  Their energy and change comes through different ways than the US and other parts of the world.  This works for them.  They are a billion people and this force is one that is strong enough through natural evolution to make changes that are right for all the people.  This means that we won’t automatically see much change unless we study the country and people in depth.  The “controlling” part of some people’s attitude will all but disappear naturally through government officials’ policy to meet the changing times — by the end of this century.  Change naturally happens when the older generations (people) die and newer generations (people) are born.

No section of people of the earth “gets old” culturally or socially from physical aging.  It is more a shifting of focus.  The physical aging process merely adds to the anchoring of the evolution energy which I speak about earlier.  They are a dominant group, but the other 6.5 billion people currently elsewhere on the planet have their own intentions on which way to go, also.  The Earth is governed by all souls living on it, and the needs of each soul to grow in our/their spiritual awareness.

We will see the individual level of activities there and have the chance to catch quick glances at different parts of their society, but these are small points to consider and like tides in the ocean – will come and go in cycles.  On the small time scale, in our lifetime, we will see them solidify their commercial base in their own country.  Trade is their best avenue.  And their desire to “control” things will only be manifested in the short time scale.

Changes to “The Sum of Ourselves” 24-hour retreat

My apologies to everyone.  Because of a mistake in how I worded the retreat’s registration and my not listing a registration deadline, I’m faced with moving the retreat to May 4 – 5, 2019 in order to set up a new registration deadline giving everyone more information and time.

This is official.  The April 6-7th weekend retreat will not happen.  Instead we will meet May 4-5, 2019.  Everything else stays the same except now the mid-priced Health Services rooms will be available (2 single beds).

My previous registration information was misleading.  I had listed Registration from 2:30-3:30 on  April 6th.  This was actually “Check-in” time and not registration.  Registration and sign-up had a deadline of March 6th, and has since passed without anyone knowing of its existence.

I apologize for this mistake and I hope this will not create problems for anyone interested.

Jodie Senkyrik

Please note the few changes below marked with *****.


We think looking at our past lives is like looking into the distant past. But, our past lives are with us all the time. We lived them. We thought, felt and learned through our own previous times of being a person in the Earth. We walked in our own previous shoes. We spoke our own previous languages.  We sat at our own previous tables.  These past lives are our own, and we can learn from them any time we’re willing by simply scraping underneath the thinnest of surfaces.


Welcome to another 24-hour retreat at Camp Capers in Waring, TX, on *****May 4-5, 2019, which you may be interested in.

Entitled “The Sum of Ourselves”, this program covers different ways to examine our lives-past, present & future- in the Earth.

Topics we’ll discuss

  1. Introduction: The Evolution of the soul through past lives and future lives
  2. Our current life as a past life
  3. Continuity through lifetimes: strong/significant relationships, developed talents, interests etc.
  4. Development of the “Fruits of the Spirit” – Loving kindness, patience, tolerance, more patience, mercy, forgiveness, etc.

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in attending, then ….


*****This retreat will begin Saturday, May 4, 2019, ending Sunday, May 5, 2019.  The deadline for registering is April 3rd, 2019





  • *****Check-in:  2:30-3:30 at the Welcome Center*****
  • Introductory presentation: 3:45-5:15pm
  • Dinner: 5:30-6:30
  • Evening presentation: 7pm-9pm
  • Breakfast: 8am-9am
  • Morning Presentation (with break): 9:30am-noon
  • Lunch: noon-1pm
  • Afternoon Presentation: 1:30-3:30pm with several breaks

The related costs:

Accommodations (pick 1):

  • Hotel-like room – $72/person double occupancy ($83 single occ.)
  • *****Health Services room – $62/52 (single occ./double occ.)*****
  • cabins – $31

Meals (Sat. dinner, Sun. breakfast and lunch)

  • Dinner – $15/person
  • Breakfast – $10/person
  • Lunch – $13/person

Insurance – $.23/person/day for Saturday and Sunday ($.46/person)

Tuition – $40/person

*****Registration deadline is April 3rd, 2019.

Payment can be made through cash or personal check up through the day of arrival OR you may use Paypal or your Credit Card through my blog website @ apsychicsview.com.

For questions, you may email me at jodie.1@earthlink.net .

Bio: Jodie Senkyrik began having psychic experiences growing up, but didn’t begin his spiritual path until his early 20’s during the 1980’s. He began giving clairvoyant readings in 1985, yet broadened his clairvoyant readings with a background in psychology, being trained in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology and having earned an M.A. degree in Transpersonal Psychology in 1993 at John F. Kennedy University’s Graduate School for Holistic Studies.

Jodie has been, and is still, a regular workshop presenter for the A.R.E. in Texas during some of their Spring and Fall retreats since 2001, having given workshops on such topics as The Karmic Connection to the 9-11 Attack, A Psychic View of Love & Death, Psychic Ability in Human Beings, Meditating for Answers, Prayer without Words, Atlantis, the Atlantean Hall of Records, Creating Heaven on Earth, and many others. He continues to present regularly at retreats and workshops in the Texas area.

Registration :

To register by the April 3rd, 2019 deadline, send an email to me at jodie.1@earthlink.net.  I need:

1. the number of people,

2. the number of people per meals each desires, and

3. your choice of rooms/beds.

One week before we arrive, I will send Camp Capers (A) the best estimate for the number of people for each meal, ( B) the best estimate for the number of each rooms/beds.

Credit cards (Visa, MC, Amex, Discover) can be accepted only through this blog Paypal button below, and will not be accepted at the door.  Checks, Money Orders or cash can be paid when you arrive.  To register by the April 3rd, 2019, deadline, send an email with your information to jodie.1@earthlink.net.  To pay by credit card, please use this button:

Buy Now Button

The Button will lead you to pay through Paypal.  You do not need a Paypal account. You’ll see the Paypal Retreat purchase page – enter the total and the number of people, then select Continue.  Then you should  see the Paypal login page.  Instead of entering Paypal, scroll down on the login page and you’ll see the Credit Card payment link.  The Paypal Link page does not itemize the fees. Insert the total amount of your payment.

No one will be turned away at the door for not registering beforehand, but IT SURE HELPS IF YOU REGISTER BEFORE, (so we can give Camp Capers office an accurate number of people for whom to prepare rooms and meals.)

For the address and map to Camp Capers, click on any Camp Capers link here.

For anyone wanting to attend Sunday only, and arriving in the morning, then I’ll have registration before breakfast, from 7:45-8am at the office front patio.  If you can’t find me, check in the Dining Hall.

As always, if you wish to pay by check, you can pay by mail, or when you arrive, and it is still a good idea to register beforehand as soon as you know. C.C. needs to prepare many days before for the number of people eating any of the meals.

Thank you for your interest.

Photo courtesy of https://masterxela.wordpress.com/2010/07/31/atlantis/

“The Sum of Ourselves” 24-hr Retreat on April 6-7, 2019

Welcome to another 24-hour retreat at Camp Capers in Waring, TX, on April 6-7, 2019, which you may be interested in.

Entitled “The Sum of Ourselves”, this program covers different ways to examine our lives-past, present & future- in the Earth.

Topics we’ll discuss

  1. Introduction: The Evolution of the soul through past lives and future lives
  2. Our current life as a past life
  3. Continuity through lifetimes: strong/significant relationships, developed talents, interests etc.
  4. Development of the “Fruits of the Spirit” – Loving kindness, patience, tolerance, more patience, mercy, forgiveness, etc.

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in attending, then ….

This retreat will begin Saturday, April 6, 2019, ending Sunday, April 7, 2019

Information and Itinerary

  • Check-in: 2:30-3:30 at the Camp Capers Welcome Center
  • Introductory presentation: 3:45-5:15pm
  • Dinner: 5:30-6:30
  • Evening presentation: 7pm-9pm
  • Breakfast: 8am-9am
  • Morning Presentation (with break): 9:30am-noon
  • Lunch: noon-1pm
  • Afternoon Presentation: 1:30-3:30pm with several breaks

The related costs:

Accommodations (pick 1):

  • Hotel-like room – $72/person double occupancy
        • single occupancy add $11
  • cabins – $31 (bunk beds)

Meals (Excellent) – Sat. dinner, Sun. breakfast and lunch

  • Dinner – $15/person
  • Breakfast – $10/person
  • Lunch – $13/person

Insurance – $.23/person/day for Saturday and Sunday ($.46/person)

Tuition – $40/person

Day-only attendees:  $25 tuition + chosen meals + 1-day insurance + $16 Camp day use fee.

Payment can be made through cash or personal check up through the day of arrival OR you may use Paypal or your Credit Card through the Paypal button below.

For questions you may email me at jodie.1@earthlink.net .

Bio: Jodie Senkyrik began having psychic experiences growing up, but didn’t begin his spiritual path until his early 20’s during the 1980’s. He began giving clairvoyant readings in 1985, yet broadened his clairvoyant readings with a background in psychology, being trained in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology and having earned an M.A. degree in Transpersonal Psychology in 1993 at John F. Kennedy University’s Graduate School for Holistic Studies.

Jodie has been, and is still, a regular workshop presenter for the A.R.E. in Texas during some of their Spring and Fall retreats since 2001, having given workshops on such topics as The Karmic Connection to the 9-11 Attack, A Psychic View of Love & Death, Psychic Ability in Human Beings, Meditating for Answers, Prayer without Words, Atlantis, the Atlantean Hall of Records, Creating Heaven on Earth, and many others. On the blog are posted 300 plus articles on spiritual and psychic topics. He continues to present regularly at retreats and workshops in the Texas area.


Registration :

To register, send an email to me at jodie.1@earthlink.net.  I need:

1. the number of people,

2. the number of people per meals each desires, and

3. your choice of rooms/beds.

By March 29, 2019, Camp Capers requires (A) the best estimate for the number of people for each meal, ( B) the best estimate for the number of each rooms/beds.

Credit cards (Visa, MC, Amex, Discover) can be accepted only through this blog Paypal button below, and will not be accepted at the door.  Checks, Money Orders or cash can be paid when you arrive.  To register, send an email with your information to jodie.1@earthlink.net.  To pay by credit card, please use this button:

Buy Now Button

The Button will lead you to pay through Paypal.  You do not need a Paypal account. You’ll see the Paypal Retreat purchase page – enter the total and the number of people, then select Continue.  Then you should  see the Paypal login page.  Instead of entering Paypal, scroll down on the login page and you’ll see the Credit Card payment link.  The Paypal Link page does not itemize the fees. Insert the total amount of your payment.

No one will be turned away at the door for not registering beforehand, but IT SURE HELPS IF YOU REGISTER BEFORE, (so we can give Camp Capers office an accurate number of people for whom to prepare rooms and meals.)

For the address and map to Camp Capers, click on any Camp Capers link here.

For anyone wanting to attend Sunday only, and arriving in the morning, then I’ll have registration before breakfast, from 7:45-8am at the office front patio.  If you can’t find me, check in the Dining Hall.

As always, if you wish to pay by check, you can pay by mail, or when you arrive, and it is still a good idea to register beforehand as soon as you know. C.C. needs to prepare many days before for the number of people eating any of the meals.

Thank you for your interest.

The Sum of Ourselves

As souls living in the Earth, we create circumstances for ourselves and others.

What is not widely understood is that in looking at the sum of all human lives which a soul experiences, and under the umbrella of what is commonly called, “Karma”, when we, through our own freewill, create problem experiences in individual lives and/or in the world as a whole, we are then the ones who are given the divine task of cleaning up those problems.  Of course, this cleaning is done over whatever time or lives are needed, and with as much help as is needed.

Look out at all the people who want to help clean up the planet, or clean up societal issues, or clean up a certain aspect of life – the environment, the government, medical knowledge, law, spirituality, education etc.  They are people like you and I.  This means like us, they feel within their hearts and minds the desire to bring better things into this Earth – to help make the world a better place.

As you might understand where I’m going with this, almost all of the 7.3 billion people who want to help “clean up” this world – make it a better place for all people – are the one’s who helped create these problems from within our past lives.  (Not everyone.)  Like you and I, others have learned from mistakes of past lives, and this learning is now deep within our hearts and souls helping us be inspired, motivated and understanding of the benefits of creating a better world for all life.

Those of us who are ready to do something to help – whenever we are ready of our own freewill to be willing to do something to help – are the ones who enter into the middle of the “problems” in some form, and work at leading new ways into the future. If we led the way in creating the mess, we can find ourselves with opportunities to lead the way in cleaning up the mess.

This process is not punishment.  It is not obligation or penance.  It is a process of healing, forgiveness, mercy and more.  It comes from within our hearts – a new recognition of the opportunity for brotherhood among peoples – a recognition of the benefit and healing that comes with compassion and cooperation, kindness, forgiveness and patience.  This feeling of wanting to contribute to the betterment of humankind comes from the best and greatest part of ourselves.

I’ve had past lives in Atlantis, partially as military personnel. In several lives and in several roles. I went to war, attacked, harmed and killed people. Without choosing further learning on my part, I then experienced lives where I had been attacked, harmed and killed. However, from then a willingness to learn greater understandings of the human experience, that which I learned from human life as a whole, led to a greater understanding of much of the experiences I created for others on the receiving end of what I dished out.

After much of these “learning” lives, I became priests, doctors, Seers and other service roles which have given me opportunity to help heal whom I wounded, help clean up the messes I’ve made, help repair the things I broke, and help bring together that which I took apart.  This greater purpose gave me inspiration and life in the doing.

I’ve been so many different nationalities and races, that my memories of these lives  help me to listen to and feel more understanding of the pain and suffering of others, as well as willingness to work hard at letting go of knee-jerk judgment and condemning of people on a particular side. (I still stumble at times, though.)

I walk in my shoes as a white man this life, but I recognized the other lives still existing within me, and in some I still seek and learn to bring forth life rather than take away life – meaning I still have work to do.

I have past lives as female, so they are within me. I have past lives as other races, other social roles, different religions and different sexual orientations, so those experiences are within me. I’m not those people on the outside anymore, but I am, like every one of us humans, the sum of all my past lives, experiences and learning, even if remembering all these experiences doesn’t come easy or automatic, (as every human knows.)

Why do some people choose to harm if they’ve had past lives? Because we all “remember in our soul” different things. As I’ve written in other articles, the 9-11 hijackers subconsciously remembered being on the receiving end of tremendous Atlantean attacks – with their feelings and thoughts that Atlantis- a great technical power invading everywhere in the world- was wrong to do that to people. The hijackers wanted opposition and revenge. They remembered their hatred even though they didn’t remember their past lives.

A lot of us remember our hatred. A lot of us humans remember feelings of bitterness and desire for vengeance.  We may come up with today’s version of justification, but we are still the sum of all our feelings whether healing or harmful.  We still, of our own freewill, get to choose which feelings we will act upon.

Some of us subconsciously remember love, also. Some of us “remember” lives in which the Master touched our life – directly or through others. Some remember spiritual lessons which they’ve learned, some remember a drive within our hearts motivating us to greater purposes.

It’s not an easy mix when we remember something worthwhile. We can lead ways to better paths, but we need to remember that it was ourselves who helped create those worse paths. When we seek to help bring healing from pain and suffering, we have to watch out for our blaming anyone who represents the person who we were, back when we helped create the pain and suffering. In actuality, most of us, are struggling not with the other person, but rather with who we were in that past life.  We may “remember in our soul” that the “other person” is capable of harm, because we caused harm when we walked in those same shoes.

We are on this path together, meaning all of us are called to help heal all the different aspects of human consciousness that need healing within ourselves, whether we approach this task from one direction or some other direction. As we heal ourselves, we are helping heal the whole of human consciousness – not all in one lifetime, of course, but as Edgar Cayce says, “One hair at a time”.

If this seems daunting, just remember, we have eternity to do this, and as John says, “All you need is Love, dat, da, da, da dahhhhhhh.”  Love is “leading new paths into the future, instead of following the old paths of the past” – leading the new ways of love, cooperation, compassion, forgiveness, mercy, patience, respect, and letting go of judgment instead of following the old ways of selfishness, hatred, condemnation, judgment and disregard.

We’re in this world together.  We won’t have the same ideas, beliefs, paths and ways to manifest our hearts and souls, but that’s not the important part.  The important part is that since we have the freewill to choose what motivates us, we can choose to manifest the best healing parts within us, or the worst harming parts within us.


“We can be among the first ones to lead the new ways into the future, or we can be among the last ones to follow the old ways of the past. ” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2007-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

“We have eternity to work this out. This means that we have eternity to forgive ourselves and others … if we really want to take that long.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2014, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Those who are willing to forgive, will find they can. Those who are unwilling to forgive, will find it impossible.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

Psychic Predictions for 2016

Because I’ve been so busy and haven’t had any opportunities – that’s why I haven’t gotten my 2016 predictions up yet.


I don’t see ***a lot*** of change happening on a Global scale comparing 2015 to 2016.  By this I mean, I don’t see many major events making large changes from what we have in 2015.  A few – but not many.

What I do see for 2016 more often is a continuation of that which has already been brought forth in 2015.

The Economy

In general, the World’s economy will overall stay steady as she goes.  The economy at the beginning of 2016 will pretty much be where we are at the end of 2016.  However, there will be some economic problems or scares related to Europe, up and down, but ending at a stable place at the end of 2016.

India’s economy is still slowly growing and I see it continue to grow in 2016.  China’s economy, too, will grow, but not as strong as India.   Although, we won’t get any word of it, the country with the initials, NK – I see their economy getting worse.  Sad indeed.  The citizens there will suffer.  The citizens of NK need our prayers, as they always have.  The leader(s) don’t see a need to do anything about it.

Russia’s economy will fluctuate some because of their ties with Europe and Asia both.  They’re invested in the countries around them, as well as their own.  Some of their “investments” in other countries will bring bad results.

For the most part, except for the continued warring, the economies of the Middle East are stable, because they’re based on the sale of oil in the regions.  Moving away from oil in any way will trigger some fluctuation, but in 2016 I don’t see any major disasters for any countries based on oil.

The US economy will continue as is it in 2015.  At the end of Spring, 2016, I see an announcement from Washington that will help boost the economy more, even.

A Presidential Year in the US

As of December 29, 2015, a total of 1,458 candidates had filed a Statement of Candidacy with the Federal Election Commission. No, that’s not a typo.  1,458.  That’s the total of all party candidates, independent. write-in, and non-affiliated candidates.  Some of these were “meant as jokes”, but the majority are real people.  There will not be 1,458 names on the ballots, because not all candidates register or meet the requirements to be on the ballots in all states.

As we get closer to the November, 2016 elections, we will see more and more what we can term as -“bizarre behavior” in our government officials.  It’s hard to describe what it will be, but that word – “bizarre” – will be used by many.

What I see is that the diversity of opinions and beliefs in the U.S. can do nothing but remain the status quo.  I’m seeing no success by any candidate in unifying the country.  Every person who has their own opinions and beliefs thinks they’re opinions are right and the other people need to wake up to it.  With this way of thinking, there is no middle ground where people are willing to come together.

I see extremism in American politics being the theme of the November, 2016 campaign trail.


The economy for the US will stay stable and doing well.  The gasoline prices will remain at a lower level, but look for them starting to inch up around the end of the summer.  I’m seeing a “flash” of an average price around $2.25 being the high by the end of the year.  This will be an average with some areas of the nation being only slightly higher.  What I’m also seeing is how volatile this price is – moved by human consciousness which moves like flocks of birds in the sky.

I’m seeing several medical breakthroughs announced in 2016.  These will get little press time.  What is getting press will be several more mass shootings happening sometime around May.  Prayers can help to curb, minimize and even stop some of these shootings.

Overall, 2016 won’t be a “great” year for the Midwest large-scale farming or the US car industry.  Although starting strong throughout the spring, midsummer will bring downward trends and struggles.

I see the immigration issue in the US as being a mud wrestling pit.  There is no clarity and cleanliness to this issue.  The politics of this issue will increase the separation of the divided camps.  I see no worthwhile progress, just running for office dictating what is said and done.  Congress will have another year of passing a low amount of legislation.

The economy will be good in general and overall.  Food prices won’t increase much.  Local farms will continue to serve their local customers.  The drought will hit somewhat, but not as bad as in the past (in general.  Different states will have different levels of it hitting.)


I see Africa struggling with similar issues as 2015.  I see areas where government officials ignore the needs of the citizens in need, illnesses and diseases getting a toe hold.

I also see other nations reaching out to help African nations and this will keep Africa’s problems from getting too much worse – it won’t remove or solve the problems, but it will help it from getting much worse.  A few areas will have serious problems.


Europe’s nation-cooperation will become more a stormy struggle and will require a great deal of hard work.  Some of that hard work will come in 2016.  The Syrian refugee issues will still be a major issue through the 1st half of 2016.  The hugely vast majority of refugees will come to be seen as good citizens in the years ahead.  But, it will also be years before the stigma is worn away.

The Middle East

I see an optimistic announcement coming from Washington sometime near the end of spring to mid-summer that a breakthrough has come in negotiations for better cooperation and acceptance among nations in the Middle East.  This will be an uneasy breakthrough – and will come from a “compromise” – the definition of this compromise being “when both sides are equally dissatisfied with the results.”


Australia’s economy will not gain but will not lose much either.  It is relatively active, but won’t increase, even with the incentives brought in.  The problem is the vast amount of foreign investments are going to wait and see what happens, rather than take an aggressive or optimistic approach for 2016.  On the plus side, the economy won’t lose that much because of it.  Were foreign investments to take a more aggressive approach in vast numbers, Australia’s economy would grow.

Meanwhile, the drought will continue through 2016, as well.  I see more potential for fires.  Even with this happening, I see Sydney continuing in positive and growing ways.  The energy of the city will be more celebratory than discouraging.

South America

They will continue with some major earthquakes in the same old areas – mostly western S.A.  Mudslides will accompany the earthquakes.  The differences between 2015 and 2016 in so many areas of comment will be almost unnoticeable, except in Southwest S.A. which has a potential large destructive event which would be reported in world news.  Prayers for this area will bring the destruction down to a small event – hardly worth mentioning and therefore not by news agencies.

The Pope

The Pope will be more active in the 1st half of 2016, continuing to be in the public eye, but will stay more close to Rome in the 2nd half with much less visibility and press.  His speeches will focus mostly on the poor, needy and suffering people in the world – some about the refugees.  His messages will carry some sternness towards world leaders for the recalcitrance towards compassion and helpfulness of many nations’ leaders.

Natural Disasters

While the world will continue to experience natural disasters, I’m not seeing a hugely world event in 2016.  The 2nd of 3 events I saw for August, 2015 has been broken up into smaller, better handled events over a number of areas, including what I think is deep water earthquakes off the coast of N.W Africa.   If this does happen as I’m seeing it, it will be in the same area near where the southern tip of Atlantis existed over 12,000 to 200,000 years ago.

In General

Because of the lower fuel costs, there will be less incentives for automakers to proceed with more efficient vehicle production.  However, the research into electric vehicles will continue – especially in Japan.  In the years ahead, the progress made in Japan, in the electric vehicle batteries will lead the industry, while American manufacturers will do more observing than research.  The Tesla company will have some improvements, but Japan’s research is still ahead.  Japan’s intention is to move the auto industry further into the electric vehicle direction by 2020.  They see the China market – with it’s current pollution problems – and envision Japan’s cars as being a solution for China’s problems along that line.  This is in actuality a positive move and will put them ahead of the game again, leaving the American manufacturers playing catch-up in electric vehicles as a solution.  The growing China economy and growing spending power, plus China’s growing numbers of younger car buyers will be very open to electric vehicles.  There will be a push for this to happen in 2019 and 2020, but will lessen going into 2021-2023.  The focus during 21-23 will be on trying to come up with the next generation of technology for electric cars.

At the same time, during these years gas powered vehicles will still have the dominate share of the market.  Unfortunately, for American car manufacturers, they are looking to much to the present and past, while Japan’s are looking more to the future.

Medicine and Medical Care

We won’t see much change over all from 2015 to 2016.  A few unmentioned breakthroughs in medicine will be announced in a few medical journals.  The controversies with vaccines will continue with the same arguments happening on both sides, but little pursuit to solidify any deeper insight or understanding of vaccines and autism.  If more medical research were to happen in the field, more would be revealed that hasn’t been understood before.  Currently, the status quo is pursued by pharmaceutical industries and the medical community (which doesn’t have research to say anything else.)  The opposition to vaccines won’t go away soon, and may get louder until the medical community starts asking more questions about what is possible with vaccines and autism.  Research is happening, but only in small pockets and effort is made more to ignore it.

Update:  A New Energy

A new type of energy which I’ve been seeing coming into our lives within the next few decades is being delayed.  The person I foresaw as spearheading the research is taking a longer approach in his research and therefore could add another 7-8 years before he finally develops his theories.  The delay may only move the completion of the research into working models from 2045 or so, to 2050-2052.  This also will change the timeline for the world’s beginning to make welcome contact with extraterrestrials, who, more than anything else, are waiting for humans to develop our own technologies to help the planet – technologies in energy that will move us away from polluting, non-sustainable energy sources.


The Spring of 2016 will see a bountiful harvest of local producing small farms.  The weather from 2015-2016 will help bring water to the farms.  Even though flooded, many areas will benefit from the water for food crops.  As mentioned earlier, the large-scale farming operations will have trouble from the same weather.  The small farms can recover faster.


2017 is different.

World Disaster Event 2 of 3: #2

July 10, 2014

It is a time to be alert to potential problems even though the beginning signs are 11 months away – June, 2015.  With regards to the Islands of the NE coast of South America, specifically off the coast of Venezuela – what I see right now, I’m calling it “potential”.  I’m not going to scream out warnings unless the time approaches, and I still then see what I have been.  I want to take into account the possibility that I could be off, in what I see.

Never-the-less, I’m currently seeing these islands being in the direct path of that collection of events which all together will be considered a major destructive event.  I see a potential of it being worse than the Japanese Tsunami/Nuclear plant disaster in its totality, albeit not in it’s initial impact.  It’s the cumulative effect that makes it a major destructive event.

I will add information as I continue to gain it.  Again, if all things stay the same, signs will begin to come forward in June, 2015, increasing in July, 2015. If it were up to me, I’d send as many research vessels into that area as possible to gain whatever information can be measured during the months of June and July of 2015, and into August of 2015.  However, if it were up to me, I would also tell all vessels to be clear of that area or at least be at a safe distance pending the potential for what could be coming.

FYI, I’m looking for ways in which I could be “off” in my accuracy, because of the difficulties of seeing this.  But, I’m not seeing information related to me being off in accuracy.

“God is the author of all good sense including all common sense, caution, and open mindedness.  We commonly call this ‘wisdom’ .”  (Rainbow Cards, 2014, ©, Jodie Senkyrik)

Lemurians, and more

There is hardly no physical evidence of Lemurians in the Earth… except buried deep in the ground in China.  The evidence speaks of ethereal beings living in the Earth, coming and going as they choose.  The evidence considers the point of view that the Lemurians were mythical or legendary.  In fact, the Lemurians were real and many of them are reincarnated in the Earth, today.

There is evidence of “descendents” of Lemurians, or rather long-gone “followers” of Lemurians.  These “followers” held Lemurians to be real and worth learning from – much in the same way as religious followers believing in the higher realm ways of life.

To find evidence of Lemurians, though, in people, merely look at the two halves of the United States.  The philosophies and perspectives of the western half vs. the philosophies and perspectives of the eastern half.  This splitting of the country in mind-set is direct evidence of the minds of Lemurians vs. Atlanteans.  Lemurians are more incarnated into the western U.S., and Atlanteans are more incarnated into the eastern U.S.

The western U.S. is generally more Nature-based, eco-minded, with practical manifestations of this way of life evidenced in public policy and business – all generally Lemurian traits.  The eastern U.S. is generally more industrial-based, and technological based with the financial/industrial centers based on the east coast – all generally Atlantean traits.

The areas around the opposite oceans can also show this factor.  Larger numbers of Lemurians have incarnated in and around the Pacific Ocean, while more Atlanteans have incarnated in and around the Atlantic Ocean.

In a few hundred years, if the schism in thinking continues, Colorado may become a major governmental influencing center, especially for the western United States.  If one side tries to subdue the other, great destruction will occur.  Atlantis tried this once before during the days Atlantis was still existing.  Atlantean efforts to subdue others contributed to their own self-destruction.

However, also if a few earth changes still come about in a few hundred years – that cause serious destruction of coastal areas, the U.S. may move the center of government from Washington D.C. to a more centrally located area, around or near Missouri bringing both sides back into one location.  (There are other possible reasons of this move several hundred years from now, also – not just earth changes.)

Side note: with the schism happening in the U.S. political arena today – and little change in this schism because of each side blaming and attacking the other side, we will see the U.S. and its citizens as a whole suffer greatly from the lack of elected officials’ willingness to work together – suffering more-so even than today.  The suffering of the citizens is now and on-the-whole will increase steadily through this entire decade.

Humans, Chakras, and more

Here’s an interesting little thing to think about.  The beings that came into this world before and at the beginning of Atlantis didn’t manifest in the 1st and 2nd chakras.  They only presented in the 3rd-7th chakras – hence not in physical form.  Many of the life forms on the earth for millions of years, though – spirits that have been trapped in physical forms, manifested greatly the  1st and 2nd chakras and hardly anything much at all above that for a long time.

That is why there has been a need for the descending into flesh by Amelius (Adam/Jesus) and His followers, all the way into the 1st and 2nd chakras, to begin at the bottom with the subsequent journeying on the path back up to full awareness and balancing of all 7 human chakras.

For the 3rd wave of souls to help spirits get out of the entrapment of the physical plane – the belief in consciousness that the physical manifestation is reality – souls must enter into the lowest vibration levels (i.e. chakras) that these beings are active at in order to walk the path back up to the higher vibration levels learning to balance all chakras as they go.

Mammals today are for the most part in the process of balancing or are balanced in the 1st through 4th chakras – with many having gone through their own evolution to this point.  While all life have 12 chakras, albeit unmanifested yet, the manifestation of each of these chakras is based on the evolution of the particular consciousness – or rather the development of the expression of each chakra to its greatest balancing with the other chakras.

Having a chakra that is out of balance means there’s still work to be done in the consciousness of the being.  And as we all know, imbalances come from the expression of “Me, first” rather than “One for All”.

As our own spiritual/social/human/soul evolution continues, the manifestation of the eighth chakra will begin.  FYI, the manifestation of the 9th on up, for the most part do not require being in physical form and so most will evolve this aspect in other realms, with a few continuing to connect with the Earth level in order to fulfill the completion of the evolutionary process which is going on here for life forms.

And why not with all this?  All life forms are worth the effort.  All life forms are worthy of being helped.  All life forms will be given all opportunities given to all others.  Remember, the key word is “All”.  Why?  Because All is One – in the greatest sense of the words.

Put another way – God, who is infinite Consciousness, who is infinite Love has willed that no being or soul that He Loves will be left behind or abandoned or left to perish.

Would you let those you love perish?

The Spring of 2050: UFO’s and Edgar Cayce

While so many of us already are aware that we have visitors from other places in space, others are not – for countless reasons.  Why, then, would there be no public announcement or public presentation?  The answer is – there will be – in the spring of 2050.  Precisely, I’m seeing it in April and May of 2050, then stretching out in other ways through the summer.

From my research, Edgar Cayce didn’t say much specific about UFO’s, Extraterrestrials and the like happening in the future, except to say that there was regular contact and relationships with them during the Atlantean days and there would be again.  During the Atlantean days, there existed a very high level of technology – some of which has been discovered but not recognized and not identified correctly.  This level of technology plays a role in contact and normal relations with Extraterrestrials.

There are good reasons why there has not been a public presentation with developing regular and normal open  relations.  It is because we are not at their level of the technology, yet.  Especially with regards to energy.  Literally, there would be wars over their technology.  If full openness were to happen now, it would create extreme tensions in the world over who gets their technology.

The best way to avoid this conflict is to not be fully open with the existence of UFO’s.  Otherwise, the conflicts would be serious and even destructive indeed.  The few sightings and rumors help to put this topic into peoples’ minds and that is a necessary first step that must happen over time.

The Descent of Technology

When humans descended into lower technological times after Atlantean times, those from other locations in space who witnessed the process, also recognized the need to withdraw from regular public human interaction.  Through the thousands of years since Atlantis, there has been contact but only the most limited and only on the outskirts of experiences.

With the return and growing of the technological levels we have now, there has been more contact, entering back into the subconsciousnesses and consciousnesses of the human race, waiting until mankind once again is able to meet them without being overwhelmed and without causing chaos in our planet.

The New Energy Source

With the development of the new energy source that I’ve mentioned before, mankind will have the energy technology that will avoid the need to war over their technology.  Our technology will be sufficient to provide for our planet.

So, beginning in 2045, non-public discussions and processes will begin for development of the procedures and preparations, of the following 4 years leading up to the public pronouncements  and the official “Welcoming” events – all around the world (and over many months time.)  As I said above, April & May, 2050, then stretching out through the summer around the planet, then winding down in the fall of 2050.

It will be both an exciting time and anxious time.  There will be many who are welcoming and many that are afraid.  There will be many areas of cooperation and many areas of conflict to be worked out.  They will present themselves to the whole world – to all the more than 8.7 billion people on the planet at that time.

And they will be a part of our consciousnesses and paradigms from then on.

Space Travel

One result of this new relationship is that tens of thousands will want to go into space to visit the other “few” planets that these visitors will represent.  While I currently count about 16 – 19 different species that are “touching” Earth in some form or fashion, only about 3 will open up their societies to be visited in cooperative ways.  Eventually millions of humans will travel to other non-Earth places.

Not all 16-19 are above board and open.  That is why the message deciphered in 2008 mentioned that humans need to be aware that not all species  in space are truthful.  Some hide behind fake smiles.  Sound familiar?  They have traits just like humans – who would have thought it.  Always remember actions and behaviors represent what is within someone – whether human or not.

This year, 2012 is only 33 years away from the beginning of the process which I would equate to preparing for the Olympics in a new city – years of preparation.  And only 38 years until 2050.  If we compare that time range to waiting for the year 2000, it would be like if it were 1962.  How many of you remember the time from 1962 to 2000?  It seems like a long time to a few, but not to the rest of us.  And we’ve been through a lot during those times.

I hope you can be around, but be aware that what we will be going through before 2045 and 2050 will test us in so many ways.

May 24, 2012

Send me your questions about this topic and I’ll share more.

Hall of Records – Yucatan 1

The Atlantean Hall of Records in the Yucatan (Guatemala) will be blocked from being revealed until after 2017.  It could be found, by some, if they were to willingly let it remain hidden to all until after 2017 and not reveal any information or it’s whereabouts to ANYONE.  But, the forces keeping it hidden will continue to block its being revealed until 2017 has passed.  2017 is the earliest it can be revealed.  Its being revealed before then would not be helpful to the collective consciousness of mankind, at all!

Can Predictions Change?

Can I be wrong?

Sure, sometimes a psychic can misread, but other times that which was predicted can be changed.

When a prediction is accurately made, it is made from psychically seeing the greatest possible outcome of all outcomes  of current circumstances if all things stay the same and if people’s patterns of choosing continues as it has in the past.  Rarely is the outcome 100% set in rock, though.  Things staying the same or things changing is based on freewill.  When Edgar Cayce made predictions, he mentioned that the future can change based on freewill of the people involved.  In other words, our future doesn’t happen regardless of our choices.  Our future happens because of our choices.  We choose what future enfolds.  Our actions have either benefits or consequences.  The actions we choose determine which happens – the benefits or the consequences.

This is true of all predictions, for the most part.  The mechanism of prediction is like a radio announcer who announces that a certain freeway is jammed with traffic at rush hour and will remain jammed throughout the afternoon, if current conditions continue.  If EVERYONE or a great majority who hears this does something to change their usual pattern of driving then the traffic jam won’t happen as predicted.  Someone then driving down that freeway later, could say “The radio announcer was wrong”, but was the announcer wrong or did the outcome change based on freewill of the people involved?

Predictions of weather are similar.  If nothing is done to change things, the prediction will happen.  That “nothing being done” being Prayer.  If people take no steps to change things, then things won’t change. But, with Weather?!?!?!?!

Yes, prayer can change many, many things, even the weather.  How many Texans do you think prayed for rain or for better weather for the Texas region.  How many people are praying for the midwest and central states?  It was the prayers for the Gulf Coast and it’s states coming from people all over the nation after hurricanes Rita and Katrina that healed the energy poised to send more hurricanes into the region through 2006 and into 2007.  The Gulf Coast had a mild 2006 season and 1st half of the 2007 hurricane season and all the meteorologists were stymied by this.

Looking at the mechanism of prayer helps us to understand why anything can change from prayer.  Prayer is the sending of energy into a certain situation or set of circumstances involving people or things.  This energy helps to raise the vibrations related to the events manifesting.  Many times destructive, unbalanced, and unhealthy events are the result of low energy/vibration actions or non-action by people.  War, hatred, vengeance, bitterness, selfishness of many kinds, are events of distorted and unbalanced energy.

When we pray, we help to realign, rebalance and raise the vibrations and energy of a situation.  By our consciously connecting to God, we are sending forth the highest of vibrations and energy into a situation.  The greater the number of people praying, the more power this prayer effort has to it.  In turn, then, the more people praying, the more power available to realign energies and the greater the change that can be brought about.

Realigning the energy of regions, i.e. praying for healthier weather, can help to rebalance all those factors which served to bring about the destructive weather in the first place.  For example, in the Central U.S., this region was the area of many great wars during the Atlantean militaristic times.  These conflicts happened many times in these regions and created a low energy region that is now becoming manifest according to karmic fulfillment.  The rest of the nation is affected by this manifestation now, in the same way that they were affected by the wars back in Atlantean days.

Areas and the peoples of those area that took no action to help or stop the conflicts during the Atlantean days then had the karma of not getting that which the area needs.  This can also manifest in the form of unbalanced weather.  This can be seen in Texas.  Texas’ future was to be no rain, and it has been dealing with very low amounts of water being replenished.  It still has this slated for the state in years to come.  In Texas, because no action was taken to help or stop the Atlantean wars then, no rain came to Texas in our time – that which was needed for life was not given then – that which IS needed now for life – water, does not come.

Except when prayer occurs.  Prayer is an action that we can now take to change some of what is happening as a result of our mistaken past actions and non-actions.  Prayer would have helped then, too.  Prayer is a real mechanism of connecting to God and God’s energy, then putting forth effort to send that greater, higher energy into the situation which needs it.

We can apply this to any part of life and do.  Who among us asks people outright when someone is in the hospital for something very serious “Please don’t pray.”  No.  We ask the opposite – “Please pray.”  because we innately hold inside ourselves the deeper awareness that there is something about prayer that helps.  And that something is the God connection that we make, which we then put forth into the dynamics of the certain circumstances for which we’re praying.

If you believe in a God who doesn’t answer prays, then change your beliefs.  When God seems to fall short in answering prayers, it’s not God that’s falling short – it’s our praying.  Prayers are answered according to the energy and effort put into them.  This includes the power coming from the numbers of people praying.

But, prayers that directly go against another person’s freewill, or prayers that try to take away a person’s freewill are another issue. As we pray for others, so are we praying for ourselves.  If we pray that God change someone else (against their freewill choosing), then ask yourself if you’re willing to give up your freewill to the will of another person’s decisions regarding who they want you to be.


“We have war because we have not yet prayed enough for it to end.” (The Rainbow Cards, 2008-2019, ©, Jodie Senkyrik)

“We have war, because some desire it.  Those who sincerely pray for peace, don’t want war.  Those who want war, don’t sincerely pray for peace.”  (The Rainbow Cards, 2008-2019, ©, Jodie Senkyrik)