2023 and 2024

This article is to declare that the writing is on the wall. This will come forth. I will not be holding back as to what I’m seeing that is set in rock.

In a recent experience of looking at the lower/dark energy which I’m seeing (and many other psychics are seeing also) in the years 2023 and 2024, I’m going over more of what I’ve been seeing for so many years now. There is no change to what I’ve been seeing about the dark energy of 2023. It is still a dominant energy of the coming year. At the same time, I’m still seeing 2024 being filled with even more of the dark energy.

When I say dark energy, I’m referring to the manifesting of energy which is a low vibration, a minimal presence of the Light, with little that we can do to change it. Dark energy is energy created and originally manifested as filled with selfishness, self-centeredness, bitterness, resentment, vengeance, and the like. Therefore, dark energy is destructive in nature, chaotic among patterns of life, i.e. the pandemic, climate disasters, etc. and is created from the chaotic actions, thoughts, feelings and the like of human life (i.e. war, conflict, resentment, bitterness, revenge, and more.)

The Light is the higher vibration – healing in nature, resolving, building up, formed from the God energy of Infinite Love. The dark energy is not a higher vibration. The manifestation into physical existence of this dark energy cannot be changed. Our prayers now, are for the responses to these events – to help us to respond to and deal with what manifests in our individual lives. For so many of us on this planet, life as we have known it will change in the blink of an eye. Although I have not been intentionally looking for this aspect – the number of human deaths – I do believe we will see many souls leave this Earth during these 2 years.

To speak to the unchangeability – for years, each time I looked at this time period and dark energy, I looked for why it could not be changed by prayer, meditation or any efforts to bring forth Light into the world. I found little information at the time, but now, I’m understanding how this can happen – it being almost completely unchangeable – especially now that we are in the time of both climate crisis, and war.

With global warming, we are beyond the point where we could have chosen to reverse this and we are beyond the point where we choose to change this today. There is very little humanity, in general, has been willing to do, to change what is continually manifesting even as it gets worse. Therefore, climate crisis related events will continue to happen and get worse – drought, fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanoes, also. The term we will be bandying about is “Biblical”.

War always has been a human choice as a way to solve problems or get what one wants. Human beings even now choose war as a way to make decisions affecting people. Both of these demonstrate how dark energy can be established to be unchangeable – because human beings choose to be unchangeable.


North America, South America, Antarctica, Western Asia, Central Asia, Central Africa, and Australia, and Western Russia, as well, will experience the worst that 2023 has to offer. In this year, China and Southern Africa will be slightly spared from the worst that 2023 has to offer.

Meanwhile, 2024 will fulfill the term “Biblical” completely. There is no place on Earth that will be spared. But, the dark energy is not coming FROM God. The source is the darkness which mankind has manifested with freewill for ages and ages.

At the same time as this darkness – the darkness also being the destruction brought onto the environment of the Earth – is the physical setting for this scenario to play out. The natural state of the Earth – vulnerable, “behind the scenes” evolutionary patterns which have been coming forward and manifesting from natural forces – lays a foundation – setting the stage scenery, rather than causes this. The Earth’s evolutionary opening to a weaker state, makes the environment more vulnerable and thus presents the available location where humanity’s karma and freewill choices to NOT do the inner work of resolving selfishness and hatred, returns to roost.

Make no mistake, without humanity being the source of dark energy, we would not see the level of destruction we have and will see. Some may jump on this and say this is all a natural evolutionary event – and that is the exact freewill choice state of mind that has contributed to this getting worse and worse. Any denial that mankind has a masterly role to play in this dark energy manifesting just contributes even more dark energy to the manifestation because it means there will be little if any effort put forth to heal or change this by those in denial.

Currently, I am not seeing the total of all the immediate “easily seen” and “obvious” avenues to the causes – but, …. yes, to Global Warming as a cause, yes to conflicts from self-serving, destructive government leaders, yes to the closing of the mind, heart and soul to God’s helpful guidance and healing, yes to efforts to mislead self and others …. I’m still NOT seeing nuclear weapons as a sure-thing even though we’re seeing great concern about this during this Russian/Ukraine war. (Right now, today, March 29, 2022, I’m seeing Putin pulling back from using nuclear weapons). This can change.

I’m adding this article about the coming next 2 years because this is a bigger source of worldwide problems than even the current R/U war. However, if we choose not to respond to the war, then we are also choosing to not respond to the problems in the Earth. We are here to respond to that which is in our lap, and the war is in our lap – all of our laps.

Our responses are the avenue where God/Christ may come into the world and help. Our prayers and meditations, our efforts to resolve our inner self-wars, and find personal inner peace, our efforts to heal our relationships – these are all real and effective. These settings are where the higher vibrations come forth – through the expression of the Spirit of Love in all available forms which Love can manifest (yes, diplomacy is a manifestation, and yes, having courage to stand up for those who are downtrodden is a manifestation.) These are planting the garden of higher energy as well as weeding the garden of that which chokes off life.

As I’ve told others, the world we are in now, is vomiting the poison of our destruction on the Earth and towards each other during our past lives. Some of us are attendants who can help (if we so choose) and respond to this vomiting – cleaning, healing, transforming, returning us to peace. “The harvest is ready, but the workers are few.”

We can begin with ourselves, with the prayer, “Lord, help me be honest with myself.” Then remember, we are not going to hear God’s still, small voice within, while we are screaming and yelling at each other on TV or anywhere else. God is NOT in the screaming and yelling on TV and radio. Nor is there insight in the degradation and insulting of others.

Be still, and in this stillness, we will know God and God’s guidance.
Be still, and in this stillness, we will find the path to balance and peace.
Be still, and in this stillness, we will find patience and in patience, we will know our-self.
Be still, and in this stillness, we will find the path of how to proceed with loving kindness and compassion – both of which are the homes of all real power to bring change in this world.


In the comments, I invite questions, as always, but I also invite to share steps people are taking to prepare and actions people are doing to bring healing – how people are responding to that which is in our laps.