Animal Rescue Efforts

“Miracle” (Rescued Oct 2016)

“Tigger” (Rescued Oct 2018)

If you ever wonder if I regret having to ask for help, on my GoFundMe page and Facebook, to care for the animals – the answer is both yes and no.  I run up against my own erroneous thinking that I need to be a man and do it all alone, stand on my own two legs, get a better paying job, to make lots of money and pay for it all by myself…..
And in my mind I hear Dr. Phil saying, “And how’s that thinking working out for you?….. or all other males?…. or all other people?”

But, then another part of me thinks, with regards to my asking, and caring more and more and more for the well-being of these cats and dogs, which I’ve taken in to care for, I remind myself of a very important spiritual lesson – God didn’t create us to need no one. God created us to need each other.  We are designed to need one another. Needing each other is designed into us. For the purpose of coming together, joining together, uniting together, helping each other, relying on each other, leaning on each other, giving and receiving from each other, sharing with each other, loving each other and eventually learning to see ourselves as all being One, together.

“Smart” (Rescued Nov 2011)

I am caring less and less what others think of me, because I’m letting go of being judgemental of others who may judge me… and letting go of judging myself. I work at letting those who think differently, go ahead and think differently, and also accepting that I’m slowly releasing my own erroneous thinking.

And so, I applaud all of you who have joined in on helping with the animals I care for, and other animals, and other rescue centers and other people in need, and other … everything. We’re in this together, learning that more and more we all are fitting into one family – a very big family – a Family of all Life. God bless you.

“Lucy” (Rescued April 2015)

Finally, please, if you’re willing and also able, I’m asking for your help via my GoFundMe page. All the money goes to pay for the animals’ needs.


Just of few of the animals.

My Radio Interview on

On February 17th, I was interviewed on the “Let’s Find Out” show hosted by author and psychic Elizabeth Joyce.  This show is being repeated tonight at 10pm EST, 9pm CST, MST, and 17pm PST.  In this interview, I share my understandings on several topics including Karma and what we face ahead.  The whole show is 1 hour long (with commercials)

To listen, simply go to and on the left side of the page, click on either the Station 1 or Station 2 icons – either html or flash, whichever works for you.

If you don’t get to listen tonight, but would like to at another time, the shows are archived and available for listening at your convenience.


If you decide to listen, come back here and let me know what you think.  Plus, if you have a question you would have loved to have asked if you could have, post it here.