The Good Fight

There are many that are ready to fight the current political establishment.  There are many that are ready to fight against these first people.  Which group of people has something worth fighting for?  Both.  But, what is it that each is fighting for?  This is the question that each of us must ask ourselves.  We can claim that we are fighting for the most noble causes – for people, for security, for freedom, for rights, for this, for that, for the other thing, etc.

But, who is fighting for honesty?  Who is fighting for compassion?  Who is fighting for mercy and forgiveness?  Who is fighting for kindness and patience?  Who is fighting for patience towards yet “not condemning” the other side?

The “fight” for these is in bringing them forth through our behavior.  In effect, letting these live from inside us, coming from our own heart and mind, coming out in how we relate towards those around us is the strongest way to fight for them – by demonstrating them.  It is the strongest way to make honesty alive, real and solid in the world.  It is the strongest way to make compassion, kindness, patience and the others alive, real and solid in the world.  But, it is a fight that few are willing to engage in, dismissing it easily as if Christ never mentioned it.

If we require the acts of others to have these qualities, yet without these qualities being alive in us, through our own actions, then we are not putting forth the good fight.  When fighting for truth, why bother if we aren’t truthful with ourselves?  When fighting for kindness, why bother if we’re not kind to our enemies?  When fighting for mercy, why bother if we don’t show mercy to any group who thinks differently than we do?

Christ taught that the Romans were the brothers of the Jews.  He never condemned the Romans or their system of government.  Christ taught the message that what was worth fighting for was that which we can find within our own hearts.  It requires us to address who we are within ourselves, first and foremost.

Governments and people in the government will come and go, but who will we be during this time slot – a kind and cooperative person if one side wins and a violent and condemning person if the other side wins?

What does it benefit us to gain all we want in government, or all we want within our own business, or in the world, but then lose our humanity, lose our respect and kindness towards others, our dignity and self-respect, lose our ideals and that which we strive for bettering ourselves?  What does it benefit us, if we use our mind and heart to win the insult battle or win at condemning others more, or use our knowledge to belittle anyone, but then lose our spiritual path or lose our very soul in the process.

This will be done plenty, by others and ourselves, but who do we become when we add to the insults and belittling?

As human beings, we have many examples throughout history of when it became fun to cause suffering onto those we saw as less than, who we saw as beneath us in character, or the enemy, idiots or clueless.  We have many examples of when it became easy to pick up the stones with which to stone others.  We laugh at the words, today, that ridicule those we don’t like.

Imagine the world, today, if we put all that energy and effort into praying and meditating for all the people and all life on the Earth.  Imagine if every day more and more people joined in the praying and meditating to lift the spirits of all life on the Earth.

How does something like millions of people joined in praying and meditating come into being and start?  With one person one day deciding “I will.”

“We can do it if we try.”  John Lennon


“If chaos, selfishness, bitterness and judgement of others gives us joy and peace of mind, and lifts one’s heart into the presence of Love, then by all means hold onto that.  But, if it doesn’t, consider trading up for that which may be better at lifting one’s heart into the presence of Love.”  (The Rainbow Cards, 1996-2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

That Worthwhile Deep Within

If you’re wondering what effect government actions will have in the long term, you don’t really need to wait and see. You also don’t need to hang your hopes on promises. We can look at the human race all around the world – not just in the United States – and see the pushback that is happening from people who don’t want human, social and spiritual evolution to occur. The pushback is happening in the form of attempts to revert back to previous states of consciousness and previous states of life.  Peace and cooperation  – not chaos – are products of God’s presence and guidance.  Christ never taught chaos, He taught better things than this.

There are issues and “sicknesses” deep within so many human consciousnesses in the Earth. In fact, one can easily say that we all have issues and illnesses within us. For all of us, these are coming to the surface, becoming visible and even being pseudo-supported by some. The racial, religious, and cultural prejudices all around the world that are now more visible than ever before, are a major part of that which is coming to the surface, having been repressed and buried deep within before now.

There are many that, if possible, would like that these “sicknesses” never came to the surface – that one could hold onto them throughout all time. There are many that think that it is right and just to hate a different culture. There are many that think the only way to have peace and harmony is if everyone is the same – starting with the same skin color, then religious beliefs, then political party, then this, then that. To some degree, no one is completely immune to these thoughts and feelings.

Of course, that argument comes from declaring that love is not the center of our existence and therefore not the center of spiritual law. For some, Love is only an emotion that has little power for healing.

The truth is all of us are the same, and all of us are different. We are the same in that we all – in fact all of life – are spirits of the One God. We are all spirit beings. All life is first a spirit being. All life! That means from the smallest thing that exists to the largest thing that exists – we’re all spirit first.

We are different in that the Infinite Consciousness of God creates Infinitely and not finitely. Infinite Consciousness has created Infinite Possibilities, Infinite forms, Infinite manifestations of Spirit and has given spirits in these Infinite manifestations freewill.

When we choose the path of healing our own issues and illnesses within us, we make a more open path for healing for those that follow us or who may be in our lives.  We open to our own Infinite possibilities, because we open to a greater presence of the Infinite Consciousness.  This changes the status quo within ourselves and within our own environment.


Difficult times are ahead. It will be easy to hate – as easy as it comes. It is one of the easiest things to look down upon, to dismiss, to diminish, and to disrespect. It is as easy as it comes to consider others to be less than worthy of respect from us, less than worthy of being afforded dignity and less than worthy of human kindness from us.

It is difficult – it takes sometimes dogged, persistent effort to do that which is worthwhile – to show respect – to show human kindness – to recognize that every soul is equally worthy of all human rights and all compassion and consideration. It is difficult to change the deepest part of our own souls, because we then have to let go of benefits that we think we gained through countless lifetimes and years of being prejudiced and condemning – putting ourselves above others – pushing others down beneath us.

For some of us, it will be impossible to change, because some of us will consider ourselves alone in the world, and having only our own prejudice and contempt of others as our companions. But, with God – the Infinite Consciousness of God, all things are possible. With God, all things can be accomplished. With God, our deepest fears and selfishness, our deepest disregard and contempt for any others can indeed be changed. With God, we can open to the truth that all others are our brothers and sisters in God’s Infinite Consciousness and Spirit for each of us has that Spirit of Oneness within our very being – giving us our very existence – uniting us all at our very core of our self.

With the Infinite Consciousness of God, we are one, and we will find our way out of our selfishness and our illusion of being alone.  As human beings, we can find our way back to being in the Family of Man.  As souls, we can find our way back to being enveloped in Infinite Peace and united again with the Infinite Love of our Infinite Source of Life.

“Sorrow, suffering and despair are appropriate things to feel when we feel disconnected from God. Pity the person who has lost their connection to God and cares nothing at all about it.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1995-2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

“If we really want to know if Someone is Real.  We need only sincerely ask to meet with that Someone.  ‘Seek and ye shall find.’ ”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

Seeking the Truth

Every single human being on the face of the Earth, who has lived before and who will live yet, believes that we hold the truth in our own paradigm of our own everyday beliefs.  Holding onto this paradigm can motivate some of us to close our minds and hearts to anything other than what we already have in our own paradigm.  If we’re so convinced that we hold the truth in our beliefs, we will not then open our minds and seek even greater truths.

This is unfortunate indeed.  Even the Bible tells us to “Trust not our own understanding.”

Regardless of whether we believe something is the truth or not, if we look for the truth, with effort, we will find it.  If we look for what is untrue in order to call it true, we will still find it.  If we look for whatever will shore up what we believe, we will find that.  Whatever we seek, we will find.  Whatever we have in our hearts or minds, if we seek more of that, we will find that.  Hence, why is it that we don’t always seek greater truths.

If we have cynicism is our hearts and minds, and we seek to confirm our cynicism, we will find what we want.  If we have doubt in our hearts and minds and want to confirm our doubt, we will find what confirms doubt.

The person who works hard to discern the difference between the truth and that which is untrue, – only through holding onto that desire in one’s heart and mind – will find the truth, and eventually know it.

Christ gives witness to the truth from within our own consciousness and within our own heart.  There is no mistaking Christ coming forth to confirm the truth within our own consciousness.  There is no lie that can stand up to the truth Christ confirms.  There is no prejudice, selfishness, fear or judgement that will stand up the the truth Christ gives witness to.  The truth is based in Love, and it is love which helps us to grow in discernment.  However, we have freewill and so we can still reject what Christ confirms.

So we need not throw the baby out with the bathwater.  It is easy to say, “they are all fake and all lies and all unethical”  It is easy to seek out confirmation of this, but the person who ONLY has their own understandings and beliefs about the world, will stumble and fall over and over again, for as long as they have themselves ONLY that they believe.

There are some us humans who fully intend to mislead, because it serves selfishness and what is desired.  There are some of us who mislead ourselves.  None of these people are easy to pick out, because sometimes there are parts of us that want to believe that what they say is the truth.  There are sometimes that we want to believe what we ourselves are telling ourselves.  We wish it to be true so much that we are willing to believe what is untrue.

But, there are also people who fully seek to put forth effort to be honest and ethical.  To say that all are unethical is to deny the truth.  This is true of leaders, journalists, teachers, and all manners of all people.

It is a good prayer to pray, “Lord, teach me the Truth.  Help me be good soil for the truth you teach.”

One thing I believe I’ve found is that Love and Truth are same, but you’ll still need to decide if you believe it or not.


“Sometimes, we prefer to still think we’re right, rather than accept that we’re not and correct it.  And boy, how visible this is to the other people who observe us.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1999-2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

“The real truth of the world we live in vs. our perspectives and understanding of the world we live in – are worlds apart.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1999-2017, Jodie Senkyrik)

“How we live our life, while in this world, is our legacy to the world when we leave it.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1999-2017, Jodie Senkyrik)