Psychic Predictions for 2022 – Introduction

With the Psychic Predictions for 2022, I’ve slightly changed the format to honor the information. I’ve added comments and suggestions on how to deal with the predictions if they may affect the readers. In addition, I’ve not included some information which is “pretty much the same as it ever was”. If I haven’t added it here this time, I considered it to be not very much different than what I’ve said about it in the past yearly or periodic predictions.

However, I do want to acknowledge that I may have not included information which some readers might want. For that reason, I’m welcoming individual questions posted via the comments. I will add both the questions and my responses at the end of the Predictions blog.

Also, although the technical difficulties have meant I’m delayed with adding audio answers (.mp3) to questions. I am working to solve the technical difficulties and still plan to add those questions already presented and the responses, but in audio format. I believe anyone would be able to listen to the answers I offer.

Because of time constraints on me, I have not given as expansive or comprehensive predictions about some particular topics. The blog is still a long read, though, and I encourage readers to take your time with it.

Finally, I focused on those areas where I see difficulties and great concerns. We’ve all dealt with and are still dealing with the past few years of the Pandemic and we’re facing long-term ramifications of the effects, plus many other problems. I try to balance this with some of the positive and uplifting predictions. If you want to see more of the positive, then please ask the questions about topic areas via the comments. So many of these topics have both positive and negative sides. I endeavor to post both sides.

God bless us, Everyone.

Jodie Senkyrik

Psychic Predictions for 2022 – to access

As of June 27, 2022, (midpoint of the year) the 2022 predictions are now available free to everyone. FYI, the Psychic Predictions for 2023 will be posted near the end of December, 2022, will again be password protected, and the fee will be raised to $10.

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If you wish to read the predictions for free, I will remove the password from the article in the Fall, on the Equinox.

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Thank you to all of you who value this work.

Joseph “Jodie” Senkyrik

Psychic Predictions for 2022

Photo via Good Free Photos

With this years predictions article, it is my intention not only to provide predictions, but also provide suggestions on how to face the challenges of many of the dark energy predictions.

At the same time, while some may envision the meanings of many of these predictions happening in certain ways, the ways that manifest may not equal how the reader may envision it to manifest. Consider that my description of what I see, comes from examining and seeing from looking at things from a certain direction. The results of the events may require some study before realizing that my prediction and that which manifests, are in fact the same thing or at least very close. Everyone sees events from a different point of view, sometimes very similar but sometimes very different from each other – even different enough to not recognize the event as being the same one that had been described.

I am giving 2022 the label of “the calm before the storm.” Still, the year will be more like “preparing before the storm hits us head on.” I’m still seeing the main brunt – of this dark energy manifesting through both physical events, like climate and natural disasters, as well as through the actions of people/lost souls willing to have dark energy manifest through them – increasing in 2023 and increasing even in greater impacting amounts in 2024. I include these statements in 2022, because we’ve got a lot of difficult experiences yet to happen in the world and yet to witness.

It is a time to prepare in practical ways for the events which are coming in 2022, 2023, and 2024, and then to recognize that 2025 and 2026 will be very much metaphorically like the aftermath immediately after a great storm goes through – but in this case, a metaphorical storm which covers the entire planet.

It is a time to call forth a greater practice of prayer and meditation – in these predictions, to sing out the areas of the world in need of our prayers for the Light of the World to help bring healing in all forms to the world.

Mostly, I will comment on the areas of the world where I see greater suffering happening. Do not think that this is the only thing happening in 2022, but for some of these predictions, I mention these so that the prayers of a few can save many.

And before I finish this document, I will write about that which will lift us up in the face of all that I write here, …

…for those who choose that which will lift us up,
…for that which not all seek,
…for that which some dismiss,
…and for that for which some thirst and hunger.


There will be little change in the spread of Covid from the beginning of 2022 to the end of 2022. We have – sort of – plateaued for the most part – in the spread and vaccination processes, and will stay at this level even with the variants (with small cycles up and down, and up and down, and up and down, etc.) There will be announcements of greater understanding of the virus, and better protocols and treatments (besides the mutations of the virus itself.) These announcements that I’m referring to and focusing mostly on in this prediction will start coming out about late July, August and will continue through the Fall of 2022. Covid will be like this in the world until better strides in vaccinations through 2024, as well as more people deciding to get vaccinated – which of itself, will be very slow.

The exception for there being a plateau is for India which will still be high and will even rise in numbers of cases and deaths. They have a billion people, and they have anti-vax beliefs there. Although the beliefs don’t come from political prejudice, they come more from great levels of misunderstanding and lack of full education – this as opposed to anti-vax beliefs coming from political affiliation, and conspiracy beliefs. Were all the people of India to embrace vaccinations wholeheartedly, the spread of Covid would drop extremely rapidly. This would be true for everywhere.

***As we all know, we get to choose whatever beliefs we want in life. It’s important to remember that our beliefs don’t determine what is Truth from God, and Truth from God has rarely ever determined our choices as to what we select to believe – even though we may tell ourselves differently in the privacy of our own mind. It is also important to remember, that at any time, on any topic and in any circumstance, we can pray sincerely and with all effort, “God, Creator, Lord, teach us the Truth!” on any topic, at any time, and in any circumstance – and then begin the path of having our prayer answered.

With our continued prayers for this, God’s Truth will be presented to us – notice I say “Presented”. It is always a choice to either learn from God, or try instead to teach God what we claim is truth. Thankfully, it is the sincere student who learns – eventually.*** If any of us wonder if we’re the “sincere” student or not, all we need do is pray, “Lord, help me be honest with myself”, and we’ll soon be able to figure out which group we’re in.

In 2022 and afterwards, psychically I see in most nations around the world, Covid will only diminish its spreading as more people get vaccinated. Because many people won’t ever get vaccinated, this diminishing will take several years yet. In these years, medicines and vaccines will continue to be enhanced making Covid’s returns fewer and fewer.

Make no mistake, if EVERYONE (generalization) got vaccinated, we would see the numbers around the world drop so fast – in a matter of several months – to a level that is all but disappearing. But, I’m seeing that this will not be the future for this timeline in this dimension at this time in our history. There will not be any spiritual effort to remove freewill from any soul.


Of the challenges we will face in the world at an ever increasing amount, including in 2022, the climate crisis is one quarter of the 4 main agents which will affect our lives.

[SIDE NOTE: The 4 agents that are world-wide are Covid/disease; weather/natural disasters which combine with the other three to bring death to millions, with many related deaths going uncounted; the beginnings of food scarcity/famine in our economy and the world, (the beginning but not the end by any means); and disinformation stirring up and then bringing more and more conflict and “wars” of many kinds – both big and small. All four of these are now world-wide.]

Of the Atlantic and Pacific hurricanes and typhoons, in general in 2022, we will see storms close to equal to what came in 2021. There will not be a great reduction or increase in numbers. There will also be storms close to equal in strength to what we had in 2021. Still I’m seeing an increase in 2023, then another increase again in 2024. Both greater than 2022.

Storms in the Pacific

In 2022, I’m seeing smaller storms threaten and impact Japan and the Koreas. I’m seeing Taiwan being in the way of a strong storm, but I think the worst of this storm will go north of Taiwan – possibly 2 storms with a maximum of 3. I see at least 6 storms (maximum of 7) impacting nations along the eastern coast of Asia. I also see at least 5-6 different other storms staying off land and going northward. A 7th storm will graze Hawaii. This is becoming commonplace yearly and should be expected, with slow increases in numbers and intensity for the next few years.

I’m seeing a maximum of 3 or rather 2 1/2 storms impacting the Philippines. Two fully engaging the Philippines from the south and 1 more going north of the Philippines but may not fully impact the islands – or missing it altogether, hence the “1/2” designation above.

Storms in the Atlantic

Because psychically I see that the Amazon Rainforest will absolutely continue to be destroyed/cut down, mostly illegally with attempts to hide it from the world, as time continues, this act will exponentially increase the heat into the atmosphere and then into the Atlantic waters, then directly causing hurricanes, which directly impact the United States. It is becoming easier to see a direct correlation with what happens to the Amazon Rainforest being a great part of what determines will happen to the coast of the US.

In 2022, I’m seeing a minimum of 8 major storms and a minimum of 6 minor storms. Of the 8, 5 of these will come inland in the US, the other three I’m seeing go up the East coast and stay in the ocean. These numbers can fluctuate some, but overall is close to accurate and in 2022, we will see ENOUGH TO KNOW that these storms are our future for almost every single year from here on to the end of the century and beyond.

I’m seeing in one or more of the future years, 6 potential hurricanes at once in the Atlantic, potentially 7, and even a possible year where we have 8. This can also be avoided, though.

I’m seeing 2 potential hurricanes go into the Gulf of Mexico, with one eventually going into Mexico and another going north into the Florida Panhandle and Mississippi, then northeast.


Contrary to the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, I see the Indian Ocean and land around it having milder weather. While I see much rain over the Indian Ocean itself, I see a potential reduction in the amount of rain for the landmass of India for 2022 and the surrounding countries. There will still be some floods as usual, but the yearly total rainfall for India will be lower than normal. This is part of the warming of the climate, with higher pressure being created, thus diminishing the amount of rain in the area of the Indian Ocean for 2022. In the years ahead, we’ll see cycling of drought and flood with the cycle being about 9 years to complete a full cycle of higher than normal rainfall to lower than normal rainfall. As decades continue, this time range will shorten to 7 years. Next century, the full cycle will be every 6 years.


The warming trend continues in the Arctic waters. This is and will continue to be one of the most impactful resulting events of the entire planet. Not only does it introduce fresh water to the entire planetary ocean system, but the atmospheric effects – much greater heat building process – will be catastrophically impactful on the whole planet. This will shift the Ocean undercurrents all over. For example, in the Atlantic, this will shift the north/south currents eastward. One of the many long-term effects of this particular shift is that there will be more drought in Europe through the years and decades ahead. Yes, the two are directly related. It is too late to do anything to stop this.

Those who are open to these predictions and act to prepare, will be better off than those who ignore the warnings.

This warning, by no means, is saying that every human will go through natural disasters directly – i.e. tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, volcanoes, earthquakes, fires, drought, … but all people will experience something.

Practical steps to take:

  1. Prayer is always practical. Pray for guidance. Pray for wisdom. Pray for insight to know what practical steps to take, and then take them. It does no good to know what to do, but never do it.
  2. Look at the different parts of life – home, vehicles, food, school, spiritual/religious, and any other aspect of life. Examine each area to see what areas of life one may most be affected, and in turn, which may then be strengthen with regards to preparations or adaptations.
  3. Examine each area of these with regards to how to prepare for difficult and disastrous times.
  4. Remember, even though many claim society will crumble, Society will never break down, (individuals may), because we humans have within us the spirit of God within our souls, hearts and even minds. We will respond in the ways we have in the past. We will respond according to who we are as a person, and the character that is within us. This means that some will rise up to meet the challenges – look for these people. This also means that some will stumble and fall, failing to meet the challenges – pray for these people.

(More on the Climate is further in this document.)


I’m seeing food as being a world-wide issue. In 2022, we still mostly have available the foods we need, but at ever-increasing prices. In 2022, the cost of food worldwide will continue to rise as the demand increases worldwide and the supply does not increase. In 2022, we’ll hear of reports of damages to crops and food supplies – damage done by the worsening of the climate.

In 2022. some areas of the world will experience more extreme scarcity of food. But, these news stories won’t be widespread, yet, until 2024. The word “famine” can be used in some places, but it is an old, albeit Biblical word, and not heard used much anymore.

Practical actions – find ways to supplement one’s food purchases with self-grown food. Make no mistake, self-grown food tends to be healthier, is not that hard to do, and is an enjoyable act. No living circumstance of any kind prevents gardening completely. There is always a way, and infinite ideas on how (especially on Youtube.)


What would my predictions be (in 2022) without my political predictions?

I’ll start with the US Congress elections of 2022.

First: this is what I wrote last July in response to – “So, do you see Congress and the Senate staying the same as it is now in 2022 and 2024?” E.B.

“I see more conflict, attack ads, attack words, and almost outright wrestling between the elected officials of both parties. In 2022, the elections will be drawn out again, with delays and recounts. As for the outcome, both parties have a path to the majority in the Senate, . . . BUT! the courts will be brought in again, and the Republicans do have a chance to win the majority in the Senate. I’ll forecast 2024, when we get there. I see the House staying with a Democratic majority. . . . right now, I see that.” (July, 2021)

All along I’ve seen the Republicans in a majority in the Senate before the 2024 elections happen. I saw it in 2020, but even though Republicans held on to some power, the Democrats, through extraordinary effort, grasped the upper hand. I see this changing in 2022.

I do see the Republicans now taking control back in the Senate, and what they will do with this control is – nothing – except oppose Biden and the Democrats at levels never before seen. That is the action they will take – to do nothing to offer movement forward, but to do much to act in opposition. Like a cow laying down in a pasture and not moving in spite of every effort to move it, the Senate will do little to nothing for two years – pass very little of anything. The strategy is meant to try to prevent Democrats from accomplishing anything. This will be the Republican strategy – do nothing to further Biden’s agenda. By doing nothing, (or as little as possible) except attack verbally, no legislation put forth by Democrats, the House of Representatives or President Biden will become law. There will be no cooperation except in the worst of the worst dire needs. Unfortunately, there will be dire needs.

The Democrats have until the elections of 2022, if they want to accomplish anything more.

Donald Trump will gain politically in 2022 through his speaking engagements. I’ve given my predictions for Donald Trump in 2023 and 2024 in so many past predictions and articles. He will not be running again in 2024. He will not be involved with the GOP in 2024. If the GOP were to establish new leaders now, they would have a good chance to win in 2024, but they will be relying on Trump for the entire time. This is because that is what the Republican voters want.

When it comes time to run for the next presidential election, and the GOP puts all its eggs in the “Trump basket”, the Trump candidacy will not come forward. The GOP needs leaders who are willing to lead anew. By the time this is realized, it will be too late for 2024.

The Qphenom will gain throughout the 2020’s decade, especially the 2nd half of the 2020’s decade, and contributing to a war of information, and a war on information.


What I’m seeing right now – with the timeline we are currently on – Today – the government of China fully intends to bend Hong Kong to its will. The government of China intends to show the world that they will do what they want to fulfill their intentions. There will be many citizens of Hong Kong who will shed their blood at the hands of the China authority. This decision will grow in visibility and action by a small amount in 2022, but in 2023, the government of China will pretend to placate the nations of the world, all the while fulfilling aggression against the Hong Kong people. In 2024, China will move in and take over, shedding blood.

China will never fulfill their agreement which they made in the transferring of Hong Kong from the British to the government of China. To the military leaders, this agreement is being perceived as taking a weakened stance, which they are afraid will give hope to other areas under the thumb of the government and military of China.

Remember, there are high members of the Chinese military that have in themselves, a willingness to kill citizens as much as look at them. They are used to the style of living which being in their positions gives them. This influences their attitudes.

The difference between the people in power in China and the Nazis of Germany, are that the leaders in China, currently in power and influencing the Chinese Premier – they are not invading other sovereign nations, right now.

[SIDE NOTE: Had Hitler not invaded Europe, a timeline would have been followed where he would have stayed in power in Germany on into the 1970’s.]

The Chinese Premier is under great pressure from other highly influential people in China, including members of the Chinese military. Although the national leader, he doesn’t have complete freedom to decide the stance China takes with the world. He has to answer to these other influential people.

This is why it will take 4 more decades before there is enough change to say that China offers better to the world.

Prayers will help the people of these two areas – China and Hong Kong,

…but are there enough prayers in the hearts of the people of the world to help them?

I am not seeing democracy happening in Hong Kong for decades. Those that currently support democracy for Hong Kong will disappear into prisons and graves.

On the side of the Light – China will be helped by prayers, too. But, one person alone is not enough to pray for a billion. If 10 people can save a city from the worst, then a million people praying can save a billion.

The prayers for the world will also help to bring forth courage and determination from many nations to directly oppose the Chinese policies of oppression. The prayers of a few will save many.

My final words – the leaders of any nation are a result of the consciousness of the people of that nation. It is the consciousness of the people who determine who rises to power. One person cannot take over a nation without the cooperation of many, many, many others.


On the darker side – while the Russian government does participate in activities to disrupt democracies around the world, in 2022, their own problems within their own borders will take up more of their time and resources. They have plenty of problems which will more and more over time, take center stage and require their attention.

While it will be slow, as we count in years, and happening beyond the year 2022, Russia will break apart even more in this century and the next, with the processes even that happen in 2022, contributing to another step of many which moves them towards this future.

On the side of the Light – the painful challenges happening within Russia and the Russian people do bring determination to those Russians who participate in prayers for Russia and the world. With the prayers of many come change, with a growing foundation in a spiritual base being unable to be prevented.

INDIA (political)

On the darker side, in 2022, there will be more political and social unrest. The problems of the disease, lack of food, and more deaths from climate catastrophe’s will bring forth more political and social conflicts and antagonism. Although there will be few answers, social unrest will be often and erupt in the anger of the people.

On the side of the Light, in 2022, there is a great spiritual foundation within India’s people, and this will slowly but determinedly help lift the people of India to face the challenges they face. The prayers and spiritual practices of the people of India, will help heal great numbers of people’s difficult challenges.


On the darker side – as anyone could guess, the Taliban will tighten their grip on the women of Afghanistan. The situation for women from the beginning of 2022 to the end of 2022 will go from day to night. Their severest steps will be taken in the summer of 2022. Many men and women will suffer and too many will die at the hands of the Taliban. Very little media attention will announce this to the world, but it is in the process of happening. Some are already in custody even as I write this. With every step, the Taliban will take a stronger hold on the throats of women leading eventually to “no expression” whatsoever. This is the intention of many in the new Afghan government and much of this will be pursued and carried out.

On the side of the Light – it is to the credit of so many countries who have taken in Afghan refugees, especially women refugees. Anyone could see this happening, and this psychic information confirms the truth of this.

Humanitarian efforts will try to help the Afghan people. Every effort and every helpful act is worth it.


Japan will have a good economy (not great, but good) through 2022 and this will help stabilize Japan’s international influence in the region for other “less-stable-economy” nations, i.e. the Philippines, South Korea, etc. South Korea does have a stable economy but not internationally influential as Japan’s is.


Politically, Australia will be “business as usual”. There will be very little progressive action taken in 2022. However, Australia does have a stable economy, but won’t see much growth from 2022-2024. I’m seeing 2026 being a better year economically for Australia.


  1. We’re all familiar with the Bible’s “Render unto Caesar, that which is Caesar’s, But, render unto God, that which is God’s.” In other words, give politics/civic involvement that which it calls for, but more importantly is our giving to God that which God calls for, which we can draw from Christ’s words – “Love God above all else, and love your neighbor as yourself.” This really is possible to fulfill, because human beings have the capacity to love and to be kind, when we choose to.
  2. Every human being has both Yin and Yang, Male and Female, Left and Right, Up and Down, Inside and Outside. The Left of today is the Right of future lives. The Right of today is the Left of future lives. Why? Because God has willed that we understand more than just our own opinions and beliefs – and see further than only our one lifetime’s lessons. We can do that by walking in other’s shoes and experiencing other circumstances. God’s will is to be fulfilled.
  3. Even Christ has His critics. Opinions and beliefs come from thinking our own experiences are the only experiences that a human has or values. No human being can experience everything God has for humans to experience for our education and enlightenment – especially in one lifetime. It is possible for two people to experience opposite experiences – thus learning opposite beliefs and opinions – thus holding to opposite sides of any debate.
  4. Remember, no human being is a stereotype. Look in the night sky and we will see that which is equal to the depth of every human soul. The true depth we have in our own self, is equal to the same depth in the people we see every day. If we don’t see it, it is because we’re not looking.

GLOBAL WARMING – CLIMATE CRISIS (continued from previously above)

I look for what to say about this topic that I haven’t yet said for years. The rate of increase which we’ve experienced for the last 10-20 years will continue. The level of increase from year to year will be the level of increase for many years yet to come. We’ve broken records for the hottest weather per year and we will continue to break these records, because for the most part, with few exceptions, each year will be hotter than the previous one.

Throughout the years, I’ve given much to be aware of. In the decades ahead, mankind will see a continuation of the causing of more greenhouse gases and rising temperatures, as well as the results of these two aspects and their effects around the world. There is no denying this.

This global change is one of the four major causes of hardship for human beings in 2022 and the 2020’s. Yet, more important than this is whether human beings will cooperate in order to face and address this major problem. It is the cooperation – both collectively and individually – which will help us to resolve the forces that are bringing us into this “lifetimes-long” experience. Humanity’s cooperation among ourselves is one of the greatest challenges – even greater than the weather. Facing the inner challenge is the key to facing the outer challenge.

Currently, with Climate Challenges there are equal amounts of cooperation and non-cooperation.

I’m seeing that as time continues, more people will become more aware of the factors contributing to Global Warming, (also called Climate Change or the Climate Crisis, depending on your POV). With no way to avoid the dramatic weather manifestations in the months and years ahead, and more people going through the climate crisis events that come each year, the slow awakening (to the consequences happening in the Earth,) will spread, and greater numbers of people will slowly join the movement to make changes that will help the entire Earth. The few that are left who choose to fight against this awakening transformation will find their abilities to prevent awakening to this awareness too weak to stop the “wave of awakening”.

One thing I’ll add is this: Psychically, I can see that mankind’s actions and inactions do have an effect on the climate. I also see that what we do and don’t do right now in history will have effects on the climate for the next 5000-7000 years in one way or another. No s**t.


My friend reminds me that even though there is darkness manifesting, I need to mention that which lifts us up. And of course, she’s right. No matter where we live on the Earth, there is an Infinite Spirit who is completely aware of us, as an individual and as a collective group of people.

This Infinite Spirit does not sleep nor ever miss hearing our prayers and meditations. This Unending Spirit of Love and Awareness is continuously active in working to help us. And yet, does not force Itself upon us, nor ever move to take away our freewill to choose to either open or close the door to our hearts to Him/Her. Our open mind and open heart is Home to this Infinite Spirit of Wisdom, Help, Kindness, and Love.

I will take this time in these Predictions to state this:

The very real upliftment comes in the meditation, study and practicing of our spiritual teachings. The process and effort towards learning is the lesson. The practicing of our lessons builds the courage and strength within the wings of awareness which lift us up to rise above that in the world which would otherwise bury us in despair and hopelessness. Without this awareness of Spirit, or the awareness of the effort to change, grow and learn, we can drift through life like a leaf on the waves of the ocean, with little to guide us or help us on a spiritual and heart-centered healing path, especially when we’re in need, and sometimes just grasping at whatever else floats by.

Yet, even these “leaves”/people are not abandoned by the Spirit that is Infinite Love. It is this effort to walk our spiritual path that gives us the strongest legs to stand on, instead of being swept here and there by whatever wave that comes, were we to not have this spiritual anchor. Even these souls, though unaware of Spirit, can still subconsciously and unconsciously be open in a way that God can enter and help the person unknowingly to move towards one day, in this life or a future life, opening to that which is beyond understanding when someone has only a physical paradigm in their consciousness.

[SIDE NOTE BEGINS: Two worlds exist in the same space in time on this planet, Earth. One is the world of Spirit, and the awareness of Spirit as our essence and the identity of who we are – as Spirit beings existing temporarily in human bodies, living life as human beings. This world recognizes that the physical world is only a reflection or manifestation of the Spiritual consciousness world, and that the Spirit consciousness world is the real world. The experience of Spirit within each soul brings with it the Truth and awareness of spiritual existence.

The second world is the world of believing only that we are human beings, physical in nature – with an idea that maybe we have something more to who we are, but maybe not. This is the world of the physical human being, guided by the belief that only this physical world is real. The people of this world seek physical proof of a non-physical existence to believe, but accept nothing as evidence, because they are not open to the Spiritual experience, do not know Spirit and therefore do not recognize Spirit when it impacts them.

But, this awareness is not yet necessary for progress and growth, since Love is the essence of Spirit and very few souls in the Earth deny the existence of or impact of Love. This allows Spirit to guide unaware souls via the presence of love in people’s lives.

For those aware of the Spirit existence/world, learning and growth is sped up considerably with much being gained in single lifetimes. For those yet choosing to think of themselves only as physical beings and be aware of the physical world, learning and growth is slower and can take many lifetimes, instead. The presence of both in the Earth, means, like tuning forks, those of the Spiritual world can share with those of the Physical world through the qualities of Spirit – so often mentioned – of Love, kindness, patience, courage, faith, forgiveness, mercy, long-suffering and the rest. It is Love which will bring Spirit awareness to all souls, because Love is the evidence of things unseen – evidence that there is more to existence as humans than just physicality. SIDE NOTE ENDS.]

The upliftment comes from letting go of the chains of guilt and shame we wrap around ourselves and others. The upliftment comes from the better understanding of the human experience of fear. The upliftment comes from the compassion one can then feel as a result of better understanding of others, and then that compassion towards those people who are so wrapped in fear that it takes them lifetimes to regain their own heart and mind, for them to then love again – this in the same way that we, who were wrapped in fear in our past, also found our way back to love again.

The upliftment comes from the love we are willing to have come forth from our hearts – the living water of love which flows from us giving nourishment not just to family and friends, but also to those who thirst and hunger for kindness, patience and love to be shown even to those who experience or show none of these.

This is the upliftment which comes as the reality of God’s presence within us – closer than our very breath- begins to ignite our awareness – bringing the peace that holds our hands, and cradles us in its arms, and washes with a wave of kindness and comfort through our consciousness.

This is also the upliftment which comes with realizing that whichever heaven or hell we create for others, although it may be our destiny to experience, at some point, what we created, we are not abandoned and instead are given every opportunity to heal, dissolve, reverse, learn from, and transform our self and that which we re-create for this Earth – and this for the purpose of helping others out of the hell we, individually and collectively, created for them and ourselves, (and why mercy and forgiveness for self and others is so important. And why our own demonstration of self-forgiveness will serve as guidance for others to follow our own example leading to their self-forgiveness.)

Within these seemingly infinite opportunities, we are given Eternity to bring about this healing, which begins within our own heart, mind and soul. Put another way, Hell is not forever and ever, amen. God (Unending Love) is the way out of hell. With one principle being that which we want for others, we are wanting for ourselves – – whether we want retribution and punishment for others, or whether we want healing of the soul and consciousness for others.

Our way out of hell is by helping to release others out of hell. Our way into joy is by helping others into joy. Our way into peace is by helping others into peace. Our way into knowing love is by helping others to know love.



No, I’m not seeing another world war. In 2022, I am seeing wars of a different kind continuing. The political wars, the social wars, and many small military-like conflicts. I’m seeing wars of words, and conflict among families and friends. I’m seeing digital wars and ideological conflicts.

However, one of the most horrible of these – psychically, I see more mass shootings happening in 2022 in the US. I see at this point, there being a long road to the point where change happens in gun laws which will help prevent these mass shootings, school shootings and the like. The “terrorist” attacks in the US, will be from Americans attacking public places including schools. I see many people refusing to budge with regard to gun laws, preventing any meaningful progress in trying to prevent these events happening. I see that unless more people come on board sooner with change in gun laws, it will take decades for even small change to happen. If change never happens, the US will cease to exist as it does today and in its past. This will be another contributing factor to the breaking up of states into 4 different nations in the 23rd century or end of the 22nd century.

But, our prayers for our children will bring change, also.

Millions of prayers can protect millions of children.

I mention this not to heighten drama, but rather reiterate that this is a time of dark energy manifesting in many ways including through the hearts and minds of those who seek darkness or who care little about manifesting the Light of God. All effort we make – one day at a time – effort to show mercy to ourselves and others, effort to forgive, effort to be patient and kind to others and even to ourselves, effort to pray, effort to meditate, effort to bring forth compassion, tolerance, joy or peace, effort to comfort others, effort to help others, effort to understand the pain and suffering which causes others to lash out, and leads others to seek to inflict more pain and suffering for whatever reason is in their souls — all effort to Love and manifest this Love is worth it – and can truly help bring change both great and small. The more effort and willingness to Love we put forth, the more God works through us to help bring healing change.

Psychically, over and over, I see that the Earth is a school in which we are to learn that all of us, together, are the Family of Man.

Psychically, over and over, I see that God will not end this school until all souls everywhere and during every time period of Mankind, are reawakened to the Spirit of Infinite, Unending Love and Kindness.

Psychically, over and over, I see that Christ – He who is first – will not leave us or forsake us, in this realm until He alone is left, and the last one to leave this realm, having reawakened the hearts, minds and souls of all – to the truth of Love and Kindness, Oneness and Unity, Compassion and Cooperation – even if it takes a long, long time. He who is first will be last.

Psychically, over and over, I see this and am shown more, – that God knows each of us, individually, and will guide us in our learning and our loving – for eternity without exception.

Meanwhile, psychically, today, I continue to see that more people will come to the Light through our effort for more prayers and meditations, than if we put forth no effort or little effort for prayer and meditation. Put another way, more people are helped by us praying for them than by us not praying for them. Put another way, those who are prayed for are helped more than those who are not prayed for.

Do we know anyone who has no one praying for them? Do we know anyone who has no need for prayers? Do we know anything about ourself that we may think “no one would want to pray for me, if they knew this part of me.”

Then let us pray for all souls who are like us, who struggle, who suffer, who despair, who feel lost, …
and who knowingly or unknowingly forced the struggle of others, who caused suffering, who caused despair, who misled others to be lost and who may be continuing.

With each prayer, we offer our willingness to help get healing services to those who are in need of the Physician. Those who’s need for healing is great, are worthy of calling for the Master Physician. As Christ said, it is for the sick and injured that the Master Physician is called forth to heal.


In 2022, I’m seeing only a few countries out-right flounder economically because of Covid. These are countries where there are still high numbers of infections. In general, I’m seeing the economies of each nation promoting the vaccines begin to gain even more ground with their individual economies. Even in the US, there will be slow gains overall which show a slowly recovering economy (overall).

I’m seeing all economies still hinging on the ability to handle Covid.

In the US, I see gas prices dropping at the end of winter, 2021, but then peaking as we move into spring when more demand is happening. But, I’m also seeing prices coming back down some – around .30-.60/gallon lower than today’s posting (posting this in Dec, 2021). I’m seeing this happen in the summertime. In the Fall, 2022, I’m seeing prices be around .50/gallon lower than today.

Because of so many factors impacting farmers in the US and around the world, including the transporting of food around the world, creating less supply than demand seeks, I’m seeing that we will see prices continue to slowly get higher. While factory farming won’t diminish much, the costs to these businesses will go up. At the same time, the weather will become less predictable and more uncooperative to all farms. Meanwhile, family farms will struggle, without much progress in reestablishing a stronger presence.

This means that family farms as a type of industry will diminish with more owners of these choosing to go out of business at this time during this decade rather than try again in an unsustainable business model of the past. This will happen at a time when the food supply in the world will not be able to increase to meet demand due to startup farms being fewer, higher prices of expenses to the farmers, worse growing conditions based on weather (drought, flooding, crop destruction) and land being more valuable to be developed as housing locations.

In 2022, we will not see or hear much about these farm difficulties, because some of this has been expected, because of Covid, but in the years ahead, mostly in the 2nd half of the decade, more widespread attention will be brought to this issue. However, the struggles of the farming industry will become an issue in the 2024 presidential election. Until then, currently, there are too many people who expect things to eventually return to “normal” which to many means “2020 prices”. This will never happen. As I’ve said before, “We don’t live in that world anymore, and it will never exist for us to go back to.” No amount of hoping I’m wrong will bring the old world back.

In order for us to move forward with growing more food, in the US and all over the world, with the farming industry, we will need to adapt to the changing weather, and find different markets not requiring as much transportation costs, plus look to local communities as a market to produce foods for, rather than produce foods expecting to sell on the world market. Growing crops according to what local markets need can be a helpful direction for struggling farmers, as well as supply food for local community members. This would suggest farmers scale down, rather than end their business altogether.

As I’ve mentioned before, psychically, I’m still seeing the local communities being the better source of help and support for people during these times. It is the local communities which will be able to be where practical and direct help exists. What currently is temporarily hindering this local community support networking are the current feelings of “not being safe in one’s own community” with regards to personal political views and opinions, or with the culture one is part of – that culture being racial, religious or any other of the many cultures which exist. But, I see this sloooowwwwwlllllyyyyyy changing over time with the last half of this decade showing more promise.


This is as it sounds. Psychically, I’m seeing the efforts made to spread and mislead with disinformation are increasing, with many people creating false information to spread because of their own desire for retribution against those who are perceived as their enemies, their own desire to attack or belittle, and their own desire to vent their anger and bitterness in life – more so than to inform. I’m seeing much false information coming from a direct intent to trigger conflict and fighting among people – and NOT as an effort to bring forth information of personal beliefs, but both have their adherents. The direct intention is to cause others to have personal antagonism towards others and thus verbal, emotional, and political wars amongst people in one’s own life – amongst one’s own neighbors. While this is the strongest intention, and visible psychically, there are many who simply are trying to share what they’ve come to believe.

The decision for people will always be – does one choose verbal wars and verbal attacks over friendship or over family. When this happens, within our own sphere, and it does happen quite often, we go through some of the most difficult and painful experiences of life, and experiences which so many of us have faced. These experiences are when people we love and whom we want to remain close, choose to create distance and separation from us more as an act of “lashing out” using their own angers, resentments, and bitterness in life. This manifests as their adherence to well-marketed political and social attacks which are designed to be avenues for unresolved bitterness and anger towards any person or groups seen as an enemy of any kind.

As it is designed to do by some, this unresolved state can and will, in some instances, contribute to damage to family relations as well as friendships, even though each individual still chooses for ourselves how we respond to others in our relationships. This worldwide experience in individual’s lives – this opposition to compassion and tolerance – can only be met with – compassion and tolerance. But, with these comes the suffering which I mentioned above – “some of the most difficult and painful experiences in life”.

The suffering comes, because it is a lesson where we learn what comes when others choose disdain and disrespect towards us rather than companionship and friendship. This is an ordeal even Christ experienced.

It is a lesson about what comes when any one of us chooses to close our minds and close our hearts.

It is a lesson showing us what is experienced by others when one chooses to believe stereotypes about someone instead of looking deeper into a person’s character to learn who they are.

It then becomes a lesson in the pain we’ve caused in our own past or past lives when we did the same thing to others – and make no mistake, we won’t realize we did it to others, because we were not on the receiving end of what we dished out – until now – a challenging step to take if we want to learn the lesson of honesty and humility, ….. and then forgiveness and mercy.

“With Patience we will know our soul.” Edgar Cayce

Where does the desire to mislead come from? Ultimately, it comes from a poison within us as human beings, poison coming to the surface to be expelled, caused by the loss of hope, the existence of unconscious (and conscious) despair, having little or no faith in anyone or anything other than our own beliefs, and some of the deepest sorrow and suffering – unconscious sometimes even to ourselves – created long ago in experiences in memory far, far away from who we are today, and still deeply buried waiting to be recovered and healed.

The healing of this state comes from only one thing – willingness to grow and to learn the true nature of our relationship with ourselves and our God, and our relationship among us all. This learning path, we can only find when we cry out from the wilderness of confusion and suffering with the most sincerest of hearts – “Lord, teach me the Truth!”. God alone has the awareness and Truth to lead us to Peace beyond our understanding, from the ultimate Healing of our minds, hearts and souls.

While our understanding of God may be a mixture of beliefs, from all kinds of traditional or official sources, (parents, teachers, ministers, priests, TV, our own psyche, past lives, books, etc) even these can be sorted out by the heart who allows God to have direct contact – and as one source puts it – “to recognize there is a higher power”.


For over a decade, I’ve been seeing breakthroughs in Childhood Diabetes happening in the 2020’s. I’m seeing this research progressing as foreseen. The research done and being done will help many children. There has been much accomplished and over the next 10 years we’ll see even more breakthroughs.

In the time of Covid, the public is growing in it’s awareness of the science, and either accepting or rejecting the part of human life that we call “Science”. This is as much a human struggle today as it has been throughout human history. For example, what colonial or renaissance human would accept an aspirin from someone to cure pain? – Only the most forward thinking of persons, of which there were few.


Thinking beyond the norm, forced or willingly, brings a paradigm change. Any total paradigm change, like that which has happened with Covid, will overwhelm many people. Not everyone can hold on to their inner balance when the floor underneath them disappears. The floor in this example is a person’s understanding and perspective about life. The experience of losing one’s floor will happen more and more as time continues, in the same way as it has already with the 9-11 event, with the Climate Change, and with the Pandemic. Being overwhelmed by human/world events, for many, is also a “new normal.” For some, being overwhelmed by circumstances and events causes panic and fear with negative ways of responding.

Trying to reestablish one’s footing in one’s life does not come to everyone. We can turn to God at times of great upheaval to our individual and collective paradigms, but we won’t be forced to. This is true with everything dealing with questions of truth. At any time, we can turn to God, if we seek Truth, but we won’t be forced to. In addition, if we’re not going to choose to seek Truth from God, then many times, humans will select any other story we like, which we may tell ourselves or serve our purpose. With the Truth God gives, seek and we shall find. The opposite is also available as an option – do not seek and we will not find. This sentence is for everyone: at no time will anyone’s freewill ever be taken away – for choosing whatever story we want as our truth.


As I write this, the people of Kentucky and other states in the expanding Tornado Alley are suffering from the devastation of one of the worst Tornadoes ever to have existed in human history – not THE worst, but near. Tornado Alley is not an alley, but an expanse. I see Tornado Alley through the eastern half of the US, almost doubling in numbers as years progress. By 2050, this doubling will have come to fruition, as a regular phenomenon. If we stay on this timeline, in this century alone, I see because of Global Warming, the total destruction will measure into the trillions of dollars, with each year contributing to these numbers.


The future for hurricanes is, for many, too much to believe. For even with prayers and meditations, the hurricane season will reach into April, in the next few decades then reach into March, and eventually see a few in February 50-70 years down this timeline. In a case like this, our prayers then are for the people who will live during the 2nd half of this century – facing the new normal of more chaotic and destructive weather. (How many of us remember our life 50 years ago? That many years is approximately how long before a hurricane happens in Feb.)

Because of the very real processes of Spiritual/Physical change, it is true that if humans don’t make the changes needed, if WE don’t make the changes needed, the Earth will, and it will be more of that from which we’re already reeling. The saving grace is that many of us are, in fact, making changes as best as possible, in whatever ways we can find. This includes both inner change – the change within our own consciousnesses – which has the strongest direct impact, and the outer change – the change in the world around us – which has less impact. This last statement is true even though it seems like it would be the other way around. To put this in stark terms, when we are selfish or abusive to ourselves and others, with the selfishness and abuse coming from our own heart, mind and soul, we are abusive to the Earth. When we are kind and giving to ourselves and others, with the kindness and unselfishness coming from our own heart, mind and soul, we are kind and unselfish to the Earth.

FINAL WORDS, again (repeated from 2021)

If whatever we believe, think and feel, helps us to love God above all else, and love our neighbor as our self, then we can hold on to what we believe, think and feel. If what we hold onto gives us joy, helps us feel we’re no longer alone, or gives us peace of mind, helps to heal a relationship or two, or gives us avenues to experience giving and receiving of kindness, compassion, patience with our self and others, and mercy for those desperate for mercy, then we can hold onto our beliefs that give us this.

If what we hold onto gives us a connection to caring people, a connection to healing the pain within our own soul and maybe someone else’s, gives us hope in an Infinitely Aware Spirit of Love who knows us from the inside out of ourselves, and Loves us more than we love ourselves, or gives us a sense or feeling of recognition of the Spirit that lives within the heart of every single life form, then we can hold onto these beliefs, and hold onto them with all we’ve got.

Of course, if what any one of us believes doesn’t give us these, and instead leads any of us to targeting any group or person, thoughts and words that are insulting, criticizing, or judging others, stereotyping people, verbally attacking others we disagree with, blaming others for problems in life, seeing evil intent behind others action because of their affiliations, demonizing, spreading false information based solely on rumors or “he said it or she said it on TV or radio, so it must be true”, leads us to be afraid of looking in the mirror of our own self, hope for pain and suffering onto others who are in our bullseye,…

….then why not change one’s mind. Every one of us changes our mind many times in our life.

We can change our mind anytime we want to, anytime we decide we are willing to, and anytime we’re ready. Something better also exists and is available to us – better thoughts, better attitudes, better beliefs, and better feelings. We can choose better beliefs. We can open our mind, our heart and our soul, and ask God to fill us with better beliefs. Look for “the good” – which may take effort – and we will find the good. If good exists in any of us (you and me), even both good and bad, then it exists in all human beings, because all human beings … are human beings.

There are beliefs which offer us better perspectives on the world and the people in the world, for something that does lift us up. We may have seen and experienced the worst of nightmares acted out by humans, but that alone is not just what exists. I say this, because I’ve seen both, and know that “Seek and we shall find” includes finding good in people with whom we choose to only see bad – and this includes our self. No matter what horrors we’ve received from others, or given to others, with God’s help, all things are possible. With God’s help, we can change our mind.


There are many of you who have questions related to topics in this article. Here is the opportunity to ask these questions. Answering won’t be instantaneous, but I will post an answer or response. Come back at various times to read the Q&A’s. The answers may be written or they may be audio files (.mp3). Leave your questions where comments can be posted.

And like the previous predictions’ pages, I will remove the password in the Fall, possibly on the Equinox.



“Thanks for sharing the predictions. I was hoping to hear that things will get better but guess not. I’ll have to use the information to prepare for worse conditions.” J

While the Predictions may SEEM like there’s nothing but bad news, I’ve presented what I did because we are at a time when we are called to turn and face the challenges head on. What I see related to this is that the human race has been in a time of trying to argue the problems away – either denying them or saying someone else needs to deal with them. This still happens but slowly, less and less. I am seeing now that the human race is more and more recognizing that the problems aren’t going away and haven’t gone away because of those tactics. So, there is more acceptance of these challenges and as a species, we are turning to face our problems – whether we have solutions or not. Turning to face the challenges is a very good step. It is a step each of us individually are called to take.

At the same time, remember, “better” and “worse” are in the eyes of the beholder. What is better for one person is worse for another. Everyone in the world will be affected by many of these things mentioned, but not to the same degree and not in the same way.

Regardless of this, our prayers, our meditations, our efforts to bring forth the Spirit of Love and Kindness into our relationships and into the world will help change the future – they “WILL help” – not ‘they “may” help’.

In addition to this lesson, I’ll add that the spirit within us, is a spirit of persistence and willingness to try. Like going to an exercise gym, the effort to work at making things better (stronger), takes effort and work with the motivation coming from the spirit of accomplishment and persistence within us. In the same way that we face the challenges in the gym, we face the challenges in the gym of life…… if we so choose to – again, just like at the gym, where we either choose to work out or choose to not. There are no short cuts at the gym, and there are no short cuts in life, no matter how many people who say there are (to both).

I had this feeling too back in 2020. That this decade will be a sort of “lost decade”. Things won’t be great until after 2030 and it may start the beginning of a golden age for humanity.

My worry is the biomedical authoritarianism going on, the lack of research on the effects of technology and the mind and the overall degradation of the human body through environmental pollution and processed foods. V.

Yes, many are connecting with intuition, hunches and feelings which are helping us to become aware of more than just what we see with our eyes. Keep on with your efforts for working more and more with this intuition and feeling. To do so asks of ever greater effort towards being honest with self (a good prayer request – praying for help to be honest with self).

Your timing has good accuracy, also. The 2020’s are the decade of cleaning out the closets and garages of all stuff that has weighed us down and created problems for us, but it takes effort at healing the inner person. In 2038, the new age of Mankind will be born on this planet.

At the same time, the items of worry which you mention – think of this – that every generation and every time period of mankind has those dangers and problems which seem insurmountable and cause suffering and destruction. These problems are the arenas where individuals and groups of people work through their lives. It is in these situations whereby we are called to practice the spiritual lessons which come forward. Were we to face no problems in life, we would not need to develop hope or trust or faith, nor persistence, nor compassion, nor learn how to cooperate or show mercy – and we would not fulfill our real purpose in the Earth.

With these particular problems mankind faces, it will still fall on us as individuals to choose whether we will contribute to problems, be apathetic towards problems or jump in and help solve the problems. All effort pays off in some way. But, it will still be true that our purpose in life is not to change the planet, but to change ourselves – not to heal the planet first, but to heal ourselves first and foremost. And then from our inner work, comes a better foundation for our outer work.

I have two questions.

First, I just don’t understand why Republicans keep gaining power. They have done NOTHING to help the middle class and poor. It just makes me angry that people are …. Still seeing these Republicans that are in power currently as effective. Now I know that not all Republicans are bad… but this current crop in power are just “Do Nothings.” Is there a purpose?

Second, what is your prediction for a Northeast Ohio (around the Cleveland area) for winter and summer? Thank you, in advance, for sharing your gift. While not the best news, at least one can prepare for the darkness ahead. M

1st: Yes, there is a purpose. I’ll start with saying that the factor at play here is not what the elected politicians do while in office, but rather how they think. The supporters of each side are more basing their support by whether “they” think like “we” do. It is the congruency of believing and thinking. Like attracts like, and in this case those in office represent people who are all like-minded. Yes, there are many who could be helped in their life if more was done in the halls of government, but this factor is not as important in voter consciousness and in actuality than the chance to have a representative who “thinks like [the voter] thinks.”

There exists a unity of beliefs and thoughts among the voters and those voted for. In the case of the Republicans, part of this shared thinking is the voter’s general anger and dissatisfaction over life – even though there is little understanding or insight into why so much anger and why so much dissatisfaction. I will add that while we humans think we “need” this world to be a better world to live in, God’s perspective is that we “need” a better heart and mind to live in this world.

2nd: While you don’t mention the topic for “winter and summer,” I’m reading your question to be about the weather and climate of Northeast Ohio. I’ll start with saying that there is no separation of your area with the climate and weather of the entire Midwest. And in looking at the US as a whole, and the Earth as a whole, Ohio is right there in the thick of things, too.

What I see is do prepare for tornadoes. While I’m not seeing many, I’m seeing more than enough – 5 tornadoes in the Ohio area that will be major. I’m not counting funnel clouds and small short-lived tornadoes. The surrounding states have their share coming. The prayers of many can diminish this to 4 or even 3 depending on how many people pray for healing of this. I’m seeing a general balance of rainfall, but a great deal more freezing weather lasting longer than the past decades usual range of time. This longer times of freezing weather is to be expected going into each future year. I’m still seeing the summer months being “relatively” average with a balance of heat and rain, so I’m not seeing extremes for Ohio in 2022 – just expect colder winters and take tornado warnings very seriously.

I’m also seeing the economy within Ohio being relatively okay. I am seeing it being “Not a horrible” economy in the state, but rather a slow growing economy – but still “Growing”. Farmers will have more difficulty though, with more struggles to make a living at it. What I recommend is for farmers to consider producing for local food markets when possible. With food supplies being less than in the past, and food prices slowly increasing everywhere, the prices are reaching higher levels which can then help the farmers. (See? What can be a problem for one person – higher food prices, can be helpful for another – better prices for a better farming income rather than being forced out of business due to not making a livable income. Food prices slowly going up is a reality for the consumer, but offers help to the farmer to continue farming.)

What is the Psychic significance of the Shemitah cycle from the old testament of the Bible? Seems like strong economic downward moves have occurred regularly, most recently in 2001, 2008, 2015 (although Chinese central bank intervened and refused to allow it to happen), and now 2022 September it approaches us again. Can this be real? How would God work in these ways? Also key events in the history of Israel and the Jewish people line up with these years. Interesting we are now in the Shemitah year again. Thoughts?

While the Shemitah cycle is considered from the old testament, and it has been recognized as a natural process, for millennia for humankind, the use of artificial means or “modern’ means has taken the place of “natural” or in this case, Shemitah guided means. Sometimes artificial means work to force desired outcomes to happen. We see this previous sentence fulfilled so much in today’s modern world – with the artificiality based more on economic desires and gaining more revenue. This is not usually a problem, except when it goes to the extreme like with the oil industry. For humanity’s sake, the use of oil as an energy source, would have found a balance in the Earth if it supplied 15-20% of the energy, but it supplies over 50-75% of energy sources. This imbalance has created worldwide problems. The point here is that working against what is “natural” and balanced is not without consequences.

The Shemitah cycle is still a cycle that can offer much help to humanity, in fact, there are many similar cycles still in process, too, but modern man does not consider these cycles to be real or useful to follow – this decision is based on the lack of recognition and lack of understanding of very real natural cycles, which exist throughout the entire universe.

How does God work in these ways? The answer, of this greatly complex concept, can be said, “in the same way that God works in the ways of a mother giving birth to another being, or in the same way that God works in the ways of setting the heavens in motion. All natural physical laws came into being from Spiritual Consciousness, which means that physical laws are subject to and determined by Spiritual law. The human race at one time knew this, but currently is slowly learning it again. The human race will one day know this again, after a long, long road of opening up the mind, the heart and the soul, again. The human race of today (and all life on this planet) is only at the half way mark of it’s evolution in the Earth.

What do you see for the Canadian housing market especially in Ontario in the near and long term where housing prices seem to be growing exponentially? r.

Housing prices in Canada are also subject to similar influences as are happening in the US and many other areas in the world. First in general, we have the obvious – a growing population with no limitations on population growth, therefore it will continue to grow exponentially; and fewer and fewer natural resources which are necessary to continue to supply the needs of this growing population in the exact same ways as has been supply the population in the past decades and centuries, (with only minor novelty innovations, so far).

Because Ontario is one of the areas of greater demand to live there, the housing market is going to keep being in demand driving the real estate market prices up for at least the next 4 decades. I see continued demand at least for that long. If anyone wishes to live there for the next 4 decades, don’t wait to try to purchase. Do so as early as possible. In this case also, it would help for buyers to be innovative in how, when, and where to build, as well as what materials to use.

I do see a small slow down in 2024-2025, and possibly in 2026, but it won’t last long or bring down prices by much at all.

Ontario is a desirable place to live, and it will continue to be that way for decades ahead, even on to the end of and past this century.

Would you have any insight into the Ukraine situation? J.

At this time, expect some military action, but I see this NOT being long and drawn out, like Afghanistan was for them (and the US). They don’t desire bloody streets, but they do desire to show they’re capable of causing a bloody nose.

Sadly, like so many other nations, Russia’s future is one of ever greater distress due to climate change. The level of impact on the people of Russia will be great as this century moves on. I’m seeing food shortages, starvation and food lines, and ever less and less ability to meet the challenges of the winters. But, this is going to be happening to most nations in the world as this century progresses. As this decade and the next progresses, I see the Russian government doing little to address these problems – not until the mid 2030’s. This also is how many governments around the world are responding.

From the 2021 Predictions before I post 2022

How can families, extended families, friends, acquaintances heal and trust each other again if they’ve had completely opposite views and lifestyles or common sense of keeping others safe during the pandemic? C.B.

First, this is not a question of logic. This is a question of the heart – caring for people – caring for others. Throughout our entire lives, we have been and will be faced with these questions and situations. We will ask ourselves these questions about others, and others will ask these questions about us. Do they have our best interest at heart? Do we have their best interest at heart? Do they make room for us to have differing opinions and beliefs? Do we make room for them to have differing opinions and beliefs? These questions have been asked before pandemics existed, and will be asked after pandemics are only memories, because there are millions of ways for each of us to act safe or unsafe in life.

Ultimately, it isn’t an issue of whether we have the same or opposite views, but what our views motivate us to do and how our views motivate us to act towards others. It isn’t an issue of whether we have different or the same lifestyles, but whether we allow there to be room in the world for each of us to have lifestyles of our own choosing.

Giving each other the room to have our own views and lifestyles, is an expression of respect.

Giving respect is an expression of consideration of their life and choices.

Giving consideration of their life, and their choices is an expression of kindness and tolerance of them.

Giving kindness is an expression of love.

And we still love people who’s behaviors sometimes trigger pain for us, in our hearts. And others still love us, even when our behaviors sometimes trigger pain in their hearts. This is the human challenge of loving.

Because there are 8 billion people on the planet, there are 8 billion sets of beliefs, views, opinions, and 8 billion different lifestyles. No two people can ever be the same person, so no two people can ever be the same within our minds and hearts.

If we so choose it – yes, we can rely on logic to determine whether we love, but no one recommends logic being the source. What we learn is that we rely on our heart and soul to determine this. Your question is about loving others who choose differently, act differently, are motivated differently, and let their heart feel differently. There is no way around facing this experience for any human being. We face this challenge every moment of our lives, even if we’re not aware of facing it.

If you are asking for a little logic, when it comes to trusting someone, there are 8 billion people who are human beings, who have both good and bad within them (us). This means there are 8 billion human beings who make mistakes sometimes (but not always), have accidents sometimes (but not always), make poor decisions sometimes (but not always), and lose track of our common sense sometimes (but not always). This means that all people are both trustworthy sometimes and not trustworthy sometimes – this includes ourselves.

We CAN learn to trust people when they’re being trustworthy, and we CAN learn to NOT trust them when they’re not being trustworthy, but we must learn when to trust ourselves to strengthen an honest ability to accurately assess this, so that we can learn to tell the difference between when someone is being trustworthy and when someone is being untrustworthy.

Remember, everyone wants to be loved. Everyone is given opportunities to love. Neither of these two is easy, but they’re still both worth our effort, and all of us know this because we keep trying. These two come hand-in-hand, together – two sides of one coin.
If it helps any, it is a worthy prayer to pray,:

“Lord, help me to love and to recognize and accept the love other’s have for me.”

When we have reached this point, then we can decide how to respond in a pandemic. With one possible response being that we express our caring by giving others the respect for their choices, and give ourselves the respect for our own choices, while at the same time, showing we love/care for them in other ways available, and showing them that we also love/care about our own health in ways available to ourselves…

…and as you know, sometimes, there is pain with the love. The term is called “long-suffering”. It is what we feel when we love someone who acts contrary to what’s best for them or best for all.

May God be with us all in our journey to continue to love the people that we have loved already – while we continue to learn new things about who they are… and who we are.


A New Internet Challenge: Pray many times on the day called “Today”.

I think some might prefer a bucket of cold water poured on oneself, though. Just remember to say, “Oh, My God!” when you do it. (or try it without the cold water.)