The Arena

That was an interesting article about information and not seeing it all. Can you help me shed light on the whole thing involving Trump (without taking a ton of your time to do it)? I hear from one side that he is being “taken down” for daring to stand up to the “swamp.” The other side has him nothing short of Hitler. How guilty is he of the accusations in his indictment?

What I know is that even if the prosecutions are bogus and his lawyers prove it, it doesn’t matter. Millions of people will still believe him to be guilty regardless. If the prosecutors have the evidence that anyone can see that he is guilty, it doesn’t matter to millions who will believe Trump regardless. D.M.

Hi, D.M.,

[“without taking a ton of your time to do it” – ROTFLOL – who me? :-)]

First of all, on the surface, we see what seems like a mess. But, what we really have is an arena of countless numbers of souls, all whom are involved in this particular time in Earth history, in these particular locations on this planet, each having many lifetimes of effort and learning leading to this moment in time, with each coming together, trying to pursue what each values in life and what each has learned has value, in order to accomplish what each soul believes to be worth accomplishing in each soul’s journey through the Cosmos on this planet, having come through many different lifetimes as different humans, in different bodies, and on a journey of learning and growing through many more lifetimes ahead, and all hoping to build something worth building.

But all we see as observers is the surface of this one life – the surface of the Ocean, not recognizing the journey of every soul for what it is – not perceiving the soul journey of the thousands of souls, with all aspects of their consciousness, all aspects of the unconscious, all aspects of their past, present and potential future. And yet, this is exactly what this is.

So, here is my “short” answer (knowing that books are being written, and libraries are being filled with these books about this time in history) …………

For humans, there is a human answer, for those who are seeking to walk their spiritual learning path, there is a spiritual answer. For those who seek Truth, there can be even a third answer. And for those who seek Karma, there is another answer. Each of these can teach something, if we’re interested in learning. All four of these deserve their recognition, respect and response.

For humans, of which we are, we have on this Earth and throughout history created governments and governmental laws to live by, both major and minor, based on regulating globally recognized human behavior, (for the most part). These laws are as perfect as humans are perfect, of which I’m really saying – as imperfect as humans are imperfect. We also have religious laws and social “laws”, which are also influential. We sometimes claim religious laws to be more perfect than humans are. We tend to claim social “laws” to be as diversified as humans desire them to be.

As humans, we take various steps to maintain and enforce these laws – with our quality of enforcement being as perfect/imperfect as humans are perfect/imperfect. This all means that when we view human interactions and behaviors, and then the pertinent laws meant to regulate human behavior, we’re going to both apply and enforce the laws as imperfectly as humans are imperfect. All aspects of human-created society and worldly affairs are going to PERFECTLY reflect the imperfections of human beings – the imperfect creators/writers of our Earthly laws and rules, as well as the imperfect enforcers of these laws. This is true even when we strive to do better at it – which also reflects the human effort to “do better”.

In this unique moment in history, the 2020’s, we currently see the imperfection and messiness being a part of this human arena, because the arena can be nothing but a reflection of the imperfection and messiness of humans. This is why we 8 billion humans can do nothing but do the best we can with what we have in the arena of creating and enforcing laws. Humanity has been evolving for eons, and it isn’t finished by any stretch of the imagination, as we give witness to the imperfections and shortcomings of mankind.

But, let’s look deeper for spiritual understanding.

For those who seek a greater spiritual perspective to it all, we can refer back to the teachings of many of the higher Spiritual Teachers. More often I refer back to Christ’s teachings.

Within this spiritual conception, the main issue is not whether Donald Trump is guilty or innocent. It is not whether people are entrenched in their views, beliefs and opinions about any part of this arena we have been a part of. (Because every human has guilt and innocence within ourselves, therefore “Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.”. Still, how many of us take this to heart and try to practice it. In addition, all of us souls on the Earth have our own unique sets of beliefs, opinions, and paradigms – yes, some similarities, but never completely exactly the same.) The spiritual answers/understandings are not on the surface of these events – like we imagine physical/social answers to be with human laws. Spiritual understanding and learning rarely are on the surface of our understanding – rarely easy to recognize, and rarely easy to integrate and make into a living aspect of our soul, heart and mind – and actions.

The purpose of the Spiritual path is always to learn, grow and evolve in our awareness of our spiritual nature and therefore, our relationship with God. Because of this, I repeat that the real issue of Donald Trump’s guilt or innocence is not the most important aspect. But rather, with all his life experiences he’s having up to now, these and more eventually when he willingly chooses, will lead to his learning and growth – because of the Truth that with God, all things are possible – just like all the rest of us.

But, who are we that we can say that we, personally, can take God’s place in being judge and jury over anyone? We easily react as judgmental beings, because of thousands of fear-based spiritual, physical, mental, psychological and emotional reasons, and because we willingly took and still take a bite of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We believe, with hubris sometimes and without awareness sometimes, that we know what is good and know what is evil in the absolute. So, we choose to see good where we want to and see evil where we want to.

There are no exceptions to this. Since all of us humans have both good and evil within us, both sides are accurate in the claiming that the “other” side is full of demons and “our” side is full of angels. The Truth is that all members of each side have both demons and angels within each of us.

“You follow Me”

After the resurrection, Christ sat with Peter on the shore. Peter mentioned many other people in order to tell Jesus what they were doing with Christ’s teachings. Peter may not have approved. But, Jesus’ response was simple – “Peter, you don’t worry about them. I’ll take care of them. You follow me.” In this, Christ speaks of His mission to be Savior to every soul in the Earth, telling Peter that Peter was to do the work necessary to transform Peter. This is the path of our spiritual evolution – to be in charge of our own path of transformation, and recognize the role God has in each person’s transformation. Our willingness partnered with the earnest absorbing of Christ’s statement – “With God, all things are possible.”

Ultimately, all people involved and all audience members will learn and grow, evolving humanly and spiritually. Some within years, and others within hundreds of thousands of years, if not millions.

We have a hard time with not being aware of the deeper goings-on of this time period in history. So, be human and render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s. But, as we judge others, remember, so are we judging ourselves. With all the past lives and all the future lives we have had, and will have, you can bet that we have done things similar in some way to those that are being judged now. And if we continue to seek to be the judge and jury, we will be judged equally – mostly by ourselves – of which we are harsh judges, indeed.

Many times, we oppose, in others, their behaviors and actions which we find easily identifiable as being immoral or illegal. A big reason is because we’re trying to oppose this subconscious aspect which is also a part of our own subconscious selves. We oppose that which we have done in the past and past lives, and are trying to heal/clean up. When we see it in others, unconsciously and consciously we take the role of judge and jury, because we have been unconsciously judging our past (or present, in some cases) selves. One day we will be called to look back at our past lives and forgive ourselves of those actions/non-actions.

At the same time, we are here to learn a spiritual lesson – that as we do unto others, so are we doing to ourselves. This includes judging others, and condemning others, but it also instead could apply to showing mercy and forgiveness or letting go of this judgement. This would include no longer condemning the “other”.

Whatever behavior it may be, this act which we do unto others, we are also creating the happening of the “doing it to ourselves”. We are saying to the Infinite Consciousness – “If I think it is appropriate to cause this to happen to someone else, it is therefore appropriate for it to happen to myself, as well.”

Several particular aspects (out of thousands) for us to acknowledge – some people are very forgiving of Trump, and this is returned as forgiving of themselves. This is their soul path – a soul path with which they are familiar – the path of one to break laws and seek forgiveness.

Another, but different, aspect is that some choose to have little respect for other people and laws, and this is their soul path then – a soul path where they are shown little respect in return. The little lesson which we can gain from this is that “All we create for others to experience, we are creating for ourselves to experience.” There are no exceptions. AND there is no judgment to this process/principle which we have come to recognize as “Karma”, even if we don’t have that much understanding about how karma works, though.

A Spiritual Truth for all of us, right now: it is important to remember that we humans/spirits have very small capacity for understanding the deepest inner lives of others. We do not have the capacity for being judge and jury over ourselves much less others, because what we show on the surface is rarely the truth of our human life or the truth of our spiritual nature. Yet, we take on the task of being judge and jury, anyway. In time, likely many, many lifetimes, we also will learn to let this go – the judging and condemning of others, as our understanding grows.

If we ask which side is right or wrong in our current political arena, we need to first recognize that we’re all humans and as such, all sides are all things as a “Truth”, because all people are all aspects of right and wrong, good and evil manifesting according to the choices we make. There are no absolutes with humanity. In addition, as a result, all human beliefs about this historical period are viable. It is the same with religious beliefs – viable for the person themselves. (Has anyone ever tried to convince someone that their religious beliefs are wrong and one’s own are right? Yeah, it’s like that.)

Everyone sees and experiences from our own perspectives and learned paradigms. This is why what we see play out on TV, and in the news, and in government, is not the most important part. The very most important part is, when we are faced with these events, whether we are willing – willing to learn and grow – whether we are willing to examine how we treat one another – whether we are willing to work on ourselves, so that we don’t keep entrapping ourselves over and over by thinking of ourselves as being capable of taking God’s place – (from Joseph’s conversation with his older brother who sold him into slavery into Egypt.) When Joseph saw his elder brother, he cried tears of joy, readily forgiving him and told him, “Can I take God’s place? What you meant for evil, God meant for good.”

If it helps, remember, God’s ways are not man’s ways. But we, with our human readiness to judge and condemn others, so often, forget to seek to understand God’s ways or seek to have faith and trust in God’s ways. “With God, all things are possible” includes trying to understand God, and we need not shy away from this effort. It can also help to realize that there is no absolute understanding of any part of this. There are no absolute right or wrong perspectives about human events.

It is important to note that all that happens in the world – ALL. THAT. HAPPENS. IN. THE. WORLD. – comes with the potential capacity for spiritual lessons to be taught and spiritual qualities to be practiced – whether we take on these lessons or not – whether the lesson is “we do the best we can with what we have – in our bodies, in our minds, in our lives and in our paradigms” – or whether it is simply to practice letting go of judgment and condemning others, practicing patience, kindness, tolerance, etc., and then praying for all life – all the time.

The purpose of these world events is not to get all people to believe the same way. It is not to have all people know that what someone says is “Truth”. It is to challenge us all to choose today – life or death – healing or harming – unity or separation. And we will both succeed and fail, on our path to learn these, and in the doing either, we will have the chance to learn of our self and our relationships to each other and ultimately our relationship with God… if we’re willing.

So, Donald Trump is both innocent and guilty of many different things, because he is human, and no part of him, or any part of his life, makes him any better or any worse than any of the rest of us humans. At the same time, no part of any of us humans, or any part of our human lives makes us any better or any worse than him or any other human who exists.

P.S. Jesus was also human.

What we are called to ask in return, is – who among us would like to be judged in the same way we’re judging Donald Trump, Republicans, Democrats, or any group or person we are judging? It doesn’t matter if we deserve it or not. If we require Karma to be played out for others, we are calling for Karma to be played out for ourselves, too. Ultimately, when the people walked away after Jesus challenged them to find one who was without sin to throw the first rock at Mary Magdalene, Jesus’ final words in that moment said to Mary, “Neither do I condemn you.” This response is possible for ourselves, as well – with God.

It is difficult to not take sides. Indeed, we cannot “not take sides” without God. It is true that this time period will be in all the history books, but our effort to keep to our spiritual teachings, to walk our spiritual path, can help move us in consciousness to be able to finally see our world, and all our peoples on this Earth, as One World and One People, all of us succeeding and all of us failing, but still all of us trying to learn, grow, and evolve … even if it takes us many, … many, … many, … lifetimes.

With God, even this is possible.

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