
When Jesus was born, He, Joseph, and Mary became refugees fleeing into Egypt to escape the threat of being killed.  The comment has been made that neither He nor Joseph and Mary were threatening to kill anyone.

In hindsight, we can hold to this comment, now, 2000 years later, because all that history is now written. But there were people who feared this child who they knew nothing about, and considered Him a very real threat – before the history that is known to us in 2015. They didn’t know what kind of threat He would be. Many considered that he would be like all the other threats and violently seek to overthrow the government since violence was how things were accomplished back then. They knew nothing about what He was really like and what He would really do. They didn’t know what kind of person He would become in their future. Even His apostles, who walked with Him every day didn’t know. One even thought He would eventually overthrow the Romans by violent means if forced to and tried to force that to happen.

The issue isn’t just “with any of the refugees that would come into the US is there a chance they would bring death into the US,” – ignoring the truth that theirs wouldn’t compare to the violence and killing we Americans do to ourselves. Death comes from all walks of life without any help from refugees. The issue is are we going to give them a chance for life.

No one can look into the hearts of another person and tell if they are good or bad – or like reality tells us – both – like all the rest of us human beings. God alone knows all of what is in a person’s heart. Can any one of us look at a stranger standing next to us, and tell which ones are the good ones or bad ones just by looking, what choices they’ll make in their full life, what they’ll choose to contribute to the US, what their future will be?

Can we look at ourselves and know what choices we’ll make tomorrow? We tell ourselves we would never kill from hatred, but we still fear and hate. We don’t live in any circumstance close that would put us in a position to know for certain. What if we lived in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s and 1940’s with our fear and hate – watching our children and family members that we love, shot or gassed – murdered – right next to us? Can any of us say we would still be our calm normal selves that we are in 2015 in the US under these circumstances or would we also find a way to kill based on our hatred of what the Nazis were doing to the person we love right in front of our face?

Look how easy it is to hate and fear someone else and then justify our own fear or hate. When we hate or fear anyone, in that same moment, we have then judged them to be bad, not based on any truth we know about the real person God alone knows them to be, but based on the fear we own and the unknown of their being a stranger, and the assumptions we come up with in our minds. We are always told to fear strangers growing up. Yet, we are those strangers also, to others, that others say to fear. Do we deserve the finger pointed at us to fear, also that we say others deserve?

It is this easy to say refugees should be feared. This easy. But, could it be that we fear more that our lives would be disrupted and changed? Can we say without refugees our lives would be safe? Or without refugees, our lives would be better? or without refugees, we won’t have certain problems? We do tell ourselves this in the back of our minds, don’t we.

The question isn’t just what will they give us, but what will we give them. We fear them bringing us death, and so it becomes easy to give them something similar first, screaming our choice “No” and washing our hands of the problem. We are now walking in the shoes of those in history, which, when we see them, we say, “I would never do that if I lived 2000 years ago.” And now we have before us a wash basin which a Roman soldier brings us with the citizens screaming their choice. The next step to “end all the citizens’ problems of fear or hate” is simply to say to the soldier, “Take Him to His fate.” turn to the refugee and say “I wash my hands of you, Jesus Christ.”

It is this easy to do it again.


“We cannot build new roads to healing in our World, by just repaving the old roads of fear, prejudice or hate.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

“We can only build the new roads to healing in our World, by using the materials of faith in God, patience with others, forgiveness, showing mercy, compassion and demonstrating the Oneness of  life.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

What Can I Do?

There really are very specific things we can each do when seeking how to respond to all the events  happening on the planet Earth, now.

1. Pray – when we start our efforts with the seeking of a greater communication and connection with the source of wisdom, intelligence, compassion, heart, understanding, patience, loving kindness, mercy and brotherhood – God – then we have a greater chance that our efforts will be healing, helpful, will build rather than tear down, will unite rather than create schisms, and will bring about a real and lasting result.

2. Meditate – when we meditate on the highest spiritual ideals within ourselves – Loving kindness, Peace for souls, cooperation, etc., this reconnects us to our own better parts of ourselves. This also helps to raise the consciousness level available in the world, especially when millions (and there are millions) of others are also praying and meditating for the higher level expressions of Mankind’s presence in this planet.

3. Work on myself, so that I’m not reacting automatically adding to the polarization, anger, blanket accusations, prejudicial statements and hate-filled rhetoric.  Acting responsibly is the ability to respond from a place better than that place where the problem was created.  This doesn’t happen automatically, though.

4. Join with others – when we join others with like hearts and minds, our efforts expand and become stronger in exponential ways. “Where two or more are gathered in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20.  Joining with others strengthens our sense of belonging to a community, it strengthens our own resolve to keep on keeping on, and it strengthens the community as a whole.

Joining with others can also help us feel that we’re not alone in having feelings of great concern for dangerous issues and that we don’t have to face these challenges alone.

5. Pray again.



Either Hatred or Brotherhood in the World

Our generation in life is in the unique position of seeing many examples of humanity’s expressing hatred. Several generations before us witnessed slavery. The immediate generation before us witnessed the Holocaust in Europe. And today’s generation witnesses terrorism in the world.

In each of these examples, someone can easily say that religion or a particular religion is at the center of these horrors or has brought them about. But this belief is equal to saying that the world is black and white. The world is not black and white.

When slavery existed, Christianity and the Bible were used by many to justify slavery. When Hitler came to power, he said the problem with Germany, Europe and the world was with the Jews. And today, people say the cause of problems is with Islam.

But, hatred and the spreading of that hatred was at the heart of these acts of horror inflicted upon human beings. Religion was an easy target to blame, an easy cloak to hide behind, and an easy tool to usurp to justify and rationalize hatred and the spreading of this hatred.

People who have always used religion in these ways, seek to demonstrate and bring forth their hatred to incite more hatred, so that hatred will grow in the world. As human beings we have the choice of whether we will create hatred inside our hearts and minds first and foremost. After it exists in the heart is when we, as individuals, look for what will justify and rationalize it. Those that choose to hate, then, will join together with others that choose to hate.

The world is not black and white. It is also the billions of colors in between black and white. Christianity did not create slavery, but the tenets of Christianity were manipulated by many to justify the agenda of slavery. The Jewish race was not the problem in Germany, Europe or the world. But, beliefs about the Jewish people were manipulated by many to justify their agenda. Islam is not a religion of hatred, but those that hate have manipulated its tenets – as other religions have been manipulated – to serve and spread the agenda of hatred – calling to others who also hate to join in hatred.

Bringing more hate into the world, by choosing to hate any group will not heal the world of hatred. Changing what is in our own hearts and minds will – because brotherhood, compassion and recognizing Oneness of Life can also spread from person to person in the same way that hatred might. It will always depend on what we – as individuals – choose to bring forth into the world each day we’re here.


“God will never take away our freewill to choose our own path through life, even if it’s a horrible path.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

“God is not going to hate the people we hate and be bitter towards the people we’re bitter towards.  If we choose hatred and bitterness, we do so without God being with us.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1999-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

“For others, pray not against others’ freewill, against others’ right to choose for their own lives. Instead, pray that God’s presence, love, and energy, be with them, surround them and bless them, more and more every day, so they might draw from God when the time comes that they decide their own life.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1999-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

The Coming Times


I feel as though this is a common question for a lot of people right now. We are hearing so much of climate change and it all sounds so horrifying. I am scared of the future, I used to be a very optimistic fun loving person. Now my days are filled with worry and depression. I get excited about things and then feel as though there is no point to getting excited because everything is just going to be taken away.i am a young mother and I feel guilty for bringing my very young children into this world, and wonder why we are here at this time to experience such uncertainty. I know I should not live in fear as this is not healthy for myself, my family or the earth, but I’ve almost become obsessed with being consumed by dread. I have days where I know in my heart that there is hope, and that we could also be living in a very exciting time where the human race will come together and respect our mother and go good. But that feeling is always fleeting. Is there anything that we can hold onto or do to get things on a positive level? I daily bless the beautiful things I see, the trees, the ocean, the rain, the sun. I am blessed to be alive but right now I am not enjoying it in a world of such turmoil. I feel even more overwhelmed as I have just read about the post on your blog about events in 2017/18 that will be catastrophic. How can we stay positive when there is so much fear and negativity? A.

I won’t insult you by saying, “Don’t be afraid.”  We cannot get rid of fear via logic or reasoning.

But, we can face fear with ‘heart’.   We can face fear with that which is in our heart – especially if what is in our heart is love – in any form – for anyone or anything.  And the love you mentioned in your heart is the love you have for your children (and the things in life which you see each day and bless.)  So, I ask you a question.  Do you love them enough – to have courage – progressing in your life with them one day at a time?  Do you love them enough – to pray for them and you – taking life and praying one day at a time?  Do you love them enough – to try to do the best you can for their sake and yours – doing this one day at a time?  Do you love them enough to try one day at a time, and demonstrate to them how to take one day at a time so that they will learn observing your example?  I venture your answer is in the positive, and this is where the ‘positive’ begins.

If we ask ourselves any of these questions in any form at all, we are asking the right questions.  The issue at hand isn’t ‘what are we going to face in the future’.  There will always be troubles.  Human beings in this Earth have always faced challenges and troubles. Always.  Every epoch of time.

The issue is ‘what are we going to have in our hearts, when we face what life presents us.’  If we have love in our hearts in any form or for anyone or anything God has created for us, then we have that which is the greatest force of all existence.  If we have love in our hearts, we have our Creator in our hearts – the Creator who offers unending support, unending guidance, unending ingenuity, unending insight, unending readiness, unending understanding of what we go through and face, and unending willingness to be here for us – and all one day at a time.

You’re a parent.  As with almost all parents all over the world, you wonder and worry about your children and the future of the world.  As well you should.  Have pity for anyone who has children and doesn’t care about their future or the world they will live in.

Just remember, like putting on a pair of socks, we face the task doing it one foot at a time.  Like eating our daily meals, we take one bite at a time.  Like going to work, to get there, we drive one mile at a time.  Like taking in Oxygen into our lungs, we breathe one breath at a time.  Like going to school, we take it one grade at a time.  Like living our life, we face what life has to offer one day at a time.

All of us already have been learning what Christ has been teaching – “take life one day at a time – let tomorrow worry about itself.”  This is also a principle of the 12-step programs, in many other healing modalities, as well as also in the Edgar Cayce Readings – written as “Do today what is in your lap today to do.”  This guidance exists as part of all good guidance and for good reason.

Painting by Mark Wagner

“Caretakers” by artist Mark Wagner

Living in the Earth is not an easy thing to do.  We do it with family, sometimes.  We do it with friends sometimes, with support sometimes, but with God’s willingness to guide us and help us – all the time.  We’re in this world – we’re in this life – we’re in this ‘boat’ together.  When you get to feeling like the world is too much or you have to face the future and the world alone, let someone know (that includes God).  Again, we’re all in this together – whether we know what we’re doing or not.

Meanwhile, for you and for all of us, one day at a time, we can let our children know that love exists in the world – not through words, but by showing them what we have in our hearts.  A world where love exists is one of the best worlds of all in which anyone can live.  A world where love exists is a world to keep alive and growing in this love.  A world where love exists is a world very much worth living in.

God bless you and your family.


“When Love is present, God is present.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1985-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

“When we love someone, we’ve added to God’s presence in the world.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1990-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)