Sunday, July 29, 2018 Group Psychic Reading

This is just a reminder that on this Sunday, July 29th, at 5pm Central Standard Time, I will be offering a group reading over the phone. While I am using Skype, you only need a regular U.S. phone number for me to connect to you.  For me to open it up, I need to make the call to you.  (No one can call in during the event. I have to call out to connect you in.)

If you’re interested in joining us, the fee is $20 and it will be for 90 minutes. Pay on this blog website – the Paypal “Buy Now” button, which will take you through the process. At that time, send me your phone number which I will dial up to connect you in, or you can send me an email with the phone number.

You may record the live conference call for yourself. I will be recording it to make it available on my website for $12. The benefit of the live reading is you get to ask your questions.


Live Online Group Reading

On Sunday, July 29th, 2018, at 5pm (Central Standard Time – Texas), I will be offering an online conference call group psychic reading. I plan to use Skype which will allow only up to 24 people to be in the conference call,  making it a group call.  You don’t need Skype to participate.

The session will be audio only. No video at this time. This first session may have some technical issues to work out, but I’m sure they can be worked out.  If technical issues causes it to be cancelled, everyone will be refunded their fee or I’ll set a later date allowing me time to work out the issues.

The many group readings I’ve done in person have been for 90 minutes and this amount of time seems to work for getting as many questions answered as possible. The cost will be $20/person to be paid at least 24 hours before the group reading session.  I will need at least 24 hours to set up the tech aspects on my end.

To participate, go to my blog, click on the “For a Personal Psychic Reading” tab, and you can find the “Buy Now” button on the right side.  This will take you to Paypal (no account needed) where you can pay with credit cards and other methods.

I will do the calling when the appointment happens, so when you pay the fee, at the same time add your phone number (or Skype name) – which you wish me to call to open you into the session when it happens – in the ‘notes’ section on the payment page. You can also add 1 question which you would like to ask.   Your phone number must be a US phone number.  I can’t call out of the US at this time for this event.  When the time to begin the reading arrives, I will dial your phone number (or Skype name).  Obviously, your regular rates will apply.

If you choose not to participate, I will be recording the session, and will make it available on this blog’s download page in the same way I offer the 1-day retreat recordings – with a password protected page. If you are paying the $20 fee to attend, you may record the session for your own use or request a digital copy of the group reading at no additional cost. The cost for the group reading recording (.mp3 format) for non-participants will be $12. The benefit of the live session is that, hopefully, you can ask questions.

I don’t yet have a prescribed protocol in which I will answer questions during the session. Usually, in person, it’s from raising hands, but that won’t be possible here. I understand that when connected, we may all hear each other,…

therefore, …

I will ask that when connected, in order to ask a question during the group reading, say your first name, and I will call your name – then please, be patient. I will not limit any person’s number of questions, but I prefer everyone take turns to give each person a chance – especially if there are 24.  Many times attendees will have similar or the same questions, so they get answered.

I believe in these readings and I have confidence in the information. Like all psychic information, some change regarding questions about the future can occur due to Human Freewill, and the willingness to change course. The future is not set in rock, but as I mention, the future is like a huge ship going in a certain direction, and which takes many souls in order to change directions. The question is not whether we humans CAN change course, but rather if we’re WILLING to take steps to change course.  Personal and private questions, would not be appropriate at this time.

I also know that some information which I give can be joyful to some people at the same time it is frustrating and unsettling to others, especially about world affairs. I do work hard to offer balanced information, since all information comes from a non-judgemental origin.

You are welcome to participate.

Again, it will be July 29, Sunday at 5pm Central Standard Time – US.

Jodie Senkyrik
PS. Since Skype sets a limit at 24 people besides myself, if I get more than 24 people seeking to call in, I will set a second session – most likely 1 week later.

PSS. Again, you are welcome to send me one question with your phone number after you sign up, but you don’t have to.

PSSS. If you have any difficulty, and you miss the event, I will be glad to refund the full amount of the fee.