Psychic Predictions for 2019

[The password is removed from this article originally posted in Jan, 2019, making it now available to the public.]

2019 is going to be a somewhat more difficult year for so many people on his planet, and I’m not going to hold back in what I write in this article. There are disasters and there are positives. Life, as we know it, will change, but life will also persevere in all locations. 2019 by itself will not be a painfully more difficult year for every one of the 7+ billion people, but everyone will be affected by several things throughout the year. It is one of the 2 remaining years which are moving us deeper into the darker, low vibration energy/manifestations. These low-vibration energy manifestations will be recognized by disasters both human-derived and natural. By “moving us deeper”, I mean the beginning of the years will appear and be experienced as being better than the end of the years, in many ways.

I will mention FIRST, that prayers and meditation for the goodwill for all people and the well-being for all life, are that which will strengthen the Spirit and Energy of the Family of Man and all life, if and when we’re willing to bring forth Light – through expressing Love, Kindness, Compassion, Cooperation, Encouragement, Mercy, Forgiveness, and Support, and more (flowing through ourselves) – and for all life on this planet – especially during this time. Prayers for all life will absolutely help all life. Absolutely – as in ‘absolute help’ – real help – to persevere through these coming times and experiences.

Humanity won’t easily see the difference between the two possible futures – with prayers vs. without prayers, (a few will), but changes happen when one’s heart is the source of prayers – for the goodwill and well-being of all people. Why for “the goodwill and well-being of all life”?  Because this prayer will have the strongest impact on humanity, all of nature, and the future. The predictions I speak of here are drastic to some parts of the planet. They will affect, to greater or lesser degrees, all of the planet. While many people’s lives will be minimally impacted, many people’s lives will be greatly impacted. The news is already reporting regular disasters, both natural and man-made, which are affecting people in a wide variety of places – sometimes places which are surprising.


For Britain: The Brexit is considered a mess, and it will become an even bigger mess in the 1st 5 months of 2019. After that, many of the loudest voices will consider the act of screaming the loudest isn’t working for their side anymore and will then begin working on solutions. See efforts beginning April and May. I see another 13-16 months of work for things to reach a point of acceptance. The reason why efforts are not working out is because of the energy of so many of the British people not wanting Brexit. The consciousness of the people is a formidable energy force, and it can prevent events from happening – whether the events are positive or negative.

“The more prayer that we put forth, then the more change, the more help, the more the presence of the Spirit of God will be felt and heard.” The Rainbow Cards

Weather 2019:

Worldwide – As one person put it, “The predictions that were made – are happening.” (This includes my own.  Scroll down to see the right hand column Category list: Weather)  During 2019, we will see more natural disasters which will affect millions of people. Weather related disasters are both caused by natural patterns and the effects of Climate Change/Global Warming. “Let those who have eyes to see, let them see. Let those who have ears to hear, let them hear. Let those who are blind, stay blind. Let those who are deaf, stay deaf.” These are famous words and referring to this time in history. Let there be no doubt here, weather is caused by human consciousness.  Climate Change is being caused by humans.  We will continue to have fights in the US about Climate Change, brought on by different people with different political agendas, rather than the science being questionable, which it is not.

The overall weather throughout the world will help bring greater flooding in the southern Asian nations, colder weather in Russia, erratic temperatures and erratic rainfall in Europe, and destructive drought and extreme heat without rain in the Midwest of the US.

In the US, more extreme temperatures will be experienced and the stamina of the people struggling with these effects will weaken due to growing tiredness and discouragement from the onslaught of damaging weather. The fires in California in 2018 are only a forerunner for the heat that will enter into the Rocky Mountains, and eventually potentially turning the Midwest into scorched land. The day is coming that the Midwest will see hotter temperatures than it has ever seen – drying up the land and making it unable or extremely difficult to grow crops. While not all of this will manifest in 2019, it will begin in 2019, and will eventually move towards that, on through the next 7 years with the very worst of it being 2025 before relief comes in the form of temporary better weather.  [PRAYERS CAN CHANGE THIS!]

Europe’s problems with Climate Change will grow, as well. The weather will bring greater amounts of rain throughout most regions – causing more flooding in various areas. The winters will be colder, in general, through central Europe. In 2019, Europe will face these changes, but this pattern will become regular from now on. There will be no year that Europe will not continue with this scenario when comparing it to the past decades. Europe’s growing seasons will be affected, and it will take several years to adapt the agriculture industry to the changes in weather. The weather changes are here and will remain with the next few generations of people through this century. This will create greater yearly demands for energy during the winter months.

Asia, in 2019, will begin to see regular yearly massive weather systems which will do massive damage to distinct yet massive areas of the continent. We, in the US, will hear about some of this via reporting the news, but many of the people of Asia will be going through devastating weather. By many, I see mostly rural areas being affected long-term in Asia as opposed to urban areas, because cities tend to have collective systems and structures in place to recover from the weather related disasters quicker, while rural residents have less collective support and structure helping to recover. Mountainous regions, in general, will be very much affected – with many large mudslides related to more rain than normal, and news of these will be heard around the world – because some will be great in size.

[For specific areas of the US, or other countries, please ask in the comments section.  And don’t forget, you can let others know about this blog article, too.]

“The Infinite Consciousness of the Heart of God is completely and fully aware of all things in our life. There are no surprises to Infinite Consciousness, and there are no factors which could ever separate us from God’s Infinite readiness to help.” The Rainbow Cards

Natural Disasters:

With regards to natural disasters, the years 2019 and 2020 will have a greater than average share of natural disasters – volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and typhoons. I consider these effects on humanity to be different than man-made or economic disasters, like recession (which is slowly beginning,) war, and erratic, non-stable economies.

We will enter into 2019 with open eyes, watching for disasters, and on the whole, they will continue happening in South America – where they already are happening, the Pacific Rim will have a mixture of earthquakes and volcanic activity, Southeast Asia will continue to experience earthquakes and Tsunamis, and finally, in 2019 several very large Typhoons will travel through the Pacific Ocean. I see fewer hurricanes in the Atlantic in 2019 only, and the larger ones (right now I’m seeing this) will not threaten the US much.  I see two (1 larger and 1 smaller) storms which will come into the Southeastern states of the US – Florida, Georgian, Alabama, Kentucky, South Carolina: mostly rain affecting these states. Right now, what I’m seeing is that they are not as destructive as the last 2 years have been.  While there will be concern, I don’t see the same amount of danger happening in these states.

There will be some natural disasters outside of these examples, but I’m not yet identifying their locations. I see small storms (compared to large hurricanes) come into or rather build within the Gulf of Mexico.  One may develop into a tropical storm.

Every area of the planet and all people of the planet will be affected by Climate change and natural disasters. The smoke from fires, the ash from volcanoes, the mosquitoes from flooding, as well as drought causing some agriculture failures. These affect everyone – even those people and life not in the area of the destruction.  People will adapt somewhat. Wildlife and ‘nature’ will not adapt in the same way and much damage will come.  Extinctions will happen.

In 2019, Puerto Rico is not a target for another hurricane, but I do see storms which will bring much rain. The Caribbean areas will also have a year similar to the last 3 years. I see 3-4 storms. There is a chance they won’t develop into large hurricanes. HOWEVER, if any develop into hurricanes, I can see 1 grow to a category 2-3 while in that area. I’ve mentioned this possibility before, and I still see it going north of Puerto Rico. At this time, I still see 1 storm hitting Puerto Rico in 3 years, possibly in 2 years, but it won’t be equal to Maria in 2017. Even though it can be easy to dismiss the statement about praying, prayers can, will, and do truly help to change destructive weather. The more prayers and meditations for this purpose, the more change. The more Light we bring in, the more change happens.  Whether believed or not, weather is a manifestation of human consciousness and it can be changed by human consciousness.

“Faith unused does nothing.” The Rainbow Cards


Around the world, even more advances will happen in medicine. In some parts of the world, these advances will reach people – Europe especially. In 2019, the health care industry in the US, will offer no solutions to the erratic state of health care in the US. Financial devastation will still happen to some people. Many will be looking towards Alternative Healing Methods in order to find hope and help. While Alternative Healing Methods are derided and criticized – and sought to be shut out of being used, because they are anecdotally helpful, they will continue to be suggested and noted via the Internet. The pharmaceutical corporations will continue to lobby against Alternative Healing Methods, and in 2019, we will see their efforts increase with much media and online statements intending to turn people away from Alternative Healing Methods and make them illegal. In the US, the pharmaceutical corporations will seek to spread this “war”. (It is an effort to eradicate use of Alternative Methods, so I use the term “war”.) They will try to further this agenda in Europe, Canada and some East Asian nations. Their efforts in Mexico and East Asian nations will not be successful because their influence cannot reach the different consciousnesses of the peoples. But, in the US, fear will be generated by the Pharma. Corps. and this will effect the consciousness in general.

Still, the Alternative Healing cottage industry and the presence of Alternative Methods information on the Internet will continue to be present. Anecdotal information – information people share of their own experiences with certain healing methods or ingredients – will continue to influence the trying of Alt. Healing Methods. The Pharmaceutical information against non-pharmaceutical treatments will be meant to cause fear, and dissuade people away from them. It will succeed in some measure. An individual’s own effort at studying and researching healing methods will be the strongest force against the fear-based information onslaught. The interesting result will be several things – more and more Americans will look to Canada as a source of Medical Treatments, those informed more thoroughly with Alternative Medicine will grow a stronger and more entrenched base of people seeking to further it, and over time the reputations of the Pharmaceutical Corporations will suffer from being recognized as fostering misinformation and fear. Many doctors will work to help bring truthful information to the public. The struggle with health care in the US will continue for many decades, yet. I don’t see medicare for all happening in this decade even though support for it will grow. I see some changes to who qualifies being changed in the next decade, though, but not until after 2026.

Tremendous medical research discoveries will happen in the next 8 years. The treatment of childhood diabetes will make great strides over the next 5 years and will see magnificent treatments come forth. For 2019, I’m seeing a little bit of advances in the treatment of Alzheimers. Some medications will slow it down.  The effort to continue to raise prices of medicine treatments will continue, while the public push back will also continue. Pressure from the people can bring about better options.

With a change in elected officials, the ACA will continue, but there are still ways in which wrenches can still be thrown into the gears.  There will be efforts in the House of R. to make some changes to make it better, but the path to passing such a bill in the Senate and the president signing it, is “uphill”.  For the most part, there will not be any major changes to it in 2019.

“What we, personally, believe in, with the Infinite Consciousness of God, begins our opening to Infinite Possibilities.  What we, personally don’t believe in, limits only our-self. It doesn’t limit others, the truth or the Infinite Consciousness of God. ” The Rainbow Cards


In 2019, Cholera will begin to spread in a few areas of the planet, that are affected by natural disasters, including Asian nations and Cholera will increase somewhat over the next 7 years to come. There will be small outbreaks with other diseases in South American because of the massive rural destruction from weather related disasters PLUS diseases coming from (of all things), deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest. There will be new evolved/mutated diseases coming from the Rainforest itself. No amount of destruction of the Rainforest would stop it. The natural life in those particular regions of the Amazon Rainforest have adapted to the evolved/mutated diseases and humans not native to the regions will contract the new diseases.

China will be hit with outbreaks of diseases in particular areas, but we won’t hear about them here in the west. In general, they won’t threaten large numbers of people outside China. They have the ability to eventually handle these outbreaks, but many lives will be lost.  In the west, the CDC will be strained from the work they will have over the next 7 years.

Ebola will not be eradicated, and will continue to be present in a few areas of Africa for years to come (with some of it moving north). Many other diseases will be faced because of the disasters which are coming. Dysentery will be one of those diseases coming from disasters.

The conflicts in the US over vaccinating children will continue for many years yet, because of the distrust of the US money driven health care system, – a system of treatments based on whether you have money to pay, rather than one based on care for the individual, distrust of the vaccine manufacturers, as well as a persistent distrust of the general medical profession’s attitude that doctors always know what’s right, and research which points to better protocols needing to be examined for use.  (Somewhat related to this – The US has an extremely hard lesson to learn: learning that trusting money more than trusting the heart will lead to serious problems of all kinds – problems which can eventually end the existence of the US as we know it. This can contribute to the US changing its structure in the 23rd century with the US split into 3 or 4 different countries with separate governments.)

Meanwhile, I’m seeing several medical progress announcements being made in 2019, but I’m not yet able to identify which diseases or medical issues they will be announcing about.  One major one will be this spring, with another announcement happening in July.

“Hell is not forever and ever, amen. God is the way out of hell – amen.” The Rainbow Cards

Spiritual Experiences and Spiritual Connections:

We will see more spiritual seeking in the latter part of 2019. “We will see more” refers to media attention and Internet information on individual experiences rather than great groups of people opening to spirituality. The true spiritual journey happens on the individual level, not on the group level.  While this will NOT be a widespread movement, this will begin a process of slow, more often, reporting of individual stories that help to open individual people’s minds and thoughts to spiritual involvement in everyday life. Over the next 7 years, during these “some of the most difficult” times for humanity, there will be many other stories of spiritual experiences and connections which will spread throughout the communication methods (Internet, media, etc.)

“The heaven or hell we have destined for our-self, is the heaven or hell which we create for others.” The Rainbow Cards


2019 will start January with political hope for Democrats and those who elected them. The Republicans will be working to solidify their bases. Except for introductory announcements in January, around mid-Feb (13th?) the public will hear about Congressional plans – The Democrat’s plans for putting forth legislation and Congressional investigations, and Republican’s plans for fighting them all the way. Mid-Feb through March will begin the process of conflict. The conflict will be loud, and this wave of conflict will continue through into the summer. Meanwhile, other investigations will begin in the spring, building up through into the fall. President Trump will face political challenges, but not yet serious enough to threaten his presidency, until the Fall when serious threats and challenges are then appearing. Whether we are pro-Trump or anti-Trump, and while the questions will come up as to the future, I do see Donald Trump as the President still, at the end of 2019. Some will be happy about this, some will not.

The public will see a few more governmental positions change around mid-Jan & Feb (2019), early spring, then again at the end of summer. These will not be top positions, but a few (what I consider) “2nd tier” positions.

This is another year which will shift both political parties’ directions away from Trump in 2020. The Democrats will feel emboldened. The Republicans will begin to resign themselves to the inevitable – run someone else or lose to the Democrats. 2019 will have many candidates announce themselves as running for the US President in 2020. Republican candidates will begin to announce themselves throughout the Spring. Lindsay Graham will be one of them and Mitt Romney possibly. Three other Republican Senators will also announce they will run. I see eventually about 4-5 Republicans seriously running to replace President Trump. I see a slew of Democrats – 14-15 that will announce their candidacy. Senators and House Representatives, and three women candidates announcing. I do NOT see Hillary Clinton running again although the question will be coming up for her and her supporters. I will not state in this article what I see as potential outcomes at this time.  I have stated in other public readings what I see for 2020’s elections.

I see many people considering there to be very serious information and testimony which has yet to be made public in the reports from those investigations happening. They consider the allegations to be valid and serious.  The investigations will not be considered frivolous.  The information revealed will shift Republican support to having a new 2020 candidate.  However, the Republican Party will have two factions – 1 faction for Trump continuing to be the 2020 candidate, mostly from his base, and 1 faction for a new candidate, mostly from the Republicans in Congress.

I’ve already mentioned much about what I see regarding the person who will be our next President. I have mentioned in several places that Donald Trump will be a 1-term president. I also had mentioned that if Hillary Clinton had won, she also would have been a 1-term president.

In 2019, little progress beyond saying nice words, will happen between China and the US. Tariffs will continue. The hidden reason and use for them by both sides is as a method of punishment. In 2019, the current relationship the US has with North Korea won’t get better, but it won’t get much worse, either. There will be posturing and “surface” challenging words, but this is more for show on both sides.

Most information coming forth regarding the Russian government will be about how the Russian government is involved with political situations and arenas in the nations surrounding Russia.  The Russian government will prove to be very active in world politics, involving themselves in ways on the world front.   This is an effort to control more countries, as the Soviet Union did.  Meanwhile, the Russian people are facing entering into more difficult times for them, with 2019 the beginning of more difficult economic times in the years ahead.  While the Russian people are used to hard times, in general, the Climate Change, in the next 6 years for them will bring disasters in Russia which no one could have imagined, and they will not easily be ready for.   Fortunately, these won’t be in every year.  Prayers are needed for the people of Russia and of Asia.

In 2019, the US and Canada relationship will be strained again by President Trump’s criticism. I see the Canadian government more acting to stay quiet and not contribute to more conflict – staying back mostly from engaging in return criticism.

In 2019, immigration policy problems will continue, and April/May will see a rise in media attention surrounding legal proceedings. However, attention to this will diminish as we move into Summer. As summer ends, then all media will be focused on what comes out of the investigations on through the end of 2019. I do see construction begin on a border wall, but then I see it abandoned – not from lack of money, but from lack of political will/support. If things continue as I see now, I do not see a border wall being completed.

I see more US businesses individually planning actions for addressing Climate Change, much in line with the Paris Agreement. I also see the US returning to the Paris Agreement after the new president is in office in 2021. (Not in 2019, though). Little change will happen in 2019 regarding the US place in the Paris Agreement. 2019 will also be another year where a huge amount of political news will take center stage.

“For others, pray not against others’ freewill, against others’ right to choose for their own life. Instead, pray that God’s presence, love and energy, be with them, surround them and bless them, more and more every day, so they might draw from God when the time comes that they make decisions for their life.” The Rainbow Cards

The US Economy:

In the Spring, 2019, and some after then, because of the greater political upheavals, the Stock Markets are going to react with erratic spikes, both up and down. This intermittent spiking will continue through at different times of the year – end of March to April, midsummer, 1st half of October. I don’t see it being as bad as we’ve seen recently (Dec, 2018), but it will happen too often for people to feel confidence. This Wall Street instability will influence the larger corporations to pull back on risk-taking. There will be mostly a desire to “play it safe” and not expand. Small businesses, in general, won’t immediately feel a drop in business, but over time in 2019, the slow down will start to be felt. Recessions are coming, but 2019 will only show some unmistakable evidence of this during the 2nd half of the year. When we move into the 2020s, we will be entering into a time of several years that a recession will develop, ultimately to 2023/2024.

“Forgiveness is letting go of our need to have others suffer.” The Rainbow Cards


I see more “grass roots” efforts to move away from fossil fuel derived energy. This will be done by smaller energy companies rather than large nation-wide efforts. I see alternative energy businesses continue to do well.  Consider these to invest in.  Whether popular or not, electric cars are the future.  Whether electric cars are selling right now or not, electric cars are the future.  Innovations in the next few decades will bring this about.

Problems in the Middle East will escalate.  Watch for this during May, June and July.

While not readily known, the Pope’s health will keep him home.  If he chooses to travel for humanitarian meetings and causes, his health will take a downturn and it won’t remain hidden from the public.

In 2019, Facebook will run into more trouble with more announcements of customer information being “allowed” to go to outside interests. Watch for this at the beginning of the summer.

In 2019, as I mentioned in many prediction pages before, I still see local involvement and community involvement being the strongest and most productive place for efforts where people can help each other, as opposed to Federal efforts. It will be local connections and local communities where the real work gets done to help people’s lives.

The reason that psychics are announcing what we’re seeing for the future is because we are facing some of the worst of the difficulties – economic and natural disasters – that people of Earth are going to go through from 2019-2026. We will slooooooowwwwwllllyyyyyy begin to come out of the difficult times in 2026-2027 to the mid-2030s and afterwards. Here at the beginning of 2019, we have not seen the worst of it.

There will NOT be a planetary breakdown in society and nations. This will not be what happens. Societies around the world did not breakdown during the Great Depression or during WW2, but during WW2, in some unique places (not all places) in the Earth, because of unique circumstances and unique politics in certain places, living individual and community-based lives became harmful and deadly for those unique places.

We can have a positive perspective of these times if we base that positive perspective on an attitude of fortitude, determination, helpful cooperation, friendship, and brotherhood. We will see many positive local community endeavors helping people.  We are a resilient species, and we’ve been through equally difficult times in our history, coming out the other end with greater understanding and higher levels of strength and ability to forge new ways into the future.

“We can be among the very last to follow the old ways of thinking and living of the past, or we can be among the very first to forge new ways of thinking and living for the future.” The Rainbow Cards


If you have any questions related to these predictions which would serve to clarify or expand on an item, please post them in the comments, and I will add the answers to this document.

If you think this article has been helpful and informative, please, pass the Internet address of this article on to anyone whom you think would be interested, this includes social media sites.  Thank you.

If you wish to make a donation to the Animal Rescue Efforts, go to the GoFundMe notice located in the right hand column.   Even though everyone says it, it’s still true – your financial support is helpful and very much appreciated.  Thank you.


The world gets better when any of us says, “I’m willing to try – to see what I can do to help.” Not when we say, “YOU didn’t do enough.” The Rainbow Cards


Questions, Comments and Additions

Added January 6, 2019

  1. In 2020, a change to the Presidency is possible, and could grow more probable as 2020 progresses.  If Donald Trump is caused to leave office early, or removed from being active, Mike Pence takes over as possibly “Vice-President as Acting-President”. He would make full use of the opportunity.  Some would be happy about this, some would not.
  2. “Can you elaborate more on the statement, “Problems in the Middle East will escalate. Watch for this during May, June and July.”? … Thank you.”  D.M.
    I’m seeing many more problems and increasing heated verbal battles regarding Saudi Arabia.  This will be like a pot boiling over.  Increasing conflict will continue to rise with the worst beginning around this spring.  There may be less media information, but some of the backlash within and with S. A. will be hidden from the outside world.  Some of the push back actions from the S. A. government will be hidden from the public.
  3. “I finished reading your 2019 predictions. In them you mention that you’ve discussed the results of the 2020 elections in other postings, but I don’t recall seeing this information, except in your reading shortly after the 2016 elections. Could you elaborate on what you see for the 2020 presidential elections? Thanks!” L.
    Yes, I go into some detail in the audio file of the 2016 elections reading.  There is more information there, so I’m just going to refer you to that, right now.  You can also check out the right hand column section of “Categories” where I list the “Presidency/Politics” category.  I’ll go into detail on the 2020 elections in the 2020 predictions.  I will say that we’ll see the campaigning start ramping up this spring and right before summer arrives.  We’ll then see the field of Democratic candidates.
  4. “What will happen to the Kurds?” E. B.
    The Kurds, as well as many other groups of people around the world, will continue to suffer from the actions of others and other governments.  The late spring and early summer months will be especially difficult times for the Kurds, specifically.  Their lives are another example of people who need help from those who are willing to help.  We have seen many human examples of mass cultural suffering and sorrow throughout the 20th century and now in the 21st.  Pray for the Kurds, also, because all prayers that go out for them will help these people in some way.
  5. (Added Feb 4, 2019) Now, I’ve read your psychic predictions for 2019 with high interest. You mention “Southeast Asia will continue to experience earthquakes and Tsunamis, and finally, in 2019 several very large Typhoons will travel through the Pacific Ocean”. In this context, as I’m living at the outskirts of Tokyo, what can you see in particular for Japan? Many thanks in advance! L.P.
    As of today, in 2019, I do see the southern half of Japan most affected by storms, but not taking a direct hit from any Typhoon.  However, this can change, as I see potential (potential only) for a small but major storm which could move across Japan.  This would be between April and June.  I do see that the affect on the southern half of Japan will be enough to be very alert to dangers.  The main force of the storms will go into China and more southerly.  In the last 5 months of 2019, I see a possible 3 typhoon/storms for the Pacific Ocean, but the path being south of Japan (with 1 possibly going north of Japan.)  The southerly path puts the Philippines in danger with a real possibility of taking another direct hit.


“We live each day with the choice to pray, to love, to show mercy and compassion towards others for their own sake, knowing inside our very soul that these things are worthwhile, and are needed in a weary, weary world in order to bring that world out of the manifestation of those destructive acts which we created lifetimes ago, yet haven’t yet healed.
We can heal [destructive] events like the one in Las Vegas, before it happens. We have already done so much healing. Events destined to manifest, have been dissolved and healed, [never to happen]. We need only keep on keeping on with this work.” (Excerpt from “Las Vegas Horror”)


15 thoughts on “Psychic Predictions for 2019

  1. Hi, I I may be totally having a “duh” moment, but I cannot find the password? I went to the site to see if I needed to open an account, but couldn’t find where to do that either. Is there a way to get the password?Blessings and thank you,Stacy


  2. Can you elaborate more on the statement, “Problems in the Middle East will escalate. Watch for this during May, June and July.”? I am very interested since I may very well be living in Bahrain at that time. Thank you!


  3. Dear Jodie,
    now I’ve read your psychic predictions for 2019 with high interest. You mention “Southeast Asia will continue to experience earthquakes and Tsunamis, and finally, in 2019 several very large Typhoons will travel through the Pacific Ocean”. In this context, as I’m living at the outskirts of Tokyo, what can you see in particular for Japan? Many thanks in advance!


    • As of today, in 2019, I do see the southern half of Japan most affected by storms, but not taking a direct hit from any Typhoon. However, this can change, as I see potential (potential only) for a small but major storm which could move across Japan. This would be between April and June. I do see that the effect on the southern half of Japan will be enough to be very alert to dangers. The main force of the storms will go into China and more southerly. In the last 5 months of 2019, I see a possible 3 typhoon/storms for the Pacific Ocean, but the path being south of Japan (with 1 possibly going north of Japan.) The southerly path puts the Philippines in danger with a real possibility of taking another direct hit.


  4. Jodie, many thanks for your reply! It is good news in my case. Hopefully there won’t be a need to worry too much about a large earthquake, too.


  5. Hi Jodie, I purchased access to your prediction earlier this year. It’s been very interesting reading this. I must say a lot of this is spot on. Thank you for presenting this information in a very objective way. What an interesting 10 1/2 months this has been. It’s heartening to know that the good people of our world through meditation, prayer and positive actions can change the course of action. I also send love to those that have been effected by difficult circumstances especially where people are short of personal resources or keep having event after event. I look forward to the day where people will be again more community minded.


    • Matthew, your comment slipped by me, which is why I haven’t answered until now. I apologize. With regards to the NE Ohio this winter…. What I see is a whole lot of frozen weather – something I see for the entire region. For Ohio, especially through January and February. I see temperatures in January being slightly warmer than February, though. I just see things being frozen solid. March will have temperatures like December, and April will bring spring. On top of that, I see heating costs having a price increase mid-January and into February. I would call it a small spike. I think there will be a normal raise in prices for cost of heating for the month of December, though. While there will be winds, the winds won’t be abnormal but I see intermittent but regular cycles of winds. Ohioans on the whole are ready for it and so, do be prepared. It could be dangerous for those without enough heat, but on the whole, Ohioans have experience with frozen temperatures. God be with you all.


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