Psychic Predictions for 2020 (!)

[Originally posted with password protection on Dec. 30, 2019]

[Do go back and reread the 2019 Predictions because I also do put “post-2019” predictions – more than just that particular year – in with the 2019 predictions.]

Do read the previous blog article, Preface to the Psychic Predictions for 2020, which gives much of the overview of 2020, and the 2020’s decade.

A Spiritual Warning Label for Politics

Politics is on A LOT of people’s minds – not just in the U.S., but all over the world.   AND…. No nation is an island all to itself.   The choices all humans on this Earth make, the beliefs all people select for themselves to believe, the actions all individuals everywhere select to carry out – do indeed affect the entire world and all people on it.

With regards to politics, politics is an adrenaline arena (the 3rd Chakra) in which being involved in, and expressing our political views and opinions about, we tend to get engrossed and pumped with adrenaline.  Yet, we could get “our senses” back if we understand more about this factor.  Jesus gave us a guideline for our involvement when He said, “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s, but render unto God, that which is God’s”.  This statement has relevance to this particular arena of Chakras.

Politics is a THIRD Chakra involvement – fight or flight, conflict, us vs. them, the sports arenas – fear, anxiety, and aggression.  It is in the realm of duality.  Having experienced any of these descriptions, and having been caught up in our own tug-of-war, when we take a step back and breathe, catching ourselves, we can understand then what it’s like for all other humans to walk in the shoes of being caught up in this, as well.  Our own struggle and adrenaline-filled battle helps us to understand why others struggle and go after their adrenaline-filled battles.  Just how easy it is to jump back into the dominance of the 3rd Chakra experiences of politics is also just how easy it is for others to jump back into the dominance of the 3rd Chakra experience of politics.  Understand this.

Moving into the 4th Chakra is how to move out of the 3rd Chakra dominance.  As Jesus said, “Perfect love casts out fear.”  Moving into the Heart Chakra, the Chakra where Love resides and also Christ/God resides, helps us move out of the 3rd Chakra, the Chakra where Fear, Anxiety, Aggression, and the like, can reside.  Moving into the 4th Chakra brings back oneness and unity, where staying only in the 3rd Chakra builds duality and separation.

Therefore, Jesus’ statement above, also means “Render unto the 3rd Chakra, that which is the 3rd Chakra, but render unto the 4th Chakra, that which is the 4th Chakra.”  Render unto this political arena that which politics needs – involvement, but render unto ‘Loving God above all else and Loving our neighbor as our self’ that which ‘Loving God and each other’ then needs.  It is the second part of this which individuals forget.

And finally, it is written that even some of the elect will be misled.  It is important to pay heed to this statement.  Remember, the followers of Christ can be identified by their demonstration of living out the fruits of the Spirit – not by what a person would say or claim.  It is not that difficult to be misled.  Common sense, an open mind, and an open heart are also spiritual qualities.   And mankind will survive this coming decade because, and I repeat what the Edgar Cayce readings say, “There is good in the worst of us, and bad in the best of us.”   We are all human beings and all very similar in our capacity for being human in every sense of the word.

“Where there is willingness, there are ways. Where there is no willingness, there are no ways.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2019, Jodie Senkyrik)

And So We Begin

2020 Predictions related to U.S. Politics

The US Federal governmental political warring, which we’ve been witnessing so far, will escalate more in Nov/Dec of 2020 and will last for 6 years (added 9/9/2020: “and will include some pockets of violence.”) It will be a war of words, bitterness, and great animosity – a war that could end families and bring death to friendships.

It will be a long and drawn-out war filled with disrespect and contempt. People will walk the streets pretending that all is okay, and there is no problem with where things are. The Republicans will blame all disasters on the Democrats and the Democrats will consider the Republicans to be insane.  The chasm between people who claim to be one or the other will widen due to people individually choosing to see life as black and white, instead of “all colors in between” – the demonizing of the other person out of anger, bitterness and resentment.

SIDENOTE: Because, it is the responsibility of every soul to clean up our own messes made within this Earth from every past life…. And it is the responsibility of every soul, via living successive lives, to heal every injury and to fix everything we’ve individually broken from this and other past lives – including our relationships….  Some Democrats will try to fix their broken mistakes from past lives, and some Republicans will blame everything that’s broken on the Democrats.   And some Republicans will try to fix their broken mistakes from past lives, and some Democrats will blame that which is broken on Republicans.  This carries through elected officials, because it is within the voters’ souls to carry it through.

The path of healing can be guided from the statement:

“The only way to win this game is to not play.”  The only way to win at politics is to not participate in it from ONLY the 3rd Chakra consciousness but rather bring in the 4th Chakra and that which resides within the heart.  Remember that we are a diverse nation of people, and therefore, we value many diverse things of life.  Because we value many diverse things of life, we pursue making all these different things of life better.  With “not having the resources to save the “poor” [those with limited resources to make life better],” we are limited in how we make the world around us better.  But, we are not limited in how much kindness, mercy, patience and compassion which we can bring forth.  Our capacity for these fruits is Infinite.

This means stepping back out of the “fight or flight” 3rd Chakra-only battles.  This means stepping out of the sports arena – to let go of adding attacks, fear (added 9/9/2020: “and aggression”) to the world.  This means letting go of the need to win against another person – the battle of verbal and emotional abuse.  This also means letting go of the call to judge or shame another.

“The Earth is a reflection of humanity’s consciousness.

If we are abusive, we will abuse the Earth, as well. If we are in conflict with each other, we will be in conflict with the Earth, as well.

But, if we are kind to each other, we will be kind to the Earth, as well. If we show compassion to each other, we will show compassion to the Earth, as well” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2019, Jodie Senkyrik)


The adrenaline will begin with the Impeachment.  As expected, the Senate will not convict Donald Trump.  The months of January – March will be the most charged for this adrenaline-filled time and we’ll see it everywhere in the news and online until the Senate finishes their part.  This news arena will start the “primary races” which will begin in February – and from then until the Conventions in June, everyone will be actively commenting on “everything politics”.  Social media will be more active than even today.  There will be a steady high level of activity and much reporting on the political happenings as they happen.  This is to be expected, and easily foreseen by many.  You don’t need to be psychic to see this.

In the Democratic race, the current top 3 along with one more, will continue to be the four front runners throughout the primaries, leading up to the convention – Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders.  Each will win their share of states.  I still continue to see a “white man” chosen as the presidential candidate and I see a woman chosen as vice president running mate.  I believe the woman could be Kamala Harris.  BUT, there is some fluctuation, yet.

If Donald Trump is the Republican Nominee, it is the Democratic nominee who will win in November.  I’ve seen this for many years, and it hasn’t changed  !!  There is a slim chance (3-6% out of 100) that a different Republican nominee could be selected, but at this time, it does look like Pres. Trump will be nominated, again.  I’ve always stated that the 2016 winner would be a 1-term president no matter who won.  I never seen anything changing this.  I also see the person going 2 terms – to 2028.

After the November 2019 elections, the Senate will remain Republican, the House will remain Democrat, and the White House will go Democrat – if voters get out and vote.  If 150 million voters read this blog and decided not to go vote that could change, but I see much, much, much less than that number reading this little, obscure psychic blog.

This means that the conflict in D.C. will escalate to the point of almost metaphorically “setting fire to the town.”  In the 6 years following 2020, when the new administration takes over, there will be more political fighting that ever before.  Little major change will get done in those years and the number of agreed bills will reach a low number.  The conflict I see is so extreme that I’m not even sure I can come up with words to describe it, but this is what I see.  Try this image – someone standing at the door outside and knocking, ever with more vigor as time continues – and inside are some that are pushing against the door preventing it opening with all their strength, barring the door with everything that can muster, like in the movies – piling furniture up against the door to make the door even harder to open.

There will be almost no working together at all, and therefore, no winners to this conflict.  AND the fewer people who get involved with the verbal war, the better the chance of each of us not losing our own souls in this.  The phrase in the Bible is appropriate here – “What does it benefit us to gain what we seek, if we lose our soul in the process?”  There are many who are seeking to lose their soul, something every one of us deeply regrets afterwards, especially when we realize inside ourselves that we were meant to help in these times by following the examples of Christ … and not jump into the fire with even more cans of gasoline in our hands.

The only way to win this war is to not go to war, or put another way – the only way to win in this sports arena is to not enter this sports arena.

Again, I will repeat:   Something to remember,  “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s – political participation – but render unto God, that which is God’s – compassion, patience, and willingness to step back and not participate in the verbal abuse war.  I see many of us people who think and believe our own [4 letter word] doesn’t smell so bad, and so our own participation in the verbal abuse war is okay.  This is the failure.  The only way to win the verbal abuse war is to not participate.  If we feel the adrenaline in our words and actions, then we have stepped out of the healing of the 4th Chakra.


Around the world, there will be a few other elections, but for the most part, there will be little change to those people in leadership positions in 2020.  If anyone sends me a question about their own election (in the comments area of this post), I will answer in the comments area, as well.

In Britain, the results of the Brexit struggle will continue on for another 4 years. Brexit will happen, but it will be only words on paper, not in any way in which the details will be worked out. Some lesser parts won’t be resolved for another 12 years.

“The question is not who is in political power that will help the world. The question is who is in spiritual power that will help the world.” (The Rainbow Cards, 1996-2019, ©, Jodie Senkyrik)

I am stating these predictions with much feeling and concern, but at the same time, I also know that there has been no change in the very real fact that Christ, Buddha, the One, Allah, Yahweh, the Father/Mother God, the Infinite Consciousness of God, etc. walks with us as we face any and every challenge.  Love exists in this world and Love will not leave us, ever.  We merely need to draw upon the love inside our own hearts, and the presence of God will be with us in the most real of ways, guiding us and helping us in whatever ways we need.  With faith and trust, we will grow in our knowing this.

Predictions for Climate Change (Global Warming) in 2020

I associate these weather predictions with Climate Change, because I see that these events are more severe because of Climate Change.  In addition, there are more weather disaster events because of these Global Warming patterns.  If we did not have Global Warming, we would have much less weather related events, and much less severe weather. 

In 2020, the people of the world will see new records broken in weather in this year, also.  While the topic is on the front lines of the political scene, it will be on the front lines in people’s lives, also.  This is because, in 2020, thousands will die all over the world because of disasters related to the increase in the climate crisis.  Yes, our prayers can save many, but we have reached the point in time where the metaphor is true – the ship sails and we are either on it or not.  This next decade is being written in time, and the amount of time which healing can happen on a massive scale is all but gone.  Our continued efforts for prayer and meditation can yet help on smaller scales – individuals, and communities.

In general, I see the continued and unending patterns of glacier melting, ice melting in the Arctic region throughout the entire year.

I see massive flooding and deadly mudslides in the mountains of India and Southeast Asia, in the Spring, starting in March with a possible small earthquake off the coast between India and Southeast Asia, sometime in April/May/June (I’ll recheck this as time progresses.)  These major floods and mud slides will cause thousands of deaths.

“We believe that which we believe, because of our own freewill, we choose to believe it, and for many different reasons and agendas, none of which may have anything to do with truth.

We don’t believe that which we don’t believe, because of our own freewill, we choose to not believe it, and for many different reasons and agendas, none of which may have anything to do with truth.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1995-2019, Jodie Senkyrik)

Hurricanes in the Pacific and the East Coast
I’m currently seeing at least 3 major Pacific Ocean typhoons.   Possibly the Hurricane season/Typhoon season will bring as much as 5-6 storms which will travel across the Pacific. I see 1 hitting the Philippines straight on. Another will graze the Philippines going southwest of it.  FYI, in a previous reading done in 2019, I saw 12 storms in the Pacific.

The southern half of Japan will experience 1-2 of the storms. I think one will go south of Japan going westward.  And another storm in the northern half of Japan.  I see flooding and massive rain from the southern storm. I see loss of electricity in a large area of the southern half of Japan, (during the first half of the year).  I see a minimal loss of life.

I don’t see Hawaii being directly affected by hurricanes in 2020, but they will have a strong storm with high winds and a great amount of rain. I see a lot of people losing electricity.  (March, 2020 and/or early July, 2020)

All these areas mentioned – the people need to be prepared. I have not added the month or time of year they will come, and constant preparation is what is called for because I see them spread out in time.  They will start early and go throughout the season.  With a possible last one in October.

In 2020, in the late spring to late summer time range, I’m seeing a possible small earthquake, about a 4.0 or so, South to Southwest of Hawaii with a possible triggering of a Tsunami going southward. I do see potential damage for people in the islands in the path even if the Tsunami is small. While it won’t be a large tsunami, it will be devastating to them, because they are small islands and won’t have much protection or warning to help them.  In the general direction of the Phoenix Islands.

The other 2 tsunamis are 1 medium size along the S. American coast and 1 smaller one of which I’m not seeing where, yet.

I do see a small earthquake in Alaska in 2020, in the Aleutian Islands.  I don’t see any major effects from it.


The hurricane season in the US is more and more going to see the East Coast  having hurricanes and tropical storms.  At least 6 hurricane/tropical storms in the Atlantic Ocean, 2 going into the Gulf of Mexico, 2 1/2 to 3 affecting the US East Coast, and 2-3 other storms will go north along the coast, but not go inland, instead going out into the Atlantic Ocean.  The hurricanes in the East Coast are caused by the warming of the Atlantic ocean where hurricanes are born, with the Atlantic’s warming caused more and more by the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest as well as other warming factors.  The warming creates higher pressure and within the US, the higher pressure inland pushes the hurricanes up the East Coast and more out to the Atlantic in a northern and northeastern direction.

The 3 strong storms affecting the coastal states of Georgia and the Carolinas will dissipate as they get into the Virginias. There will be a lot of rain and flooding. Expect loss of electricity to last for up to 10-14 days in some areas.  The years ahead will see these states getting hurricanes over and over.

I see 2 small storms go across/or up the west coast of Florida and going into Alabama and Mississippi northward. I see a storm going into the Yucatan Peninsula area, as well.  It’s path will be off the coast of Venezuela and through the Caribbean Sea.  Those going up the East Coast, I see their paths being north of Puerto Rico, which will be affected by winds and rain.  I think 1 will go south of Puerto Rico.

As I mention above, I’ll repeat that these East Coast areas are the areas now that will be more and more in the paths of hurricanes which develop in the Atlantic. This is one of the global warming patterns which is growing more dominant. The patterns of storms during 2020 is a sign of things to come – this season is a good representation of an average new weather pattern which will repeat itself many times in the years to come.

Hurricanes, like Sandy, going further north than usual, will also happen as part of this new established pattern, but these will not be the norm. Not yearly, but at least 1 ever 6-7 years on average.  However, in the further north areas, they will average 1 every 5 years after 2050 through the end of this century.

In Texas, the drought will continue and very little rain if any, will fall from the beginning of May to next October.  Livestock will suffer.  In the Southeastern US states, I see cool weather, and less rain than usual, but not as bad as Texas.

I see California may have an earthquake in Northern California, northeast of Sacramento in March-May.  It will be large enough to cause damage, but will not be a record breaker.

Just because we see nothing but darkness, doesn’t mean the light has gone out. Sometimes, it’s because we’ve closed our eyes.  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006-2019, Jodie Senkyrik)

The Midwestern states

There will be no relief for the diminishing water sources in the Midwest.  The lessening water sources will shrink even more in 2020.  There will be some rain during the first 3 months of 2020, going into April, but it won’t be at the level which previous years brought.  Farmers will struggle with getting water for their crops – getting more water from the region’s rivers, including the Missouri and Mississippi.

Food prices will continue to go up in 2020 and will stay there. The food supplies coming from the Midwest will decrease again.

Nebraska and Kansas – the water shortages will put a strain on water sources.  Both of these states will suffer more in the 2020’s with ever greater water shortages.


In Central Africa, (Sudan or Congo?) I see a darkened energy build engulfing a major area of Central Africa – whether this is disease or drought or human caused, I am not yet seeing.  This dark cloud has started already and will become even worse. While this could be a combination of disease, social upheaval and government not having solutions, I believe I’m seeing it be a severe heat wave and drought.  This heat wave/drought could lead to great unrest – including military actions.

Russia will set low temperature records across Siberia.

In 2020, Britain‘s weather will not have spikes, as other countries, but I see an ever growing increase in wet weather, causing crop problems, and an increase in summer temperatures. Agriculture in UK will fare okay, but it will become more difficult due to this wetter weather. Farmers will call out for some governmental help due to a partial loss of crops.

“If we’re having trouble praying, we can ask God to help us with it.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006-2019, Jodie Senkyrik)


The US Economy

In 2020, there is an uneasy, wobbly economy – not stable by any definition of the word.  While it won’t happen in 2020, the second half of the year will bring reports of serious problems and serious signs of serious economic problems coming.  These problems will arrive – some in 2020, at the end, and some in 2021-2022.

in 2021, with the very real battle between the Congressional Republicans and those who they choose as their abject enemies – anyone who is not supporting them or not their base – there will be very little that can be done to help the economy stabilize.  Short-term downturns will be experienced periodically.  The hardest hit in the coming years in the US, 2021-2024, and more in 2025-2026, will be middle and low income people, because these people are the ones who will lose their jobs.  Farmers are going to have even more problems economically besides all the other problems farmers are going to face.  Yet, there is time, again – for prayers.

Because of the major conflicts in the US between the different political groups, the economy of the US will suffer, setting the stage for Europe to become the stable economy of the world – taking the US’s place in prominence.  Many world policies will be changed to recognize this and take advantage of Europe’s strong economic stability.


More Mass Killings in the US (unless more prayer comes)

I mention these because praying can help these events diminish, in the same way that praying can help all destructive – and “low vibration” (dark) energy in the process of manifesting in physical life – to diminish – or be absorbed.  In 2020, I see at least a possible 7 large-number mass shootings which will garner national news reporting, because of the high number of people hurt and killed.  There will be many more that qualify but are small numbers of people killed and so don’t garner major national news reporting.  Again, continued prayers for people will help to diminish these – helping to reduce the numbers of people hurt and killed – as well as help forces to hinder or heal the mind sets which lead people to do this.

At this time, if all things stay the same – with little or no prayers to help heal these, then we have not yet seen the worst that is still to come.  People will feel that we have no way to stop these from happening – what with the battle-lines-drawn situation which exists among the people of the US.  Again, this is a call for prayer – something which we can do – otherwise, we will see this happen over and over and over and over and over, again.

Terrorist Attacks around the World

I do see another Terrorist attack in Southeast Asia.  I believe what I see is a device at a train station in Myanmar in spring, 2020.  However, if it doesn’t happen in spring, the people seeking to do this will move to another location and later time.  Their intention is to do this – to cause harm and death.   AGAIN ! CONTINUED PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE CAN HELP TO DIMINISH OR HEAL THESE EVENTS !

“It is irrelevant whether in our mind, we think that we can or cannot do something. What is more impactful is if we’re willing or not willing in our heart. It is the one who is not willing, who cannot. It is the one who is willing, who can.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006-2019, Jodie Senkyrik)

North Korea

I do see the current cross-talk leading to January’s high tension between the US and NK.  February will be quieter, but in March, tensions will rise again, for a different reason than in January.  I do see NK putting a satellite in orbit.  I am NOT seeing efforts to start a legitimate war.  Leaders on both sides are concerned with their public presentation to ensure the morale of their supporters.


For 2020, I see that China’s government desires to increase trade, in order to stimulate the economy within China.  This is a primary goal of the Chinese government.  In addition, in 2020, it will seek to further it’s space program.  China does have a growing economy.  Meanwhile, China, also, has to face Global Warming, and will see their own disasters related to drought in some areas, and severe flooding in others.

[I did not foresee the Covid-19 pandemic for 2020.  However, in 2008, I did see this …. China.]


The prayers from the people of Russia will help Russia.  There is a sense of futility with a major percentage of Russian citizens.  What they’ve lived through – through this century and the last century, has weighted down many people.  God does hear prayers, and it will be through their prayers, that life will change.  However, as long as so many people think that it is futile to try, and therefore they don’t try, and don’t pray, then circumstances will continue as is.

The Middle East

I see many nations’ governments’ leaders working to not have their country take center stage with having all their events be on the front page of media around the world.  They will be seeking to keep mostly low profiles as to not get attention drawn to them.  All of these nations will be watching to see who will be elected in November.

Saudi Arabia

In 2020, I see the Saudi government trying to present itself as a legitimate peace-seeking, cooperation-offering nation of the world … to the world’s people in the media.  Reforms established in 2019, will stay in place with 1 or 2 exceptions/changes.  A few minor reforms will be set in 2020.   There will be information and reports which will tarnish the image.

The economy of Saudi Arabia will be semi-stable.  There will be some general fluctuation during the summer when oil prices fluctuate again at the beginning of summer.


The elections in Israel will not bring much change in the administration currently in place.  The policy and attitudes will be the same – 2020 will bring very little change in policy – bringing similar or the same circumstances and events as we’ve seen in 2019.  I am seeing armed conflicts – explosions at borders – not all year long, but incidences happening in April/May.


I see the situation in Syria continuing to be as it has in 2019.  While I see 2020 being a “quieter” year with regards to what the world is shown, it will be a country of hardship inside the borders.

European Union

I’m seeing the EU, Europe as a whole, establishing policy which will help to make Europe a solid economic and financial presence/power going into the 2020’s.  Europe will be seen as being stronger than any single nation of the world, including the US because of the US’s economic wobbliness.

Poland’s society’s struggles will continue on through many years. While the governments of its neighbors to the East sometimes don’t mind that Poland struggles in this way, their neighbors to the East will have their social struggles as well, and enough to frustrate those in leadership positions with things not going their way. The evolution of societies towards a people-centered “democracy” will not be stopped. While some leaders work to suppress it and can temporarily prevent it, they find that the roots of people-centered governments are alive and strong and continue to grow regardless of reversal tactics. It is only a matter of time.

“There will never be a day that we can stop hatred and violence in the world by opposing it using hatred and violence.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006-2019, Jodie Senkyrik)


South America

In 2020, I do see a major natural disaster – an earthquake in Southern Columbia or Northern Peru.  As early as April, or as late as June.  Most likely in May.  In the decade of the 2020’s, South America will be a hotbed of earthquakes through the years.


I see armed conflicts in NE India – between military/police and civilians.  This will be throughout the beginning 8 months of 2020.


I see the tariff “wars” continuing on into the summer of 2020.  More discord will develop between the U.S. and Europe during 2020.  This discord will diminish near the end of the year, with the change in the presidency.  Europe is poised to become a strong economic force in the 2020’s, taking the US’s place, because of the severe internal conflicts and problems which the US will go through from the log jam of the Federal Government.


Examining Australia and Global Warming, I’m seeing a continuation of the fires in Australia.  2020 will continue with the fires, but they’ll begin to diminish in June and July, which is wintertime in Australia.  But, the fires will begin again as Australia enters into its summer – the 2nd half of November and then December of 2020.  Further on, 2021 will be another year of fires, but I see 2022 as having significantly less fires.

Australia is in a position/location on the Earth, in which exists a process of focused pressurizing.  The changes in weather patterns are triggering ever greater atmospheric pressure – pushing away low pressure systems which would otherwise bring rain, as well as create situations which make Australia more capable of having such serious high pressure systems, that make fires more common.  Australia will suffer from these factors for the next 40 years.  This is the reality of Climate Change/Global Warming.  Australia’s government can do little to change this,  anymore.

As the years go on, the lack of replenishing water will motivate much effort to develop technologies to produce water, but even this is almost 2 decades away.

In 2020, Australia’s economy will be stable, but will be slowing down at the end of 2021, going into 2022.


In 2020, I see the stock markets being moderately active – less so than previous years because of the desire to wait and see what happens in the US elections.  While there will still be regular trading, 2020 will be seen to be a slow year.  I am not seeing a recession hit, yet in 2020, but there will be much talk about economists seeing the US economy going in that direction.  Most of this talk will be in the later half of 2020.  The 2nd half of the year, will see mild trading in the US stock markets, because of the major importance being put on the November elections.  Many businesses and investors are waiting to see what happens.


In 2020, the general attitude of voters throughout the US will lean toward focusing on state elections, with the belief that there is more influencing the policies of the state government to move in the directions voters want to go in.  There is some feeling and thought that “if we can’t influence the Federal government, let’s focus on the state elections which could return more control going in the desired directions.”  There will be more effort to sway the state governments to move in policy directions which are independent of the Federal policies.


In 2020, I don’t see a solution being presented regarding the mountains of plastics which are polluting the planet.  There won’t be a recycling path for plastics which would help in a large scale way.  I do see new ideas being made known and begun to be put forward in the fall months, but these ideas would take more time than just 2020 to put into action and see if the impact is large enough.

Plastics is a huge business force, and plastics are made from petroleum.  Both together are a massive force in the economics of the world.  I don’t see much change in the production side during any of the 2020’s.  Currently, I’m seeing a small solution happening in the 2nd half of the 2020’s.  But, this solution won’t be a wide-scale solution.


There will not be a social breakdown after the November elections.  There will be much heated words, and much voiced anger, but not a social breakdown.


Medical Industry

The Pharmaceutical Corporations are anchoring themselves deeper in the fields of Medical Practice.  With their ever deepening influence in the Field of Medicine, more and more of the laws will be written, and licenses will be based on, requiring treatments using drugs rather than Holistic or non-drug treatments.  This influence is for the purpose of ensuring that the drugs which they create are purchased.  While this is not widely viewed, the Opioid Crisis brought, to the forefront, the mindset which directs so many of the pharmaceutical corporations.  The year 2020 will see this become embedded even more.


Oil Industry

The Oil Industry will not fade away.  It will be a strong industry for many decades yet, and in some form, for several centuries yet.  In 2020, there is little to predict except that it will be business as usual.


Renewable Energy Industry

In 2020, I see the R. E. Industry forging ahead, struggling with going against the current of social norms and present day government policy.  The companies producing as well as doing research are the ones which will last into the decades ahead.  In 2020, these companies will be worthwhile investments.  More and more renewable energy systems will be established and producing.  Renewable Energy is the future.  And likewise, the Electric Car is the future.


If you have any questions related to these predictions which would serve to clarify or expand on an item, please post them in the comments, and I will add the answers to this document.

If you think this article has been helpful and informative, please, pass the Internet address of this article on to anyone whom you think would also be interested, this includes social media sites.  Thank you.

Remember – the future can be changed !!!


“No matter where we live on this planet, all 7+billion of us humans – when we look into the sky, we all see the exact same moon, and it’s because we’re all living on, and in contact with, the one exact same planet Earth.  As simple as this sounds, it differentiates us from all the other many planets, systems and galaxies in the universe, because WE, together, are on THIS planet.  This is a fact which unites us all.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2019, Jodie Senkyrik)


13 thoughts on “Psychic Predictions for 2020 (!)

  1. Would you please finish the last sentence under ‘North Korea’?
    Also, was the deforestation of Yucatan part of the reason they had more hurricanes and forced the people to abandon the Yucatan in the distant past? Did they also deforest South America as is being done now?


    • Thank you for catching the incomplete sentence.
      No, it was not a deforestation of the Yucatan – or rather not a deforestation as we know a deforestation to be. The part of history that I see for this area is that generations lived in the Yucatan for centuries, but did eventually abandon the area – but it was more from war and conflict.
      Cultures from South America became increasingly war-centered as this last millennium continued. As these war-centered peoples moved north for resources, they pushed “Latin American” area peoples even further north into North America. The people of the Yucatan moved north eventually into Mexico, Texas and the US Midwest blending with other people of those areas already, and eventually disappearing into the cultures/tribes already established in the North American areas.
      Remember, all of the Red Race, were the original Atlanteans. In Atlantis, there were many factions, some already war-centered and had tried to conquer much of Europe and the whole planet. As Atlantis broke up, eventually lost to the world, the peoples migrated in all directions including some westward to South America, to Latin America, and to North America.
      The Iroquois of the New England area of North America are the most direct descendants of Atlanteans in which we have historical records and direct historical contact. Since few, if any, academic theories exist about Atlantis, any information of the Iroquois being descended from Atlanteans is thought of as myth and imagination.
      During those bygone days, the jungles of South America weren’t being regularly deforested, since the population numbers at that time were only a fraction of what is today. There was less demand for resources. Large areas of deforestation didn’t occur on the scale and speed in which it happens today. Because of this, more forests existed, which helped keep the atmosphere temperatures of all the Americas more stable and regulated. This means that the temperatures of those days were a little bit cooler than today. (No air pollution contributing to higher pressure systems, also.)
      And yes, centuries after this, privateers did use the southern Yucatan coast to hide their captured spoils. Much of it still exists in the places where it was first cached. Some will be found as beach construction and development happens in those areas – not necessarily in the sand, but a little inland in those areas.


    • I see this escalating even more. We have not seen the worst, yet. In January and February, we will see the violence on both sides increase. All Americans in Iran are in danger. This will not settle down until the end of spring – June, when change comes to US politics.


      • Someone brought up the subject of Pres. Trump’s health which I did not look at before. I am seeing him have a
        health problem serious enough for him to potentially choose to not run, again. He will not recover from the health problem, but rather slowly deteriorate. I’m seeing him potentially naming or nominating his “successor” at the Republican convention. If he does choose to accept the nomination himself, and run, the plan is to be elected and then turn it over to the VP, when he can no longer serve.
        Again, I see a Democratic win.


  2. Do you have any thoughts on fires in Northern California for 2020, especially some of the previous hard hit areas like Chico (Butte County), Santa Rosa (Sonoma County) and Lake County?


    • What I see is this – this year, most of the fires will be “central” California – meaning center of North and South, and in the Sierra’s. Most, but not all. I see very few fires in Butte County. Difficult, but these can still be contained and handled. For Lake County, I’m seeing much less rain than normal, but again the fires I see can be contained. In Sonoma County, I see no major fires. However, because this information I’ve given should be considered “in the ethers” and not yet set in rock, the information is adjustable, do make sure you take precautions and have a plan and supplies if a fire does threaten these areas.


    • Where we live has nothing to do with “getting into our 4th Chakra”. I’ll bet you know this, though. Why do I say the first sentence? because living from our 4th Chakra is living from our heart, instead of living from fear. This is living from love, instead of from resentment and bitterness. This is living from consideration, from respect, from compassion, from kindness, from patience, from forgiveness, from mercy, and living from an ever growing awareness of a oneness with others.
      The choice to live from the 4th Chakra is an internal choice we make – the environment we find our self is not the source of our decisions. We may give the external environment credit for some of our decisions and choices, but we are not machines controlled by outside forces – deciding for us how we feel and what we think of our coworkers or other people.
      So, we are in different environments throughout our lives to learn to let go of judging the environment we’re in throughout our lives.
      Living from our 4th Chakra is the desire to love God above all else and love our neighbor as ourselves. Sometimes, our neighbor is in the next cubicle over. To show this more, we can think of what motivates us to work at a job – and that is to feed ourselves and our families, to put clothes on our backs, to put a roof over our heads, to put our children through school and more. These tasks we are driven to accomplish because somewhere deep inside us, we know that we matter – we count – we have a purpose – and that could be to contribute to this Earth and to contribute to the lives we touch, including by loving our friends, our family, and learning that we can even love humanity.
      Regardless of what job we choose, and we can choose more than we realize, these jobs serve us to accomplish all these things. And when we get discouraged or feel in despair about living our lives, we need only remember, that we only need to do the best we can with what we have – no matter what the “have” refers to.


  3. Jodie, as you know I have been living here in Kuwait, south of Iraq. What do you see for Kuwait? This is a multifaceted question because I am concerned about Iranian retaliation since thousands of Americans live here. Do you see American civilians in danger here from non-government individuals? Also, what do you see with Kuwait’s government and how it governs? The Emir is going to turn 91 this year but still is very active in running the country. How about its economy?

    Lastly, this question is more about my fiancé. She is from the Philippines and their government has issued a ban on most of their citizens from returning to Kuwait. This is due to their outrage over the murder of a Filipina maid along with the general poor treatment they get. She was planning on visiting the Philippines in April to see her family but is now very unsure about it. Do you see this being lifted soon?


    • I’m not seeing widespread retaliation towards American Civilians in Kuwait. I do see a small amount of random violence because it’s all over the whole region, and Kuwait is not immune to random violence. But, I don’t see anything which would require evacuation of the country.
      If your fiance can wait until the summer or fall of 2020, there will be a easing up on the ban/policy and she would find it possible to return to Kuwait – there will still be paperwork, but it would then become possible.


  4. First, I will post more about Nigeria in my Psychic Predictions for 2021 blog article which I hope to get up by mid-December. In general, Nigeria is an active Nation with many aspirations and hopes. It is also a country that faces suffering from the sorrows of many citizens. It is also diverse in what each region provides to the people who live in those regions. I see constant efforts to grow it’s economy. I also see that with these efforts comes imbalances in societies’ arenas that are yet to grow. These imbalances causes some civil unrest which will happen at different times, mostly from people who struggle but don’t feel they’ve been able to grow out of their life circumstances. I also see that there are some who seek to take what they want through terror and killing.
    There is sometimes a belief that the desired changes for a better society should come fast, but there is a lesson here and that is “anything built fast can be torn down fast.” and “anything built with patience and attention to all details will last a longer time.” This includes relationships and includes social change.
    There is also a belief by those who use death, that they can take what they want and nothing will happen to them. But, Christ said it to His own followers and it is true for all humans, “He who lives by the sword, will die by the sword.” It is true in all things. Those who live by selfishness will be remembered this way in death. Those who live with prayer, will be remembered this way in death.
    The prayers of many can help Nigeria. I can also say, unceasing prayers of a few can also help Nigeria. With each prayer, another moment in time is changed. With more prayers comes more help and change and growth.
    Finally, there is hope in all nations. There is sorrow and suffering in all nations. All human beings share all things that human beings are within themselves. May God be with Nigeria.


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