Prediction for 2015: World Disaster Event 2 of 3

March, 2014

(Update: For more information on this topic, read the updated article, “More of the 2nd of 3 events – A Call to Prayer“)

I’m now seeing more of the 2015 “Event 2 of 3” that I’ve been seeing for several years now and commented about before here in this blog.  The area I’m seeing it occurring  is the Atlantic Ocean at the northeast section of South America.  I see it being larger than anything that has been experienced in that particular area. I don’t see it being a Level 5 Hurricane.  I see it being worse for some reason but worse because it spreads throughout the Atlantic Ocean – slowly – but spreads nonetheless. It could be triggered by another earthquake, but it is not an earthquake by itself.

I have seen there being two months of warning signs, but I don’t think the warning signs will be readily understood.  I think the warning signs might be upheavals of some type but this isn’t clear, yet.  The upheavals could be social, economic, or physical.  And this whole happening event begins in June of 2015 with the 2 months of “warning” then culminating in August of 2015.

We actually may not know of some of it until December, 2015.  The full impact will not be felt immediately, but alarms of the potential impact will become public.

The results of this event will eventually affect a vast area of the Atlantic, including the East Coast of the US in major ways. This event will devastate the people of the islands in the area. It will be slightly more impactful than the Japanese Tsunami/Nuclear disaster.  It could come from inland in the Northeast corner of South America – in the Guyana, Surname, Venezuela areas or the central most point of this event could be in the Northern most area of Brazil. But, it could also come from off the coast of these countries and be a combination of inland and offshore events which would cause greater devastation.

Naturally, the area of effect would include all the islands in the Caribbean and Florida.  The impact area will spread up along the Eastern Coast of the US.  The impact will eventually also affect the western coast of Africa and in time, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom, and areas around the Atlantic Ocean. This brings just as many questions as it does information.

I’ve looked at Volcanic activity, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, nuclear explosion and I’m not seeing any one of these being the cause.  That’s why I believe it will be a combination as well as more, just like Japan’s disaster was.

Our prayers would go to the people affected by this – citizens of the area.  The event itself is not stoppable.  This is the area where Atlantis existed.

June 26, 2014

Again, I see the event begin not as a cataclysmic event but rather as a gradual increase of devastating circumstances – growing and spreading over time via the Atlantic Ocean.  I believe natural phenomenon are going to help this happen, but there will be some man-made aspect to it, also. It could take many months to experience the full impact upon the areas.  But, people will be impacted severely.  I also see Europe being affected by the time the Autumn of 2015 moves into Winter.

53 thoughts on “Prediction for 2015: World Disaster Event 2 of 3

  1. With the increases in Methane gas releases causing massive climate changes I would not be to surprised. Hopefully the public can prepare before the event happens. Thank you for the warning.


    • I’m looking at Methane gas releases, also. This area has a long history of destruction of land with Methane gas releases. I’m talking about Atlantis. What I see is a blend of different contributing factors and I’m not yet identifying what those contributing factors are.


  2. Hello Jodie,

    This is difficult news for me to hear. I’d like to know what will happen to Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic/Haiti/Hispanola island. Will there be parts of the island that will be safe and what are those regions? How can people on the islands prepare for what is to come (besides praying)?


  3. This sounds like a plague in the sea of some sort. Could it be a large continental shelf collapsing and causing multiple mini tsunamis?


  4. My god given gift tells me the spread of ebola virus from africa across the atlantic west then up the coast northeast, seeing blood red, or algae blooms, right now ohio valley n midwest usa a polar vortex is to arrive, birds acting odd, older trees releasing their grip in the ground, coming uprooted no wind storm either, animals acting very oddly, spooked is the best I can put it, thats what I see and feel n hear.


  5. Could this be economic in origin that spreads to the rest of the world? Like some kind of default that tips like dominoes toward the financial centers? If the east coast is affected may this include the financial centers.


  6. Could this be a dying off of sea life or some kind of algae/infection in the water? I don’t believe that the currents run the way you describe so that it may be some disease in the water that creates the spread you speak of.


    • No, I don’t think that’s it. Although it seems to spread out in the way I described, I don’t think it’s ocean currents that cause the spreading. I also don’t think it’s disease based. Yet.


  7. Jodie, I stumbled upon your site awhile ago and I love it. Two years ago, while praying I was told that I have to be off the beach by summer of 2014. My gut told me there was going to be major storm or something in the next few years. It was such a strong sensation that I put my condo up for sale in Clearwater, FL. It took almost 2 years to sell, but I finally closed on it last month. I have been living in Colorado for almost a year and half traveling back and forth, but I knew it would sell when it was suppose to. This morining as I read the paper there was an article about Obama opeing the Eastern Seaboard to offshore oil and gas exploration, approving seismic surveys using sonic cannons that can pinpoint enegy deposits deep beneath the ocean floor. The article further conveys that the cannons create noise pollution in the waters shared by the all God’s creatures, sending sound waves 100 times louder than a jet engine reverberating through the deep every 10 seconds for weeks at a time. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Managment acknowledged that thousands of sea creatures will be harmed even as it approved opening the outer continental shelf from Delaware to Florida to exploration. This may be start of what you are seeing.
    Thank you for all you do!


  8. Might this have anything to do with the volcanic activity in Iceland? I know this isn’t the location or time period you mentioned, but you’ve indicated before that sometimes other events replace other events that were deemed to happen.

    What will go on with the eruption they anticipate? Will it be contained? Will it cause the same issues it did in the 18th century?


  9. I don’t see the two connected directly, as in one causing or taking the place of the other. But, the planet is one planet and everything is connected to everything.

    Because of the proximity, any eruption in Iceland will cause the same problems as the one in 2010. Today’s technology will help tremendously for saving all the life in those areas whether it be human or animal. However, even though I’m seeing an eruption, I can’t tell if I’m seeing it in the future or the past. I’ll have to try more at another time.


        • Iceland will erupt, and the next time larger than this time. But, this is not the 2nd of the 3 events that I’ve mentioned. More and more I see it happening in the location I’ve already pointed out. In this case, Iceland’s volcano is a run-of-the-mill volcanic eruption. It will disrupt air traffic like in 2010.


    • And are Edgar Cayce predictions about what America would look like in the future be apart of this. He said Florida would be gone and parts of the Carolina’s


    • I’m meaning beach front, but as I add information to the “protected” blog article, I see that there will be indirect impacts on many areas, but way less than the effect on the main site event. The atmosphere can and does cause air born contaminates like ash to spread. PA is far from the event site.


  10. Russia starts a nuclear war and kills 3 billion ppl. Predicted back in 2000 by a time traveler and was told to start in August 2015….. any thoughts or feeling on this?


    • The event could and most likely will affect oil exploration. In fact, I would expect some potential damage to oil rigs or the event to cause a spill, but an oil spill by itself is not the event.


  11. You mentioned that you would have a separate blog post on this matter awhile ago and I can not find the information. I would like to join if possible. Thank you!


  12. Hello Jodie, i live in the caribbean and i am very sacred.
    How can we prepare for what is to come ? Are we all going to die???

    Can you send me the password. Thanks for sharing the message with us. God bless you!


  13. If prediction is possible then everything in life is predestined, is this true? And then, if astrology can predict the movement of planets for years to come exactly and then life of one planet is much longer then of the ordinary people, much more is true that the life of simple man is predestined??? Or maybe not?

    May I have the password for protected articles, please?

    Much thank You. I´ll send my prayers for our planet and life on it too. Hope this works and helps.


  14. Hi Jodi. I live in central Ohio and have heard a low vibration several times this summer. I have a strong feeling that a major earth change is coming. I also have a strong feeling to connect to nature. *. Thank you.


    • There are a number of changes coming into our times/lives. We will face/integrate these changes as best we can, like we already strive to do. Remember the changes that cell phones brought? or computers? and other technologies? Remember the changes that natural disasters bring? And changes in elected officials? We face these and integrate them.
      Some changes that are coming are desirous, but some will create hardship. Our ability to “deal with them” depends on our willingness to work at cooperation and support. If we’re not willing to work with and help others, then we’ll go the way of the dinosaurs – collectively AND individually.
      Every individual will decide for themselves, whether we’re “Willing to help the whole” or “Not Willing to help the whole.” No one will be forced by God.


    • I’m not seeing an asteroid being involved. I am seeing an asteroid “not being involved.” I see it coming from below the surface of the Earth.


      • Get real we have like 8 months left till “event” and 6 months until the signs. I think you should tell us since it could take 6 months or more for some people to move out of harms way….Couldn’t it be that more people should know so we can help more people? The west coast? No event, or does it go around the world and hit west coast?


  15. I think you should read up on planetx and the event is probably an asteroid hitting in the Atlantic Ocean causing a large wave in all directions and this will be followed by a flip in the planet which will put the poles at the equator and what do you think will happen to the ice


    • I’m not seeing involvement with Planet X. I also don’t see an asteroid hitting this August, 2015. And I’ve also written about the changes that are currently preventing the flip in the planet.


  16. Hello, I have a scary feeling it involves deep sea drilling. A recent article says it all (I will attach it)….the article says they are drilling deeper then ever before and in conditions they are unfamiliar with. You also said it was something that could not be stopped. If the ground collapsed?
    The Article:

    One particular region that has continued to drill deeper to hit the hydrocarbon jackpot is located in the world’s southern hemisphere and features unconventional conditions for recovering hydrocarbons. Specifically, Brazil’s energy giant Petrobras is taking the reins for unlocking vast amounts of oil and gas below layers of salt, rock and sand, and several of the most memorable finds are located in extreme water depths in the country’s subsalt basins. Operator of the Orinoco heavy oil belt, Venezuela’s state-controlled PDVSA also reigns as a primary player in South America’s energy sector. As a region, South America boasts some of the largest oil-and-gas discoveries ever made and is estimated to contain billions in recoverable hydrocarbon reserves. – See more at:


  17. Про эту катастрофу мы уже знаем.Это начался 4-5 августа 2014года в районе бермудских островов.Это связано с добычей газа при помощи гидророзрыва пластов.Полностью катастрофа в конце 2015 года.Сев и юж Америка,африка ,Европа до Урала, западная сибирь.В общем высота волн 100метров.Все ,что выше есть шанс спастись. Это сон.


    • Many things have been predicted about many parts of the world. Maybe all the different forecasts have a small part of the whole story. My predictions are only for the coast of South America and this large area. We’ll find out in 8 months about the event I predict here.


    • What I see related to this: Off the coast of France, there will be a rising of land, but not in a big and dramatic way. I see it happening in a slow process, with the local sea floor rising up becoming shallower because of changes yet to happen. However, I don’t see this happening in our lifetime. I also would offer that Hawaii has been going through this kind of process for millennium with its volcanoes adding more landmass all the time.
      I don’t see a dramatic, cataclysmic happening off the coast of France. Yet, Edgar Cayce did predict that some of the land that was Atlantis will rise. The Atlantean land has already done that, but it was not recognized to be Atlantean. Atlantis stretched from off the coast of Florida to the sea off the coast of Spain and North Africa.


    • Nova Scotia is too far from Venezuela to be affected by this 2nd of 3 events. But, no area on Earth will be able to avoid the effects of what I see is a 3rd of the 3 events. And No, I’m not writing about this 3rd event until after the 2nd one does or does not happen.


  18. Hi Jodie,

    Could this be it?

    Kick ’em Jenny Underwater Volcano Threat Level Raised

    July 27, 2015

    Kick ’em Jenny – the oddly named underwater volcano about five miles off the coast of Grenada in the Caribbean sea – could erupt soon, say researchers.

    The eruption could destroy ships within the vicinity, sinking them without trace.

    The volcano – which sits 180m below sea level – has produced no less than 200 small earthquakes since it began stirring on July 11.

    Experts at the University of the West Indies’ Seismic Research Centre have now raised its threat level to orange, predicting that it could erupt at any point.

    If it were to, then both passing ships and nearby islands will be in danger of being hit by a tsunami, reports the Daily Mail.



  19. hey, It is November 29, 2015, and I have not heard of anything in the Atlantic yet? Not that i don’t believe something big is about to happen. What is your take on it at this time now, Jodie


    • The massive event which I was seeing at the time of this posting, has been averted through a massive prayer effort. While this may sound like (and people may believe) it is a cop out, what I’ve been seeing, “hearing” and getting information regarding is that the energy leading to the massive 2nd of 3 events has been spread out over many areas and over more time. The calling for prayer led many, many people to pray for this area, and has helped to make the event itself less of a single destructive event. But, the low vibration energy moving to manifest still existed, and has been showing itself through many other smaller, less “earthly-catastrophic” events. Over the next 22-24 months, we’ll see some more of the “natural disasters” that are considered the “normal” level of destruction.
      With more prayers for this, though, even these natural disasters can be diminished. As the angels told Abraham, even with only 10 people, a city can be saved. With hundreds and hundreds, massive Earth disasters can be healed/dissolved. With millions praying, humanity’s future can be changed.


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