Politics !

We’re right in the thick of it. And it has become more serious for many people in today’s times than it has been ever before. There is a spiritual factor unseen in the world, which also is having an influence. But, the spiritual factor is not what one might assume right off.

From the Spiritual perspective, everything requires looking “deeper into the waters” to understand the fullness of the circumstances and happenings in the world. If we only see things “as we always see things”, we are looking at the surface of circumstances. Rarely does the surface give any clues to what is in the depths where the spiritual forces and influences reside.

To begin with, anyone who has listened to my Nov. 2016 election reading which I’ve made available free of charge, here on the blogsite, knows that, contrary to popular beliefs and feelings right or left, “Things are happening the way they’re supposed to happen.”

How can I say this? I say this in this same way that Christ said to Pontuis Pilate as Christ stood waiting for his fate, “You have authority over me, because God gave it to you.”

This is true today just as much as 2000 years ago. The challenge then put to Pontius Pilate as it is put to all of us given authority or power of any kind – “Now, what are you going to do with this authority?”

All souls are given their turn to pursue that which they believe is their opportunity. This means that God holds no soul as more or less deserving to have a chance to pursue Earthly positions of authority or power. Everyone gets their chance – not all in the same lifetime – but, whether in a past life, the present or a future life, at some point, our turn comes up.

Because we tend to see the quality of work others do, and in turn, think we can do a better job, we put it in our soul to pursue “doing that better job”. Whether we’ve built a spiritual foundation within our hearts determines how we do in our turn.  By spiritual foundation, I mean living from that place which can never be touched by politics – the place from within us in which loving kindness, compassion, patience, forgiveness, mercy, understanding, brotherhood, gentleness, honesty, charity, and other fruits of the spirit come.

This spiritual foundation is based on Unselfishness at the deepest core within our very soul – the part of our soul that stands in front of the face of God and says whether we’re ready or not to move forward. We can choose to speak the truth to God of our readiness and desire, and in doing so, speak the truth to ourselves, or we can choose to lie to God and in doing so lie to ourselves.

FYI, God accepts our choice to lie and does not punish us for lying to God or to ourselves. This is because we have the opportunity then to learn from the results of our lying for ourselves. The saying, “God punishes souls by giving them what they want” plays out in this circumstance, although it’s not really punishment and in truth, comes from our own chosen actions.

This is relevant to politics in some obvious ways and some hidden ways. Politics is mostly a 3rd chakra arena – win/lose, fight/flight, control/controlled, and the like. Service for others, however, begins a movement into the 4th chakra. So, there is a potential for blending of the two chakras.

The individual ideals which we hold at the center of our journey into politics can guide us into either focusing on our 4th chakra energy or reverting back into our 3rd chakra energy.

Although politics tends to be viewed as one side against the other side, there are some that view it as trying to find ways to try to bring both sides together. Our ability to step back and observe our self determines which of these two is our self. Is there a middle ground we can meet in?

Some of us hold on to the “us vs. them” paradigm all the way through, but it doesn’t have to be that way. The Bible tells us, “Agree with thine adversary quickly.” This is because of the principles of perception – that we only know our own experiences – having only walked in our own shoes 24/7, 365 days a year for our entire life. We’ve never experienced living anyone else’s life.

This is why that “other” person’s experiences which has led them to develop their own particular paradigm, are relevant and worthy of being considered, and in turn, be recognized as having been learned – FOR THEM – with they having walked in their own shoes all their life. This is how others can “be right” and yet be 180 degrees opposite of our own “being right”.

We gain a “knowing” of our experiences and learning by walking in our own shoes. The other person gains a “knowing” of their experiences and learning by walking in their own shoes. It is the way of things. The heads side of the coin will never be the tail side of the coin and vice versa. But, yet, there is a way to bring both sides of the coin together.

All souls are valid in our path of learning. All of our paths are different and will teach us many different things. We value what we’ve learned more than what we haven’t yet learned, because we “know” it, and in the “knowing” of it, also know it is worthwhile to have learned it.

Christ’s words, “What does it benefit us to gain all we want if we lose our soul in the process?” are relevant in politics. There is a lot of “wanting” and “gain” and “us vs. them” in politics. The challenge is to pursue what we seek, but learn how to stay in the 4th chakra with regards to what we pursue, and hold on to that which is the most important factor involved in this arena – that quality and energy held within the 4th chakra.

As voters rather than someone running for office, our unselfish service can come in the form of praying for others, including our elected officials, or letting go of the “us vs. them” paradigm, while holding on to the awareness that our brotherhood/sisterhood/human-hood is more important than what we seek to gain in the 3rd chakra arena of politics. When we move into the 4th chakra, we move into an arena of service. We can then recognize that with this level of service, everybody can win, because we’re “all in this world together”. In turn, being aware that each opposing “side” holds only 1 part of the whole, and is not the whole by itself.

We have a lot to learn being human. Having walked in our own shoes in life, we have gained an understanding, and can share what we’ve gained, but there are so many other souls’ shoes we haven’t walked in, and can only gain that understanding when we listen to others share the stories of their walking in their own shoes.

PS.  Let there be no mistake – this takes a lot of work – to return ourselves to our spiritual center over and over, each time we stumble and close off our 4th chakra to those “others”.  But, each time we work to stay on or return to our spiritual path – to stay open to all life, we can feel our own return to our path and understand the importance of our efforts.  It is these efforts which will change the world far beyond anything politics can ever offer.


“The Infinite Spirit of Infinite Love, Kindness, Togetherness and Understanding, in other words, – God – can accomplish more in any open hearts and minds of people, than any politician ever could.”  (The Rainbow Cards, 2018, ©, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Christ never condemned any government or person in authority.  He condemned people who said one thing but did another.”  (The Rainbow Cards, 2018, ©, Jodie Senkyrik)

“What is worse, being someone whom others judge, condemn and criticize? or being the person that judges, condemns and criticizes others?” (The Rainbow Cards, 2018, ©, Jodie Senkyrik)

4 thoughts on “Politics !

  1. Thank you for your articles I always look forward to new ones. Previously you had mentioned the economic hard times that were to come. Do you have any new clarifications on what to expect or any changes to what you had seen previously? Also hurricane season is approaching. Do you see Central Florida (Orlando) getting a direct hit this year?


    • Mary, as of this writing today, there are hurricanes building in the Atlantic. I am not seeing Central Florida being in a direct path this hurricane season. I did see 1 major storm side-swiping your area, but I think that was Gordon which has already passed. However, I can see potential for another one to “drive by”. I do see some storm activity for your area, but not a hurricane. However, I do see hurricanes going up the East Coast and hitting hardest from Georgian up to New Jersey with the worst being North Carolina and Virginia. I see a potential 3 hurricanes going into the East Coast of the US. Yes, it will cause extensive damage to the middle East Coast states. Anyone reading this, please prepare now.


  2. Hi Jodie, I finished reading your 2019 predictions. In them you mention that you’ve discussed the results of the 2020 elections in other postings, but I don’t recall seeing this information, except in your reading shortly after the 2016 elections. Could you elaborate on what you see for the 2020 presidential elections? Thanks!


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