With God – 2000 Years Ago and Today

Photo from markbordeaux.comThe behaviors that are demonstrated today were seen 2000 years ago, as well. The struggle for power meant that there were many in authority who rejected Christ’s teachings so that they could gain in material power. This penchant will increase now, in our days today, and for awhile yet, which I’ve spoken of, because this method of madness has worked in the past, and is believed to be a tactic which will work, again.

Some people’s efforts to attack and destroy their opponents will become louder and louder, because they are coming to the end of their time – not time as in their own lives, but time as in the time of mankind to begin a new age. The collective voices will be the loudest – screaming at the end.  This is a pattern for many of us when we don’t want to give up something that has been what we want.

There are many who seek to war – and war these will do – in whatever arena possible – including governments, today’s social media, all public venues – ever speaking to whomever will listen – to *try* to gain more numbers following them. But, no amount of numbers will change the evolution of mankind being brought about.

As odd as this may sound, the increase of the Light hinders the effort to stay deep in darkness by removing the availability of that which leads to darkness. Put another way, that which leads to darkness is kept from being fed and prevented from being allowed, therefore the impact of the Light has ever greater influence on environs. It is the principle of the raising of vibrations. That which continues to raise vibrations prevents that which would lower vibrations, albeit this transformation is done “one hair at a time.”

We are in the times of which Christ mentioned “Even the Elect (not ‘the elected’) can find themselves being misled.” “It is ever a time to be alert – to not go back to sleep – to practice one’s true spiritual practice – not for vengeance and destruction of one’s hated enemies, but for the fulfillment within our own hearts of the Fruits of God’s Spirit, which will come upon us and come from within us … if we keep on keeping on, drawing from the Infinite Spirit within ourselves for the purpose of bringing forth the best parts of what it means to be a member of this human family and children of One God.

Our vigilance comes from our efforts to be honest with ourselves with doing the best we can each day, and with what we best hold is honest, rather than what is said by anyone, anywhere, at any time, for a self-only agenda. Our effort is for expressing what is deep within us at the core of our spirit which is one with the Infinite Love and Compassion that is Christ knocking at the door to our hearts. Our call is to give to “the poor” that which God has placed within the essence of our souls – our kindness to those who are poor of kindness working to deny it to others, our compassion to those who express little compassion, if any, except to those of their own beliefs, our understanding to those who seek to understand no one but their own kind, to listen to those who hear no one, to forgive those who forgive no one, to be merciful to those who show no mercy.

Yet, the astonishing question is – How in the world can we even begin do this or offer these qualities to people who demonstrate little of these qualities ?!  I will say first that of ourselves we *cannot* do these things.  Alone – there is no way.  We cannot stand alone and think we can do any of these things – alone.  But, as we’ve heard over and over, and can benefit from hearing over and over and over again, reminding us everyday – with God, “all things are possible”. In fact, only with God are these things possible.  But, not just in our heads – but in our hearts – the place of Love, where God lives as Love.

Only with God, can we give mercy to those poor in mercy. Only with God, can we be kind to those who share no kindness with another. With God, we can and do bring forth from within us the Fruits of the Spirit of which Christ said, “It is from their demonstration of these Fruits that you will know my true followers.” Only with God, can we demonstrate the deepest kindness, the most important patience, the understanding, the mercy, the forgiveness, the compassion, the brother/sisterhood of humanity, and more.

…only with God – when we pray, “Lord, teach me the truth.”  “God, make me into the good soil.” “God, help me be honest with myself.” “God, teach me the wisdom and discernment I need, so that I may not mislead my own self down a mistaken road because of my own hatred or bitterness that I may still be trying to change within myself.” “Lord, help me not use my own pain and my own suffering as the weapon that inflicts even more suffering onto yet another person.”

Many look out from our own perspectives and see the world with great amounts of turmoil, selfishness, greed, suffering and violent hatred happening. But, again, with God – we will also be able to see the healing that comes from an individual’s prayer for family, friend, or a stranger, who is suffering. With God, we can find it within ourselves to give the gift of compassion to one other person whose suffering we cannot fathom. With God, we can listen to another person’s stories of their life and pain, and understand that their level of suffering can be much greater than anything we’ve experienced in our life, even if we don’t see theirs.

Only with God, can our hearts and minds be lifted up to greater heights of compassion, love, and unity. With God – is the path where we can honestly say, “I love you.” With God, is when we can be honest with ourselves and say, “I forgive you.” With God, we can give the healing words, “I’m sorry.”  With God, we can look within and even say, “With God, I love myself, too, and I forgive myself, as well.”

With God, we can come to realize that what we see happening in the world, is not the view where we will see God’s continued effort to bring peace to each of us.

There are many people in the world who seek conflict and war, because it serves them, but with God, it is ever true that “With God, within us, we will have that peace which – though we begin by thinking it must be lost to the world – will be reawakened in the world through *us*.”

With God, will come the transformation of the world in which we live – from within us expressed outwardly – like artists creating masterpieces – like gardeners growing green life – and from He who put the stars in the skies and set the heavens in motion.

With God, all is possible – including God being visible in the Earth – through the expression of the Fruits of the Spirit from those of us who keep on keeping on our path of – with God – Love.


“It is best that we don’t believe everything we hear about someone.  It is also best that we don’t believe everything we say about someone.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

“It’s impossible for a closed mind and an open heart to exist in the same person both at the same time.  One will eventually overcome the other.  Either the closed mind will close the heart, or the open heart will open the mind. Choose for yourself, today, and remember, a closed-minded person loses a little bit more of their heart, everyday.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)

“We may release others from the prison chains of having to feel, think, or believe the same way we do.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©,1993-2018, Jodie Senkyrik)