April 2024 through October/November 2024

(I’m going to add this predictions’ update in this separate blog.)

Many times in seeing the predictions, I’ve seen the darker energy set to manifest in some form, during 2024, as a darkness section in the vision which I see. I’ve also seen a “bottom” or minimum level at which the dark energy has been set – like seeing the bottom of a bucket of water – able to see where the bottom stops.

But, I’ve recently seen the darker energy go to another lower level, in the visions presentation and my effort to understand what I see and interpret accurately. This is more information than I previously saw.

For this update, what I see is that from April, 2024 through the summer and on through October/November of 2024, there will be an increase in the manifestation of events. I describe it as a time period where we’ll see something like “the disaster of the week” and this happening in what I best describe as “different” events, as well as some “same” events continuously happening.

I see the drop in another lower level of manifestation as being an increase in the number of events rather than the destructive level of the events. However, I can’t discount greater destructive levels happening. For this 7-8 month time period, we will see continued events, though. In April, I think, if we watch the world news and continue, some of us can notice this shift increase, and take notice most likely some time around June that “destruction is just non-stop”.

I understand this shift to be happening because of a shift in the minds and hearts of humanity. First, there is a correlation between human destructive events and natural disaster events. When human beings stand ready to have the energy manifest through human means, and the healing of it manifesting to respond to it then also be through human means, generally, we can see less physical natural disasters. But the energy has to go somewhere – or manifest somewhere. And it’s either through humans or we push the energy away, and generally, then it goes through the Earth as Earth destructions.

Our prayers and meditation, and our effort at bringing forth the Infinite Spirit and Consciousness of Love into our behaviors, thoughts and feelings – this will help heal the energies that are manifesting. I’ve written many times about the strength of these prayers, meditations and efforts.

I say it again. Praying is like rowing a boat. If all we seek to change is to move a tiny rowboat from one spot to another nearby spot, the energy/effort on our part that is needed is not that much. But, if we seek to move a massive ocean liner from one place to a far distance, then a greater effort and energy is needed – effort and energy which is accomplished by many, many people – thousands if not millions and millions of people praying and working at bringing forth Light.

To present a piece of information focused on helping, I still see 180 degree turn away from this 2024 8-month time period, start showing itself around the following 2025 end of winter/beginning of Spring. This will be like the metaphor of the storm clouds of a hurricane happening this April-November, 2024, but then the clouds clearing and sunlight coming forth next February/March, 2025.

I’ve used this “hurricane” metaphor before, because with 2024 being the year of destruction, I still see 2025 being the year of us coming out of our “places where we seek protection”, then seeing the results of 2024, and seeing what work needs to be done after the destruction to repair and heal.


While it is very real to read all of this and possibly feel despair, discouragement and suffering, remember that the information about this time period is coming forth with information also to help people have hope, to strengthen our beliefs, to expand on our beliefs and to keep on keeping on. There is encouragement in words that are put out into the world. Like Noah, whose ark served to help many survive through the flood waters of his time, the disaster receded and the sun came out, allowing life to keep going.

This is the message of our time, as well. The disasters we have already come to know are changing. There are souls seeking to help – to fulfill the need for first-responders. The call has come forth for us to add our prayers, meditations and efforts to join in so as to strengthen the hope and inner energy to face the dark energies, and the results of their manifestations, as much as possible.

10 thoughts on “April 2024 through October/November 2024

    • Interesting and difficult for many. Pray as much as we can muster. Think of God as much as we can remember. Meditate as regular as possible. And take these times ONLY ONE DAY AT A TIME. Remember, even if our path is 1 million days long, we take our path 1 day at a time. One day at a time.


  1. I pray that humans wake up all over the world and see the dark energies at work. Together we can always change a bad outcome to a good outcome through love and light….we’re all in this together. Let’s put out light everywhere we go…


    • While walking through this time in our life doesn’t necessarily require our recognizing the energy being darker or the energy being at work, we will be able to see the results of this energy as it manifests in the planet through either physical means related to the Earth or through human means based on human behaviors and actions against others. Our prayers are real, and do help in many ways. We are beings of Light and as we send our prayers of Light, we send energy that will help all life going through the challenges we face, right now.


    • I’m sensing disasters, but the “disaster” energy is spread everywhere. The physical manifestations are not easily pinpointed. I am also seeing some of this energy manifesting economically.


  2. Thanks for sharing your predictions. I have few questions for you about long term future of the world.

    When the current world order collapses, will it be replaced by a multi polar world led by civilizational states or a corporation ruled world govt ?

    Will the savings based economy return or the consumption driven credit based economy continue to rule the world ?

    Will marriage and family system cease to exist in the AI age ?


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