Something Different (Q n A’s)

Jodie, I was wondering if you can project to the inhabited planet around Proxima Centauri. What can you see? Can you see a civilization(s). If so, what is their appearance(s) like? D.

Proxima Centauri D does not have life on it, except what I would call fossils of the beginnings of life , long gone ago and deep enough to possibly not to be examined for several million years now, and not by humans from Earth.

What I see about Proxima Centauri B: I see a planet that does have water, but way much more land than water – not like Earth which has more water than land.

The planet has had life developing on it for millions of years, like Earth has had life developing for millions of years, but its life is not like Earth life. The naturally evolved life is mostly vegetation because of the abundance of land. The lower volume of water has caused a slower evolutionary process for other life forms. (Remember, mammals are mostly water-based life forms and need great amounts of water to sustain it.) There are smaller “life forms which are quadri-pedal, and multi-pedal.” These would be on par evolution-wise with smaller-brained mammals of Earth – like Anteaters, Beavers, and this level of development. (I’m not saying it has Anteaters and Beavers, but rather equal to this evolutionary level of development.) It has fewer water-based life forms.

Water-life would look more worm-like types of life or a little more developed than that, as well as vegetation types – almost like seaweed.

The life forms are not at human level intelligence, however, the planet has been visited by intelligent beings in the past, to examine and record data about the planet and its naturally-evolved life forms. Humans are not the only scientists in the Universe or our galaxy.

This Universe we live in is teeming with Life – life at all levels of development and evolution. Our own galaxy, the Milky Way, is also filled with Life. Currently, we will continue to peer into the depths of the Universe and through scientific understanding, we will be able make many more discoveries which point to our not being alone in the Universe/Galaxy.

This exploration does not contradict God. It merely challenges human understanding – as well it should. Pity any people whose beliefs rarely get challenged. These are people who don’t learn anew, don’t explore and don’t discover. Human beings are not in this kind of world. We challenge each other and each other’s beliefs over and over and over, again. And we will continue along this path, because we have been enriched by what we learn, the exploration we’ve done, and the discoveries we’ve made. And I believe we are this way, because God has put within our spirits the very need to learn, to grow in understanding, and to stretch beyond our own self-imposed limitations.

Why don’t ETs’ let themselves be known? J.

Quite literally, it is not safe. The smarter ones are trying to avoid the wars that would ignite if they showed up. Humanity would not suddenly be nice to each other – the types of human beings who exist before they arrive are the types of human beings who would exist afterwards. The human character traits before equals the human character traits after. ET’s presence does not change what is in our minds and hearts. It only adds more players on the playing field.

All the character traits which people inflict on each other now, would be the same that people would inflict on them, as well.

In addition,…

Who gets their technology? China? Russia? or the US? and Nato allies?
Who gets their technology? The Corporations that are the highest bidder? The Billionaires with the highest bid?
Who gets’ their technology? Whomever can bomb and kill them into submission? Terrorists? How many militant or terrorist groups exist in the world?
What weapons can be invented using their technologies?
How much money could be made off of their technology?
Which wars would they be in and on who’s side?
What form of government do they subscribe to?
Who would trust them?

Their arrival would NOT!!! change anyone’s heart and mind and soul. Advanced Technology has never changed how we treat each other, but rather tech advances influence whatever weaponry we have.

Their philosophical teachings, religious teachings, spiritual teachings??? We’ve had the teachings of Christ, Mohammad, Tao, Buddha and more higher consciousness teachers for thousands of years. And humans are still attacking and killing anyone who believes differently that others do.

In our world now, we don’t trust each other and rightly so. Humans are capable of great harm to each other. Who would trust THEM???!!!

It is not yet safe. They will wait as long as possible. Anyone who publicly comes forth, before humanity is ready, may have ulterior motives. It is still wise to beware of Trojan Armies bearing gifts. The character traits that come from within humanity, also exist in other species in the galaxy and universe. Many will be helpful and benevolent, but not all of them. In addition, it’s also a good thing that humans can’t travel through space right now. We would be the ET’s, and what do we offer when we travel across the ocean to seek out new lands?


Can you check out the hypothetical 7 Earth-like planets around Trappist 1? Scientists could be off on the number but it is still exciting to ponder. D.

(Psychically, I see a possible 8th dwarf-planet if even that, which is much smaller and further out than the 7th, and a possible 9th that would be a large asteroid-like object. There is no way for us to find out for sure, until the science is done to explore this topic.)

In this system, I don’t see any life forms which are like life as we know it. I do however see the building blocks of life, which means chemical compositions are in process, which can lead to the creation of enzyme-like molecules which could develop further. Life is yet to happen there. Millions of (Earth) years yet. But the star is a red dwarf, so life is possible millions of (Earth) years from now.


I would also like to ask how the death of Iran’s president is going to play out. It could very well have been an unfortunate accident. It was an older helicopter flying in a mountainous area in poor weather. On the other hand, out of the three helicopters, HIS went down. … D.

Jodie: Wow! Iran! There is a lot of rocky roads for Iran in the next 50-60 years. I see the cause of the crash being mechanical, perhaps like a linkage problem or hydraulics which caused a loss of control. And bad weather can and does disorient helicopter pilots more than other forms of flight. This was part also. While it may sound minor, it is sometimes small things that create big catastrophe’s. I am seeing no outside effort to make it happen.

I also see that Iran is not ready to make any changes to their position and philosophy in the world. I see them making some small changes in the 2030’s, but only after 2050 will they change their position in the world into one of “joining more peaceful efforts and directions with Iran’s neighbors and in the world stage.”


Do you see Pete Buttigieg having a good shot in maybe 2028 or 2032 as President? It might be just my opinion, but I think he has done a real good job so far. D.

What I see: He’ll stay on in 2024 with President Biden. (See my 2024 Psychic Predictions page. ) In 2028, I do think he’ll look at his options, but it looks like he may back off on national politics a bit. I think he’s going to be thinking hard on this as 2028 approaches. I can see him pursuing public service some more, but equally, I can see him also wanting to spend more time with his family. Both of these are strong inclinations for him and they sometimes conflict. He is yet to decide, but remember he has had a bullseye on him 24/7 because of being in public service (like so many others) and for many years. Public service is a difficult place to be in.

However, if he takes time off, (months or years) I do think he’ll come back into public service later on.
A lot of people do think he’s been doing a good job, but that doesn’t mean he’ll get re-elected when that time arrives. And with all other things being equal, whomever runs for office does indeed have to want it, and be clear that they want it. This “wanting it” conveys out into the Ethers and is (unbeknownst by people) picked up on by the voters. It’s another reason why Ross Perot and 3rd party candidates haven’t done that well. To win, one has to do what one has to do. For right now in our history, this means being a member of one of the two major political parties.


One thought on “Something Different (Q n A’s)

  1. For the planets orbiting either star, do either of them have an atmosphere that is compatible enough for humans to breathe naturally? How about the climates?

    As for beings similar to humans (basically sentient beings), how far away is closest planet to us, regardless of their level of advancement?


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