Consider the Surgeon

Imagine if someone came up to you and said they were going to cut you open. It is a violent act and would be a horror to go through. Even thinking about it is traumatic. Imagine if they said they were going to slice you from one end to another. These are traumatic words and to experience this is a truly horrific event. No one should go through these acts of violence or any other.

Consider the skilled and caring surgeon, who performs helpful and life-saving surgery on a patient in an operating room.

The surgeon is trying to correct abnormalities creating problems – to bring healing to the patient.
In almost all cases, the patient is unconscious and completely unaware of what the surgeon is doing during surgery, or any other part of the activities of the surgeon – which have to do with “cutting you open.”

If the patient were to experience these surgical acts outside of a proper surgery, or if they were to suddenly become conscious of the surgeon while doing the surgery, and what was happening to their body, without any understanding of what was happening, this could or would cause great fear, horrific trauma and/or deep mental/emotional imbalances within the patient.

Experiencing any understanding of what is going on in surgery can only be done either before or after being unconscious. Without a doubt, any awakening to it afterwards would need to be slow.

Meanwhile, on a side note – other not yet relevant points to mention are that, connected to this experience, in addition to the surgeon, the patient has intercessors in the form of family and legal representatives. Some intercessors in the patient’s life support hope, and some intercessors in the patient’s life support fear. Still other intercessors don’t believe in any doctors, surgeons or surgery and think it’s all wrong.

Another side note is that the surgeon also has helpers.

At some point, when learning and gaining an understanding of the skills and care of the surgeon, as well as surgery with its potential, the patient’s growing understanding can lead to develop a feeling of peace, hope and a healthier attitude about the surgery, which leads to willingness to have the surgeon proceed.

Either way, the patient has freewill to decide for themselves about all of this.

Consider the relationship every human being in existence has with God.

In a vast many cases, going about living our life, the human is unaware of God and what God is actively participating in, within our life.

Although having possibly little or no understanding of God, the human being has a main intercessory and other intercessors. Some intercessors support hope, and some intercessors support fear.
Some intercessors don’t believe in any God or Spirit life at all.

If the human being were suddenly aware of the fullness of the Infinite Consciousness of Light, LOVE and Power — God — and all which God is active in within our life, regardless of anyone’s belief to the contrary, the human would massively be overwhelmed, possibly causing fear, trauma, misunderstandings and/or mental/emotional imbalances. So, awakenings are slow.

(Image licensed to Timothy Don Lapham’s Quarterly by Timothy Dons © Scala / Art Resource)

Likewise, on a side note: God has helpers.


When the human being allows an openness to, and therefore a learning of the presence and activity of God in their life, this experience many times brings an inner sense of Peace, Hope, and a healthier state of mind.

Either way, the human being has freewill to decide for themselves about all of this.

There are reasons why not everything about God is revealed all in a single moment – just like why a teacher doesn’t teach Calculus on day one in Kindergarten. Yet, if we were to take it at our own pace of learning, we can come to understand, and in turn, this understanding then can help to bring peace, hope, a healthier state of mind, and finally in turn, gratitude for things happening the way they do.


“Consider the Healer of our Soul, the Healer of our Spirit, the Healer of our Consciousness, the Healer of our Psyche, the Healer of our Self … and the Love from which this healing comes.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2024, by Jodie Senkyrik)

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;.” Proverbs 3:5

One thought on “Consider the Surgeon

  1. Hi Jodie,

    after studying my nightmares for a while, I realized that they are caused by defilements. The defilements (in my case) are mainly our fears, our secret resentments. Unseen beings can read us like a book, and disturb us in our dreams using our defilements. To have pleasant sleep and clarity of mind, how do we reduce/purify defilements…..could you kindly repeat the practical steps?


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