Predictions for 2014: Winter #8

I’ve been quiet, because I’ve been watching and waiting to see.   It’s November and what I’m seeing and experiencing appears to fall in line with what I’ve been trying to warn about.

Ahead: In general across the nation, I see pockets of relief from severe winter weather during the 2nd week of December, then the end of December/beginning of January.  But, this is the nation as a whole.  Also I see a gradual decrease in the temperatures as winter continues – on thru January and culminating in the what I’ve said before and even deeper drop in temperatures during the 1st half of February.  For the most part, this is what winter is, and is normal for what we’re used to, but this year the relief from cold temperatures and winter storms will be less and less.  In other words, more storms will come through with less time in between.

In addition: in general, the temperatures will be lower than average temperatures, and so many new record low temps will be experienced.

In our favor:  I do see the few higher temps of the last few months, in addition to the prayers of people, help to shrink the length of time that the severest of the severe will last.  It won’t end the severity, but it has helped to shrink the time – mostly during February.

So, what I’ve been seeing is a significantly hard winter on the whole.  It will be noticeable.

Go back and read the other blogs for a more detailed account of specific areas.

The November weather for the nation has been an effort to help us get ready – to be ready because the worst is yet to come.


“God has never said ‘Don’t pray’ as the answer to dealing with our problems.” (from the Rainbow Cards, ©, 2001)