And on the higher side….

Sometimes, what I add via the blogs can be so heavy.  It’s certainly a time of some serious s*#t.  But, at the same time, I want to remind everyone of the true and real progress that we continue with.  We may not always see it, but as my friend, Nancy K. regularly reminds me, the efforts we put forth join with the efforts of others and on and on, and move the entire planet forward to ever increasing greater and higher vibrations and spiritual awareness.

Oh, sure, we also see “low vibration” activities – destruction, hatred, prejudice, greed, violence – so many ways to create non-love based experiences for people and the Earth.  And these we will see more of, but there is no failure for those who are determined to succeed – and use patience and persistence to succeed – keep on keeping on – take it one day at a time, keep putting one foot forward, take one more step, and every other cliche I can remember along these same lines.

The entire Galaxy is supporting our efforts to raise the vibrations of this planet.  And other Galaxies besides ours are sending us their support and high vibrations.  What we can do is to put into action, the type of action that we want a high-vibration planet to be about.  The Earth is as we create it – collectively.  Put another way, the Earth is as we heal it.

“When judgement stops, healing begins.” (Rainbow Cards, ©, 1998, Jodie Senkyrik)

“All healing of every kind known to exist in this world and others… comes from God.” (Rainbow Cards, ©, 1998, Jodie Senkyrik)

“God does too have a sense of humor.” (Rainbow Cards, ©, 2002, Jodie Senkyrik)


2 thoughts on “And on the higher side….

  1. Why is so much happening in Gaza. Three major invasions and air raids within a seven year period. Is it karma? You have said that about some events that the wheels are in motion and nothing can stop it. Will Palestinians get their own state (I believe they will but…)? Will Israel ever drop its bias against all non-Jews and be one equal society?


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