Teacher, Student, Seer, Seeker

I’m going to get right into it. This may come across as a little hokey, but never the less, it is pertinent.

If we walk a spiritual or religious path, if we study spiritual or religious matters, if we pray, meditate, practice any spiritual or religious practice, then we can personally relate to at least one of these titles above. All of us think of ourselves as one of these roles, if not more.

We may not realize that each of these titles are interchangeable. This is because the spiritual learning and growth process involved with, being followed by and going on within us, related to each of these positions, and which helps us to identify ourselves – in fact, describes each of us as all of these roles, all at once.

When we learn greater spiritual lessons, we may not realize it, but we don’t absorb what we learn from an outside source coming inwardly into us. Our insight or lessons learned experience doesn’t come from a book or studying or another person. It sure seems that way when we only consider a surface perspective, and look at our intake process and experience on the surface of consciousness.

What is actually happening is that we are learning within ourselves, first – deeply, but mostly without our being aware of this deep inner learning. We learn from the deepest within ourselves, first. We learn from external sources only superficially, because our real learning, the first we are introduced to any spiritual “material” is deep within our unconscious part of our consciousness. And our unconscious understanding of spiritual understanding doesn’t come instantly or easily to the surface of our conscious awareness.

(At Cooper School, Miss Thelma Dewitty, the 1st African-American teacher in Seattle, teaches the second grade. She taught in Corpus Christi, Tx., for seven years, moving to Seattle in 1947.)

The greater spiritual understanding, which exists deep within us – is getting ready for the day that this insight, understanding and awareness comes to the surface of our consciousness via some method, (like the books and classes,) which helps us to go “AAHHH HAAAA!!!”

From an external “teacher” or “teaching tool”, whether a person, book, TV, movie, billboard, tree, dog, horse, skyscraper, or bubble gum wrapper – comes external words and concepts which are already integrated within our unconscious consciousness. When we hear the words consciously, AND IF WE’RE WILLING TO LISTEN WITHIN, we recognize the concepts and Truth which we have been seeking (usually in tiny bits so as to not overwhelm us.) This experience is one of finding our next step, stepping up another rung of the ladder, walking our path, having our “Ah Ha!” moment, etc.

The teacher is within, and the words from outside of us, are merely from someone, another student, who has taken these particular steps before and made the inner connection and sharing the concepts. We are the student, listening to the inner teacher who is our Higher Self as the voice within (also known as the Christ within, the Buddha within, the God within, the Great Spirit, Yahweh (etc.) — all of these are One Voice within us.

Likewise, when the external teacher is speaking the words/concepts, this insight is also coming from within the teacher. In addition, at the same time, there is a part of the external teacher’s own consciousness that is learning from the information, even as he/she is speaking. The “teacher’s process” is because we are not the same person we were in that moment of speaking that we were when we grasped the concept/understanding originally. The external teacher is a new person in that exact moment, and as the external teacher speaks to the students, the teacher is also learning from their own words they’re speaking.

As the external teacher teaches other people, the teacher is learning from that which is coming up within the teacher. And the student is learning that which the student already knows deep within themselves. By speaking, the teacher becomes a student, and by listening, the student becomes their own teacher. Herein is a paradox.

This very same process is happening with the Seer and the Seeker/Client. As the Seer reads the vibrations/energy and records, then also coming up from within the Seer is the understanding and “knowing” of the meaning of the vibrations/energy. As previously described, this also comes from the Higher Self within, Christ within, Buddha within, Great Spirit, Yahweh, Allah within (again, all of these are One.)

The Seer’s effort and willingness to continue to learn, as well as cooperate with this inner Voice, determines the accuracy of the words coming forth through whichever spoken or written language used to convey the information to the client.

The Seer interprets the information into words of whichever language, (and which the Seer actually speaks), so that the client/seeker can hear the words, which hopefully leads to the client/seeker’s “Ah ha” moment. This information had heretofore been unconscious and unmanifested, submerged in the unconscious mind. But, with the Seer being the translator, when the right words come forth – leading to both people vibrating to the exact message, then a connection is made between the Seer and the client/seeker which is an experience of “opening ones eyes” to, hopefully, accurate and helpful information.

This can also be the moment when a client/seeker recognizes the Truth that had been within them unconsciously waiting for the right time and the right words. For the most part, the Seer is, sometimes unknowingly, interpreting what is coming up within them both, but also sometimes bringing a moment where the information fits, clicks and makes sense.

Interestingly, if there isn’t a strong connection felt with any particular information, this can simply mean that it’s not the right time, not the right words, not the right perspective or the client is not completely ready for the information. These experiences are not necessarily mistakes, but rather can also be part of the process. The client’s decision is to either allow it to continue, reject the information, or save it for a future time to re-review it.

In many instances, instead of a mistake, the words and concepts provided can be like seeds planted in soil. If it is good soil, one day that soil can help bring forth the seeds that had been planted before. This experience is like buying a book to read and then not reading it until 20 years later.

An example of this – there have been times I’ve given some information doesn’t immediately fit or click for the client, knowing that it was for when they listened to the reading recording years in the future.

But, the process can be still “alive” when things seem to not work.

Each Seer is also a seeker. Each Seeker/Client is also a Seer. The difference is only that the “Seer” is someone who has practiced learning how to consciously interpret the vibrations/energy/Akashic records and the language of the Soul. The Seer, like the Teacher at the beginning of this article, is an interpreter of what the student and seeker are unconsciously hearing within.

Likewise, the Client/Seeker “somehow” can feel to pursue a psychic reading from the voice within – intuition?, a hunch?, a gut feeling?, an impression?, a notion?, an inkling?, a feeling in one’s bones?, – and in seeking this information, activates their own “psychic” self as they listen to the reading, cooperating with the Inner Voice to bring to consciousness what before had been in the unconscious consciousness. And because all people are somewhat psychic/intuitive, etc. (under various names or aspects, and sometimes denying it vehemently, and many times underdeveloped), the path to reacquainting ourselves with the sensing of our own spirit/soul, – to believe and eventually “know” as best we can that Spirit/God/Allah/Christ/Holy Spirit/One Infinite Consciousness/(lots of other names), is real, and the path to greater yet learning and awareness still, is set before all people to walk through one’s own life, learning from the Voice within, if we so choose.

When Jesus would bring a healing to someone, He would answer their questions and their gratitude with, “It is the Father within me that does the work.” This is true of all teachers and students, Seers and clients. When genuine help comes forth from our own caring and love, it carries within it, at some level, the Spirit of Love which is the Spirit of the One Infinite God. When we grow and learn, help and support, forgive, love, show mercy, give forgiveness, show compassion, etc, it is the Father/Mother God within us that does this transference to the other on the receiving end, as well as brings us into the Light, opening our eyes and helping us to have our “Ah Ha!” moments. “It is the Father within us that does this work.”


We are the “Mini-me”s that God has created from God. Like children of humans, born from the very material of the mother’s (and father’s) bodies. We are Children of the One God, born from the very material of God – in his likeness. From Spirit comes spirits, and all of creation is the result. There is no separation of God and God’s creation. It is simply that God has created variations on “God expressing God,” and all of life & creation are the result. And for all of us, learning this piece by piece, understanding our relationship with God, one hair at a time and sharing it as we can, comes from the guidance from the Voice within us – telling us to “Go forth and multiply this learning and awareness on the Earth, by being the teacher, the student, the Seer, and the seeker.”

May God bless us, as we go forth.

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