A Young Soul Still Learning

Look into a person’s past lives and it reveals a great deal about how they came to be who they appear to be, today. For example, current president, Donald Trump is a “young” soul (not an insult) who has had several recent past lives where his mentors have told him, “Yes, you can.” (Sound familiar? This and “You can do it!” is what we tell our children all the time.) Donald Trump trusted his mentors, and came to believe that “He can do whatever he believes.” So, he takes himself in that direction.

However, on the surface of this particular life, trying to do just that – to enact the belief that “You can do it” – appears to be hubris to so many. It appears to be effort by others.

He is a young soul, learning as he goes, but young souls are the majority or us on this planet – no matter what people think. He has future lives where he will continue to learn just how to fulfill, “You can do it.” In these future lives, he will continue to strive to get things done. Every human being is on a spiritual path of learning in this school called Earth.

For him, like so many of us, it is more a lesson in patience, when we can see the potential someone has, or that something is, in fact, achievable. But, then we think it can be done overnight or in one lifetime – impatience. We judge many people for not living up to a standard in our own minds thinking they should be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Instead, it would be better, if we held in our minds that the standard that we can see is meant to be achieved in many (sometimes many, many) lifetimes of learning and striving.

As an example, the soul we know as Mozart was in his 4th of 7 lifetimes focused directly on music when he composed the music we are familiar with. His 1st through 3rd lives were not at the same level of mastering music with which he came into his 4th life. His 5th lifetime is a lifetime of teaching music. His 6th and 7th deal with healing effects of music, as well as reaching into the vibrations and music of the spheres – what I’d call, for lack of a better term, what we think of as angelic music – in that realm.

If you don’t like what I’ve shared here – which I got from the Akashic records, it’s all in the Akashic records for anyone and everyone. You’re welcome to look for yourselves.

Epilogue: The Pharaohs in Egypt over the 9000+ years (actual history) that Pharaohs ruled Egypt – of the over 3000 Pharaohs – about 20-25% were younger than 12-14 years old. The scenario of “young” souls ruling the country happens quite often. God gives everyone a chance to learn and grow from the circumstances of our lives.


“One thing that blocks us from learning our spiritual lesson when we find ourselves stuck, is feeling sorry for ourselves (which we all do from time to time.) Feeling sorry for ourselves has never been the lesson we’re meant to learn.”  (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2017, by Jodie Senkyrik)

“The peace which we seek in this world, will it come if we don’t forgive?” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2006-2017, by Jodie Senkyrik)

2 thoughts on “A Young Soul Still Learning

    • The better way is to learn prayer and meditation. As we develop meditation, becoming familiar with the nuances of the realm of meditation, we can ask questions, waiting upon God in the silence. Consider a book called “A Search For God”. This book offers help in developing a foundation within our character, which in turn, helps us to open ourselves to guidance from God, who is in charge of all information which is opened to us. This is necessary, because our records contain great wonders and perhaps horrible histories. God does not seek to fill our heads with more ego, nor overwhelm us or punish us, but rather be a loving teacher and parent of a healthy soul.
      As for coffee or alcohol, Christ said, “It is not what goes into the mouth that causes sin. It is what comes out of the mouth.”


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