Food and Eating

Here are 10 psychically viewed tips on eating and food.

1. Don’t eat onions and lettuce in the same meal. The stomach enzymes for digesting each counteract each other. It can cause slight indigestion. Although most people do such a small amount that they never notice the indigestion or that the onions haven’t digested fully… until gas forms.
2. Soda is no one’s friend. Science tells us it’s the corn syrup, but what I see is that the Carbon Dioxide weakens kidneys and kidney function. It takes time for the kidneys to recover from the slight damage. Drinking it every day over long periods of time can also lead to difficulties with kidneys over time. In general, the body needs to expel Carbon Dioxide, not take in more. The cells and tissues need oxygen and less Carbon Dioxide.
3. Garlic really is a fantastic food – antibiotic, plus offers many healing factors. Chopped up, and raw. I suggest 1 clove a day, in general, chopped, raw and added to a meal will help a lot of people to feel a lot better over time. You’ll hear this from so many sources. You’d be surprised how many people have infections in their body without even knowing it or getting treated. Garlic is effective with these ‘under the radar’ infections.
4. Intestinal gas also comes from undigested food. Investigate what foods you’ve eaten that are the culprit. Your body is not digesting those foods.
5. Some cravings come from a lack of enough vitamins in the food. Craving more food after a meal can point to not getting any vitamins and minerals to satisfy the body’s needs, so the body still craves.
6. Foods grown locally have the energy vibration of the area, and therefore match up with the vibration of the physical body. This means that locally produced food works better with our bodies. Food that has traveled great distances has a vibration which is more in discord with our bodies. We can eat it, but the energy is off.
7. Science may mention this also. If you feel druggy or drowsy and sluggish 30-60 minutes after a meal, it could be a food allergy. The food can cause inflamation, because the body is trying to protect itself. This inflamation can include inflamation around the brain, which puts slight pressure on the brain causing drowsiness and sluggishness.
8. Psychically, I’m seeing that the precursers to what we now call “GMO’s” began being in the food system in the US since the 1960’s – in small trace amounts. As the technology developed, even more “GMO’s” entered into the food system. The 1970’s and 1980’s saw the amount of GMO’s and that kind of “food” have a steady increase into the food system in the US. Most people think it’s only a few products today, but if labels were put on containers, people would find GMO’s in 80% of all of the packaged food on the shelves in some form or fashion – hence why there’s such a great effort against labeling by those that do it. Today’s versions of “GMO’s” are not like the last few decades versions, but it’s only because they are just different parts and factors modified. The phrase “Better eating through chemistry.” has been successful for chemical companies in the last 4 1/2 decades.
9. About 70% of all women in the US, do need to monitor their iron-rich food intake and increase it as they get older. About 40% of men do, too. 30% of women already have an iron-rich food intake, and about 60% of men do, too. These women watch what they eat, and these men tend to eat lots of red meat.
10. Drinking grape juice can help to curb cravings for pastries. Science also tells us it’s also an antioxidant.

Yepp. This is all visible to the psychic and some of it will come forth through scientific means one day, also.

I will always, always, always encourage people to have home gardens in any way they can.  I see the food being way healthier.


“The way to be closer to another person is to invest yourself in the other person – not invest yourself in what they do, but invest yourself in them.  There is a difference.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

4 thoughts on “Food and Eating

  1. Jodie, thank you again for another great article. I found this one particularly interesting. It is nice to see that many of the things I’ve already believed reinforced by what you could see psychically. Thank you again for the time it takes to keep up your blog and sharing the information that you have access to.


  2. Thank you for posting this! I find a lot of people, myself and my husband included, are being led to focus on what they put in their bodies. This is extremely helpful.


  3. Bless you; I would like to thank you for all that you do. Jodie, please share what you’re feeling about the Pope’s visit to the USA and this big announcement coming out tomorrow about Mars. Has the Pope’s presence and prayers helped spread peace, harmony and healing? What do you think NASA will disclose and are they being truly honest with the public? I’ve heard warnings to beware of false flags in the sky.


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