To Bring Light to a Violence-Weary World

If you’re seeing similarities between ISIS and the Nazi’s under Hitler, and wondering if you’re accurate with seeing these similarities, then you’re correct. There is a reason why we see similarities – because they are similar.

The difference is that today, we have instant reporting of the actions of ISIS, whereas in the 1930’s and 1940’s reporting was done very slowly.

In looking at this going on in our world, it is easy to follow the beat of the drum of retribution, vengeance and hatred. We see so many examples of how easy it is for some to choose violence and vengeance. For some, this will be a regular choice that they find easy to make.

But, not for all. The question for some of us isn’t whether the people of ISIS are destroying artifacts and murdering people, the question for some of us is are they destroying and murdering our spiritual paths – our paths to bring the whole world out of darkness through efforts to bring forth the LIGHT from within ourselves individually. Yes, absolutely lives matter and yes, history matters, but of what value is history if the whole world chooses the darkness of hatred and vengeance. And what do the souls who lost their lives want for us – greater darkness so this can happen to others? or perseverance to live from within the heart of our spiritual path so that this darkness is replaced with the LIGHT OF GOD.

The truth is they can’t murder or destroy our spiritual paths and spiritual efforts. However, we can do it to our own spiritual paths. When we do it, we do it voluntarily. We can destroy and murder our own spiritual paths simply by choosing the same thing they do – violence, killing, hatred, vengeance, etc.

It is times like these and events like these when holding to and practicing our spiritual paths becomes most important. It is the practice in the face of circumstances which oppose practicing the presence and guidance of Spirit when it is most effective and helpful to the world at large.

No one can force us to be hateful or vengeful or violent – off our own spiritual path – although it’s damn hard sometimes to stay on our path. If we get off our path, it is of our own freewill to act from the “lower vibrations” of hatred and vengeance, rather than act from “higher vibrations” of patience, openness, perseverance and long suffering – holding onto the hand of the Still, Small Voice within – walking with the One who promises healing of more than just ourselves, if we hold out – persevere – to the end.

We’re all in this together. There are many of us seeking to hold on to our spiritual paths in the face of hatred, violence and vengeance. So, keep on keeping on. Choose life not death. Hold to the Light, when all around seems to be darkness. Join with others, pray, meditate, practice the presence of God. With our effort to live from a greater Spirit, we will help to bring Light to a violence-weary world.


“Crying is an effective and valid healing method.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1995-2015, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Imagine a world where everyone was going around forgiving everyone else – where everyone was showing mercy and patience to everyone else.  If we can imagine it, we can choose it, if we are but willing to start with where we are at, right now.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 2001-2015)

3 thoughts on “To Bring Light to a Violence-Weary World

  1. Darkness was always there ….and will be in the future ….Yesterday Hitler and Stalin, today ISIS. There are always two polarities needed to make whole. Night and day, plus and minus, yin and yang and so on ….The darkness is needed so we can see there is light out there. If there would be no darkness (no negativity) we will not be able even to see (be aware) that there is light out there. Hitler an ISIS …they are needed to give us opportunity to be aware of opposite: light, sun, love peace, kindness, help ect. With such “negative groups” as they are, world is changing faster for the better (towards the new better world). If there was no Hitler who would even bother to make any important change in the world. There would be no moving forward. But: standstill is not god for the world. Everything in our Universe is based on the movement.
    So see: every war had a deeper purpose for the world then it seems: after each war in the past necessary changes has been quicker and much bigger then would be if there was non. Wars push mankind forward when it needed so. So this way negativity gets its purpose. Love.


  2. I understand there must be dark! In this lifetime I have experienced the dark as someone who has been positive optimistic filled with love and joy and benevolence and generosity!!!!! Yes !!! This is true!!! Yet I feel discouraged !!!! I felt thru all the energy shifts and challenge life and humanity would be enhanced ! It’s not for me ! I have so MANY challenges more than previously! Surprises I would call ” shocking things” that came put of nowhere from family and friends my career collapsing financial struggle and my romantic life being drastically changed and I am now single and divorced ! I feel somewhat alone- although I understand” we ” are not alone yet more than ever it does- will this shift and manifest into a more spirtual joyful and loving existence? Diane Collett Greenblatt


    • Remember, joy and love don’t come from our external life circumstances. These come from the effort of dealing with out inner self. Spiritual awareness doesn’t help us avoid life’s challenges and pitfall. Spiritual awareness helps us respond from a greater place within our own heart. Challenging? Yes, yet, as Christ said, “For man it is impossible. But, with God, all things are possible.” So, we practice coming from a better place in our hearts – one day at a time. And we study what others have taught. As St. Francis’ prayer states,
      “Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
      Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
      where there is injury, pardon;
      where there is doubt, faith;
      where there is despair, hope;
      where there is darkness, light;
      where there is sadness, joy;…”

      One day at a time and one step at a time, we walk our path of effort.


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