The Value of Patience

Many people, with financial resources, think there’s only one way to get things done, and that’s by spending a lot of money on it.

Many people, with time resources, think there’s only one way to get things done, and that’s by spending a lot of time at it.

Many people, with mental resources, think there’s only one way to get things done, and that’s by doing a lot of thinking about it.

Take all those away and what do you have?

A few people without money, time or mental resources, know that there’s only one way to get things done and that’s with patience.

If you wanted to dig a river, and if all you could think up was that a drop of rain might help, and that it would be only for a second that drop would be effective, then you’d be without mental resources – no profound thoughts, without time resources – only an instant in time, and without physical resources – no great machines or great floods, to make that river.  But with patience, and applying a drop of rain over and over, it simply would only take x amount of drops of rain to eventually make what we know today as the Grand Canyon.

Without patience, the Grand Canyon would never, ever happen.   Oh, but look what can be accomplished with patience, though.

God has patience… and persistence with using that drop.

If you’ve never gone to see the Grand Canyon, go.  See it in person.  You won’t regret it.


“No one speaking judgement and condemnation, speaks for God.  No one speaking fear and retribution, speaks for God.  The one speaking love, forgiveness, kindness, brotherhood, patience and mercy – this one speaks for God.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1995-2014, Jodie Senkyrik)

“Patience accomplishes everything worthwhile.  Impatience accomplishes everything worth less.” (The Rainbow Cards, ©, 1995-2014, Jodie Senkyrik)

3 thoughts on “The Value of Patience

  1. I shared our above card sentiment on Facebook days ago regarding “No one speaking judgment and condemnation speaks for God…”. Many people liked it. My cousin in another country sent me a private message telling me how much that had touched her. This is how I’ve been feeling for a long time. And the above words gave me a way to share my feelings to those who around me. Thank you.


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